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Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:04 pm
It was hard for Akira not to grin as he moved to kiss Andre's lips. Ignoring anyone else that might have been around to watch, he flicked out the tip of his tongue against the other’s lips to ask entrance to the hot cavern of Andre’s mouth. The hand of his propped elbow lifted to gingerly cup the information broker’s jawline. Maybe he didn’t want to chance ice cream directly, but a little sweetness in this manner should have been just fine. Just as long as he didn’t get addicted to this, either. Small doses; that was the key.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:04 pm
Releasing a soft breath through his nose, Andre parted his lips at the others prompting. He reached out with his own tongue to playfully chase after the others before drawing back so the other could get a taste. He nearly jumped though, as the others hand touched his face. Had he really gotten so unused to people touching him? Tamping down the urge to tense up, the information broker tilted his head slightly, putting a bit of his weight against the hand.  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:06 pm
Akira flinched when he sensed Andre tense up, but blinked when the other man leaned into his touch somewhat. He dropped his hand slowly and withdrew from the kiss, blushing like mad. “Damn it, I’m so sorry, I get so carried away...I don’t even stop to think what might or might not be okay with you because I get caught up in my instincts and I just want to touch you…” His voice began to fade in volume as he became more and more ashamed of his bold actions.

He thought maybe Andre had leaned into his touch after simply to make up for tensing, but maybe he was assuming too much again? Why did he always end up over-analyzing things? Because I’ve messed up so many times in the past that I know it has to be something wrong with me and not the people I spend time with. I just don’t know what it is so I don’t know how to fix it. Maybe if he could manage to just be comfortable with himself, he wouldn’t worry so much. But if he was more confident, maybe Andre wouldn’t find him as entertaining and would lose interest in him. Augh, I’m thinking too much again!

“Um...does Louis know where you are, Andre?” Akira asked, getting up from his seat. “I’d hate to have worried him by going with you to a bunch of places without having let him know. Was there a time you agreed to meet back up with him?”
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:06 pm
Andre’s eyelashes fluttered as the other pulled away and before he noticed he was leaning forward to chase after the others mouth. “Hm?” His eyes opened a fraction to regard the other curiously. “No, you’re fine.” He licked his lips before settling back into his seat. “You just surprised me...not many people take the initiative and touch me first.” He explained with a small smile.

From a young age he made it quite obvious that he did not appreciate being touched without his permission and those that didn’t heed this simple rule ended up regretting it. There were very few people that he tolerated being touched by...and he supposed that Akira was now one of those people. “I want you to want to touch me, if that makes you feel any better.”

Though the mention of Louis promptly shifted his attention away from any amorous thoughts. He watched the other rise from his seat before sighing softly and standing as well. “He knows I’m downtown.” He tugged his phone from his pocket to check the time, noted that he had a few new emails on his business account, but hadn’t missed any texts or phone calls. The trainer wondered if Akira thought of him as an overgrown child seeing as he was constantly worried about whether or not his ‘care-taker’ knew where he was at all times.

“I told him I would call when I was ready to leave or I would take a taxi.” He huffed with a faint pout. “If you have other plans I would not want to keep you from them…”  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:07 pm
Oops. Maybe he’d just ended up embarrassing them both by pulling away after that. If Andre could even get embarrassed. It was hard to tell when he played everything off so smoothly. “Maybe because they know better than to be so impulsive or rude. I mean you...don’t exactly seem to be the touchy-feely sort,” he answered with a shy smile. “But, uh...that does make me feel a little better. Maybe a lot better. I don’t feel as guilty for wanting to, now.”

Noticing Andre’s pout, Akira couldn’t help how his own smile broadened in amusement. “Trust me, the only other plans I have are work and they aren’t until late at night. Besides, I’d gladly skip a shift if it meant I got to spend more time with you. What’s with that face?”
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:08 pm
“Perhaps.” Andre hummed thoughtfully as he tried not to wipe his hands on his pants to rid them of residual stickiness. “I freely admit that I generally don’t like to be touched.” The corners of his mouth quirked slightly. “But I like that you touch me, that you want to touch me...so please feel free.” He gestured to himself before cocking his head.

“What face? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said blithely as he tossed his hair over his shoulder. “But that aside,” He brushed the topic off rather seamlessly if he did say so himself. “Then please allow me to monopolize more of your time, Akira.”  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:10 pm
“Well regardless of how, I’m glad to learn more about you,” Akira answered, glancing away briefly again, “but I...don’t want to get too excited and move so fast that I end up pushing you away, either.”

