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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 5:21 pm
Nibbling on the biscuit as he listened to Anastasia, Happa's ears and tail drooped. he said softly, feeling sorry for both the Umbreon and her girl. Glancing at the remainder of the treat Anya had offered him, the Leafeon asked, It seemed a little odd that he'd asked since he didn't seem to have any such food with him, but he was also casting distracted looks out the window at the plants outside.

Taking a seat, the brunet nodded in thanks before folding his hands in his lap with a polite expression of interest. His lips parted slightly as Sera told her story, but he didn't speak a word all through it. If the storyteller was watching closely, she might have noticed the small beads of perspiration appear at his temples over time. Less subtle was the movement of his brows, which rose, dropped, and knit together in different patterns, each suggesting a different expression of thought. He stared at the table top for much of the story, occasionally looking up before shyly, perhaps shamefully diverting his gaze again.

"No...it doesn't make sense," he sighed when she was finished, leaning an elbow on the table's surface as he ran a hand through his hair. "I mean, your story does, but that guy - the person you're talking about doesn't. Sounds like he doesn't even know who he is."

With a quiet groan, Akira put both arms up on the table and buried his face in them. He had never really realized how stupid it'd all sounded until she'd put it that way. "I'm sorry, Sera," a muffled, weary apology sounded from under the mop of brown hair. "I still really want to be a good friend. I just - the truth is I really don't know what the hell I'm doing or who I am anymore. I've never had much experience with real friends, so I don't know when I'm doing something right or wrong. Even the simplest, most obvious things, like tact and common sense...I don't have that. Not the kind everyone else around here has."

His face appeared as he lifted his head to place rest his chin on his arms, revealing a miserable, pitiful countenance of regret. "I've just been trying to find my place. To belong; to find a purpose in life. To find myself and figure out who I am." Embarrassed as a familiar warmth crept across his cheeks, he turned his head to the side and lay down on his arms again. "I keep trying different lifestyles and identities, but nothing fits. So to you, probably the only person who really cares enough to notice and mention my multiple attempts at identities, I probably just end up looking like an inconsistent mess."  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 6:49 pm
the dark-type said with a light frown, still a little upset and mildly displeased, she replied with a light shake of her head, then hesitated a moment before moving to one side to make room on the bench. Anastasia finished with a soft smile. She was full anyway from when she ate a little while ago, but all the depressing topics had ruined any further appetite she might've had.

"Mmh, that's what I was starting to think, too," the brunette said with a note of displeasure. Either he didn't know, or he knew exactly and just wanted to mess with her. It looked like it was probably the former case, though.

As Akira continued, Sera tilted her head a little while she watched him blush and squirm uncomfortable in his seat, constantly messing with his hair or shifting positions. At least he realized what he'd been doing this whole time; that was all that mattered. "Yeah, you pretty much do look like an inconsistent mess, especially right now," she pointed out without hesitation, leaning her elbow on the table as she lifted her coffee mug to her lips once more. "How about instead of trying all kinds of different lifestyles that aren't yours, you just... stick to yours? Or do whatever feels the most natural, I guess," the girl suggested with a slight shrug. "I dunno, I'm not really the best person to give advice about this sort of thing."

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:57 pm
Happa replied meekly, Finishing off the biscuit in a couple of bites, the Leafeon tensed his haunches before springing up onto the seat. It wasn't so much the food that he had come up for, though.

He sat with his paws pulled in close to him as his tail coiled about them. She hadn't voluntarily offered up any more information about what she thought might have changed her trainer, so Happa decided not to ask. It might have been a terrible idea to bring up the topic in the first place.

"Then maybe my outsides finally match my insides," he mumbled unhappily in response to her comment. "In the society I was born into - especially at my high school, which sounds a lot like yours - I was raised to wear a stupid, metaphorical mask and please people. 'Be polite, reserved, charming, calm, and collected at all times.' 'Never express your emotions or it'll be taken as weakness.' That's what was expected of me and everyone else I grew up with; people pretending to be who they weren't. Sound familiar?"

He sighed and started to tug his bangs again, not bothering to lift his head. "It was around high school that I found out not everyone was like that; that it didn't have to be that way. I met someone who changed my life, though for better or worse, I don't know. All I know is it influenced me to eventually make the decision to leave that society." His voice dropped in octave and volume. Though still not looking directly at Sera, his expression darkened. "Once I got out, though, I found out just how little substance there really was to my being. It seems I was wearing a mask of lies and deceit for so long that behind it, all that was left of the real me was misery."

