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Kitsune Mistress Nyoko

Shameless Elocutionist

PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:01 am
Character: Damon, Grunt
Description: 5'7" and decently slender. Has light brown skin, blue eyes, and is fairly effeminate. Has long black hair kept in low pigtails draped over his shoulders. Most often found in his uniform, but when in "casual" wear, always wears a bondage collar. Could alternate between being described as a background character and disgustingly pleasant.
Journal: Database Entry

Common Rumors (Easily Overheard):
  • "That Umbreon of his is really lazy. I've only ever seen it napping on his feet."
  • "He's a pretty nice guy. I wonder why he joined Team Rocket..."
  • "I thought he was a girl the first time I saw him."
  • "He does a lot of grunt work for most of the divisions in the building. He runs errands between them almost every day."
  • "He hangs out with Yugi a lot. I think they're friends or something."
  • "That guy with the pigtails? Aside from the hairdo, he kind of blends into the background."
  • "I hear he disobeyed an order from Seth on a training mission once. It's a wonder he's even alive."
  • "I saw him in the Library at 3AM once. He was reading this really big, dusty, old book."
  • "I heard he actually passed out against an Agent on that raid. Poor guy had to haul him onto a Pidgeot to get him out of there. I would have just left him."
Uncommon Rumors (Average):
  • "He takes better care of his hair than most women I know."
  • "I heard he knew Yugi even before they joined Team Rocket."
  • "He once told me he was from Hoenn. Lilycove City, I think."
  • "He actually knows a lot about Pokemon Mythology. I think he reads about it a lot."
  • "I heard he's got a thing for Steel types, but he didn't register that as his type specialty... I wonder why?"
  • "He has to make his own food sometimes when he gets off after the cafeteria stops serving. I heard he's actually a pretty good cook."
  • "Did you hear about him scrambling to get away from a Pidgeot on that raid? It wasn't even wild! I wonder if he's afraid of them..."
Rare Rumors (Moderately Difficult):
  • "He always wears a bondage collar when he's out of uniform. I hear Yugi gave it to him as a joke."
  • "His Umbreon is really strong. I saw him training it once, and it beat the snot out of its opponent..."
  • "I once heard he's got a tattoo where the sun don't shine. I think it was of a Jirachi or something like that."
Legendary Rumors (Very Difficult or Rarely Overheard):
  • "I overheard that Yugi kid call him Khai once. I think that might be his real name."
  • "I'm pretty sure he's gay. He's never shown interest in any women, and I've seen him eying that Yugi guy a lot."

Places You're Likely To Find Him:
  • Running Errands: Damon is pretty much a non-division specific gopher. Anytime an errand needs to be done and he's around, it pretty much gets hoisted onto him. This can literally take him virtually anywhere, whether it's running a note from one lab to the next or lugging a package up to a higher ranked Rocket's office.
  • The Cafeteria: Chances are, when he isn't gophering, Damon is in the cafeteria. The food may not be the best around, but it is food, and he still needs to eat. This is generally a fairly good place to bump into him, as it's pretty much the only time he spends not working. (Save a few exceptions.)
  • Training Facilities: Any chance he can get, Damon will take his Pokemon here for some training. A good portion of the time, Badru isn't interested, so he's more likely to watch the techniques of others than to do any actual training himself. It's fairly rare for him to be able to prod Badru into doing any training, but when he does, the Umbreon is a fairly strong opponent.
  • The Library: One of Damon's true hobbies is reading everything he can get his hands on regarding Pokemon Mythology. He takes advantage of the library in the Recreational Facilities at every opportunity he gets, and can sometimes be found there reading Mythology books into the wee hours of the morning.
  • The Dorms: When all else fails, Damon can normally be found in his room. While it isn't exactly the most public place, and thus far it's entirely likely only Yugi has seen it, it's possible for him to bump into others heading the same way.

Known Major Relationships:
  • Yugi Mouto: Damon's childhood best friend. The two joined Team Rocket together and have remained close friends despite the environment. They don't see each other too often because of Damon's rather hefty schedule.

Seeking / Open To:
  • Missions: Right now, most of Damon's work is consisted of running errands no one else wants to do. It'd be nice for him to be assigned some legitimate missions. I don't particularly care what kind they are, and don't mind if he gets injured during them.
  • A Mentor: Damon is eventually going to be going into Infiltration, and he needs someone to mentor him in what to do and what not to do. It doesn't matter who it is, as long as they're willing and able to teach him.
  • Friends: Currently, Damon's only friend is Yugi. I'd love for him to make some other friends and to be able to see that Rockets aren't all bad. Pleasant friends are preferable, but I don't mind grumpy ones either!
PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:04 am
Character: Matthias William 'Liam' Corleone, Trainee
Description: Liam's a short and shy, pretty spry, and cute little guy. He has hair that is a very light teal color, brown eyes, and wears a ridiculous outfit that he still swears he was told was 'regulation.'
Journal: The Personal Diary of Liam

