1. How much gold do you have right now? 10960
2. How much gold would you like to have? Freakin Ton!
3. Do you think you'll finish this quiz? Probably
4. Why are you doing this quiz? I hav eno life and i want moola
5. Do you have a dream avi? Yes I do 3
6. Are you questing for anything? Trendy Dark Skinny Jeans & the Cream Tam Beret
7. Do you like gaias layout? Sort of
8. Do you like gaia? Of course
9. What's your favorite gaia game? Draw my Thing
10. Do you go on forums much? Depends
11. Have you donated anything before? Plenty
12. Are you in a guild? 15
13. What's your favorite food? Taco's.....AND chicken.
14. What's your favorite course at a meal?The food one
15. What's your favorite beverage? Voltage Mtn. Dew
16. What's your favorite letter? Q
17. Coke or Pepsi? Coke
18. Black or White? Black
19. Black or Yellow? Yellow
20. Demonic or Angelic? Demonic
21. Tv or Computer? Computer
22. i-pod or mp3 player? iPod
23. i-pod or cd-player? iPod
24. Animation or Cartoon? Animation
25. Beach House or Island retreat? Beach House
26. Donator or Slot Jackpot? Donator
27. Las Vegas or Las Angeles? Las Vegas Baby
28. New Zeland or New England? New England
29. Australia or America? It would be My duty to pick America but.... Australia
30. Superhero or being normal? Being Normal
31. Gold or items? ...Both?
32. Girl or Boy? Girl
33. Are you famous? Not yet
34. What color is your hair? Originally Black now.. Brown
35. Are you a boy or a girl? Girl
36. Are you wearing a hat? Noppers
37. Are you wearing socks? nope
38. What clothes are you wearing? (Give a description)! baggy t-shirt and pajama pants.
39. Do you like this quiz? Yes
40. How old are you? Old enough
41. Are you happy with that age? Ehh
42. What time is it where you live?11:05
43. What continet do you live in? North America
44. What's the most embarrassing movie you've ever watched? Hasn't been one
45. Is this quiz earning you alot of gold? Hopefully..
46. What's the worst thing you've ever ate? Egg Soup>.<
47. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Depends... Each has a flaw....So.. i choose Shape Shifting!
48. Are you sitting near a cactus? Umm nope...
49. If you could redo any moment of your life what would it be?Not Making people hate me. Thats a toughy though...
50. what's the craziest thing you've ever done? Which one do you want to hear?
51. Are you an animal person? I guess
52. How many people do you have in your family? (including you). Whole Or immediate? Immediate there's 4 Whole..... Too many to count.
53. How many pets do you have? None
54. What grade are you in? 9th
55. Do you know what time-zone are you in? Eastern
56. What's your favorite pop product? (coke or pepsi) Pepsi
58. What's your favorite flavor? Vanilla
59. Do you hate the dentist? Duh
60. Do you hate the doctor? Absolutely
61. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope
62. Are you wearing a hat? no
63. Have you ever had lice? no
64. Do you have a cellphone? Sure do
65. Do you have any siblings? Yes
66. Does anyone beside you in your family go on gaia? Yep
67. Is this quiz long? Yes XD
68. Is it long enough for you? Quite
69. Do you like school? Only the people in it.
70. Do you like homework? Preposterous Question, Absolutely Noy
71. Do you like your teacher(s)? Only My American History Teacher..
72. How many gaia accounts do you have? about 4
73. Are you happy with that number? Sure..
74. Have you ever got gum stuck in your hair? No
75. Ever got gum stuck on your shoe?No
76. Ever get gum stuck on anything? Yes
77. Do you have a i-pod? Yes
78. Would you rather be a child or an adult? Child
79. Is this quiz boring you to death? Not Yet
80. Is this quiz worth it? Hopefully
81. Ever entered in the arena? Was it worth it? No... I don't know
82. Do you have a trading pass? Yup
83. Do you have a shop? Yup
84. Do you like cookies? YUM!
85. Do you like pickles? Yes um
86. Do you like milkshakes? What Kind? Yes... Vanilla.
87. Do you like ice cream? Yes
88. Ever had sushi? Nope and don't plan on it
89. Ever had octopus? No
90. Do you drink alcohol? No
91. Are you a grammar freak? Depends on the person
92. Would you consider yourself rich? No
93. Would you consider yourself poor? Mostly yea
94. Do you keep up with gaia news? Yeah
95. Do you keep up with trends in fashions? No
96. What's a tv show you watched when you were little? Dragon Tails
97. Do you like bugs? Nope
98. What's your most memorable quote? I don't have any
99. What's your most memorable moment? When I tried out for Choir and was amazing
100. Does any of your friends go on gaia? Yeah
101. Have you ever sat on a cactus? No
102. Have you ever even seen a cactus up close? Yes
103. Do you put salt and pepper on alot of things? No
104. Do you like muffins? Yes
105. Do you like turtles? Yes
106. Do you like pizza? Nope
107. What's the last time you had a trade? Umm like 2 month's ago.
108. Post each emoticon in seperate posts. Kay
109. Post each letter in the alphabet in separate posts.
110. Post each character in your username in separate posts.
111. Post each letter in GAIA in seperate posts.
112. Bump 10 times.
113. Count down from 25.
114. Have you ever made a petiton before? No
115. What color shoes do you have? pink and Blue Black White and Rainbow, Black, Pink and Yellow Rainbow and White.
116. What's the brand name of your shoes? Converse. All done
117. What career do you want to take on as an adult? ..... i have no idea
118. Have you had any dreams recently? Yep
119. Do you eat alot of fast food? No
120. Do you like fast food? Kind of
121. What's your favorite candy? Blow Pop's and Mr. Good Bars.
122. What's your favorite number? 5 and 29
123. What's your favorite season? Fall
124. What's your favorite holiday? Halloween
125. Have you advertised this thread? I should but I haven't
126. Do you watch naruto? Sometimes
127. Do you watch Inyuasha? No
128. New or Grunny? New
129. Offline or Online? Online
130. How or Where? How
131. Why or What? Why
132. Are you earning alot of gold? No
133. Do you like chainletters? No
134. Do you do chainletters? No
135. Do you make chainletters? No
136. Are you sad they removed the 'send to all friends' at the pm's? No
137. Have you ever owned a pet? Yes
138. Are you allergic to anything? Nope
139. What's the craziest question anyone's ever asked you? Are You Crazy? .......Of course!
140. Do you like reading? Yes
141. What's your favorite subject? History and Drama and Theater
142. Day or Night? Day
143. Twilight or Dawn? Dawn
144. Starlight or Daylight? Starlight
145. Can you play an instrument? No
146. What's your favorite day of the week? Saturday
147. Inside or Outside? Inside
148. What's your favorite fruit? Grapes
149. What's your favorite cereal? Reeses Puffs
150. What's your favorite veggie? Cucumber