___ : Bonds : Sonyo pleads Kagerou for an implant.

Title: Bonds
Information: Call it friendship, call it camaraderie, call it a legal obligation. The nurturing of relationships is one of the most fruitful types of narrative. Helping a friend out in a kitchen, helping keep their business alive, being there for them after a bad break up, building new friendships...building new rivals...building new nemesis's. Confronting those nemesis's and exchanging conflicting beliefs in fierce wholehearted heated debate and getting to know the other through their opposition on a new level.
Every post made strengthening an existing relationship with an rpc, rewards Ac equal to one's body rank plus [1], maximum . Those interacted with may also be considered to be running this narrative with you albeit their posts are separate from your own. The narrative is considered completed once the parties part ways for another day.

In order to recieve an implant, the RPC must either perform a [ Transplantation Technique ] on themselves or have it performed on them by a medical ninja with the technique, at the cost of 10,000 Ryo to the patient for utilizing extensive hospital resources. The med-nin must spend 5 posts performing the surgery, and they are given an A-rank mission reward, as well as 1,000 bonus AC and Ryo for completing the task.

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With red eyes clear, Kagerou focused on the dear friend before and cast with absolute calm, "Tsukuyomi." Her eyesight dimmed in that moment, a sacrifice she was willing to make, and then the world turned black as she delved into her own genjutsu as well.

When she regained her vision, she saw clearly once more of what little there was to see. The walls of ice in the far distance appeared as clear as day in this world black as night. She was alone.

For, well, all of two seconds. Before she knew it, Kagerou found herself drowning in twin pools of warm grey, soft as wool. When her vision zoomed out to the rest of the figure, she found herself face to face with a floating fairy dressed in white funeral garments. This mysterious woman, a part of Sonyo's past that Kagerou did not know about or maybe a segment of her personality embodied, spoke softly. In turn, Kagerou listened patiently, and though her head turned in concerned alarm at the grotesque gurgles, sharp snaps of limbs unnaturally bending, and hysteria-inducing whines that came from the figures that began to manifest from the walls of Sonyo's mindscape, Kagerou did not stop listening to Kinu's words. Even as her back went ramrod straight and her fists clenched, teeth biting lower lip as eyes and lips dipped in great concern at the numerous figures that took shape, she waited to hear what Kinu had to say. No matter how many times she saw those burdens that plagued Sonyo, no matter how many forms she saw those fears take, Kagerou would fear for her friend all the same.

No matter what she felt, however, she could be nothing other than strong for her friend. Any less would not do. As the temperature dropped, Kagerou looked into the sad eyes of the phantom named Kinu. She focused on those eyes, on her desire to ease the sorrow etched deep within them, and mustered forth a smile. At first, forced. Then, within the span of a breath, it eased into a natural expression, a small smile filled with both somber gravity and assuring calm. "I will do everything in my power," Kagerou guaranteed, "Sonyo is my best friend, to be cherished and protected. No matter the cost, if it something I can give, I will give it." The doubts she had of her own personal shortcomings, of the times she had failed, she did not let show. She turned from Kinu to the figure that approached her. This individual, she vaguely recalled as the man who had turned into a tree. A man who Sonyo was about to freeze an entire hospital for. Kagerou stepped forwards to greet this old friend of Sonyo's, "Lohner of Sonyo's mind, greetings," and then all of the other old friends, "and greetings to the rest of you, as well."

Amid the dead, Kagerou relaxed and held herself with grace and poise. To be strong, was to be graceful. To be calm and collected, was to be elegant yet mysterious. She had no idea what was happening or what was going to happen next, but she would not let fear of the unknown deter her.

An unearthly cold chilled the uninvited guest to her bones, and she did not know if it was because the drop in temperature from earlier or because of the gazes of the dead that bore into her from all sides. Was this what Sonyo endured? Everyday? She would not show the shiver that mentally ran through her as she imagined what it must be like.

[34 sentences]

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I Tortured Sleep I