FFX - Seymour Flux (Gagazet Mountain): I played it around the time it came out (AND I STILL REMEMBER THIS BOSS. I FOUGHT HIS a** SO MANY FRIGGIN TIMES!) and this boss was so frustrating that I quit the game for like a year. Picked it back up and beat him but then next you fight Tidus's Dad (I'm not sure I really remember the fight like was it an illusion of Jecht or a part of Sin you were fighting can't recall?) and he simply annihilated my a**. Atleast with Seymour I was able to hold my own for a lil' but the next boss just friggin owned my a**. I was annoyed because I JUST BEAT Seymour Flux and I head up a trail only to fight the next boss not even 30 seconds later. xD [did not finish]

Kingdom Hearts - Sephiroth - I don't remember if I ever beat him or not? Because I don't think you were required to beat him wasn't it just for the Coliseum but optional? Anyway, he was annoying to fight nevertheless... [beat the game]

MGS 3 - The End - I can't recall the fight but I remember it was difficult for me. I returned to the game only to find the boss died. I asked my friend WTF was going on and he explained that I left the game for a certain amount of time which triggers his death of old age. I literally cracked up from this bit of information. [beat the game]

Shadow of the Colossus - The first three bosses: I never finished the game, so I am sure all the bosses were tough regardless. It was difficult enough for me to figure out how to take them down and then executing the take down was very difficult. Even though my friend was encouraging me so hard to beat the game I just didn't like it. [did not finish]

Lost Planet II - The Queen - WTF. The first boss and the most hardest out of the game (for me atleast). Game forced me to fight up close and personal that's why it was so friggin difficult for me. Everyone was complaining the Salamander was the hardest, pfft, no, he wasn't. This bad a** was! [beat the game]