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[FIN] Sink or Swim...Or Swandive... Thats an option too.... Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:04 pm
"Mmh. I could do with a day out of here no matter where I was going," Aulus conceded. There was just too much time here in this artificial place, too much time but no sign of it passing. He missed the open air, he missed sun on his skin and breezes on his face and he missed the smells of the real world. "This place can be a little stifling." It was his turn to be saved now though apparently and so Aulus pushed off the wall again and sank under the surface right down to the bottom where he waited, holding his breath patiently.  
PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:20 pm
She smiled. "Well then we should get out of here.... " She was nothing if not happy to help him get out. "I went out with KO recently... We went to Build a bear... Im guessing thats not your cup of tea though?"

And then he went under making it harder. Who said he didnt trust them... She nodded to solar and he reached through the water to pull him up and out to hover above the water a moment before he brought him back to the edge. He set him back in the water, having seen how hesitant he was to get in at first.

She smiled. "Yay Solar! My big brave lifeguard." Brimstone snorted off to the side not enjoying todays practice. Anura tapped char's leg. She beamed so proud of herself and couldnt wait to show off.

Sissy on the other hand was trying very hard to be forgotten.



Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:26 pm
Being grabbed and lifted by vines was a mildly disconcerting experience but he remained limp like a good drowning person until he was lifted above the surface and brought back to the side. "Good job," he nodded to Solar, leaning his elbow on the side and wiping water off his face with his hand. "No though," he blinked rapidly a few times to clear his lashes, "not build a bear; I'd rather scald myself mildly on a hot cup of tea."

Char looked down at Anura; he had been focusing on the group in the water until then. he replied with a rumble and a small nod of his head.

Discord was still playing at being asleep but he was also inching his way slowly towards Paul, who was still watching the pool.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:35 pm
Kailee must just be used to the experience. She used Solar to help her reach up higher and the like. He really was a wonderfully useful pokemon. She laughed. "Really? That much distaste for building a stuffed animal?" She shook her head.

"What do you like to do then? If not Build a bear?"

Anura seemed to clap her hands and then move a safe distance away. She let out a flamethrower attack. It wasnt very strong, but it was definitely a flamethrower. She glanced back at him so very proud of herself.



Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:44 pm
Aulus turned sharply at the unexpected gout of flame; he relaxed again once he saw what was going on but his heart rate would take a little longer to drop back to normal. "Much better," he murmured to nobody in particular because for all that he could have done without the mini panic it was good to see the Charmander progressing.

Turning back to Kailee he shrugged. "Uh." What was he going to say then, humm? It wasn't like he had any hobbies that any sane person would hold against him, or think were stupid or anything. "I like camping, just being out and about with my pokemon... and I enjoy photography. The two go well together." There was all the other stuff too but he wasn't going to go off on a list of everything he enjoyed doing in his free time; build a bear was an off base activity as was camping so he figured he'd kind of supplied the information that had been asked for.

As Anura finished her flamethrower Char snorted smoke and thumped his heavy tail on the floor in appreciation. he exclaimed.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:51 pm
Kailee had sort of been keeping an eye on her little fire lizard. So the flamethrower wasnt much of a surprise. Though she flushed as she realized that Aulus hadnt been as prepared. She smiled. "Yeah... shes been working on it religiously...."

She raised an eyebrow. Camping... did she look like the kind of person that went camping? Well she hadnt asked him for something he wanted to do with her... so that was fine. She smiled. "I have a really high tech camera... its what i used to photograph your pokemon...." She shrugged. "Im not super great at it but i do like pictures in general."

Anura smiled at the praise, feeling all sorts of special. Yep... Goals were important.



Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:40 pm
"Mine's okay but it's... well it's getting old now, I got it for my twenty first," Aulus replied, ducking his head a bit so that he could keep his elbow on the side and also reach to scratch the top of the burn scar on his back, which was itching. Having one hand was really, really inconvenient. "It's a Canon EOS 450D," he continued a little distractedly, words coming out automatically as his brain idled and churned over frustrating points. "It was quite the business in 2009 - for amateur photography - still okay today but I'll probably replace it soon.... Your pictures were pretty good."

