Shaking her head vigorously at Rosie's response, the young lady said, "No, no, I completely agree. I was just...surprised to hear it, that's all." She glanced at Vincent as she added, "It takes a lot of guts. At least...I think it would if it were me..." Heck, even as a girl, she figured it'd take a lot of guts to admit any sort of intimate relationship to anyone in public.

Her fading words and trailing thoughts were lost in a flurry of panic as she realized Rosie was staring at her. Oh no. Up went the magazine again. "H-have we?" she asked, her voice high and pitchy with anxiety. "Ahahaha...if we have, I'm sorry, I wouldn't know. I, um...go out a lot. To clubs and stuff," she explained. "I meet a lot of people, so...I suppose it's...possible...?" AHHH!! WHY had that huge man just come over and sat down unprovoked?! At least she'd thought it had been unprovoked; had she maybe given him some indication to do so without meaning to?

Either way, it was causing drops of sweat to rapidly bead on her brow. She dove deeper into her magazine refuge, completely heedless of the fact that no one would press their face so close to a paper they were trying to read. Maybe it was just a coincid - nope! He was still there. And grinning, no less. What was up with him? He couldn't have possibly been flirting, not after having just confessed his devotion to his boss-slash-wife-slash-boyfriend. No, no, nonono, that was entirely not plausible in the least. But then why was he messing with her? Just to watch her squirm? Sick b*****d...

Or maybe she was just looking far too much into the whole thing. Deep breaths. She sat up straight in her chair. "I'm sorry, it just sounds terribly painful, living that lifestyle," she told the man, trying to keep a calm expression. No doubt her face was still red, but she was trying not to think about that. "Not everyone's so lucky to fall in love with someone who loves them back, after all. Or has enough time to spend with them as a...boyfriend, in your case, I suppose." There, at least he'd called Rosie over. That was a little better, the conversation being between the three of them, instead of just two. She wasn't sure that in her current state she could have handled a one-on-one conversation with either of them.

Holding her head high, she tried to seem more dignified. "You know, I had a similar problem with a boy some years ago in high school. I thought we were in this wonderful relationship together, just enjoying each other's company..." Her face darkened with awful memories. "I must have been fooling myself, though, because one day he told me I wasn't..." She searched for the term, which she'd heard but never put to use herself before. "'Putting-out'. He'd been sleeping with a bunch of college women behind my back while he'd been waiting, and then he couldn't wait anymore," she hissed.

"Men! Anyway, my point was that, between us gir - us three," the girl corrected, leaning over to speak in hushed tones to the pair beside her, "I'd say the best policy is to establish your relationship with each other first and foremost. That way they can't get away with silly excuses like 'friends with benefits' or claiming they thought your relationship 'wasn't exclusive'." She paused, her hand going to her bangs again. "Unless it isn't." A new wave of blush bloomed across her face as a thought occurred to her, making her ask almost inaudibly, " it?"

Vincent's curious examination of her face and mention of being good with cute ones did not help matters. Akira looked stubbornly at the hair products on the table opposite of the other chairs, knowing full well that to try to go back to her magazine now would be pointless. She had already completely brought herself into the conversation and there was no going back now; no pretending she was no longer concerned with the matters at hand.

"N-noo, I don't think so," she stammered badly. "Unless you frequent clubs, but...even then, I think you'd stand out in a crowd." At least she didn't have to lie when she claimed never to have met him before. But still...if this flirting or teasing or whatever it was kept up much longer, Akira thought she might break down. She had to redirect Vincent's attention to the true object of his evident desires. "No, I don't think I've met you before," she solidified. "But...that 'Andre' you mentioned earlier," the brunette said slowly, as if trying to pull up some past memory, "I actually think I may have seen him around before. There was a small cafe I think saw him at one morning. And if he was the one I think you're referring to, I can easily see how you'd fall for him." She cast the guy what she hoped was a supportive smile.