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Tori Honoo

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:18 pm
Lovey shook in fear, even as the winged pokemon set her free next to the rapidash, her fur standing on end. Though she was thankful for the Pigeot's help, the tiny eevee had been terrified, plucked from the water that had tossed it about. Not being able to control her body, especially in a freezing, rolling ocean was nearly too much for her, let alone being carried through the air.

Once safely on the ground, the normal type tried to regain her footing, finding that her legs wouldn't support her just yet. As the huge fire type nudged her, her little body shook, both from the cold and the fear.  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:19 pm
As much as Leste anticipated at least one of the humans breaking the surface, she was highly disappointed when it was not hers that did so first. She understood the urgency well enough, however, to not be persnickety about it and carefully took either of the girl's arms in her talons - though not before squawking a reminder that her own trainer was fragile and to kindly be swift and gentle in his extraction.

Seeing the girl freed and conveyed promptly to the surface, Luke was well prepared to simply cease all exertion of effort. His breath was ice in his lungs, his extremities numb from cold, his vision dim and unclear. And everything, everything was agonizing. Instinctively he continued to hold his breath, but he wrenched shut his eyes against inevitability.  

Vice Captain


Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:30 pm
Sera was similarly disappointed when the first to surface wasn't Luke - she didn't know this girl anyway - but despite how much of a trickster and an annoyance Jacques was, she at the very least trusted him to be serious when it counted, and to get Luke out as quickly as possible.

The Zoroark in question barked a quick reply to Leste, acknowledging her concerns before he quickly dove back down again. Swimming down took longer than going up, seeing as he had nothing from which to propel himself, so when he reached for Luke he first grabbed his arm to pull him up, then wrapped his own furry arms around the young man's waist. He understood that he was fragile, didn't know what part of him was fragile, so hopefully it wasn't there. Either way, he didn't have time to worry about it and he was starting to feel numb as well, so the dark-type pushed off the dock in a similar manner as before, and when he surfaced he barked to the only one of the two remaining.

Mordecai hummed anxiously, clasping and unclasping his claws appendages as he awaited Jacques to surface, and when he did, trying to carefully hold Luke up as best he could, the Metang quickly lowered himself and slid his arms around the boy in a similar manner. He had likewise heard Leste's cautions, and endeavored to be as careful as he could in bringing the redhead back to shore. He hovered over as fast as possible, and very gently deposited the young man onto the ground near Leste, Sera and the unconscious girl.

Once Mordecai had taken Luke from him, Jacques quickly swam over the sunken dock and, once he felt one of his claws collide with it, he used it to run over and out of the water. Once there, he trotted off to the side to give himself a thorough shake.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 10:58 pm
Though it took all her energy to do so, Lovey forced herself to her paws as Dove was brought ashored and laid out, making her way to her side as quickly as her legs would allow. Once at her side, the eevee, still trembling from the cold, pawed at her side, then curled up against her, hoping that even her tiny form might bring some form of comfort to the unconscious girl.

The paramedics, having finall arrived after receiving a call from another bystander (not Sera), rushed over to the group, two kneeling by the unconscious model as the others moved to tend to the boy.  

Tori Honoo

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:05 pm
Though it was difficult to pinpoint precisely what sensations were occurring and where, Luke was aware of a feeling of motion. More easily identifiable were the sound and tactility of water rushing away from his person and transitioning into the cool February air - though said air felt immensely warm after being submerged in winter waters. His thoughts immediately went to breath and his reacquired ability to draw it freely, and they remained on that subject until his sense of space was no longer dizzied by movement. Dry, solid ground was a welcome luxury, and he autonomously curled into himself for warmth and protection, breath rebelling against its recent neglect with intermittent fits of coughing and body shivering violently from the ocean's cold. Leste, again incapable of much of import, swiftly took to her trainer's side and covered him partially with her large wing, hoping to afford him as much warmth as she could offer. She considered hissing away the paramedics that approached to verify and improve the boy's condition but eventually decided against it, backing away grudgingly and watching the procedures they employed.  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:11 pm
Sera recalled both Jacques and Mordecai to their pokeballs - Jacques would stink like something awful later, but she could always just get Mordecai to give him a bath - and put them both back into her pocket. She waited until the paramedics were done with him (or at least done for now, and she didn't give even a partial crap about that random girl) before she knelt down next to her friend. "Luke, you okay?" She asked, brows furrowed in what could be considered worry but what was really a vague look of 'what the hell were you just doing, that was the most incredibly dumb thing ever.' Similarly, Luna moved around and laid down next to him, offering the warmth from the flames that ran down her neck and back to help as much as she could.  

