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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:24 pm
Taryn was on time, as per usual. It wouldn't do to be late for a class and miss important information or, worse, not be allowed in at all. Mummy and Deadie would never accept that. At the front of the class there seem to be a congregation of students who all knew one another... splendid. Taryn caught only a glimpse of the spookie-boil... Roch? before she ducked her head and hurried to her seat, notebook clutched to her chest. Class wasn't about socializing, it was about learning.

The ghoul chose a seat at the front of the class to the far left, ignoring her peers to obsessively arrange her school supplies. When that was finished, she looked to the teacher (this should be interesting...) and began to admire their surroundings. Don't touch the greenery? Damn. She just folded her arms on the desk in front of her and observed.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:30 pm
A boil he was not familiar with joined them. Mot smiled at Ren and gave a short wave. Always good to mee new friends. "Howdy, partner. What do they call you?"

Mot perked up and sat up straight as Riley joined them. "Captain!" He gleamed, a toothy grin forming on his face. "Nice to see you."  


Sarcastic Hunter


PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 6:39 pm
Xiu laughed and shook her head at Mot's answer, but the question that followed made her blush and grin sheepishly. "M-maybe. A-and yes, I like to make my own tea." The second part was directed to Levi, who she waved her tail shyly at, "Sometimes just for fun, and sometimes to um...cure things. It doesn't always work though." She offered a little grin at Mot when she said this, rubbing the back of her head awkwardly.

She perked up when more students filed into to room. "Ren!" Xiu greeted as he slid into the seat beside her, "How are you? A-and hello, Riley!" Her greeting to the mindflayer was emphasized with wide, admiration-filled eyes. Not only was she in a class with friends, but there were also two ghouls who she admired in here--Levi and Riley.

The Baku's attention was drawn to the third student who entered. It was a ghoul who she had never seen before, and she watched as she silently slid into a seat away from the rest of them. Tilting her head to the side, she raised a hand and waved in an attempt to catch Taryn's attention. "Hi there! W...what's your name?"
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:00 pm
Ren curled his wings against his back and gave a mock salute to Mot, grinning over at the boil. "They call me Ren," he said cheerfully, then added somewhat cheekily "Or maybe just that guy over there. What about you, partner? What's your story?"

His tail switched, flipping up into his lap. "Delightful," he told Xiu, resting the side of his head against his hand to look sideways at her. "How are you, my dear? Have a good weekend?"

A student Ren had never seen before had slipped silently into the room, glasses slipped onto a slim nose. She seemed very concerned with her books and supplies, but Ren smiled at her anyway, waving as Xiu spoke to her.


Dramatic Marshmallow


PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:08 pm
Taryn might have died right there. Someone was speaking to her, and it wasn't the one person she knew. The ghoul shot looks around her, was the mouse-eared girl waving at someone else? No, it didn't seem so. She turned back to Xiu and swallowed hard.

"Taryn," the chimera responded, but it was barely a peep. She noticed this herself and spoke up. "I'm Taryn." Was it rude to just sit here in her chair? After a moment of thought she hesitantly stood, flattened her skirt, and approached to stand on the outskirts of the group. She gave the freckled blonde a shy wave.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:31 pm
Mot grinned at Xiu. There were no hard feelings about the mishap with the tea. He'd simply been a bit out of sorts when he learned how he had behaved after the first few cups. Time made that fact easier to handle.

Oh, well then. His name was Ren. Mot smirked and nodded. This guy was funny. "I'll stick with Ren. It's not as long." Easier to say than that-guy-over-there. "I'm Mot. I'm just here for the fun of it." That was a lie, but there was not much of a story to tell as of yet. Or so he thought.

Mot turned his head to the cute looking and timid ghoul who seemed to muster enough courage to join them. A smile planted on his lips, he gave her a nod. "Hello, Taryn. Don't be shy. I'm fairly certain none of us bite."  


Sarcastic Hunter


Sparkly Receiver

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:35 pm
Nyyrikki trotted into the room, chewing on a pencil casually. He was surprised he wasn't late, but hadn't been particularly worried in the first place. Cadmus equaled Sea Weed boat equaled Steve. He had been awfully wary about taking the class, but he needed something to get credits for.

