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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 7:37 pm
All of Taavi's money had been safely tucked away and he'd tried to become a literal wallflower; how boring.

"Ohh, there you are - and that's the second time you've dragged him in here. My my, whatever does he keep getting into?" Alyssa teased as she approached, hands folded behind her back and eyes gleaming.

She didn't get too close though, not with Sonia's fangs bared at her, fully prepared to bite her hand off.

"I'm back Taavi, sorry I was gone so long," Abel said to his friend, choosing to ignore Alyssa - at first anyway. "We saw him on our way back, I'm pretty sure someone drugged him."

"Really?" The redhead said, expression gleaming anew with mischief and what almost looked like excitement. "How awful!"
PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 7:43 pm
"Ah, s**t, really?" Taavi got to his feet, a frown etching into his features as he moved forward to take Sonia's place at Zevran's side, he was a more equal height and yeah he was totally ignoring that b***h for now. "Are we taking him to your room?" The usually sparkly blond looked totally vacant.

It was hard to keep up with what they were saying. He didn't resist when the new man moved in to take hold of him but his heart sank a little more as his head continued to spin. He didn't know where he was. Why had he been brought here? Dread: he knew he had not done something right and he was to be punished. He swallowed hard and waited for it to happen, that was easier.


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 7:50 pm
Sonia slipped away from Zevran carefully when Taavi approached to take her place, though she still held Amigo in her arm if he wanted to stay there. Abel didn't feel the need to reaffirm that yes, he probably was drugged; Taavi could see for himself well enough. "Yeah, he can sleep in my bed tonight and hopefully--"

"Ohh, how naughty!" Alyssa interjected, and Abel inhaled and closed his eyes to steady himself and resist the urge to punch her. "What are you going to do with him?"

"Nothing," the blond said firmly, turning a venomous glare in her direction. Arceus, he was so sick of her. "He's going to sleep and hopefully he'll be better in the morning."

"But where's the fun in that?" She asked, moving closer and leaning down to peer up into Zevran's blank face.
PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 7:56 pm
Taavi tightened his grip on Zevran when Alyssa approached and he almost bit his tongue but; "What do you mean by that?" he asked, demanded actually. She was blackmailing him and Abel and that was bad enough but what she was implying he couldn't leave alone.

He looked up, the sharp eyes that met his felt familiar even if he wasn't sure he recognised them. "Do something?" he asked uncertainly. "I am...." There were three people here, who did he need to look to? He looked to the tallest, was it something in the eyes that made him do so? "What am I to do for you?"


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 8:11 pm
Alyssa opened her mouth to reply but Abel cut her off. "Nothing," he reiterated in somewhat gentler tones now that he was addressing his friend. "The only thing you need to do is sleep."

"What do you think I mean?" Alyssa asked coyly; she seemed disinclined to drop the matter but she also didn't make any moves to make it worse. Or too much worse, at any rate. "For all you know I could be thinking of making him play checkers with us. See though, he even wants to do something! But what though?"

"Would you just stop?" The taller blond asked. He wanted nothing more than for her to just leave. Why was she even there? What was she doing, bothering Taavi while he was out?

"There you go again, not wanting me to have any fun," she said with a pout. "You're both getting all upset when you don't even know what I'd even do! You don't like it when someone tries to take advantage of others, do you?" As she spoke, she reached a perfectly manicured hand towards Zevran's cheek, but Abel's arm dropped away from his friend's arm to catch it before she could.

"Don't touch him," he said through gritted teeth, glaring daggers at her.

"You don't like it the most!" She pointed out shamelessly, straightening up and turning her Cheshire grin at Abel, not doing anything to try to remove her wrist from his grip. "Especially helpless, defenseless ones, like children--"

"Get out." As he practically spat the words at her, he swung his arm back towards the door and sent her stumbling a few feet to one side.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 12:26 pm
"I don't even want to know," Taavi replied, glaring at the- ugh- her as Abel shoved her away. ********, why wouldn't she just go die somewhere? The world would be a better place without her.