He smirked as the other man insisted he didn’t know what he was talking about and flipped his hair. “My time is all yours,” the trainer replied. “I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t monopolizing too much of your time. As wealthy as you are and as a man in high demand regarding your occupation, I’d imagine you must get a lot busier than I do. And of course you have that younger brother of yours to dote on, too.”
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:11 pm
Andre nodded slowly, sagely, and took up the bag of treats he had purchased. “I understand.” He said simply, because he did. There was no rush anyway, he knew how to be patient.

The information broker waved his hand flippantly, dismissing the notion entirely. “The best part of being your own boss is getting to choose how much you work.” His grin was self-indulgent as he passed the bag to Akira for him to hold on to. “And I’d much rather spend my time with you.” He paused at the mention of Zacharie and heaved an over-dramatic sigh. “Having both of you with me at once would certainly be a treat.” He reached out to stroke the others cheek with the backs of his fingers. “But, I like having you to myself.” With a wink he let his hand drop and took a step back.

“I’m going to go wash my hands but after that let’s keep walking. I’m not ready to let you go for the evening.” With that he turned to head back towards the restroom  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:12 pm
“One of these days, then, we’ll have to do that. Your brother really sounds like a wonderful person,” he said, and genuinely meant it, too. Someone related by blood to Andre but who seemed to have enough in common to be able to relate to Akira personality-wise...what must that person be like? Akira was having trouble imagining them, but he was certain they’d be able to get along well.

Andre’s comments about preferring to spend time with him and being able to choose his own hours of operation continued to make the silver-haired man steam with flattery. He was hardly sure he dared believe such words to be true, but he found himself falling for them anyway. Falling for their speaker. It kind of scared him how he knew he had harbored these feelings long ago secretly, deep down, even before he’d met Adam.

But it scared him more how quickly and easily he was embracing them now. He still wasn’t sure the blonde teen wasn’t just hurt or maybe even dead and here Akira was gallivanting about with the secret crush he’d assured Adam wouldn’t get between them. Of course, that had been before Adam had stopped talking to him; before he’d actually had a reason or chance to tell Andre his true feelings about him.

It was like he’d been waiting for that perfect opportunity...for first Vincent and then Adam to stop being obstacles so that he could actually, finally allow himself to be honest with what he thought of the purple-haired man. He just hadn’t thought that either of those obstacles, let alone both, would have ever stood aside to allow him to come to terms with his true desires. Now that they had, however, he just felt guilty for having denied it all along. It would have been bad enough having lied to Adam about his feelings, but the worst thing was he hadn’t realized he’d been lying to Adam because he’d been lying to himself.

The stroke of his cheek and the wink made Akira so weak in the knees he had to sit down again. “Okay, I’ll just wait for you here, then,” he told Andre in response to the other’s declaration he was going to wash his hands. Even the way he worded things…’not ready to let you go’...it all got to him so easily. Why was this so different from all the other times? Sure, he’d had moments like this with Ryuuzaki and Adam, but the feeling hadn’t been constant, making his stomach flip-flop and his heart catch in his throat or almost beat out of his chest during the entire time he was in the other’s presence.

It made him constantly feel like he was living some dream and that he needed to frequently verify it wasn’t going to disappear when he woke up. A kiss, a touch...he just wanted to hold Andre eternally as if doing so would be able to make him cling to this otherwise impossible scenario. It just seemed too good to be true and whenever Akira had felt even close to this way in the past, it usually turned out to be the truth. Whatever happiness he’d found fell apart and he was scared to death it was going to happen again - now, when he was happier than ever. It hadn’t even been a full day and he was already this high in bliss? Absurd. The higher he got, the farther he was bound to fall. He was usually a pretty grounded person, so being this high up scared him, especially with prior experience of being so abruptly and painfully summoned back to Earth.

“This can’t be real…” he murmured to himself as his face continued to burn. He’d long since abandoned attempting to cool down since, even if he managed to be successful, one look from Andre ended up just making him worse than ever. “I need to wake up. Better wake myself up than have someone else do the waking for me, right?” But...but this is so nice, he answered himself mentally. Why not enjoy the dream while it lasts? Don’t ruin it while it plays out. Even when it’s over, you’ve survived falls before. This wouldn’t be your first time, so you’ll probably have some resilience against the pain. Maybe you’ll be expecting it, but don’t ruin everything worrying in the meantime about what’s coming in the future. He sighed heavily. “Maybe it’ll be okay...but I’ve also never had my head up this high in the clouds before…” And having fallen before...did that make me more resilient, or more fragile?