Common (Easily Overheard):
- That kid's a wimp.
- Oh, that little cutie!? Where!?
- I can't understand a word he says! He never stops stuttering!
- I swear, he's the shortest guy I've seen around here.
- Yeah, we totally convinced him that lady's top was 'standard issue' for Trainees! He looks so ridiculous!
Uncommon (Average):
- I see him chowing down in the cafeteria all the time but he's so small!
- He once told me he only joined for the food and shelter... no surprise there.
- That Feraligatr of his may look fierce, but it's just as big a baby as he is.
- I, uh... think he thinks Agent Hayes is his dad or something...
- Dude, try showing him how to use a computer. It's a laugh.
- I don't know why, but those ladies can't get enough of him.
- For a Rocket, he's a bit of a goody two-shoes. He won't even drink 'cause it's 'illegal!'
- He'll do anything you tell him to as long as you outrank him. No seriously, I dare you to tell him to hop on one foot!
Rare (Moderately Difficult):
- He has this weird machine in his room... He says it's for Apricorns, but I'm not so sure.
- He treats that Pokewalker like a real pet... You don't think-?
- A certain scientist seems to have taken a motherly liking towards him.
Legendary (Very Difficult or Rarely Overheard):
- Reports indicate that he has a 'family connection' to Team Rocket, and he doesn't even know it.
- Ever heard that famous line from The Hulk? Enough said...
- He never talks about it, but his parents were killed in a raid on their carriage, and right outside his own home!

Places You're Likely To Find Him:
His room - Being so shy, he find solace in his own space... even though he shares it with others...
Training pool - He likes to train his Feraligatr and Igglybuff quite a bit, to prove himself
Cafeteria - Seriously, this kid can really pack it in!

Known Major Relationships:
Sorano - Partner and frienemy. Not sure what to think of him, really.
Hayes - Assigned mentor and 'father figure'
Nikki - Assigned mentor and begrudging 'mother figure' (in his mind, at least)

Seeking / Open To: anything really. But not anything. I reserve the right to be a bit selective, but any kind of introductory RP is awesome by me, since Liam is still a Trainee. Afterwards, who knows? A mission now and then? Sounds fun!

Crimson Jazz

Dapper Elder


Spacey Spark

PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 8:16 am
Character: Hayes, Agent
Description: A Kodo native, Hayes is not typical Rocket material. Friendly, pleasant, and an incurable nerd, his most notable characteristic is probably his extreme mellowness, even in the face of a raging Elite. He heads up a small sub-team of programmers in the tech department.
Journal: [Team Rocket Database: Agent Hayes]

Common Rumors (Easily Overheard):
- "His first name? ..I think it's Hayes."
- "I dunno what rank he is; he's never in uniform."
- "His partner? That snooty blonde with the feather earring. She hates him. How'd he ever get paired up with her?"
- "I've never heard him talk about himself, but then, no one asks. Maybe he's got something to hide."
- "He's got a legendary clone. It's real cute."
- "He has a lot of psychic types. Maybe it's his specialty."
- "He'll fix your computer if you ask."
- "His Pokedex is practically an iPhone. Did he code all those apps?"
Uncommon Rumors (Average):
- "He's from Camphoreon."
- "I've never seen him get angry. Ever. Even when some chick threw a bottle of syrup over him."
- "Why do girls keep coming down to the tech department looking for him?"
- "He got promoted after that failed raid. How does that work?"
- "He's got a seventh Pokemon he never uses."
- "He takes so much abuse from his partner and doesn't complain. He must enjoy it or something."
- "I asked him about it once and he just grinned and said 'Yeah, Nikki's interesting.'"
- "He's heading up a project with Robotics. Something about a new security system..?"
- "What kind of guy smiles all the time..? I don't trust it."
Rare Rumors (Moderately Difficult):
- "He's got a master's degree."
- "Someone called him Alex once."
- "He's saved his partner a few times. It really pissed her off."
- "That one girl, Faleen? She thought he was into her but it was a misunderstanding."
- "He's only in Team Rocket for the tech. I don't think he really cares about world domination."
- "He mentioned his Beldum once. It's in some kind of sleep-state while it processes something big, but he hasn't cracked it."
- "Him and Nikki? Someone made them partners as a punishment."
- "He got all excited about the new Transformon series in the works."
- "He's pretty much blind without his glasses."
- "He's never actually caught a Pokemon."
Legendary Rumors (Very Difficult or Rarely Overheard):
- "I think he has a sister."

Places You're Likely To Find Him:
Tech Facilities - Does most of his work here, often at odd hours.
Cafeteria - Food. Also at odd hours; programmers don't keep to regular schedules.
Training Arena - Not as much as some Rockets, but he's there fairly regularly to train his Pokemon.
Exercise Facilities - He works out on a fairly regular basis.
Outside - Not so much the desert as day trips to the outpost in Camphoreon, or heading north to the beach.
Recreational Facilities - Mostly video games or doing work on his laptop, but occasionally reading.
Laboratories - Either fixing computers or delivering a status report on his legendary.
His Room - Personal projects and down time.

