I've found that the best way to get BugFrags quickly is to walk around in one of the Nebula Areas. If you manage to get a BGMD, you might find 3 BugFrags inside, which is the most I've ever found at one time. Of course, there is also the chance that you'll get 3000z or JustcOne or FullCust, but that's fine 'cause more money is never bad and any extra chips can be traded to friends or used as Chip Trader fodder.
Yep, But it takes some time walking through the Nebula areas without sneakruns. xd

Wouldn't SneakRun kinda defeat the purpose? The idea is to get a battle with data on the field. If you're avoiding them, it'll just take longer. Athough I don't know how effective SneakRun is in the deeper parts of Nebula. Probably not very 'cause the viruses are such high level.

Finding green crystals in battles around there is about, patience, luck and no virus able to break it.(Some can do it considering their speed and your position at the moment.)

I don't rely on probability that says "sometime the green little bugger will appear", and that's why I use sneakruns to gather on the field instead. Takes long time, but I will find some when I don't restart Liberation Missions in the End Area. xd

Meh, to each his own, I guess.