
Silent like the Wind
Swift like the Storm
I am what I am
Striving to be more

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_________________ Hiro Sherudon

Tension Rising: Making a Deal With The Devil

As Armand left the scene Hiro looked down at his hands, once normal looking had become rugged, moss tinted claws. Unsure of how X felt about his curse mark, Hiro knew that he disliked his with a passion. Becoming some sort of monster just for a quick surge of power was not something that the chunin was ever interested in. With a sigh a grief Hiro's body was captured within a light green aura as Hiro withdrew the power of the curse mark, returning him to normal. Two holes could be seen in the back of Hiro's uniform where his shoulder blades had extended out of his body. "Suppose I should see what Madame Amekage has in store for me now." Hiro thought as he would make his way to the tower.


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I can perform:
45 Academy Jutsu
35 Gennin Jutsu
25 Chuunin Jutsu
10 Jounin Jutsu
1 S-Ranked Jutsu

It doesnt matter how many jutsus you have
Its all about how you use them

The Village of Falling Rain
Will put out the Fires of the World.

Hiros Vengeful Rage

Duo of the Rain