Anywhere there are computers that need fixing.

Known Major Relationships:
Seth - Immediate supervisor. Of those in the department, Hayes is probably the closest thing to his right-hand man.
Nikki - Partner. A love-hate relationship with a lot of hate, mostly on Nikki's side.
1337 - Fellow hacker. For whatever reason Hayes gets along with him better than most do, which is to say he doesn't want to kill him on a regular basis.
Liam - Hayes' assigned mentee. He'd have it so much easier if he'd just chill.

Seeking / Open To:
Buddies: Be this video gaming or drinking, Hayes gets along well with most.. and right now his social sphere is mostly girls. Not that he's complaining, but it'd be nice to hang out with some guys once in a while, y'know?
Coworkers: Want to get into the tech department? Have a character in the tech department? Chances are you'll talk to Hayes at some point or work on a project with him. I have a bunch of ideas for stuff coders can do, so if you have a computer techie person and want plots, let's talk.
Training: Want someone to spar against? I'd love to bring Hayes' Pokemon out more.

A friendly presence, Hayes is a good person to meet if you're new and nervous and need an orientation, don't get along well with most, or need someone level-headed to talk to. He seems to end up as a big brother figure a lot. He wouldn't put it in his job description, and these days he's busier with bigger things than tech support, but occasionally, yes, he might fix your computer.

Hayes tends to act as a buffer between Seth and others, rather unintentionally, handling smaller problems and or people who don't want to approach the elite.

Other than that, I'm up for pretty much anything you can think of.
PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:17 am
Character: Keira Nightingale, Grunt - 1225678
Description: Keira…not the friendliest girl out there. She doesn’t like women, and only a select few will she tolerate. Mostly just those she doesn’t see as competition. She likes men, men with power. And will go through whatever means to obtain power. She also has trust issues, and it takes a while for her to actually trust someone. She also doesn't believe in love.
Journal: Click

Common Rumors (Easily Overheard):
“I hear she has a fixation on men”
“I heard that she was one of the few who didn’t get shot on that failed raid!”
Uncommon Rumors (Average):
“I hear she hates women”
“Did you see that? She acts so differently around the higher ups!”
“Oh my gosh did you see her punch that girl the other day for insulting her hair!?”
"I hear her middle name is Rose, how pretty!"
“Her eevee dislikes bald pokemon.”
Rare Rumors (Moderately Difficult):
“I hear her father was a well known scientist!”
“I heard he blew up in a chemical explosion when she was thirteen.”
“A travler told me her mom claims to have been ‘seduced’ by her father, and Keira is an accidental b*****d baby.”
“I heard her mom owns a HUGE pokemon ranch in Johto!”
“I heard Keira knows more about science and technology then she lets on, she studied with her father before the explosion you know!”
Legendary Rumors (Very Difficult or Rarely Overheard):
“I heard she tried to commit suicide after her father died.”
“A little birdy told me her mother rejects her because she didn’t want to have her, and only loves her younger brother.”
“I heard the explosion that killed her father…wasn’t an accident.”
Places You're Likely To Find Him/Her: Exercise Facilities, she works out a lot. To stay strong and in shape. She is here every morning and evening, for at least an hour if not two. She might chat if you bug her enough, but typically she doesnt' like to be bothered here.

Floor 03, her room is up there in the grunt section, she likes her room. She reads here a lot, yes she likes to read. She also messes with her computer here, but over all she isn't in her room all that much. Mostly just to sleep and avoid people in bad moods.

Rec room, she likes to just sit there and watch tv. She also uses it as a time to ‘socialize’ with random people. This is one of the better places to run into her, she is more up for a good chat, and tends to be her most 'friendly' here. She will even put up with other women.

Training Room, a lazy person has weak pokemon. She trains herself, so she pushes them to train for no less then an hour a day each. Unless you are planning to battle her, she doesn't like to be bothered. Her pokemon need to concentrate, and she needs to concentrate on them.

She runs around town rather often, no particular reason just for the heck of it. She can be found just about anywhere in town, she likes to spend her days out there fishing, lurking through the grass, walking the town, and of course she goes out when she has missions to complete for team rocket.

She can also be found wherever incredibly good looking men are hanging out. Though over all she can pop up just about anywhere, those are just her most common places.
Known Major Relationships: None yet
Seeking / Open To: ‘Buddies’, Romance, Rivals/Enemies, a partner to go on missions with.  

