Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 2:29 pm
((i know!!! isn't it cute!!!! lol, sorry. i just had coffee from wawa..... heheheheheheheheh....))
Raen watched Skye get up., and glanced at Axel and Loren. "What's wrong, Skye? Do you want you want me to come with you?" she slurpped up two noodles, but she didn't notice the tiny spot of sauce on her lip. "This is the good stuff..... " TT.TT ((thats the look on her face, lol!!))
Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:55 pm
((Oh wow, no, but, now that you look at it, it does look like them, doesn't it? lol. that was unintentional, but its cool that you pointed it out, lol.)) Skye turned to Raen and tilted her head, thinking. Loren raised an eyebrow, folding his arms. "Skye?" "Uhm..." Skye thought for another moment and then shook her head slowly. "I sense something..." furrowing her brow, she closed her eyes and sat back down, looking deep in thought. "Sssh..." Loren put a finger to his lips and slid back into teh booth next to her. "Someone's here... Someone bad..." Skye frowned, her eyes still closed. "Can't you guys feel it?"
Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 4:17 pm
Axel nodded after he took a bite of steak. "I sensed it while I was cooking." he then looked at Raen and gave a small chuckle. Grabbing a napkin he reached over the table and gently wiped away the sauce she had while saying "You had a little spot from the sauce." Setting down the napkin and taking another bite of steak. Realizing what he just did made him blush. Taking another napkin he pretended he was wiping his face to hide his blushing face.
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:34 pm
Loren caught his blush and smiled mischeviously at him. "You suck at hiding your emotions, Axel," Loren hissed furtively while stuffing some fries into his mouth. Skye sudden got a chill, and she shivered, feeling as if something ice cold and dark was crawling up her arm. Loren eyed her. "Skye," he gave her a firm look. "Skye, please, don't tell us it's..."He recognized the look of slight terror now etched into her face. "Hades!!"she whispered firecly before hurrigly crawling over Loren and jumping from the booth. Without a word, she raced from the restaurant. "What?! Skye!!" Loren shouted after her, but she was long gone. "Well, then. Kids, Daddy's got an emergency, so i say we cut lunch short and head back to the library, alright?" Loren slid himself out. "We need to go. Now," he said, and started to pull everyone, one by one, out of the booth.
((This was Skye's face: O.O))
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:51 pm
Misato ran far not caring what he faced but he knew that something was wrong;though it was not inside but a mental image of disaster.They were in trouble.The people he ran away from.The people he refused to talk to and he did nothing but shrug off the sudden image and got lost in the bright lights of the city.His phone rang and looking upon to see who is was,he threw the phone against the cement and walked to the closet relief for his life.A garden.
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:12 pm
((wow, hollow. cool signature! biggrin ))
Raen stared at Axel as he wiped the suace from her face. Her eyes were wide, but she didn't move. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks when she saw his blush. Skye jumped from the sea, and ran out of the restaurant. She put her napkin down and scooted out of the booth as Loren gathered them up. "What... What do we do?" she asked him.
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:39 pm
When Axel swallowed his food and took a quick drink of his soda before getting out of the booth and running after them, after leaving the money plus tip on the table.
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:58 pm
Raen ran with them to the library, not really show what to do. she charged after Skye, hoping the others would catch up. She whippe out her bow and arrows, shouting. "Skye!! Skye, wait, please!" she spun around, aiming the arrow, just in case some one was following them. she had a bad feeling, but she couldn't see anybody.
Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:25 pm
Just then Axel landed beside Raen and did a roll. He was free running with the others the minute he was out of the restaurant. Bolting through the doors of the library, jumping over the front desk via front flip and spinning around to look at the others with a serious look he asked "So what are we up against?"
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 4:33 pm
When Axel landed and rolled beside her, Raen lowered her arrow, and ran after him with speed she hadn't realized she hadn't had. She stopped just behind him, and a belated gust of wind, and pushed at her back. It practically made her slam into Axel. "Oh, sorry." her cheeks burned with roses, so she knew she was blushing a lot.
Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 8:08 pm
Axel instinctively put his arms around Raen and stopped her, not realizing that he held her a little closely to his chest. Looking at her with a smile he said "Don't worry about it." Seeing her blush made him smile and he whispered in her ear so that the others couldn't hear " You're cute when you blush."
Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:46 pm
"Kids, come on! I'm not gonna lose your Dad because I have to stop for you two!!" Loren cried, skidding past them, then doubling back to drage them with him. "We have to catch her..." he grumbled under his breathe, his jaw firmly set into a worried frown. "Dammit, Skye..."Skye raced through the isles, searching. "Hades!! Where are you?! I don't have time to play your stupid games!!" Skye shouted, and she knew her voice echoed. "Skye!" Loren was suddenly at her side, panting. "What the hell were you thinking?! You will never ever just run off like that!" "Don't scold me as if I were your child, Loren!" Skye huffed at him. "Loren, take Faith and head for the South head of the Library. You guys do your thing, but don't let each other out of your sights, you got it?" She pulled him in Axel and Raen's direction. She turned towards Faith "You two take the North end. Search every isle. Hell, knock down a shelf if you have to, but let's try not to play dominos. Dammit, I wish Misato hadn't run off.." Skye exhaled heavily. "Alright, you guys. Do what i told you, and saty together, please. I don't want any of you hurt," Skye concluded before heading behind the desk and into the offices. "Skye! You are not--" "I'll be fine, Loren," she cut him off efore she disappeared behind the door.
Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:16 pm
((I decided to not use pictures for the moment))
"Thank you sir and have a wonderful time in The Flowers Sanctuary!If you have any questions i'll be happy to answer them in a heart beat!But you must have a lot of money to be able to afford to enter this place.Have you been here before or know a friend?"The blond girl looked at Misato with a questionable look and then gasped."Oh please pardon my rudeness Mr.Sakrione!I had no idea it was you of all people!"She bowed her head and ran off in embarrassment.
Misato took a gaze at the flustered girl before walking to the Vine Yard.Both hands were in his pocket and he held him head low.Yes.He knew Elizabeth was no longer their as he saw the Log In and that she had left 3 hours ago but the Vine's were like a friend to him a close-
"I'm so sorry you came this far but it seems that i'm going to have to kill you...my dear friend."Rondo came from the shadows wearing a twisted grin on his face.
Misato didn't stutter nor react to his threat."Persephone.I see your doing well."
Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:37 pm
((Lol. I guess that was reasonable, though I 'd like to see what the Vines looked like)) Skye sighed and shook her head, wondering just what exactly she was doing back here. Books were scattered all around the floor, and papers rustled on a breeze through the open window. "Hades, where are you...?" Skye whispered to herself, sighing as she sat in a rolling chair. "Damn, Mika-chan. This office is messy as hell," she smirked at the books and papers on the floor. When the room got too chilly for her, she closed the window. Another chill creeped up Skye's spine, then, making her shake all over. Hades was close, and she could feel it.
Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:29 am
((This is how the garden looks like.)) "I would feel even better if you died along with the other gods but your death will have to do....for now."He laughed cynically clutching his chest as it would burst of laughter.The laughter stopped after he took out a dagger."This time i'll make sure your dead."Misato tapped his foot on the ground impatient,aggravated, and most of all...depressed.With a sigh Misato said."You seem to be mistaken,Persephone.You can't kill me.No matter what thoughts you put in Rondo's head,you can't destroy me from the earth." Rondo threw the dagger on the floor enraged with the realization."Shut up!Shut up!Shut up!Shut up!Don't you dare make assumptions you stupid Womanizer!"He punched Misato upward,hitting contact with his jaw and making the man hit the wall."Just because you can't die it doesn't mean squat you Charmer of Woman!Thou has forgotten that sir Rondo is still entrapped in I."The voice grew more and more bizarre.The words coming out like in old days. Misato rubbed his chin and spat the unwanted blood to the floor."You seem to forget that.You.Are.Trapped.In.Rondo.If he was to die,you would die.Don't you forget that."He pushed himself off the wall and put both hands on Rondo's face,making them face each other."Just because your a woman doesn't mean i have no objection to beating up a man.You still are in Rondo so it doesn't mean s**t.If you keep acting high and mighty...someone will end up punching you off your high horse and watching you slowly dissipate to the scum you are,Persephone.Rondo is my best friend.You are not.Get that though your self-centered mind."