"So much misery - unease at trying to be someone I wasn't, frustration at feeling things I wasn't supposed to feel, suppression of everything I'd ever really wanted for myself, selfishness for wanting those things, shame for letting everyone down, guilt for running away from responsibilities, duties, and expectations..." He shook his head. "No matter what I did, it always felt wrong. It still does."

"All I know how to do now is what I've been living most of my life doing - acting, pretending, and pretty much trying to fool everyone into accepting me. I don't want to do that anymore, but I don't know what else to do! That's all I've ever known; how to be fake." It was then he took a deep breath, finally summoning the courage to sit up and look Sera straight in her pale green eyes, his face still flushed. "That's the one thing I can't do. To go back to the way I was and the lifestyle I used to have would just be throwing away all the time, energy, emotion, and dedication I put into trying to change. It'd be giving up, and that's the one thing I know I can't do at this point. I've invested too much in this dream of mine to turn back now."

Leaning forward over the table, Akira softened his volume so that it was barely audible even to Sera. "I know it's weird, a person my age not having a sense of what is and isn't acceptable in this society, but that's just the thing. I didn't grow up in this society; not even one similar to it. The girl named Tori and I come from the same background, but I hate people like her and that's why I have to change."

"The fact that she goes by the name of 'Dove' just demonstrates what I said about us being raised to be deceitful under the pretense of being someone other than we are. When you compare it to my own, her equal lack of tact and common sense just further supports my point. If you're telling me to go back to what I was originally like before I even tried to change, what was most 'natural' for me, you're essentially telling me to go back to being like her. Is that what you really think I should do?"

"Unlike Tori, at least I'm trying. I may be failing, but at least my attempts have to count for something, right?" he asked Sera. "Where I came from, they valued masks, wealth, power, luxury, linage, and treachery over kindness, consideration, friendship, loyalty, feelings, practicality, and honesty. That's not who I want to be, but I can't change who I am without help." His brows furrowed as if he were pleading with her. "Please don't give up on me, Sera. Don't tell me you think it's true that people can't change."  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:02 am
Once he alighted the bench, Anya moved over a little bit more to make more room to accommodate him. His question though made her ears perk a little but they immediately lowered, flicking backwards against her shoulders as she hunched down a little. A brief pause, wherein she attempted to figure out what to say, how much to say, and how to phrase it before continuing, she finished rather hastily, staring forlornly down at her dark paws, her ears slicked back against her head. She really, really hated thinking back on that time, especially given how horrible it was and how miserable she'd been.

Sera gave a small snort of amusement at his comment about his outsides matching his insides. Did he really feel that mixed up? But now, it seemed, was his turn to tell her a story, and she resigned herself to the role of listener for the time being. Throughout his numerous words, she offered the occasional, brief nod, or an appropriately timed eyebrow raise, and though the name of 'Tori' meant nothing to her, mention of 'Dove' did, and incited an immediate and harsh countenance. "Don't even get me started on her," she said hotly as she leaned forward a little, glaring at him - though she was more glaring because of the topic, and not because she was angry with him or anything.

She leaned back, reigning her sudden flare of anger back into a displeased expression instead. "I don't think you could be anywhere near as bad as Dove even if you tried," she reassured him, because indeed she thought such a thing a nice reassurance, "so don't worry about that - and that actually explains a lot about her, knowing that now, not that that excuses any of her s**t. But I guess, growing up in an entirely different society makes sense, for you not knowing s**t about this one."

His plea gave her pause, and she averted her gaze to the side for a few moments before she offered him an excessive shrug, "I think that if I did think people couldn't change, I'd be a huge hypocrite," said the hypocrite.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 9:43 am
Happa nodded in understanding and quickly tried to think of something else to discuss. He hadn't been a trainer's pokemon for as long as Anastasia had, so he wasn't sure what sort of things they like to talk about or were interested in other than their trainers. Maybe she wouldn't mind talking about something he usually did.

At Sera's comment about him in comparison to Dove, Akira chuckled weakly. "Heh...that's sweet. But in all honesty...you might have been surprised," he said, though he didn't look at all proud of the notion. It was repulsive enough for him to even have admitted he had anything to do with that girl or anything she stood for, but he'd felt it had been important for Sera to have a frame of reference as to where he was coming from. If she'd thought he'd been acting like a jerk before, she probably would have thought he was a downright b*****d prior even to that. He knew he had.