The harsh tones made Zevran cringe a little but he made no attempt to move away from the two men supporting him. Nothing. He was supposed to do nothing? Then why was he here? It didn't make a lot of sense, nothing was making any sense at all. Couldn't he just go home?


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 1:09 pm
Alyssa had stumbled but not fallen, and once she regained her footing she tried to pout at him but could only grin gleefully. "Aw, why are you getting so angry? Did I hit a nerve?"

"Because you're trying to make me angry," the blond retorted through gritted teeth. "You hit the nerve you aimed for. Congratulations, you succeeded in pissing me off, now get out."

The redhead's eyes took on a mischievous gleam and her usual Cheshire grin returned. Her free hand darted out to grab his wrist that held hers. "Are you sure you want to be like that? You know what happens when you try to tell me what to do, what happens when you try to protect someone when you can't even--"

"I'm not going to repeat myself," he said firmly, cutting her off and fixing her with a furious glare, his lips pressed into a thin line. Was that all she was doing, trying to needle him and goad him to piss him off? Well it worked, she got what she wanted. Did she only want to piss him off to see what he'd do, to see if she could threaten him again? He really had no idea, and probably never would; he couldn't understand how her mind worked and he wasn't sure he wanted to.

The pair continued to stare daggers at each other for a few long moments before Alyssa let go, and Abel shoved her hand away. She shrugged, still grinning. "All right, have it your way - but don't blame me if anything happens." With that, she turned on her heel and left. Sonia hastened to lock the door behind her.

Abel sighed and rubbed his free hand over his face, his expression softening now that she was gone. "Will you help me get him onto my bed?" He asked as he glanced over at Taavi over the shorter, indisposed blond, and moved to gently grasp Zevran's wrist again to hold his arm over his shoulders to better support him. "I'll probably sleep on the floor or something, I don't know. I just.. I want him to be somewhere comfortable, y'know? I mean, just..." He glanced down at his friend again, at how uncomfortable he looked, how just... not himself he was. What in the world could possess someone to inflict this on someone else?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 1:20 pm
His anger faded as the door closed behind Alyssa and concern for the very checked out Zevran took its place, along with a little niggle of worry about Alyssa's parting words. There'd be time for that later though, there were more immediate things to focus on. "Yeah," Taavi nodded agreement with Abel and started towards Abel's room. "What happened; you said you just found him by chance?" The thought that something, some chemical or whatever, could turn somebody into practically a zombie apparently just waiting to be told what to do was terrifying. He was never going to bars or clubs alone, ever.

When the two taller men started moving again he stumbled along between them, their voices washing over him like waves. He should listen in case they said something to him that he should reply to or act on but it was hard. Had he ever been this tired before?

When the trio headed for Abel's room Amigo squirmed down to the floor and headed after them as quickly as he could which was not very quickly but he wasn't really built for speed, or for fighting, or anything useful really.


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 1:52 pm
With Alyssa gone, Sonia returned to the kitchen to put what few groceries Abel had bought away. His other pokemon emerged from their hiding places; Caleb and Elizabeth stepped out from behind a chair in the living room, while Isaac and Tabitha trotted out from Abel's bedroom. Tabitha remained near the door to stay near Vanessa - who was still hiding somewhere in the bedroom - but Isaac quickly slipped past the humans and over to Amigo so he could bend down and offer the Caterpie a ride on his back.

"Yeah," the blond nodded as he too headed for his bedroom, trying to guide Zevran as gently as he could. Poor guy... "We'd bought groceries and were on our way back when I saw him with some guy. Even then he looked like s**t, and when we went closer to check things out, he obviously didn't give a s**t about Zevran and even kicked poor Amigo out of the way, and.. Ah, Amigo!" He turned to look around for the bug. "You can tell Taavi what happened before I found you guys, he can understand." And he was quite curious to know, too; maybe the Caterpie could tell them how much he'd had to drink, or if he noticed anything suspicious?

