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xxxxxAlex H A R T

It was terribly interesting to hear an outsider's perspective on the professors Alex had gotten to know in a casual manner. However, since Mileston wasn't someone Alex regularly hung out with, this wasn't an opportunity to entertain himself by berating Marcus's naïvety when it came to accepting people's personalities at face value. The same went for Davis.

With a curt nod Alex signified that he was indeed actually listening, then tapped his lip with his index finger (the nail was of course freckled with the remnants of the oil paint he'd tried to wash off with Turpentine) when an observation occurred to him.
"Niccals huh." He breathed through his nose deeply but exhaled delicately. "Do you like him for how he teaches or just the way his art turns out like with Mileston and Davis?" Poor Davis really, her work would be really incredible if she could just get a little more funding.

Alex smiled broadly, hoping to quell whatever rudeness Marcus might interpret from his bluntness. A cute smile was hard to get mad at.
"You don't have to answer that if you don't want to. If you were a little more extroverted I'd intimidate you to tell me more, but since you're so shy maybe it's better I don't push and take what I can get." He could be a bit manipulative that Alex Hart and so naturally he smiled wider, a con that lit his face up like a Long Islander's elaborate Christmas display-but really no LED light could ever compare.

"If you want work, work for me. Stretch some canvases, clean up a little and grab some stuff up for me on the top self. My studio's got high ceilings, which means high shelves, I could really use you."

So maybe Alex didn't actually need the help, but he kind of liked this kid. It would be nice to keep an eye on him, and not just for Alex's own selfish reasons for wanting to do so. Marcus was well, nice, and pretty easy on the eyes all things considered, presumably only good could come from helping the guy better his art.