Char gave another rumble, almost a purr, and nodded. He had many more of them now; he didn't mind in the least but he was aware of them and of their importance.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:39 pm
She smiled "My dad just replaced mine... so mine is brand new..." She flushed. "My older one, last years model broke... Im pretty sure its not a hard fix... but I dont really know... If you want you can have it and see if you can either fix it or scrap it... Its just collecting dust right now... I have no clue what it is... but it cost a pretty penny." She smiled and shrugged. "Thank you... im sure i could get better with practice... but... i never have tried to practice..."

Kailee splashed her feet a bit.

Anura nodded looking all sorts of determined. Which was what she had been going for. So ten points to her... next goal set... More power!



Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:02 pm
Aulus blinked. His parents had always taken good care of him until he'd dropped out of Uni: he'd got nice presents like that camera for major birthdays, they'd helped him some with University fees (again, until he dropped out), and he had always been deeply aware that he was from a background that was a lot more comfortable than a lot of people enjoyed but the level of wealth he was beginning to suspect Kailee hailed from was.... Well it explained a few things he guessed like Alex had said; probably everything had always gone her way until recently at least, and he doubted she had ever had to save up for something her little heart desired. Just wave a credit card and all your problems went away.

"I.... No. Thank you." Aulus shook his head, his lips pressing together in a flat line that was probably familiar to Kailee by now. It was generous in an offhand way... sort of, because it was also a 'have my broken cast offs' way. Anyway whatever it was he didn't feel comfortable accepting it. "Most people get better at most stuff with practice so I expect you could," he added, because he was still trying to be less... less... well whatever it was he was that pissed people off. Spiky.

Char nodded,

At around that time Killer reached the other side of the pool, scrambled out and gave himself a shake. the fairy said with an exhausted sigh.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 6:53 am
Kailee's parents were more than loaded. She was born not with a silver spoon in her mouth but a golden one. And it had. Even up until now... minus Aulus... That may very much be why she was trying so hard. All she had had to do before was say...'Hi... im Kailee Fisher' and she had friends.... Now... that wasnt the case. But even Rocket was sort of going her way... she got to work in the labs... and thats what she had really wanted.

And then he made her stop and look at him. No? Why not... she wasnt using it... He probably could have it fixed for a lot less then a brand new camera... and it was pretty much unused. She watched his lips press together in the way he did when he was angry... or uncomfortable. She had known if she offered to buy him one he would have said no... so she was trying to help him in a way that she thought he would be more open to. Apparently not.

She tried to put it off as just another quirk of Aulus. And yet she was having trouble with it. She pulled up half her mouth. "Maybe sometime you could help me... I saw your pictures... they are lovely." Yep that brought up the fact she was in his room. Fudge. She moved in the water and ducked under. She was done screwing up. No more talking.... Ever.

Anura just beamed, loving the attention from her idol. Solar looked up as Killer reached the other side. Well if that fairy type could swim... He glanced to Sissy.



Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:17 am
Fortunately Aulus had already worked out that Kailee had been in his room and whose fault it was; Tortie had been in the doghouse for that one, but not very far because at the time he had still been very much in need of her comforting presence. He was glad she'd dropped the matter of the camera without fussing or trying to persuade him to take it; he somehow suspected that her old camera was far nicer than anything he would be able to afford but... no, much though it tempted the avaricious part of him he wouldn't feel right taking it.

For a couple of moments Aulus remained silent, thinking to himself. She hadn't reacted well the last time he'd suggested a trade for something so he wasn't about to try that again. He wasn't honestly sure what he thought about the idea of sharing his hobby with her but then again he knew he actually quite liked teaching from his karate class. Aulus tapped his fingers on the side of the pool a few times and then shrugged. "Well, I could give you some tips if you like. We could photograph a training session or something."