He immediately saw purple hair and bee-lined for Roch and Mot. "Seems like it's going to be a really full class," he mused, sliding into a chair next to them. He wiggled a little, got comfortable, and pulled his hood up over his head. If he played his cards right, he'd be able to sleep right through this.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 7:54 pm
It was never safe to say nobody bit in a class full of monsters and man-eating plants. Oh well, the boil had meant well. Taryn glanced up at Mot and offered him a tiny smile, her hands clasped in front of her. Oh, this was scary. So many new faces, and she was being made to talk to them!  


Strait Jacket Girl

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:13 pm
His First Class. This was suicide. Peter was going to be his teacher. He'd been given no choice though. A notice had been slipped under his door that he was to attend this class. Sethinous was not looking forward to the class. Not in the very least. Perhaps he could slip in and hide and then slip away. Perhaps his brother would over look him. One could hope no? He sighed wishing he could merely vanish.

He would be fine. He nodded to himself before ducking into the class room. It was already beginning to fill. There was an intimidating amount of students and he recognized very few. He shuffled quietly along the back of the classroom trying not to be noticed. He was stopped short though when he found the purple mindflayer near the heart of it all. Jack. He'd be willing to bet his book that she was Riley. He had no choice but to meet her for once in person. He could delay the inevitable? Perhaps he could very well try but he didn't think he'd succeed.

Xiu was amongst the large grouping of students and he believed he could spy Roch's purple hair though the hazel eyes at the front of the classroom captured his full attention. He'd been made. There was no silently slipping from the classroom. His Brother was up there. Amused. He just knew it. Seth however remained rooted in the back of the classroom hoping he'd just remain unnoticed by all other then his brother.  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:28 pm
Professor Cadmus Says...

Cadmus was pleased by the turn out. He'd been early today. Well not truly he'd been at his desk since he first made it to his room that morning. He'd thoughtfully left the door unlocked so come time the students could file in. To each student who greeted him he gave a brief nod acknowledging each and everyone. He was right there had been those on the list he recognized but now that they began to enter he recognized a few more. Riley's greeting sent a chill down his spine as usual for the unusual voice foreign to his own within his head put him out of sorts. The Chatter was usual at the beginning of class and it was chatter that most often didn't disturb him. If it were to remain during the class then it would but they were just back from the summer break so it was not unusual.

Not a single student entered the class that Cadmus didn't see so when Sethinous walked into the room he had to fight off a grin. His brother had received the note about the class. Class would start soon he was just missing a few more students and then he would begin. Tardiness was often never an issue and with how important the homework was to be he'd not want many to miss out on the very important discussion.

If you have specific Questions for Cadmus then please feel free to directly ask them. I must warn you that he may not answer in a timely manner, that being said. in roughly 13-14 hours class will officially begin. I know of at least one student that will not be able to arrive till after that time because she is currently in school or will be soon. I personally am off to get ready for bed because I will have to be up in roughly 6 hours to go and babysit for my last day. If you need to contact me personally, you may pm me or you may im me my aol is what is usually most always on so long as I am awake (and have signal) -> shilohrose17

Also I have Seth in class so all of Cadmus's post will be titled as above to distinguish the difference between teacher and student. OOCLY wise you may also ask questions.

Strait Jacket Girl

Toshihiko Two

Sugary Marshmallow

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:07 am
Barth had been carefully avoiding Botany classes. It wasn't that the subject didn't interest him. On the contrary, he had some...inherent ties with greenery. More specifically, the wicked black, unhealthy-looking thorns that seemed to crop up at inconvenient times and do little more than act as a sign post for how nervous he was.

They had been cropping up more frequently, in response to minor frights, and Barth wanted a way to deal with his...problem. He had no control over them. He thought a class about plant control might help.

Botany just always seemed like...well, a lot of work. Maybe he could glean a few useful tips and then slink out of here work-free.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:35 am
Roch was feeling quite comfortable right where he was. He grinned and welcomed each of the others as they came in, and even stood as he saw Taryn come closer. "Hey!" he said as she got nearer. "How's it goin? Baked any more spookies lately?" He looked at the others, and had he had a tail it would have been wagging.

"Taryn here's an awesome baker. She made spookies for the Monster Dorm, but I was just lucky enough to be there to get one," he said. "And hey, Xiu, you make tea? I didn't know that!" he added, sitting down. Clearly the boil was thinking with his stomach, which showed as he went on, "We should have a party sometime!"

