As a old wise professor has said "I love my wife but some days I can't stand her."

Love isn't about infatuation and liking everything about a person... if it were we would all be screwed...

Love is about seeing past the problems and working around them together. Sometimes life really takes a dump on you but at least you know you have someone who will work with you and wants to sleep with u every night even if they don't like you that day lol...

And yeah Divorce and Marriage papers are being handed out like candy...

The celebrities do it so everyone else thinks its normal and that marriage isn't a permanent thing anymore. Besides when they have that much money they don't care anymore about the rest of that stuff... they just find someone to be with for 2-5 years then sign the papers of freedom or so they think...

Most of the rest of society has followed suit and some have even just decided that marriage isn't their thing and they will just move from person to person it's their lives but personally I don't think its mentally or emotionally healthy.