Triste wrinkled her face for a moment. She wouldn't even think of insulting someone. The social blow back of that would probably make her never come out of a corner again. She sighed. "I don't know how well you'll be able to toughen me up. I'm not so super awesome. That's why I have my Puffers. Putting people to sleep is much easier..." she trailed off when he blew the kiss.

Her lips pursed and her eyebrows wrinkled in confusion. What... her internal dialogue was going a mile a minute trying to figure out what to do with that. She wasn't even paying attention when he turned to whisper in her ear. She jumped and squeaked a bit from surprise. Her eyes widened to saucers and she stopped breathing for a moment.

Then she realized the arm around her shoulders and shivered. "Um... I..." she couldn't even make a sentance at this point from the embarrassment. "do... I... what?"