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Tori Honoo

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:44 pm
As one of the response team towelled the girl off, the other bagman checking her vitals, administering care where needed. After a few pumps to her chest and. Generous amount of CPR, the girl woke, coughing hard.

As she came to, Dove curled in on herself as Luke had, her body quickly starting to quake as it fought the icy feel in her veins. Though her senses were slow to come back, she was vaguely aware of someone trying to talk with her, another lying a blanket over her, and a small ball of brown trying to burrow into her chest. With her senses still failing her and an overwhelming ache through her body, the girl stayed quiet, too tired and cold to sort through the broken pieces of what had happened.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:28 am
The paramedics wanted to ask a series of questions that were difficult to answer in his present state - or rather, they were simple enough to respond to so long as they warranted yes or no replies, but the question of the names of the medications he was taking was far outside of both mental and physical capacities to voice; he could only shrug and shake his head. Although the severity of his shuddering gradually lessened as his body warmed from the blankets and the Rapidash's flames, his posture remained compressed, features in grimace, hands fastened at his chest. Seraphine's question received a strained, if not completely honest, "No." Through unsteady breath, he managed a question of his own, "Is she all right?"  

Vice Captain


Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:14 am
Sera frowned thoughtfully while Luke was posed various questions, especially since he seemed in hardly any state to answer them, or even to convey the very important fact of his recent hospitalization. When it became poignantly clear that they would continue to remain unaware, the brunette tugged at the arm of one of the paramedics to inform him, "He just had surgery a couple weeks ago." A brief pause, because she remembered to add, "Heart surgery." There, maybe now they would realize how freaking stupid Luke falling into the ocean was. Seriously, what was he thinking?

The girl sighed through her nose as she looked at her friend's shivering frame, and she hesitated quite a bit before she slipped an arm around his shoulders. Any warmth she could hope to provide would be absolutely pitiful in comparison to that of her Rapidash, but for some reason she felt expected to attempt to help and therefore felt inclined to do so out of obligation. She didn't really mind too bad, she supposed. A brief glance was spared to Dove, who was no longer unconscious, it looked like, before Sera turned her attention to Luke again. "She's awake now. I think she's fine." After all, (to Sera's knowledge) she hadn't had recent heart surgery. Hmph.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:47 pm
Lovey, having been brushed away from the girl's side as the paramedics began to tend to her, padded awkwardly over to the girl's bag as the humans set it aside, nuzzling her head into it until she found what she wanted. Wiggling around as best she could through the chills that went through her, the eevee rolled another pokeball out of the bag, tapping at its front with her paws until a bright light blinded her, Dove's typhlosion coming forth not too far away.

As Sparky surveyed the scene as he always did wen released, his eyes narrowed, the flames along his neck erupting. As the paramedics backed away, the fire type moved closer to his trainer, stopping the deep growl in his throat as the eevee yipped weakly at him, seemingly explaining what had happened. The typhlosion have the medical staff one last look then sank to the girl's side to help warm her, careful not to be so close as to burn her. As the staff stepped forward again, he kept his eyes on them, only looking away for a moment to beckon Lovey to his other side. She needed to warm herself as well.