Reverie Rose

Tristam Lockhart

Shameless Werewolf

PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:04 pm
Character: Ezekiel, Scientist
Description: He is a rather tall scientist who keeps mostly to himself and rarely socializes with anyone. Eerily calm and level-head, he doesn't seem to be afraid of anyone, however, he seems to be friendly for the most part.
Journal: [click]

Common Rumors (Easily Overheard):
- "The hell?! This guy is taller then Seth!"
- "I heard he is mute, that's why he carries around that little white board"
- "He works in the lab all the time, the guy only leaves when he needs to eat or sleep"
- "I seen his mewtwo dragging him away from the lab"
- "Isn't that the guy with the surfboard-carrying pikachu and the ivysaur that thinks its a dog? Are all his pokemon insane?!"
Uncommon Rumors (Average):
- "His pokemon are rarely in their pokeballs, the guy gives them too much freedom"
- "I heard his mewtwo is his lab assistant"
- "He plays the piano, he suppose to be a master at it"
- "He uses his pokedex to give out attack to his pokemon."
- "I heard when his pokemon are rampaging or attacking without commands, if he whistles, they just freeze up like statues, even the mewtwo does this!"
- "I heard that in the lab, he whistles a tune that seems to make pokemon drowsy"
- "I saw him leaving the building carrying a mallet with the word 'no' on it....."
- "Some people that went to the training session on the beach said that he has a tattoo with weird symbols on it. It covers his whole arm, all the way to the shoulder!"
- "Someone told me he is bisexual...that's weird, I really thought he was straight"
Rare Rumors (Moderately Difficult):
- "I saw him training really late one night with his pokemon. He was physically fighting with the mewtwo, what the hell is that about?"
- "Someone told me the scars on his face came from his brother"
- "I saw him taking a bunch of pills the other day, is he sick?"
- "None of his projects are his, they are all his dead father's, he is just finishing them for him"
- "I heard Ezekiel has two younger brothers, they only share their father"
- "He goes to visit one of his brothers every two weeks"
- "I heard he is poker champion and that he carries around a deck of cards all the time"
- "He got that tattoo when he was 13, its one of his father's family tradition apparently"
Legendary Rumors (Very Difficult or Rarely Overheard):
- "He is not fully mute, he can whisper sometimes"
- "His family on his father's side suffers from an mental illness, the pills he takes are to keep it at bay"
- "He was a undercover cop for two years before becoming a scientist, and still keep in touch with his old police buddies"
- "He keeps a pair of guns hidden in his boots/pants legs"

Places You're Likely To Find Him:
The lab- This is your sure bet when looking for Ezekiel. He is there most of the night and day.
The cafeteria - He has to eat sometime, but at very odd hours.
Training Area - Very late at night, once a week, you are sure to find him there, doing odd training drills.
Outside - Eithere being dragged out into the fresh out against his will, or going off to visit his brother.
His room - Just to sleep

Known Major Relationships:
Nadali-The only person right now that can be called a friend. He hasn't seen her in a while tho.

Seeking / Open To:
-Friends: He needs to 'talk' to more people then just his brother and Heal, or he'll go insane. So yes, he needs friends and it doesn't matter if they are not in the lab deparment.
-Open to any other plots or relationships (such as romance, enemies, coworkers, or even a partner)
PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:38 pm
Character: Lennyka Dinkley, Gruntsu. Filing/Paperwork/Office Department.
Description: She's your typical meganekko -- shy, sheltered and extremely naive. She's a sucker for books, mention them or her favorite topic and she becomes putty within your hands. Len is a dreamer, an airhead, an adventurer and an idiot. She is not as . . . outspoken as her brother but she is a good person. She believes fully in true love and finding that one person. However, that is highly unlikely at the place she is at.
Journal: [x].

Common Rumors (Easily Overheard):
"You know that tall, squint-eyed dude? Well, I heard that is her brother!"
"She's up all late hours of the night. She's probably an insomniac."
"She's in the library a lot, reading with a Shuppet. I wonder if it belongs to her?"
"She has a tendency of tugging at her braidtails a lot. Wonder why?"
"Isn't she in the filing department? Every time I see her, she is drowning in big stacks of paper!"
"Did you just see a Pikachu doing karate in the hallway? 'Cause I just saw a Pikachu doing karate in the hallway . . . !"

Uncommon Rumors (Average):
"She has a weird fixation on books . . . have you seen her collection? There is possibly over 200!"
"There is very little room to move around in her room. I guess the hoarding nature runs in the family."
"Her hands are almost always covered with gloves. She seems to get a lot of paper cuts."
"She wears a lot of overly sized clothes. I bet she steals them from her brother."
"She's extremely naive! I once saw her follow a male grunt to his room because he said he had books! Oh goodness!"
"She has a low spice tolerance. She detests anything hotter than a bell pepper."

Rare Rumors (Moderately Difficult):
"Did you know she didn't watch television until she was thirteen? Even than, she rarely did."
"She knows nothing about . . . you know, 'breeding'."
"She's a great soccer player. Have you seen her kick a ball? I swear, it must be halfway to Hoenn by now!"
"I heard that 1337 stole her first kiss. You can hear her plotting out her revenge in the bathroom sometimes!"