Akira gave a dark little laugh about Sera's further mention of the model (or was it 'ex-model'? He wasn't even sure anymore). "Yeah? It might have been a lot easier to figure out if she wasn't so persistent in pretending she knows exactly what she's doing. Which, like with me, I think is pretty obvious it's not the case...but I guess she has her reasons for trying to cover that up and I have mine."

Seeming relieved and lightening up a little at the green-eyed girl's final statement, he sat back in the booth seat with a slow exhale. "Thank you," he told her, hoping his heartfelt words would reach her with all the genuine gratitude he spoke them with. "Out of all the people I've met here...I think...you've been the one I've wanted to be accepted by the most." Pausing, he tried to think over his words; carefully selecting them as best he could to properly convey his meaning. His preferred language of communication was music after all, not English.

"You know...when I first met you, Sera...don't take this the wrong way, but I felt...connected to you on a certain level. Er, not necessarily a romantic connection," he was quick to clear up. "Maybe I was reading things totally wrong, but after all the experience I'd had with people pretending and concealing, I got this feeling you were like me; one of those people who hid your true feelings." At this he couldn't help breaking into a fond smile at the memory of their first meeting. If he remembered correctly, she'd actually started off acting quite suspicious and hostile toward him.

"You just did it in a different way than I did or I was used to others doing, so it took me a while to figure it out. Instead of with polite smiles and compliments, you did it with tough talk and a show of confidence. It was cute, but it was still a mask of sorts. And it intrigued me that someone like you - someone so outspoken and pretty - would feel the need to put on a show like that."

He still smiled, though his hand went up again to his bangs and his gaze dropped again to the table as his blush intensified. "I guess I've heard that popular, beautiful girls tend to have to adopt a cynical, aggressive attitude, though, to keep their distance from stupid, hormonal boys who'd drool all over them. Or maybe...to shield themselves so that painful past experiences won't be repeated."

Dropping his hands when he realized he was tugging again, Akira began to absently fiddle with the ring on one of them out of sight under the tabletop. "Actually,I thought if I went around as a girl, I might find out a little of what that's like and what you've gone through, but I'm not sure I've had much luck," he said with a sheepish bark of forced laughter. "Not sure whether or not to find it alarming, but I actually haven't found much difference at all in my experiences as either gender. Regardless, girl or boy, I doubt I'd ever be able to exude the aura you do."  
PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 12:39 am
She was a little thrown off by his sudden subject change, but was very, very grateful for it - it just took her a minute to switch tracks and think of a response. she said softly with a small nod.

Foregoing responding to his comments on Dove - because why would she ever want to dwell on that subject more than absolutely necessary - the brunette instead focused on his later comments and questions. She did indeed catch the sincerity in his words, though she really didn't know why he sounded so grateful; she'd only said that she would be a hypocrite if she thought people couldn't change. Why would that elicit such a response from him? And why would she, of all people, be the one he wanted to be accepted most by? Maybe he just thought too much of her; she wouldn't doubt that in the least, given how she used to act and behave before. Sera shifted a little uncomfortably and raised her coffee mug to her lips again.

Romantic connection, what--oh, no, it wasn't that, okay. He'd nearly startled her with that one. She exhaled into the rim of her mug before lowering it back to the table with a thoughtful frown, trying to recall just when exactly she'd met him. Wasn't it...? Certainly it was after her family went bankrupt, and after Anastasia had been stolen. "I don't... I honestly don't think I put on a show back then. Not really, anyway," the thoughtful frown persisted as she went on, "maybe a little? Not much though. Mostly I was just a self-centered, egotistical spoiled brat. What you saw was what you got back then, I think. For the most part," she added with a shrug. Not entirely - she certainly didn't talk about her sudden poverty or the loss of her beloved Umbreon, of course, and so some things remained secret, but really, didn't everyone have secrets? She was sure they did.

