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PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 3:18 pm
(( My sincerest apologies if I've stepped on your turn, Magi! Wasn't sure if you were waiting for us to wrap the fight or not. Gwen, I wasn't entirely sure how best to play fair here, so please poke me if I haven't. It's a little weird playing with a Pokémon that's so early in its development, and I'm trying hard to strike a balance between teaching it the things it should be learning, and playing fair.))

Rex sprawled back under the Rage onslaught just as the Vine Whip touched down. "sss--aauu ...." he mumbled, staggering away before his eyes closed. Was it a mutual knockout? If Kadota were a more-seasoned sport battler, as opposed to simply a street fighter, he might have waited to see for scoring purposes. But as it was, when the little guy crumpled, he was down next to him in an instant.

"Hey, you did great, buddy," he soothed the plant Pokémon, scooping Rex's collapsed form up. "Might have pushed you a little too hard, but you did great." The Bulbasaur's eyes opened, little slits, and he made a soft growling noise before they sagged shut again. Apparently he was entirely worn out with his efforts.

With the Pokémon still tucked into the crook of his arm, Kadota crossed the battle field, though he did take another look at the spectators they'd acquired as he did so. A young man — blond, heavily pierced, and tattooed — and a Gastly, who, next to his trainer looked much more mundane. Huh.

"That was a fun match," he said, offering Henrietta a sincere "good-game" handshake. "I'm glad we got to do it. Is Gummy all right? I think we wore them both out."
PostPosted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:06 pm
((XD You didn't step on my turn. I was waiting for the battle's end~))

Adam whistled softly at the mutual finishing blows. "Like some sort of samurai s**t." Manny bobbed a little, like a disembodied headnod. Not that the ghost knew what Samurai were. Chuckling to himself, Adam looked around and noticed that the few who had gathered to watch were dispersing. Now's as good as time as any, right? Flicking his gaze to Manny, the ghastly returned the stare and grinned widely.

"Ready? Let's rock." Since the battle was over, entering closer or even into the ring was fine. Or Adam assumed. Battling was new to the rocket and any sort of rules or customs associated with it were completely foreign. Stepping into the ring, he sauntered towards the two trainers.

"YO! That was a righteous battle. Seriously like, that Totodile is pretty weird, but strong. That Bulbasaur has some spunk, too," facing two unknown people and two (albeit tired) pokemon, Manny's shy nature took the best of him. He halfway hid behind his trainer and eyed the four warily, "My name's Adam! I'm a new trainer and all. This s**t is sorta confusing, y'know? Like PP and HP and moves and then there's natures and learned moves and I guess some moves you get just by breeding AND did you know that Ghastly could accidentally poison it's trainers? That s**t's dangerous, man!" As he spoke, the rocket pressed down a finger for each and every point, only bothering to look back at his conversation "partners" at the last part.

"Anyway, you guys wanna like battle? You seem pretty chill and honestly Manny doesn't have a lot of moves. Oh! Manny!" Adam motioned to his side, where he expected the ghastly to be... Except, "Eh? What the --"

"Ghaaastly." Came the soft response. Huffing, the trainer turned in a circle, only to have the ghastly move along with him, always staying right out of sight, "Ly!"

Adam stopped turning after a few rotations, ending where he had started. "Dude, come on! Augh! Man stop being shy we're making friends!" The ghastly was apparently not on board for the idea, and hid even more behind his trainer.

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

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Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 4:59 am
((OOC: Actually, you did fine, Kadota- Gummy's not the strongest, but is trained a little, but he's still got a type disadvantage here, thus it'd be more likely then not Gummy would lose or draw than win, or, if had won, it'd have been through a bit of luck and a narrow victory. A mutual KO's pretty fair, given Rex is completely new, despite Gummy having a type disadvantage, considering how the battle went until the end. ^.^ ))

"Oh man! I knew your little guy was gonna be tough! That's awesome! You both did totally awesome!" She called, as she hurried over to Gummy. The Totodile was, of course, unable to battle, but seemed none-the-worse for wear otherwise, blinking sleepily up at his trainer as she bent to pet him and then return him to his pokéball for the moment.
She struck her hand out to meet Kadota's with a big grin; "It was totally awesome! We totally gotta have them have a rematch one day! Gummy's totally fine! I'll let him rest a bit and let the pokécenter here take a quick look over him in a little while; he'll totally be ready to battle again in no time!"