Legendary Rumors (Very Difficult or Rarely Overheard):
"She's afraid of getting GINGIVITIS."
"She's extremely frightened of her Charizard even though she doesn't show it. Heard those two had a really bad past."
"You know Vamoose? Yea, well, I heard her gawking over him once."

Places You're Likely To Find Him/Her:
Room - Just like everyone else, in her room doing whatever.
Library - Most common place. She'd be reading with her brother's Shuppet, Horatio.
Cafeteria - Mostly late at night, getting a cup of tea.

Known Major Relationships:
Sorano - Her big brother, silly! Of course she would be around him. She would most be seen trying to drag him out of TRHQ and to the nearest ferry off Kodo. She also gets along well with his Pokemon, much better than he does actually.

Claire - Her bubbly little roomy!

Seeking / Open To:
Friends - Especially female friends.
Partner - Someone to rely on and go on missions with, yo.
Romance - Eh, it'd be worth a shot. xD"
Anything - Just throw your idea at me! 8D


Regal Himedere

Kira of Flames

Hilarious Elocutionist

PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:25 pm
Character: Vironica Danes, Grunt/Scientist
Description: An older woman, Vironica is a scientist at TRHQ who specializes in genetics. She has a calm disposition and does not anger easily, and she has a strong passion for her work as well as for plants. Typically, she is more on the introverted side of the spectrum.
Journal: Journal

Common Rumors (Easily Overheard):
“Oh, she’s the lady with the really long, green hair and glasses. I wonder if that hair is real.”
“She’s always doing work; it’s like she lives off of it.”
“I heard that her room looks like something out of a jungle.”
“She only drinks tea and water.”
“She has a shiny bulbasaur that follows her around like a puppy.”
Uncommon Rumors (Average):
“So, I heard that she only joined Team Rocket because of their science labs.”
“Her bulbasaur is a real-deal shiny, not just something genetically altered.”
“She’s had that pokemon since her freshman year in college. It never leaves her side, and I’ve heard it helps her out with her plants.”
“She’s very picky about the men she spends time with.”
“I’ve heard that she doesn’t want a serious relationship with guys.”
Rare Rumors (Moderately Difficult):
“I heard that the reason she got into science was because of a bad break up in middle school.”
“Danes… that last name sounds sort of familiar, though I don’t know why.”
“She got around a lot in college, and I heard she did some ‘experimenting’ too.”
“She couldn’t get hired by any reputable science groups, so she chose to join Team Rocket instead.”
Legendary Rumors (Very Difficult or Rarely Overheard):
“I heard that one semester in college, she failed a class because the professor accused her of plagiarism. A week later he was in the hospital after consuming a small dose of Hemlock. While the charges were dropped, everyone still put the blame on Vironica.”
“Her parents were both scientists as well, but they retired. I hear Vironica works hard in order to surpass them, not because she's truly in love with her work.”

Places You're Likely To Find Her:
The Labs- Vironica nearly lives in the labs when she gets the chance. If there’s an extra shift to be picked up, she is on it. If there is research to be followed after? She’s there.
Cafeteria- She has her favorite chair in the corner where she tends to enjoy science files, science journals, or classic novels as well as a good cup of tea.
Her Dorm- It’s a forest in there… Literally. Vironica has moved all of her furniture against the walls, brought in chicken lights as well as moveable shelves, and has filled her room with plants.
-Vir can also be found anywhere outside of the base, as she will probably be running errands or doing some in-field work.

Known Major Relationships:
Mau- A fellow plant lover, as well as one of the few Rockets her own age.

Seeking / Open To:
Lab RP: Want to have an explosion happen with her? Maybe have some grotesque experiment fail and run rampant? How about bonding with a fellow Lab worker while looking through a microscope? Or maybe you want to have your character bug her while she works. I’m up for anything in the labs. (I’d like to note that for something to go wrong in the labs, it MUST be passed through both Tinn and BP and that there will be consequences.)
Friendships: One can never have enough friends. Vir does have a problem of being introverted, so it may take some coxing to get her to actually let loose and have some fun. Once she does, she becomes more at ease and interacts with others more easily.
Partner: While Vironica is a Lab-geek, she is also a Grunt and should be out doing missions. If there is someone who interested in being her partner, please contact me for plots on it :3
Romance: She’s not looking for that ‘special someone’ but if you’re interested in a one night stand, or something that is simply just for fun, Vironica’s the woman for that.  
PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:12 pm
Character: Dr. Isadora Scott, Team Rocket Grunt/Psychologist
Description: Isadora Scott is a psychologist who joined Team Rocket for the good that she could do for the people in it. She is very kind and calm knows how to calmly analyze a situation and people's specific personalities.
Journal: X