At his reasoning as to why girls acted cynical and subsequent comments, she gave him a deadpan look. "You have this really annoying, obnoxious habit, you know," she began as she leaned back in her seat and folded her arms over her chest, "where you point out or bring up or imply things that are directly related to s**t I don't wanna talk about, and that I'm not gonna to talk about. And yet, you keep mentioning them as if I'm gonna talk about them. And let me just tell you something right now," the brunette added as she suddenly leaned forward with her arms on the table, with her hand raised to point directly at him, "you're not ever gonna go through what I went through. Dressing up and prancing around like a girl isn't gonna get close - not even a little bit. A lot of really specific and unfortunate shitty things would have to happen to you before you could even get partway there. Just wanted to clear that up before you tried too hard," Seraphine finished as she leaned back. She wasn't mad at him for trying though, she just didn't want him to waste anymore time, if that was the sole reason for him cross-dressing like this. Not that she thought so highly of herself (anymore) to think no one could match her in experiences, but really, so many specific things had happened to her in so short a time that she was fairly certain maybe only one of them, at most, would ever happen to him, and even that was unlikely. No, it was difficult to think that anyone would really be able to understand just what she'd experienced and dealt with her whole life. No, not her whole life; just the past two or so years, perhaps. Had it really been that long?

"And, to be perfectly frank," she added after a thoughtful pause, complete with a mild frown and a few conflicting emotions she couldn't quite put her finger on, "I really think you think too much of me." Sera took another sip of her coffee again.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2014 4:27 pm
Happa commented, surprised. He scratched behind his ear with a hind leg before realizing that might have been bad manners in front of company.

"You didn't?" He exhaled a breath of amusement softly at the mention of what Sera had been like when they'd first met. "Maybe I was just looking too much into things again, then. It's probably why I end up misunderstanding so much. There's too much of a discrepancy between my assumptions and the way the world actually is."

Akira met her gaze. "But for what it's worth, I saw more than just a spoiled brat. I know what a spoiled brat is like, but you had a passion to protect friends you cared about even back then. I doubt you were as self-centered and egotistical as you thought you were. Regardless of what you acted like on the surface, you were and always will be a good person, Sera." The fond smile he cast her lasted about three seconds before he lost his nerve and dropped his gaze back down to the table, another deep blush blooming across his cheeks. Who was he to tell her what she was and would be? "Er - but that's just my personal belief."

"...Eh?" The look of embarrassment transformed into one of puzzlement, causing him to blink curiously as she spoke of him having an obnoxious habit. "...A-ah. Yes, I'm sorry. I don't mean to," he answered, lowering his head as if in apology. "And...dressing as a girl was probably stupid. But I had other reasons, too." He clenched his fists upon his lap as he stared down at them, fighting to keep from grabbing his bangs.

"It'll probably sound silly to you, especially because I don't think you have any siblings, but...when we were little, I used to play with my sisters a lot. They liked to dress me up as a girl." Smiling slightly at the memories, he continued, "I haven't seen them in so long now. But somehow picking out clothes and putting on make-up like they used to have me do made me feel close to them again." Akira shook his head. "It's pointless, though. I need to learn to let go of the past. That includes things like that."

Raising his head once more, he noticed her frown as she told him she felt he thought too much of her. "Really?" he murmured. "I don't think you think enough of yourself."  
PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 11:15 pm
Anastasia amended her previous statement, not wanting to mislead the Leafeon. If she thought he had bad manners, she neither said nor showed it. with berries, so they're all kinds of different flavors. Most of them are delicious, except for the kinds of berries I don't like,> the dark-type said as she wrinkled her nose a little.

"Then maybe you should stop assuming things," she suggested with a shrug, "and start looking at things for what they really are? Instead of assuming they're something they're not." Though, it sounded like a subconscious habit of his, but at least one he was aware of.

She couldn't help an amused snort at his words. "Are you sure? Cuz I'm pretty sure I was one of the most spoiled brats ever in existence." Had she ever even stopped? Maybe... She was pretty sure she did, but maybe she still was and just didn't even know it. Either way, she chose not to comment on his compliments on how good a person she apparently had always been.

"I'm gonna be honest," she said, her eyebrows raising and giving him a rather dubious look, "that's kind of a weird way to remember them. ...though it's also kind of weird that they'd do that to you," she added with a frown that turned thoughtful partway through. "Is that something little sisters or brothers do? I'm an only child, so I never had any siblings," she admitted with a shrug. Seriously though, did all siblings do that? Because if so, she was kind of glad she never did.

His final comment made her rather uncomfortable, and she shifted a little awkwardly as she took another sip of her coffee. Why did he have to say things like that? "...I think I do."

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 12:53 pm
Happa said, imagining all sorts of different poffins. He looked amused when Anya wrinkled her nose. How cute!

