Yeah, clumsy. But she was definitely smart and it was usually her enthusiasm that got her into trouble. She nodded. "Yep... believe it or not Sissy didn't like listening to me... she still doesnt if im being honest... although she does now... just.... begrudgingly... And she hates her pokeball... So i try to let her out when i can. But anyway... um... fire... I taught her flamethrower... but we hadnt had lots of time to practice. So when i dragged her in kicking and screaming all tied up in my bed sheets... she managed to set them on fire... " She laughed softly. Well she would be striving to find the little bit of caring... even if it killed her. For the next time she saw him she would remember he slept with a nightlight.

She laughed softly. "Actually i lucked out somehow and was assigned the one room that i dont get a loving room mate... At least not yet... im sure it will change but as of now... its just me and an empty bed." She perked at that she may know him. "Oh... I think i do know of him... When did he stop? Was there an article about it?" She was sure it sounded familiar... But then there were a few people who had shown with ponyta. "And the more help we can get the better!"

Sissy perked her ears and pat Octavia's nose gently saying hi. She beamed at Tambrey, all charm and bouncy happy pokemon. Kailee nodded. "Mmm... i can be a judge... and then at the end... they can go against Rory! Our own personal contest star... That is... if he is willing..." She would have to think about it more. "I think it would work!"

There was a beep and kailee pulled out her dex. "Hey i gotta run... Its time to work training." She flushed and moved to pick up putting everything away carefully. With that she waved. "Bye Tambrey... Nice talking with you... Look me up sometime and we can work out the plans to do a poke contest for Rockets...Come on Sissy" She smiled waving to the ponyta before heading out of the lab.