With the typhlosion now at her side, Dove curled closer to him, attempting to sit up until the response team asked her to relax. As they began asking their questions, she answered as best she could, her body trembling from the stress of not only keeping her system warm, but also the task of calming her emotionally. Someone had saved her... A boy... She glimpsed between the shoulders of the two men at her side, watching the rest of the team tend to whoever it was next to her.

She hoped with her everything that he was alright. If he wasn't, she didn't know what she would do.  

Tori Honoo

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 9:21 pm
The paramedics looked to Seraphine in surprise at her words, one of them suddenly looking particularly irritated that this information hadn't been conveyed earlier but refraining from comment. The other returned to the ambulance to retrieve a stretcher, presumably to avoid the possibility of precipitating an adverse cardiac response by moving him through any other means.

Luke himself failed to acknowledge the events occurring around him much at all, though he did relax slightly at the recognition of Seraphine's arm on his shoulders - or at least, slipped a little further through his dazedness into only partial consciousness. "That's good," he muttered almost entirely without an understanding of what it was he was approving of.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 9:37 pm
If that particular paramedic had aimed his irritated look at her, she would have glared right back. She hadn't called them, though if she had she would've told them then. But then, if she had called them it would've been because Luke hadn't dove into the water, so really, it was a moot point.

Sera glanced briefly over towards where the girl was, but she was still being taken care of, so she frowned down at Luke again. The brunette opened her mouth to reply, closed it, opened it again, and then closed it once more without speaking. She wasn't entirely sure what to say, exactly, and so she remained where she was, one arm around Luke and wondering what she was supposed to do in such a situation. It was all very disconcerting. She kind of figured they'd be taken to the hospital though, and if it did occur (which, for Luke, would've been ridiculous not to take him), she was damn well getting in that ambulance too. Seraphine thought it was through obligation, but a niggling feeling was trying to tell her it was because of actual concern over her friend's well-being.

Vice Captain

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Tori Honoo

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:54 pm
With the aid of Sparky at her side and the blankets the paramedics had wrapped around her, the shaking of her body eventually lessened, though the girl still couldn't feel her extremities at all and her senses were still skewed. She stayed curled against Sparky, slowly slipping back into sleep, not really caring so much now; a rescue team was here... they would be fine... sleep was warm...

Ignoring the questions against her will, Dove gave in to herself against the men's words encouraging her to stay awake for them. Sleep was too easy to ignore and she was absolutely exhausted, both physically and mentally.

As the girl became vocally unresponsive, one of the men signaled for another stretcher. The girl would be taken to the hospital for closer observation, at least until she woke again. The boy on the other hand...

As the men drew closer to the girl with the stretcher, Sparky rose to his feet, glaring daggers at them, the flames along his neck surging again.  
PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:18 pm
The events that next passed were lost to Luke just as easily as his consciousness: the paramedics conveyed their patients to Camphoreon's large hospital, administering as much care as was prudent, and then passed them off to the relevant physicians to be more thoroughly examined and treated. On Luke's end, this included a brief duration in intensive care while his cardiologist exerted efforts to stabilize his condition and ensure that the work of the recent surgery had not been undone. When it was certain that there was no immediate danger posed to his health, he was transferred to a room in the general ward (with a window this time) with a variety of attachments - though fewer in number than they had been during his postoperative recovery. It was in this very familiar environment that the boy slowly woke.  

Vice Captain


Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:01 am
When Luke and that random girl were loaded into ambulances, Seraphine insisted on going too and refused to take no for an answer, opting to ride in the same vehicle as Luke. Once arriving, she was swiftly directed to a waiting room of sorts, to which she pouted but waited regardless.

After altogether way too long, in her opinion, they told her that Luke was alright - or would live, at any rate - and allowed her to visit. He was still asleep though, they warned, but she just waved them off and went off to find his room. He was, indeed, still asleep, so she'd spent the remainder of her time waiting (ugh, more waiting) and using her phone.

She happened to glance up every so often, and one such time it appeared Luke was slowly stirring, so she put her phone away. "Luke?" Vaguely she wondered if he'd be similarly loopy like he had been last time.

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