Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:26 pm
Alacia tensed when she saw the demon watch her, she turned and padded away, trying to act as normal as possible.
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:29 pm
The demon watched her, "I know who you are.... Now let's make this easy... I'll eat you and no one will know!"
Maria watched from the alley she had run into, "What is he talking about?"
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:03 pm
Alacia growled hearing the demon, she shifted into a human, whirled around and kicked the demon in the face. She turned around and ran hoping she distracted the demon for long enough.
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:33 pm
The demon watched as she ran, "I knew it.... " He began to chase her.
Maria ran farther into the alley so she wouldn't be seen, "I need to help her!" She transformed into her dragon form.
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:54 pm
Alacia glanced back to see if the demon was still following her, "Sh*t." Alacia said. She ran faster, trying to lose the demon.
Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:37 pm
Dalymia got off the bus at her usual stop, mind still on the poor little fox. The poor animal. She jogged up the stairs to her apartment on the fifth floor. When she got to her door, a specter waiting outside her door. She put on her saleswoman facade. "Ah, you must be Adelik. You wanted a cup?" She greeted him as she walked up and pulled out her key. The specter glared at her and smirked. "I got your money, if you've got my blood," Adelik sneered. Dalymia got the feeling that Adelik didn't like her. "I got a cup right inside my apartment if you'll step in." She shoved her key into the lock and jostled it. "This way please."
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:21 am
Maria flew after the demon at a high speed, and grabbed it in one of her claws. She looked at Alacia, "Run!"
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:29 am
Alacia looked back and saw a dragon with the demon, she sprinted untill she was out of breath, 'Wait, was that a dragon?" She thought when she stopped for breath. "I hope that dragon will be okay." She muttered.
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:23 am
The deal was made. Dalymia gained another two hundred dollars. I don't know if this is illegal, but I'm getting good pay out of this. I could pay for a hall lot of food with this. The turned back to see the demon struggling with the cap of the cup. "I forgot to warn you that it won't come off until you exit the building and are ten feet away from being able to enter it again," Dalymia grinned. The specter grimaced. "Clever girl." "Thank you, now if you want that immortality, you might want to leave." The specter dissolved like sugar in hot water and was gone. He couldn't come in here again unless she invited him, which she wouldn't do. She found a way to make a magic barrier around her apartment so no unsatisfied customers could come back and get her money back, or worse, steal more of her blood. She decided she'd celebrate a good four hundred dollar earning at IHOP. She hadn't been there since she was a kid. She grabbed her jacket and stepped outside. When she left the building, there was nothing between her and the dangerous magical world. but she wasn't about to give up dinner so easily. She pulled open the door to her building and walked out. Dalymia had gone no more than two steps when someone called her name. She looked around and no one was there. But when she took another step, she heard it again. Where's the one place people never look, that's where you'll find a monster. She remembered these words from her grandmother who died in a train wreck. She tilted her head back and a demon, taller than any she'd seen before, towered over her. "You messed with the wrong demon twin," the monster whispered before tossing the corpse of a demon she'd sold blood too not a week ago. "You're dead."
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:58 am
Alacia glanced over her shoulder and saw a demon talking to the one of the girls Alacia had seen earlier. She sighed, "I've had enough trouble for one day." she muttered, "Now this?". She lingered is the middle of the siidewalk watching them talk.
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:18 am
Name: Sydelle Harper Age: looks 18, actually thousands of years old Gender: Female Personality: Sydelle is quiet and prefers to be a spectator until action is needed. She speaks with an ancient wisdom and seems far too old for her young body. While most of the time she is content with life, she can come across as apathetic and bitter. Background: Sydelle is one of the last ones of her kind: sirens. She's been hanging around since the Roman Empire. Her voice can lull you to sleep, lure you closer, or drop you to the ground and leave you writhing in pain. She can hear the particular "mindsong" of a person. It's something akin to mind reading, but in a more vague sense. Her kind has been viciously hunted by men ever since they were discovered. Others wish to employ her voice for dark purposes. Picture: Other Forms: She can also turn into a seabird or develop a fish tail when around sea water, but rarely takes that form.
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:25 am
Sydelle walked down the street, headphones in, music blaring. It was easier to block out people that way. It wasn't until the last century or so that she'd started hearing songs that weren't actually being played. Took her a while to figure out they were coming from people's heads. Most of the time she could block them out, unless their emotions became extreme.
Like now. Someone was in danger. Their mindsong was a screeching call for help. Her feet began moving in that direction even before she realized where she was going. She saw a dragon and nearly stopped in her tracks. She hadn't seen a monster like that in some time. But this wasn't the distress call. She kept going till she came to an apartment building. She jogged up the steps, hoping she could actually help whoever was in trouble.
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:41 pm
Dalymia grew wide eyed. "I don't know what happened to your twin, sir. But I'm sure it had nothing to do with me." The demon blew up, "YOU POISONED HIM!!! YOUR BLOOD POISONED HIM!!! NOW HE'S DEAD!!! AND YOU'RE ABOUT TO JOIN HIM!!!!" Dalymia didn't wait to see what he would do. She ran out into the street where cars honked and swerved. She ran to the other side, dodging cars all the while. The demon could fly. Just my luck. She ran into a building and hid behind the counter despite the owner's protests. The demon donned a human glamor and followed her in. "You can't hide from me."
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:50 pm
Alacia saw the demon follow the girl into the shop, "What the-" Alacia said. She moved just outside the door to the shop, watching them.
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:29 pm
Dalymia didn't know what to do. She squatted behind the counter as the giant hand reached over and grabbed her like a scared dog by the collar. Her eyes were wide again. even though she knew she couldn't be killed. Why the hell am I scared? The demon carried her out of the shop like that, knocking the girl who was standing there peering in out of the way. Dalymia summoned her courage and kicked him in the face. "OUCH!" the demon screeched, letting go of Dalymia's collar. She didn't give him a chance to reach for her again. She ran. "YOU LITTLE---" He flew after her. He was invisible when he flew. He had to be in order to fly. Dalymia did her trick again. She ran into the street. Demons weren't immortal, they could be killed. She couldn't. She stood in the middle of the street, cars honking and swerving. The demon took the bait and swooped in to attack her. The car in front of her hit the invisible flying creature as it swerved to avoid her. Purple blood splashed across the screaming driver's windshield. That was the end of the demon. That's the nicest way to put it. Dalymia waltzed out of the street, towards the store she'd run into before. She stepped in and apologized to the store owner. When she came back out, she sat against the building and took a s steadying breath.