Andre needed to hurry up and come back so he could stop thinking so much. That was one good thing about being so flustered by the other’s presence that he couldn’t focus on coherent thoughts, at least.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:13 pm
Andre hated using public bathrooms but for the sake of clean hands...he would endure. Working on autopilot, the information broker went through the motions of washing his hands as he let his mind wander.

Specifically, he wondered what it was that he was doing with Akira.

He’d found the shorter male amusing since their first meeting, would readily admit to himself that he liked picking on him just to see his reactions...but holding hands, kissing, acting like a couple? He didn’t know. Akira had nothing to offer him. No money, no promise of power, certainly no promise of danger…

He just didn’t know.

“Ahh, what am I doing?” He mused aloud, staring at himself critically but found that the reason was not forthcoming. “Oh well, we’ll find out soon enough, won’t we?” Shaking his head with vague disappointment in himself, he finished up so he could return to his...date.

It was strange to think and from the rather disconcerted look on Akira’s face, he was probably wondering about their current situation as well.

“You know,” He started, making his presence known. “They say that you’ll get wrinkles if you worry too much.” He reached out to rub the pad of his pointer finger between the others eyebrows as if to smooth the worry away.  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:15 pm
“Ah!” Akira started slightly and looked over, giving Andre a helpless smile. “...Was I really that obvious? Jeez…” There was that touching again. It seemed the taller man wasn’t used to being touched by others but freely initiated touch on his own. Well, that seemed to be expected of someone like Andre; someone used to being in control of the situation at all times. What was odd and mildly disconcerting to Akira was that he found he didn’t mind.

He reached up to take the hand that touched his forehead and kiss it before moving to stand back up, the bag of treats in hand. “Perhaps I can trouble you to be my distraction, then.” Akira released Andre and headed toward the door to open it for the other. “Shall we?” he asked, mimicking the other’s phrase from before.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:16 pm
The purple-haired man smiled by way of answering, watching intently as the others lips touched his skin. He felt a brief moment of...something, a fizzle of some unknown emotion, in his chest and if he were being honest with himself, it made him want to bash his own skull in.

He smiled a little wider.

Andre absently trailed after the younger man as he made to leave. “Yes, let's.” He huffed a soft laugh as he stepped out onto the sidewalk. He brought a hand up to shield his eyes from the sun and wondered where the time had gone. “Akira,” he held his hand out expectantly. “I'd like to just roam the streets, if you don't mind.”  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:17 pm
“Of course,” Akira answered, waving to the woman at the counter in both thanks and farewell before joining Andre outside. “Whatever you like.” It wasn’t as though he’d had any plans other than getting some new clothes for the purple-haired man and paying him back as best he could when he decided he’d felt like having ice cream.

He wasn’t sure at first if when Andre said he’d like to roam the streets, he meant alone or with him, but when the informant held out his hand, Akira approached curiously. Oh; maybe he wanted his bag of treats back. The silver-haired man handed them over.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:17 pm
Andre stared at the bag for a moment before slowly taking it. “Thank you.” He said, tone full of amusement as he switched the bag to his other hand and once again held out the free one. “I have no problem with carrying my bag, but I was hoping for your hand.” He tried to keep from smiling but didn't have much luck. “Would you please join me on my walk?”

He didn't really wait for an answer though as he simply stepped closer to take the others hand in his. “I used to live around here, you know.” He said conversationally as he twined their fingers together and tugged on Akira’s arm gently. “Just on the other side of the park.”  


Bashful Bunny

Akira Midoriyama

Bashful Friend

PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:18 pm
“O-oh. I’m sorry, I wasn’t sure…” He would have wanted to wipe his hand first, because even if it hadn’t been sticky with ice cream, it was still damp with sweat. However, he didn’t have the chance before Andre stepped closer to take it all in one fluid motion. Well, he had hoped to have his brain numbed to his worries. With all the blood rushing to his face, he was definitely feeling light-headed now.

“You...you did?” Akira asked, surprised. “I didn’t know...in this city…” Maybe Andre had mentioned it before, but it was difficult to recall such things when his body was going berserk with weird reactions. “I...if you’re okay with it, I’d love to see.”

Peering at Andre out the corner of his eye, the silver-haired man beamed when their fingers intertwined and his arm was gently tugged. It was nice being able to just be this blissful. Maybe...maybe he’d be able to get used to this if he didn’t die of happiness first. Whatever happened, Akira wasn’t sure he minded from this point on.

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