Common Rumors (Easily Overheard):
"She's that doctor, right?"
"What a weirdo. Why did she ever join Team Rocket? She doesn't seem very ambitious..."
"Her Chikorita is so funny! He's really friendly!"
"That friggin' Chikorita won't leave me alone! What a pest!"
"So... She's a therapist? What better place for a therapist to be than a crime organization?"
"Isn't she British?"
"She's far-sighted."
Uncommon Rumors (Average):
"I guess that Chikorita wasn't her first Pokemon."
"See, what I heard is that she first had a Magikarp. A pathetic little thing, but she loved it. I wonder what happened to it..."
"Was she bullied when she was younger?"
"I swear, that chick never gets angry! If she does, heaven help ya."
Rare Rumors (Moderately Difficult):
"Apparently, she was raised by these two gay guys. Did she not have a family?"
"Once, I was walking by her office and I saw her playing Guitar Hero. Holy crap, she was CRAZY good at it!"
"I guess she has a soft spot for Grass and Psychic Pokemon. Maybe she grew up with them..."
Legendary Rumors (Very Difficult or Rarely Overheard):
"She was a mistake."
"Her mother got arrested when she was five and she got put up for adoption."
"Once, when she was in elementary school, she was being bullied by these girls for having gay parents. She broke the lead girl's nose and was suspended."

Places You're Likely To Find Him/Her:
Her office: All are welcome, patient or not.
The cafeteria/kitchen: She loves to cook.
The rec room: She is a master of Guitar Hero.
Known Major Relationships: ---
Seeking / Open To:
Patients: As a psychiatric doctor, it's her duty to help out anyone who is in a bind.
Friends: Gotta have 'em.
Romance?!: Eh, maybe. Whoever it is better be worth her time.
Whatever!: Give me your best shot. >8U  

An Original Username

Omnipresent Zealot


Animal Trainer

8,450 Points
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Pet Trainer 150
  • Fluff Rehab 200
PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:42 pm
Character: Nikki Aideen
Description: The blonde spitfire that most people tend to avoid. She's not exactly social and tends to not get along with people very well at all. Interacting with her on a civil level is difficult. Because of that, nobody really knows her all that well, even her partner.
Journal: Link

Common Rumors:
- "What's her problem? I can't even talk to her without getting glared at."
- "She's civil enough around the higher ups though. What a suck up."
- "She's got a lot of hair."
- "Her Pidgeot eats people."
- "What's with that blue feather on her ear?"
- "I've seen her walking around with crutches at least a couple times."
- "That girl has one nasty temper."
Uncommon Rumors (Average):
- "Wait... she's Hayes' partner? Those two couldn't be any more different!"
- "She seems to have something against Jen."
- "Apparently she got shot during a failed raid."
- "She sure is stubborn. Never accepts any help from anyone."
- "Those Eevees of hers don't suit her at all."
- "She really hates her partner."
- "She has a thing for flying types."
Rare Rumors (Moderately Difficult):
- "She can hot wire a car."
- "She's missing a toe."
- "That feather of hers came from an Articuno! Apparently it got her promoted."
Legendary Rumors (Very Difficult or Rarely Overheard):

Places You're Likely To Find Him/Her:
Training Arena - Spends some time training at least once a day.
Cafeteria - Getting food for herself or her Pokemon.
Outside the Base - Sometimes trains in the outdoors.
Almost anywhere if you time it right.

Known Major Relationships:
Hayes - Partner
Jen - Known Enemy

Seeking / Open To:
Agent Duties - She doesn't mind bossing around grunts or trainees every now and then, even if its not completely necessary.
Relationships - Even though she's not very friendly, it doesn't usually hurt to try and get to know her.
Random Encounters - Just for the heck of it. XD
PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:10 pm
Last update: November 14, 2011

Character: Aila Christelle de Valois, Agent
Description: If you were to describe Aila in a word, it would be 'mild.' She doesn't experience emotions in any extreme unless pressed. She is, however, slow to warm up to people, despite being outwardly polite and friendly. She is apt to learning and is in constant search of new knowledge, especially when that knowledge pertains to a skill that would potentially help her to perform better in her work. Aila is not difficult to talk to, but garnering her friendship is another matter entirely.
Journal: [x]

Common Rumors (Easily Overheard):
> For a laugh, line her up next to Seth. She is so short.
> She seems pretty nice, I guess?
> She's always reading weird stuff...
> She used to suck at getting along with her pokemon. I guess she's a good trainer or something?
> She trains herself more than she trains her pokemon.
> She pays real close attention when you talk to her.
> It's so much easier to talk to her now that she's stopped using all that fancy talk of hers.
> She gets really quiet if you ask about her family.
> She loves traveling but hates cars - apparently she gets motion sick in them.
> She's always working, isn't she? Does she ever take time off?
> Girl's a hard-a**. Poker face all day, every day.
> Word is that she died on a mission trying to protect another Rocket.

