Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:23 pm
Nio Love .. omg Your quest char and my quest char need to be bffs FOREVER OK OK OK <3 WHO WHAR? O AO
Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:49 pm
Asylum- Thanks. <333
I actually chose the name Perian because it means Halfling in Sindarian. Majorly because he's half of a lot of things, and I thought it was a neat name. e ve
I'm not quite sure he's looking for a ghoul. He definitely wouldn't want anything to do with a patchwork, thats for sure, but he would probably prefer them thin and approaching his height. More likely than not, he'd do best with a more assertive ghoul, but I figure he'd flirt with the quiet ones more often.
The joints heat from friction, so no, they wouldn't.
It also mentions that he kind of drops the sterotypical views as he gets to know people. He does like to try and cheer up strangers but in the odd manner that his sterotypes color it. Unless he actually knows them, if he goes up to a random person he'll likely offer them something relevant. Best example I could figure, is he'd offer a black guy fried chicken to cheer him up. /SHOT/
Have you ever played NiGHTS into dreams? When you steal Jackle's mantle? Yeah, he'd be crippled by it, but also really, really mad. Getting said limb back would become a single-minded goal for him, no matter what he was doing beforehand. If he couldn't get it back, he'd (very begrudgingly) make a new one, but nonetheless. |D
He'd not more or less open to certain friendships over others, but he is fond of others with similar interests- such that a tech demon, for instance, would have.
He doesn't care about personal space until people go prying at him or clinging to him outright. Then he kind of goes into an eye-jabbing mode to make sure no one leaves with his limbs. Not that it happens often, but yeah.
His FEAR yet eludes me. orz
That might take me a bit, your character. I always fret over misrepresenting someone when I don't have a visual to work off already. xD
Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:52 am
Awww, thanks so much, Cypran! 8D I love both doodles. <3 Actually didn't know it gave you notices in the guild, so this is also a nice find.
Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:09 pm
Hurray for learning something new. /o/
Methinks I'll go mess with his profile and add new things now~
Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 2:36 pm
That's totally fine. ^^; She usually intimidates people or confuses them, so take as long as you need. ^^ (I'm just happy to get art of her. XDD;; Since most people are like you. (About the having-a-reference-to-see thing.) so I can finally be like, "LOOK. QUARRIA HAS A FACE O u O" Plus, your art is really pretty~ :'D; If you have any questions about her appearance (It know it's a little fail in her Quest) feel free to PM me, or just post them in there? :"D;;
Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:53 am
Woahbros I forgot this was here
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 12:50 am
This quest is three years old /pukes on my own shoes/