((That move is not at all legal..but I'll roll with it [The reason why is you never preformed shadow clone jutsu, I caught you in the middle of executing a jutsu and all along it was a sword.] ))

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____________________________ Wandāringu wa kami___________ Raijingumūn: Tsuki-Yomi_________ Yami no tamashī____________

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«» Ɍ ץ υ ɡ ɑ η Қ α ɠ υ ӌ αXXX


Ryugan was one to react quick and notice things right off the bat, but even he found this to be a surprise as after executing the first attack, his opponent turned into one of his blades. His Byakugan would save him alot of face time, as he could tell which Velox was the true one without having to peer in both of their directions. {Theme} Ryugan's eyes began to emit a flame like highly light purple aura as a slow swaying aura of the same color suddenly surrounded him before flaring rapidly and expanding in gigantic infinite downpour of massive controlled chakra, targeted heavily on the real Velox, who would the feel the most pain in this attack, though it attacks the duplicate also. As the man's arms lashed to his sides, the immaculate wave of chakra shot over a 360 radius of Ryugan vastly, snapping trees and buildings in it's way. This jutsu would immediately cease the dancing of the flames through the entire area in one foul swoop flooded by dozens if not more waves of extremely powerful chakra. It would stretch out to it's maximum range 500 meters in a manner of seconds, all of Ryugan's blades below snapped because of the immense power of the hurricane like chakra waves. The false Velox would vanish on sight but, the true Velox wouldn't be so lucky. If he within 100 feet of Ryugan(which would be highly likely) then he would feel an even higher amount of pain as the entire beginning current of the wave smashed and coursed through his body. All of the attacks would stop as the aura flared and be blown back from where it came, as in the person who called upon the attack. Velox's right arm would shatter completely, leaving it no use to him until he sought serious medical attention. His left leg would snap and his knee cap would be completely shattered. Velox's left hand would be horribly gashed, gushing with blood as a gaping wound was engraved in the middle of his palm.Velx's entire body would be in immense pain and if he was within an 100 feet then his entire body would barely be able to move with the injuries.Ryugan didn't like what he though to be "quick saves" so he responded the instant there was attempt to shift the person in control of the fight, which was Ryugan. " KIERUUUUU!!!!!! " is what Ryugan howled when he began this devastating attack, his long silver strands gyrated wildly as the chakra flowed in a completely hostile manner. After the attack would subside after a minute active, the entire burning temple would be a swayed piled of ravaged wood, savagely stacked and charred showing there was a presence of flames. The ground around Ryugan would be deeply cratered and decorated with the smashed swords but, he would simply smile and focus his eyes on Velox.

- Hakke Ten-ha (Eight Trigrams- Heavenly Wave) {SS Rank}


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