"If I knew the difference between what I assumed and the way things really are, I wouldn't have this problem in the first place," Akira answered with a sheepish smile. "The problem is that I don't know the difference until I make a mistake or someone corrects me or my perception. But I'm learning little by little."

Giving a little shrug of his own at her snort, he replied, "Someone can be spoiled without being a brat. I can't say I knew you better than you knew yourself, but to me, a brat is someone who's selfish and childish. I don't know what you were like prior to my meeting you, but I do think that at the time I did, you already cared more about others than yourself, like your friends."

His smile broadened into an amused grin when Sera told him she thought he and his sisters seemed kind of weird. "No, all families are different. Some siblings don't even pay attention to each other. And you're right; it was an odd way for them to play even among my soc - er, my family's standards, which was why my parents sent them to a different school as we got older. They didn't want my sisters' feminine habits and closeness to me to affect my growth as a young man."

"I really felt...more comfortable playing with them that way, though," he added with a small sigh. "Not because I'd want to be a girl or anything...but in our family, even though I wasn't the oldest, I still shouldered the burden of...well, being the only son. The backbone to carry on the family name after my father."

"Girls don't have as much expected of them as boys do where I'm from, so it felt kind of nice to pretend I could shed all that responsibility. Even if it was just during playtime with my sisters, I could pretend to be just as carefree as them." He waved a hand. "But I'm talking too much. I won't bore you anymore with stuff of the past." Anyway, he doubted it was stuff she could relate to unlike, perhaps, Luke, who was also the male heir of an important family.

The change in the green-eyed girl was apparent when he spoke his opinion on her self-worth. Akira stared at her in surprise. Why did she seem so uneasy all of a sudden? "Well, you know what they say. It's difficult to see yourself through another person's eyes. It makes it easier to judge others, but it's not so simple to accurately assess yourself." He began to get up. "Aren't we generally our worst critics, after all?"  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 9:59 pm
she said with a bright smile and a nod of her head, the Umbreon admitted with a slightly sheepish smile. Anya finished with a smile.

Sera opened her mouth to respond, hesitated, thought better of it, and closed her mouth to think of something else to say. "I suppose that makes sense," she said instead.

In response to his words about being selfish or a brat, she merely leaned back and folded her arms over her chest. It was hard to recall her own behavior and attitude way back when, especially when she wasn't entirely sure when she'd met him in regards to the important life events that were going on around that time, and so it was useless to try and argue one way or the other. "It's difficult to remember," she ceded with a half-shrug, when really she just didn't feel like arguing that she was, in fact, quite an enormous spoiled brat back then. So incredibly spoiled and a childish, selfish brat. It was incredibly embarrassing to think back on, and it still worried her that maybe she still was a selfish spoiled brat - not as much of one, but still one just the same - and she sincerely hoped she wasn't.

Mention of families was a little painful still, given the loss of her father, but more than that she thought of siblings she didn't have, and that others did: Luke's brother who had been a Rocket and had acted like such an abrasive jerk, and Rosie's sister who also was a Rocket and had assaulted and attacked them. Nate's sister also came to mind, though that wasn't nearly as prevalent since Ellia was kind of unconscious the entire time and obviously hadn't done anything. No, Asch and Faleen stood out much more in her mind, mostly because of such negative experiences she'd had with them. It sort of made her glad she didn't have any siblings - but then, Akira liked his.. Maybe she wouldn't be so lonely all the time if she'd had a sibling. Oh well; no use dwelling on that thought. "I guess that makes sense, though it's kinda shitty they still tried to separate you." Though really, crossdressing still seemed kind of weird to her. Like, a lot.

"Mmh." He didn't want to bore her with stuff from the past - too bad that was the life she lived on a daily basis. Not one day went by where she didn't reminisce or regret or desire or cry over something in her past. Not that she was about to bring that up, of course. "I guess I'm lucky I didn't have much expected of me either, though I think that's different," she said as she leaned forward and rested her short arm and opposite elbow on the table so she could set her chin in her palm.

Oh, he was getting up - was he leaving? She abruptly lifted her head from her hand, eyebrows raised a little. She hadn't expected him to leave so soon - despite the awkwardness of his attire and their conversation, or really their meeting entirely - the company was actually welcome, and his departure would almost assuredly give way to loneliness in short order. She wouldn't miss his thought-provoking words and phrases though; why did he always bring things up or talk about things, or mention things that made her think about things she'd rather not dwell on? That obnoxious habit of his... "That makes some sort of sense, I guess," she allowed, though frowned, "but I don't think it's so simple to accurately assess someone else, either."