They were being talked to by... a talkative tattooed man... For a moment, Henrietta was reminded of someone she'd met a while ago, though he certainly hadn't been -this- talkative, and had sworn a great deal more...

"Another battle?! AWESOME!" Gummy, unfortunately, was a little out of it, but Henrietta had five more pokéballs to her belt to choose from, and was clearly excited by the chance to get another battle in.
"Hi Adam and Manny! I totally wanna battle! Yeah! Gastlys are awesome but you gotta be really careful!"
The hyperactive girl grinned as she watched Manny hiding a little.
"Oh, man; he's adorable!"  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 4:45 pm
(( Oh, good, on all counts. Ooh, new battle. I look forward to this ... ))

"You're on. We'll definitely have to do this again," Kadota agreed with a sharp nod and a broad smile. I could maybe get used to this. It wasn't like he hadn't fought for sport occasionally growing up; Pokémon battling seemed like a natural extension of the idea. He took a look at the extra Pokéballs that lined Henrietta's belt. "Maybe with some of our other Pokémon, too, though my collection's not as extensive. Which reminds me, I did promise to let you see my Togetic — "

They were joined by the tattooed youth, and when Adam finally stopped to draw a breath, he introduced himself in turn. "Hey. I'm Kadota. This is Rex — who probably needs a bit of a rest." He indicated the Bulbasaur, before he gently set the Pokémon down and returned him to his Pokéball, then offered a warm handshake to the trainer and a smile to the shy ghost. "It's okay, Manny. We don't bite. Well, at least, none of my Pokémon bite. I can't speak for Henrietta. Nice to meet you both — and no, I didn't know that about the poison. Thanks for the heads-up."

He glanced between Hen and Adam, obviously thinking. "Hm. I have a couple more Pokémon. Isn't there a format where trainers fight as teams?" Kadota recalled seeing something like that on television at one point, but admittedly hadn't been paying close attention.


Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:19 pm
Good thing the two trainers seemed to receive him warmly. Adam was unlikely to have left even if they hand't. Clearly pleased with the response and welcome, he nodded to them both and returned the warm handshake. "Nice to meet you Kadota." That hyper active girl didn't offer a name yet, but Adam was too excited himself to really notice.

"A double battle? Is that even ******** possible? Oh man how cool!" Adam was practically gyrating from excitement, "I've only got one pokemon, just Manny. So I'm not going to be uh... Much of a challenge." He laughed sheepishly and grinned to them both.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:11 am
"Yeah! You totally did! Oh, I should let out Bistra! She's real good with shy 'mon!" Henrietta remembered Kadota's comments regarding his Togetic, and took account of Manny's disposition.
A moment later, a little Swablu fluttered over her head.
"This is Bistra! Bistra; say hi to Manny, Kadota and Adam! OH RIGHT!" She remembered, then, she was supposed to introduce herself too.
"I'm Henrietta!" She gave a little wave at Adam.

"Yeah! Double Battles are totally awesome! Though we're kinda an odd format cuz there's only three o' us!"  


Feral Nerd


PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:36 pm
Magician Arcana

(( Sorry for the delay! My vacation was good, but tiring — didn't have any brain to write by the end of the day most days! ))

"Might be weird, but we can probably do it. Do you want to field two, Hen, or should I?" Kadota touched the remaining pair of Pokeballs half-hidden by his sweatshirt, though he still absently scanned the other occupants of the center. It was possible that someone else might be looking for a match, as well.

"Hello, Bistra," he nodded to the Swablu, then tugged the first Pokéball off his belt. It expanded in his hand, then opened, revealing a tawny-peach Togetic with little pink heart-shaped spots. She chirped a cheerful "Togeeee ~!", pleased to be out of the ball, then took in her surroundings. "Ti-ic?" she finished anxiously as she saw the strange humans, and darted back to Kadota's shoulder, glancing back and forth between them hesitantly.

"Georgia, this is Henrietta and Bistra," he explained to her, reaching up to pet her soothingly. "And Adam and Manny. We were talking about having a double battle. You up for some action?"