With the offer made Aulus turned back to look at the pokemon on the side and gave a piercing whistle. "Okay, come on, no slacking off! Tortie, Discord; I want you doing lengths. Paul try for half a width, Tha will be with you. Char, do me a width." Now looking back at Kailee Aulus raised his brows and gave a meaningful incline of his head to Sissy.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:33 am
Poor Tortie... Kailee hadnt wanted the Absol to take the heat for that. And she had dropped it only to the point she wasnt going to push. Maybe she could have it fixed... and then sell it to him? Maybe he would accept that? She didnt know... He was just to proud to be able to happily accept gifts it seemed.

She blue bubbles slightly, frustrated and disheartened. And she didnt mind trading favor for favor.. but a gift was a gift. She had Put on the party as a gift to Tortie... and in a way Aulus... Although she would never say that. Kailee was a big party planner and thats why things like the contest and the party werent favors to her... they were fun.

She smiled. "I would love that.." And she would... learning something she didnt know before. Then again photography took a certain talent for lighting and the right timing, which all the pointers in the world couldnt make her grow those abilities.

Her pokemon, and her self if she was honest, all jumped at the whistle. Anura covering her ears pointedly. Kailee smiled. She swam over next to Aulus seeing his look she looked to Sissy and sighed. "Alright you all.... Into the pool..." Brimstone snorted and shook his head Anura shook her head too and sissy followed suit.... "If we keep your tail out of the water Anura... you can do it, Char is gonna do it..."She glanced to Aulus, was it really smart to make fire types swim? " And Brim... you are brave enough to swim just a bit right?" He glowered. "Sissy... there is no reason you cant be in the water... Tortie is gonna swim." Sissy looked to the absol and puffed up and shook her head even as the two firetypes moved to the edge to look at the water.  



Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:45 am
Well apparently that was settled then; Aulus nodded but his mind was already moving onward to the next task.

"Brim, Anuna," Aulus nodded to the two fire types. "If you've not swum before just try sitting with your feet in the water for a short while. Kailee, can you hold Anura if she can't reach? This is never going to be a pleasant experience, and I'm sorry about that but having some experience of what to do in the water could save your life one day," he continued, addressing the fire types again. "None of us live safe lives," he gestured vaguely to his right side, "so if you're going to make it you need to be as prepared as possible. If you're separated from your team and end up in the water you need to be able to take care of yourselves until you can be rescued."

As Aulus spoke his assorted pokemon entered the water; Char did so very gingerly with his lips pulled back from his teeth and his tail raised high out of the water as he started to cross the breadth of the pool in a kind of front crawl but with his head snaked up out of the water along with his brightly burning tail.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:59 am
The fire types looked up in almost perfect Unison as they were spoken too. Brim looked almost like he would kiss the man that said he didnt have to swim across. He plopped down and plunked his feet into the water with a grimace. Anura plopped next to him and hung her legs over her feet not reaching. She sat there content until Aulus mentioned that Kailee should hold her. The very calm and biddable pokemon made what could very well have been her first snarl.

Kailee laughed and moved to her holding her arms open. Anura hesitated and then glanced to char. If char could do it so could she. She reached out and jumped to Kailee. Kailee caught her keeping her out of the water a moment and then brought her down so her feet touched and the charmander sent water everywhere as she kicked in a panic to try and swim. Kailee laughed. "Easy..." She looked up. "Sissy!"

The pink pokemon looked at her and shook her head. Kailee nodded. "Now... Anura is being braver then you are... " Anura had settled slightly her tail straight up though.

Sissy huffed. Solar looked from Sissy to Kailee and then without much tact wrapped vines around Sissy and moved toward the pool. Sissy squealed and Kailee looked up. Sissy was thrown into the pool. Kailee moved handing Anura to Aulus with a quick. "Hold her."

And she moved to thrashing wigglytuff. She gave solar a stern look and moved to stabilize sissy. "Breath... its ok... you float." Sissy did indeed float and looked much like a beach ball at the moment her arms and legs not touching the water in her thrashing, she was just kind of rolling across the surface.



Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 1:51 pm
!!!, said Aulus' brain.

He grabbed Anura, tucking her awkwardly against his shoulder and starting to tread water to avoid sinking while he was holding her. After an awkward moment or two he managed to lift the Charmander up onto the side of the pool and set her down safely, his heart beating a little fast again. "Alright there?" he asked, turning to face Kailee.

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