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 11:48 pm
Happa might have asked why Sera stopped buying poffins so frequently, but then he remembered that might have crossed into the realm of Things That Made Anya Sad, and he didn't risk going anywhere near there. he noted aloud, smiling back.

"They did what they thought was best for us," the brunet answered evenly. "I can't blame them for that. Our parents were strict, but the real world was stricter, so it was later I realized that they had just been trying to prepare us for when we went out into it on our own." One corner of his mouth rose in a half-smile. "Your sympathy is appreciated, though."

"Why do you think that's different?" Akira asked gently as he stood, not wanting to pry if Sera chose not to elaborate. He watched her lift her head as she realized he was preparing to leave. Did she want him to stay? Well...if she did, she couldn't expect him to read minds. Ryuuzaki had expected too much of him in that manner as well. Besides, Sera had just told him not to assume things, so he wouldn't.

"You're right. It isn't simple," he agreed. "And often there can be misunderstandings based on assumptions or other mistakes. But the more you get to learn about someone, the more accurate a picture you start to form. Contrarily, in my experience it seems like the more people try to learn about themselves, the more confused and unsure they get."  
PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 12:15 am
Anya hadn't expected him to say that. She wasn't sure what, exactly, she did expect him to say, but it certainly wasn't that. She sat speechless for a couple moments before a smile lit up her face, and she attempted to say something but only managed a happy sort of noise as she looked down at her paws, but the shy smile remained.

What they thought was best - she couldn't really argue with that. Well, actually, she could but it was probably pointless. "I suppose so," she ceded quietly with a shrug. "Hm? Oh," why was it different? "Because different societies, like you said before. Even if my parents did have a lot of expectations for me, they wouldn't be like the ones yours had for you. I'm not any sort of heir of anything, for example," she said.

"You're right about that one," the brunette agreed a little bitterly. She'd made a lot of assumptions in the past that had led to various mistakes, some worse than others. But, really, getting to know people and learning more about them... "I guess you're right about that one, too," the girl agreed a little reluctantly, "but maybe not entirely." Because agreeing entirely would mean she was only just confused and unsure about herself - which was true, but he didn't need to know that.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:59 pm
The Leafeon was concerned for a second that his words, despite his careful thought, had been the wrong thing to say anyway. But when Anya smiled at him again and seemed pleased, Happa was glad to have said them. He would have to go hunting for the sweetest berries he could find the next time they went out or to the park.

"Oh. I guess you're right," he agreed, though was curious what sort of expectations Sera's family might have had for her. Would she still have not been an heir if she had been a guy? It was hard to say. He supposed he'd always just assumed she had had the same expectations of her that his sisters had of them, but even though they were both girls, there must have been differences between cultures and societies.

Chuckling a little at Sera's words, Akira shrugged a bit. "I'm lucky to be right about anything these days - even if only partially." Making sure he had his belongings, the young man turned to go. "I'll see you around, Sera. It was nice talking to you." He whistled for his pokemon. "Let's go, Happa. Say goodbye."  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 2:27 pm
She really didn't have much to say in response to his words, especially since the conversation was winding down and he was obviously ready to leave. While disappointed that he was leaving so soon and wishing she could have company for at least a few more minutes, she chased away the thought after labeling it as 'selfish' since he appeared not to have any desire to stay, given his actions and words, and who was she to ask him to do something he didn't want to do? "Yeah, you too," she said instead, "see you later."

Ohh, they were leaving already? Anya whined a little, not so much at Happa but more to convey her disappointment to both trainers, and her ears flicked backwards to visually display this same disappointment. she said with a hint of a pout, though perked up a little as she added,

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 12:00 pm
Happa seemed just as unhappy at the prospect of leaving as Anya seemed to be at seeing them go. At the Umbreon's words, to him, though, he smiled and nodded, tail swaying optimistically as he answered,

Akira exhaled a small breath of amusement at Anya's whine and Happa's reluctant return to his trainer's side. "Don't worry. You'll see each other around, I'm sure," he told them. Raising a hand in farewell to Sera, he headed out the door, his Leafeon giving the ladies a last look before hurrying along after him.  

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