12-16 - Extra good work! Your student can now heal surface wounds!, but not repair HP! This means things like cuts and bleeding that might hinder another character can be patched up!

Repeating 3s or 4s - You used too many supplies and that's wasteful! Naughty! Cricket might make you earn your supply rights back in a future class!

*sobs bitterly into hands * Omg.... *dies* <333

612 words total - - An rp counts for the x2 reward if you guys hit over the 600 word requirement needed (per person) for it! You don't need to conclude it exactly this week for it to count, just as long as it is over the 600 words, then you can add it to your journal as x2 points and then finish the rp whenever convenient!

Dealing with the heat stroke was fairly easy or at least he thought it was, putting a chill over the dummy he worked with a great focus. Using a bit more supplies this time than last so Professor Cricket would be please, Spinar made sure to put as many as he could to use in fixing the dummy, although by the time he stepped back he grinned knowingly.

Ok. So maybe he had went overboard on the supplies but the work still looked good and the dummy was technically fixed was it not?

Spinar chuckled merrily and looked to the Professor who was pinching the bridge of their nose. For a moment he frowned wondering if his confidence was unfounded. But when the Professor finally looked to him he grinned at hearing he had passed with actually excellent work this time. What a relief, for a moment Spinar felt like kissing something but considering the Professor and the dummy were the only things around he held off on his joy for the moment but did make plans to celebrate later already.

Shaking hands with the professor Spinar beamed an amused look towards the dummy as Professor Cricket did offer a slightly disappointed groan of wasted supplies. He would have to remember that...never since the frost demon had no intention of ever taking another First Aid class again. Leaning on his heels Spinar paused his backing out the door when Nurse Cricket turned and informed him that now that he had passed he would be able to heal surface wounds.

Interesting. Giving a bow of respect Spinar offered a cheeky thanks and wave before fleeing as fast as he could out the door. Who would even guess that had taken over three jacking hours to finish! He had places to be and in that class ever again was not one.