Uncommon Rumors (Average):
> Apparently she messed up the mission at the museum pretty badly...
> She may act polite, but I don't think she actually likes anyone.
> She's kind of funny when she gets embarrassed.
> The girl must have a death wish, the way she obsesses over Seth.
> She used to be so gullible it was funny, but she seems to be actually thinking nowadays.
> Seems like everything she knows how to do is from her mom.
> Did you hear about the raid on the Poke Ball? She killed a little girl!
> She has this Pidgeotto that she always talks to in French. Weird.
> She seems to really love Team Rocket... She's always on about the benefits of teamwork or some crap.
> That grunt that got demoted after insinuating Seth was a woman? She recruited him. Not the best judge of character, I guess.

Rare Rumors (Moderately Difficult):
> I ran a search on her name once and all that came up was obituaries for some foreign noble's sister...
> Apparently she used to be a relatively big-time thief in Camphoreon.
> If you ask about siblings, she just kind of stops talking. It's weird.
> She spends a lot of time outside in the evenings, staring at the sky as the stars come out.
> She has some really nice jewelry.
> You know, that girl she killed was named Aila too...
> She has an absolutely wicked scar on the back of her right shoulder, and four more around her torso and arm. It's pretty gnarly.
> 'Moderation' is not in her vocabulary. She's always overworking herself.
> Apparently that dude she recruited used to help her out finding targets when she was freelancing as a thief.

Legendary Rumors (Very Difficult or Rarely Overheard):
> She's got the same last name as this family of foreign nobles. I wonder if it's her real name, though...
> I was out late last night and saw someone dancing outside as I was coming back to base. Or maybe I was just drunk...
> Back at that raid, she was supposed to kill the man, Leon. I wonder why she went for the kid instead...?
> That Leon was her brother, and her mom made her promise to kill him. Seems like she's given that up, though.
> She's been exchanging letters with her brother, apparently planning to visit home or something.
> She basically waltzed up to Izaya and told him that she was her friend. I don't think friendship really works that way...

Places You're Likely To Find Her:
> Around, usually in transit from one assignment to another
> Library
> Outside on clear nights
> Recreational facilities (swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, endurance training, sword practice)
> Camphoreon and Cypress Forest
> Attending to daily needs (eating, laundry, etc.)

Known Major Relationships:
> Seth - sort of like an idol
> Nadja - the highest order of respect
> Kunai - immediate supervisor
> Nyx - respected superior, even if disliked by her
> Mau - grudging friend
> Liam - former roommate and partner, friend
> Lilith - good friend
> Isadora - "ally"
> Inigo - friend, highly interested in his research
> Asch - suitemate, partner, and friend
> Izaya - best friend

Seeking / Open To:
> Friends, otherwise known as "people who can stand her company"
> A tease, otherwise known as "someone who intentionally embarrasses her"
> An interloper, otherwise known as "someone to teach her how to lighten up"
> A partner, otherwise known as "someone who can stand her company FOREVER"
> A best friend, otherwise known as "someone to teach her how to trust~~"
> A... love interest?! otherwise known as "someone who actually kind of enjoys her company"  

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Supreme Roisterer

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:56 pm
Character: Faleen Ewell
Description: Polite and easy to get along with, it’s very difficult to insult her. This is what she fronts anyway.

Common Rumors (Easily Overheard):
“She always has a set of tools with her, sometimes tinkering with small mechanical machines”
“She favors dark type pokemon”
“There is one pure ghost type on the team, but she doesn’t seem to care about it that much”
“She’s always training or working, never having fun”
“She’s always in uniform, does she even own other clothes?”
“It really seems as if she respects Seth a lot, she’s not scared of him at all.”

Uncommon Rumors (Average):
“The first mission she went on, she disobeyed an order and got shot. I bet she’s got a nasty scar.”
“She only just started training pokemon before joining Team Rocket”
“Her last name is Ewell, she will never says this when she introduces herself.”
“I heard she turned down an Agent! She’s got guts.”
“He wasn’t interested in her, though”
“She can build all kinds of robots, and fix anything mechanical.”
"Its crazy easy to make her blush"

Rare Rumors (Moderately Difficult):
“She has a little sister who also recently became a pokemon trainer”
“Her mother died just a few years back,”
"She grew up in Camphoreon City"
"Her family grew up rich and privileged"

Legendary Rumors (Very Difficult or Rarely Overheard):
“She was created though in vitro”
“She inherited something from her mother. Stocks in a company… a lot of them”

Places You're Likely To Find Him/Her:
Training Arena –Training her pokemon, she’s here the most,
Full moon or New Moon Nights – Having dark type pokemon, especially a moonlight pokemon, night time under the moon is a good way to rejuvenate her team
The Rec Room - usually reading over Robotic books or tinkering
Café/Cafeteria –usually reading over robotic books or tinkering
Robotics division - Working on Robots.

Known Major Relationships:
Kofuku: This grunt that lived next door used to be her best friend, but she disappeared a couple of months back. Faleen thinks she might have been transferred out.