The bedroom door stood open, the lights from the living room illuminating the otherwise dark interior to show a few articles of clothing on the floor near Abel's dresser, while a large Nidoqueen plush sat in one corner of the room. A dark blue blanket with a Lopunny-sized lump sat huddled in front of it.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:07 pm
Amigo murmured thanks to Isaac for the ride and hopped down again when they got into Abel's room, where he climbed up onto the bed via one of the legs. <> he nodded seriously to Abel and Taavi. <> Amigo looked helplessly at his trainer. <>

Taavi attempted to turn the light on with his elbow as they manoeuvred Zev into the room but most of his attention was focused on what Amgio was saying. He'd hoped that Abel had been wrong, that nothing bad had really been happening, but from what Amigo had just said....

He didn't want to think about that, at all.

After a few moments of silence he quietly relayed what the Caterpie had said to Abel more or less word for word. If Abel hadn't been passing at that exact moment....

He really didn't want to think about it but he couldn't help it.


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:24 pm
Once Amigo had dismounted, Tabitha placed herself beneath the light switch so Isaac could hop up onto her back and turn it on with his nose since the three humans were all rather preoccupied, to put it lightly. Overhead the ceiling lamp switched on immediately, bathing the room in light.

Abel listened to Amigo's squeaking voice absently - it wasn't like he could understand exactly what he was saying, but he could hear the anxiousness in his voice regardless - as he moved Zevran over to his bed and carefully sat him down.

When Taavi repeated what the Caterpie had told him, Abel's mouth formed a thin line again. His mind had already been abuzz with thoughts of what may have happened ever since he punched the guy in the face on the street. He didn't want to think about it - he really didn't. "So he must've slipped him something at the end of dinner or when they got to the second bar," he surmised as he cautiously relinquished his grasp on his indisposed friend, watching carefully to make sure he wouldn't fall or anything. "I don't know how quickly stuff like that kicks in." Obviously not too terribly long... How long would it last? Would he be okay in the morning, or would it take him a few days before he felt back to normal?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:43 pm
"I don't know either," Taavi admitted, gnawing anxiously at his lower lip. "I'll see if I can look something up?" He wasn't sure how much luck he'd have not even knowing what had been used but he couldn't just stand around and not do anything. "Uh... I'll get him some water too," he added after a moment and then turned to go and do so, water seemed like it had to be a good idea.

Zevran sat without complaint and he stayed upright when Abel moved away swaying just a little his eyes downcast and far away. After a few moments he realised that he was in an unfamiliar bedroom, too bright in here too. His fingers curled in the covers and he slowly raised his head to look up at the tall figure who had led him here again. "What do you wish of me?" he asked indistinctly; he had already forgotten asking the same thing just a minute or two ago.


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:59 pm
"Ah, good idea," Abel agreed readily to all of the above - water especially. He didn't know what drinks Zev had had, so he didn't know how much alcohol he'd had, but water had to be good.

..ah, and there he went again, asking what he wanted. Arceus... It was difficult to understand him too; which substance had caused that? Maybe a combination of both. "I don't want anything," he repeated with a shake of his head. "I'd like you to drink some water when Taavi gets back, and then sleep this off, okay?"
PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 3:07 pm
"Oh..." Had the man already said that to him? Zevran's brows knit with a combination of confusion and anxiety. This wasn't right but he could do as he was told. "Alright," he agreed eventually.

Taavi soon returned with a plastic bottle filled with water from the tap, a glass had seemed like a pretty bad idea. "Here," he passed the bottle to Abel with a worried smile that barely turned up the corners of his mouth and lasted only a moment. "I'll see what I can find out." So saying he fetched his phone out of his pocket and tapped a few keywords into the search bar of his web browser.


Predestined Inquisitor

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 3:15 pm
He was briefly confused by the bottle but realized the logic in it after a moment and accepted it with a word of thanks. Would Zevran be able to hold it okay though..? He seemed to be sitting upright relatively.. well, at least, so maybe... Just in case he couldn't, Abel carefully sat down beside him on the edge of the bed and offered him the bottle, though he was poised to help him if need be. "Here. You don't have to drink all of it, but please try to drink at least some of it, if you can."  

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