The Togetic chirped cautiously in return, checking out the other Pokémon. She seemed less wary of them than of their trainers. << Hello ~ ? >>
PostPosted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 5:04 pm

(( It might help if I actually spelled your username correctly when I'm trying to tag people. *facepalm* Sorry! ))  



Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 6:44 am
"I totally don't mind fielding two! I got Bistra and I got these guys..." She pointed to her belt, and the 4 pokéballs that didn't contain Gummy.
"Aw! She's so totally cute! Hi, Georgia! You're so awesome!" The girl enthused, as Bistra came down to land upon her head.

<> The Swablu trilled with a kind smile- or, as much of one as a beak would let her have.  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 4:16 pm
"Henrietta! Cool!" Adam seemed pleased with the fact this was happening. He nearly bounced in delight.

Manny calmed a little with the shy Togetic being present and of course the Swablu. Gulping, he nodded to both pokemon. <>

((There's no real proper excuse for me being so delayed in this tag. ._.; Sorry to both of you. ))


Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

21,915 Points
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:53 pm
Magician Arcana

(( So sorry for making you guys wait so long! The holidays ate me badly and I'm only just now getting back to things! ))

Georgia chirped cautiously at the excited greeting from Henrietta, but with Bistra and Manny present, she too relaxed a little bit, and broke into a happy smile. << Nice to meet you too! >> She looked back and forth between the Swablu and the Gastly, excited to get to know some new friends, then chirped questioningly at Kadota, counting that there were three of them instead of the usual two.

"We're going to battle as a team. You and me, Adam and Manny. It's all good?" he confirmed with her, and she nodded once hesitantly. Battling against strangers was not so hard for Georgia, since it was a familiar routine, but battling with a stranger was new, and different, and a bit unnerving. "I'll be right here," he reassured her, "and it'll all be fine." She chirped again, more fiercely — though how on earth a peach-and-pink Togetic could look fierce was a good question — and fluttered into the battle box to take her position.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 5:34 pm
(hope yall don't mind if I drop in? I'd like to become more active in rping as well)

A medium size girl slowly walks onto the scene with little interest to show in her dark make-up stained eyes with long wings of eyeliner to boot.
She looked like as though she had walked off of a cover of a Gurdurr N' Roselias rockband album art (hahaha /shot for bad pun).
She had the clasic 80's rocker hairstyle with wash-outs of pink streaks, a coon tail on her right side, choppy long bang and bleach white hair. There was also hints of black undertones in her crazy hairstyle.
She wore a black and red band shirt, fingerless spiked glives, spikes jewlery, many necklaces, and had her ears pierced 3 times.
She had on mis-matched blue and black striped stockings leggings with black platform boots with a picture of a poke'ball and crossbones on either. Quite a site she is.

After blowing a bubble with her minty green gum she stopped in her stride to lean against the tree to observe the spectacle.

Doc Goth

Feral Fatcat


PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:10 pm
Doc Goth

(( Hi! Welcome! It's an open RP, you're absolutely welcome to be here! ))  
PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:28 am

Magician Arcana

Doc Goth

"Awesome! Let's get this going!" Henrietta crowed happily, as Bistra fluttered off to take her own position, and then was joined by a ball sailing through the air, ejecting a Zubat to join the Swablu.
"Go Winglet! OH!" She blinked.
Someone else was now standing not far away.
"Oh oh! Hello! You look /awesome/!" Henrietta called to the girl, then, with a look at her two 'mon, pondered calling one back to watch as she made an offer.
"Hey! We're gonna double battle, but we're short a battler if you wanna join?! You totally can!" The girl looked to Adam and Kadota, with a grin, for confirmation.  


Feral Nerd

Doc Goth

Feral Fatcat

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:28 pm
((thank you guys for welcoming me ^w ^ ))

The girl threw up the rocker horns with her left and and stick out her tongue and said.
"Sup dudes! I'd totally love to battle." She looked down confidently at her single friendship ball clipped onto her chrome studded belt.
"You look pretty sick yourself girl" she said complimenting Henrietta.

She cooly walked over to the motley crew with a great stride in her step.
"Yo, the names Persephone (per-seff-on-E) call me Seph if ya want. So, who are the other two we got her." She said with a sly grin slowly cropping up on her face as she reached for the pink offsetting poke'ball.

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