Seeking / Open To: Open to pretty much anything!
Friends: any kind of Rocket she can interact with (not that this is hard) all kinds of different personalities are welcome. So long as they are Rocket.
Partner: It’s not something she’s thinking about yet, but if the right Rocket who she works well with, then great (needs to be an active member)
Relationship: You can try, but she’s already made it clear she’s not interested.
Tasks/Jobs/Missions: Anything!! 83 but really really REALLY wanting to do Robot stuff, Projects! Other techs, something she can work with thats for Team Rocket.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:34 pm
Last updated: 3/14/11

Name: Claire
Rank: Agent
Description: Specializes in surveillance and doing whatever missions and assignments she can get her hands on, Claire is (almost) all work and no play. When she's not on a mission or training, she's grabbing a quick bite to eat, getting patched up at the infirmary, or taking a snooze to end a full day of hard work. Lately, though, she's starting to loosen up and actually acts really laid-back with her friends, relaxed enough to laugh and tease them if the mood strikes her. She still acts sort of aloof and distanced with people she's not too familiar with, though.
Journal: Link

Common Rumors:
"I hear she transferred from Johto."
"I heard she wanted to be transferred here. ...inorite?"
"I think she only joined Team Rocket for the money. Have you seen how old some of her clothes look?"
"I heard she has an awesome poker face."
"She won that Pidgeot in a game of poker somewhere when it was just a Pidgey."
"She has more soap and shampoo for that bird than for herself. What's up with that?"
"I've never seen that girl drink before."
"She's from Johto."
"I thought she was from Kanto?"
"Wait, she told me she was from Hoenn!"

Uncommon Rumors:
"Man, does that girl ever sleep? She always seems to be up later than anyone else, but wakes up so damned early. She must be crazy."
"I think she cheated to win that Pidgeot."
"I hear she went to an acting school in another region."
"She keeps a pocket knife in her boot. That thing has so many tools on it, I wonder what she uses it for...?"
"She has so many plans for sudden escapes, she must be all the way to a Plan Q or something. I wonder why she has so many...?"
"I actually think she doesn't like drinking. I wonder why?"

Rare Rumors:
"I don't think she's poor at all. I got a look at the jewelry box she has hidden in her room, and holy Arceus..."
"Do we have a piano around here somewhere? Sometimes, I swear I hear someone playing, and man..."
"She totally dropped out of that acting school, I guess it must've been bad."
"She has a butterfly knife. I've seen her put it into her belt."
"She's terrified of alcohol."
"She seems like such a strong person, but I walked by her room the other night and I'm pretty sure I heard someone crying in there."

Legendary Rumors:
"She's actually from Sinnoh. Like, she was born there and lived there until last year."
"Yeah, that acting school she went to? She didn't drop out, she got kicked out."
"I think her family's actually pretty well-off money-wise."
"She's actually not scared of alcohol itself, but she's absolutely terrified of getting drunk."
"I think she's scared of men her age."
"She was in Galactic for a few years - an agent - right up until last summer before she defected and joined Team Rocket."

Places You're Likely To Find Him/Her:
It's easy to put her just about anywhere, but she spends most of her time off-duty either training herself, her pokemon, or out and about around Kodo. She doesn't like sitting around not doing anything, so you're far more likely to find her training or swimming than you are sitting on the couch in the rec room.
Known Major Relationships:
Lennyka - Crazy ex-roommate
Lucas - Best friend/big brother
Seeking / Open To: Almost anything!
A Partner - Preferably someone she won't get along with too well, to make things interesting. And because I like to be mean to my characters :3
Missions! - Claire is ALWAYS looking for missions or assignments. If you want something done, she's your girl. As long as it's not too trivial. Go get someone a cup of coffee? Puh-leaze.
Friends/enemies/acquaintances - Anything! I love putting her in all kinds of situations with all kinds of people :3
Romance?! - Ahahaha..
Friends! Claire needs more people to open up to besides Lucas, because some people probably think it's creepy her best friend is a guy twice her age. :U No offense to Lucas, of course. |D;

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:34 pm
Character: Ame Hunter - Grunt
Description: Quirky - Quick Witted
Journal: R://Database//Users//Ame Hunter

Common Rumors (Easily Overheard): Almost anyone who knows the character could tell you this. You could find out by asking around.
Uncommon Rumors (Average): Some people who know the character could (or would) tell you this. You could find out by asking the right people.
Rare Rumors (Moderately Difficult): A few people who know the character could (or would) tell you this. You might find out by asking the right people in the right way, or by doing some digging, but you'd be lucky to know of it at all.
Legendary Rumors (Very Difficult or Rarely Overheard): Almost nobody knows this or is willing to tell it. You'd have to ask the right person in the right way at the right time, catch them in the act, or have access to special records. Most people will never find out.

Places You're Likely To Find Him/Her:
- Floor 02
- Floor -2
- Floor -4
Known Major Relationships:
-None Yet
Seeking / Open To:
- Romance
- Adventure
- Drama
- Missions (info coming soon)
- Rivals
- Partner

Leaving this here. Will Edit. XD  

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