Although the thought of Roch being at a tea party, holding up his little pinky as he sipped tea from small cups was as ridiculous as it was funny, but he didn't seem to think so. "Oh! Hey, Seth!" he called to the other reaper boil as he caught sight of him out of the corner of his eye. "How's it goin?"  

Ice Queen

Dapper Lunatic


Tricky Pants

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:15 am
Indeed, the class was filling in now. Riley, good ta see ya. Finally got ta' joinin' fitness maself tha other day. Lookin' forward ta usin'... er... tha machine stuff thar. It was a half truth; the ghoul was excited about the fun activities involved with fitness but the equipment was something she'd perhaps need a bit of help understanding.

The tatzel recognized Riley (who seemed a little exciteable as far as she could tell) but the rest were new to her. Xiu and Mot seemed to know some of them, so Levi greeted the unknown students so they would be properly acquainted. Aye, nice ta meet'cha. Name's Levi. She looked at Roch, Ren, Nyyrikki and then to Taryn who meekly offered a wave to the cowboil. Apparently, the ghoul was an awesome baker. Aye, bake a it maself, actually. Ain't no Hell's Kitchen starlette but- tastes good all tha same. She offered the ghoul a toothy smile that may have been a little more enthusiastic than normal given she was in a class involving plants and her friends were here to join her in it.

Along the corner of her vision was a boil looking not so eager- sleepy even. Maybe just an early wake up? His was a new face she didn't know either... but like the others, she offered her name all the same, if not also in some small attempt to wake the boil out of his sleepiness before class started. Well 'aye there! C'mon over 'ere! Names Levi! Excited fer some greenery learnin' are ya? She'd try to keep the boil awake so he wouldn't get into any trouble if he nodded off during class.  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:36 am
West's visit home had left him prickly, even more so than usual, and the feeling hadn't faded in the handful of days since he had returned. He hoped that getting back to a routine of sorts would break him out of his funk, but as he entered Cadmus' classroom, he realized funk-breaking was not on the menu for today.

His upper lip rose in a sneer and his eyes narrowed in response to the sheer number of squalling, grubby Snots packing the room. They wriggled together like disgustingly adorable baby birds, chirping happy introductions and 'how are you's at each other. West wanted to rip them out of their nest and stomp on them.

But there! Ren, Riley, Barth. And Malcolm too, eventually, or so he had been led to believe. He could tolerate this crap for the time being. West took a deep breath. It was time to learn some s**t. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket and retreated to his customary place at the back of the room.  



Bloodlust Dante

Fortunate Hellraiser

PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 9:03 am
The hellhound cringed in his seat from being so close to the tatzel in a public setting, at least there were plenty of witness around in case she took a bite. "Hi levi, and stop that." he said pointedly, wagging a finger in her face at her strange laugh. None of that here!

He gave Mot and Roch a wave and gave a nod with his imaginary hat towards the gunslinger. There were just friendly faces all around.Damien found it hard to believe that in such a short amount of time he would know such an assortment of students.

He beamed at the sight of Ren and flailed his arms dramatically exuberantly at the gryphon.""Hey, how you been Renny?" It has been far too long since he seen the gryphon last and felt pretty bad about not contacting him sooner. Even Riley seemed to be into the class, then again to Demi, she seemed to be into every class. Literally, every class he was in, the mindflayer was there too.

"Horrible day Riley, I think this class is brimming with excitement over the chance for a two teacher course. how do you feel about it?" he barked out with a little flick of his tail that was batting against the back leg of his chair, and throwing eraser butts at the hooded Nyyr that slid into the room nonchalantly.

in between all the chatter and the horsing around, he did get a glance at another ghoul that walked into the room that the green eared boil couldn't place, she seemed new and after a few sniffs in the air, her scent was indeed not one he recognized. He did offer a simple wave of a hand as she took a seat that was a fair distance from the bundle of students collecting near the center, himself included.

He uttered a casual hello to Barth as he took his time getting into the room, it was his first time seeing someone that moved so .....carefully. the hound simply just stared with his tilted head at how long it took for the sloth to enter.

And if things could not get better for Damien, the resident grumpy face West decided he wanted to learn about plants, or killing them Demi wasn't sure. All he knew was that his favorite person to tease was here and it sent him into a frenzy. "Ello Grumpy!"  
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