Queen Spazzy
Darkness Dragons Revenge
Queen Spazzy
Darkness Dragons Revenge
If you want to stop your nails from breaking, don't use nail polish remover and keep them long. Like, maybe half an inch. That's how long mine are (I like mine long and I want them a little bit longer)
I can imagine OCD people make good hairdressers and manicurists because they want to make everything perfect emotion_kirakira
And they have good attention to detail -- says my bff Hannah emotion_bigheart
I have really long hair, as you know, but I think just because of its weight that it can't be braided. It will give me a headache.
And it sucks that you have to travel so far to get to such good stores.
If we ever meet IRL we'll go on a shopping spree emotion_dealwithit

My longest nails are, I don't know, a little over half a centimeter now.
But I have really thin nails, and they've been prone to splitting and peeling for as long as I can remember, so it takes practically nothing for me to break them.
I've broken nails just opening a door and typing on a keyboard before. cat_gonk
And nail polish remover (the real stuff, made with acetone, that will murder a linoleum floor if you spill it), while drying, is actually perfectly okay to use as long as you use lotion or some such moisturizer afterward.
To be perfectly honest, just washing your hands is pretty much just as bad as acetone; contrary to popular belief, water is VERY drying.
You also shouldn't use nail clippers; they cause your nails to split (and they're painful to use if you have really curved nails like mine).
And, while many people love the look, blunt-edge/square-end is the most easily broken nail shape, so you should go for round or almond nail shapes, instead.
If I ever get the money to buy some olive oil, soaking your nails with that regularly is supposed to help prevent peeling and splitting.
Honey and milk, too.
Wearing nail polish helps prevent breaking nails, too; most die-hard nail addicts won't be caught dead without at least a clear coat on.
I read lots of nail blogs. >>; [/obsessed]
And I know what you mean about the hair; I can't even put mine in a pony tail because it gives me migraines.

My nails, when they were short, kept egg shelling and breaking soooo easily. I grew them long to see if that would help and it did!
Take my word for it and grow your nails out long.
Turns out my nails are about a quarter of an inch long. They never egg shell and beforehand, they always egg shelled. No matter what I did.
Now, I can go swimming, wash my really long hair and brush it through with my fingers and not have to worry about my nails breaking. They don't even break when I play volleyball!
And I thought your hair was short? eek

I don't keep them short, I HATE short nails.
But when they get long, they break, no matter what I try.
My shortest nails right now still reach my fingertips (though this isn't saying much, my nail bed doesn't end until just barely before my fingertips).
My nails have a genetic predisposition to curling down over my fingertips, especially my index and middle fingers, so those are especially prone to breaking. (It's a trait that's been passed down on my mum's side; my mum's nails do the same thing, and she says my grampa's nails curl down, too)
And my hair has grown out; it's been months since I got it cut. ^^;
The back is to my shoulders, and the front is a few inches past my chin. (A-line bobs ftw!)
My hair is still healthy right now, and growing rather quickly (I have about half an inch of roots showing already, eek!), so I don't have any plans to cut it any time soon. cat_razz

Oh I didn't know that. I wish I knew a good nail polish to strengthen nails....
And I'm glad your growing your hair down. When it gets down to your butt like mine, call me wink