Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 5:36 pm
Raen cleared her throat and gasped at what Axel whispered. That made her blush even more. "Oh..." She made no move to get away from him. She looked at Skye. "How am I going to know what to shoot at?" Raen saw her quiver across the room, and whispered something she didn't recognize. The quickley attached itself to her back. "Are... Are you okay with this?" she asked him, her face still red.
Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:34 pm
Skye frowned, and moved to stand in the middle of the room. "I have no time for this..." Skye grumbled, glancing out the window to the storm brewing outside. "No time for these games," Skye made her back back into the front office, sighing. "Damnit, where's Misato?" She made towards the door, but triped and stumbled over a book. "Ow!" she frowned, rubing her ankle. When she saw what she tripped over, she grimaced. "What the hell is a stapler doing on the floor?" she picked it up and put it on the desk. When Skye heard a sudden slam! behind her, she whirled around. The office door had shut itself. And when she raced forward to try the knob, she found herself locked in.
Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:39 am
A broadsword appeared on Axel's back as he said a spell in Greek. Looking at Raen with a smile he said "Yeah I'm perfectly fine with it." Axel wanted to tell Raen how much he loved her but he felt it to early yet so he would wait. When she was still blushing he smiled and held her closer. "But you do have a good point...who are we to fight? So far I see no enemies."
Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:41 pm
((I still don't feel like using pictures.))
Misato raised his fist to the Rondo ready to hit his friend till he came to his senses but he got a faint spike of fear in him."Persephone,where is Rondo this time?"
Rondo laughed and pushed Misato away from him disgusted at the touch."Hm,I wonder now~"Rondo smirked looking at the flowers that were surrounding them both."Such beauti' is but a fleeting dream to the young boys eyes.If only by chance this boy could stop and see the world decaying around in a bundle of heap and erode maybe his childlike eyes would dim and all dark will overcome this fleeting dream~"
Misato grabbed a rose that glowed in the light and pressed it lightly to his face admiring the scent it gave."For such an aggravating woman,you sure are very clever when it comes to my past."He then gently lay the rose on the ground letting the petals face Persephone.Picking himself back up,he slowly and zealously stomped on the red flower over and over."My life isn't a sick game you can mimic in your tales of fiction,little devil..."He walked back to Rondo and gently pulled his fingers,ghostly touching his eyes."I wonder what you see cause fact is if you don't tell me where Rondo is soon...i'll..."His hand blinded Rondo and Misato leaned in closer to his ear,whispering"Rip the arrogance from your dead beating heart."
((Ahhh please don't tell me that was too much!Was it scary!?I hope not....))
Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:34 pm
((Girl, that was awsome!! ^^ lol, Suspenceful!)) Frowning, Skye tried the door knob again. "What the hell...?" She gritted her teeth, trying the knob again. This time it was as cold as ice. "I've been meaning to talk to you for a while, little Sister." the dark baritone of a voice resonated behind Skye, and the girl froze. "Oh, my gods..." Skye sent a silent prayer up to Jesus to save her if he could, and she slowly turned around. Standing in the all-of-a-sudden dim lighting of the small room was a tall, pale-skinned man with coal-black hair and eyes to match. Those eyes glued Skye to the spot. He wore a crisp back suit to match his hair and eyes, A black silk tie with an Omega emblazoned on it glozed blood red. "Hades." Skye whispered faintly as she willed herself to whirl around and bust down the door as if she were John Cena kicking a** in The Marine.
Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 5:34 pm
Raen didn't know why, but she put her hands on Axel's chest as he pulled her closer. Was it some sort of instinct? Was this that unspeakable feeling that couldn't be explained in words, or written on paper? Was this love? she thought to herself. Raen let out a gasp as the lights dimmed, and she felt the blood drain from her face. She didn't like the dark. She hated it, loathed it. Feared it. She cleared her throat, and willed herself to talk. "Is it me, or did it just get darker in here?" she couldn't keep the weariness out of her voice, and let it fall into a whisper.
Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:38 pm
Axel looked around and blushed when he felt Raen's hands against his chest. "Good...so I wasn't the only one who noticed." he responded to her and continued to hold her. He sat down in a nearby chair, after setting down his sword against his leg. Gently pulling and holding Raen on his lap he said "Don't worry I'm here to protect you in case you get hurt." he said in a soothing voice.
Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 3:24 pm
She felt her face burn as he pulled her into his lap, but the dimmed lights were the only thing on her mind. Mostly. She looked around, her chest heaving. She was flattered at what he said, and her some reason, she felt he knew she would hold him to it. "I don't like the dark." Raen's voice was but a mere whisper. Her eyes flashed to him, wide and electric with suppressed fear and weariness. She spied a dark corner out of the corner of her eye, and she managed to turn around in Axel's lap. Her gaze bore into the dark corner. She wanted depretatley to tell Axel that she wasn' afraid of the dark itself, but of what was in it. She could feel the tears brimming her eyes and blurring her vision. Raen leaned back just a tiny bit from the shadowy corner.
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:00 am
Axel slowly moved a leg. "It was falling asleep...I haven't been working out in a while so I'm getting a little weak sweatdrop ." he said and added "I don't either..." he wanted to get her off the subject but didn't know what to talk about. Smiling he thought " Well it might be a good time to know each other a little bit more.". "What's your favorite color?" he asked
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:50 pm
Skye reached behind her, feeling for the small dagger she always had hidden in the back pocket of her pants. Suddenly, Hades lunged at her and Skye didn't have enough time to move. Grabbing her wrist and a handful of her hair with both hands, He yanked her back hard. "Aaah!!" Skye cried out, tears coming to her storm gray eyes at the pain. "Now, now, little sister," the older man ( who suddenly looked ten years younger and a very pale, handsome-looking boy Skye's age) tutted. "Calling for help will get you nowhere, but you can scream all you want, I suppose. I've made certain no one can hear us. Well, you I should say. I believe it's time for my revenge." Hades swiped Skye's legs out from under her, and she fell to the floor with a hard thud. Grunting and rubbing her bruising wrist, Skye looked up at him. "You don't scare me,Hades!" she said fiercely through her tears. "Oh," Now on one knee, Hades was at Skye's eye level. Taking her face in one hand, he pulled her close; close enough so that Skye could see he had pure, white pointed teeth. "But you will be, Mistress of the Bolt. I'll make sure of that." He grinned wickedly. The grinning turned into a rubling laughter, and everything in Skye's line of sight suddenly went black.
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:22 pm
Loren sighed and shook his head. "I hate it when she does that," he grunted absentmindly to Faith. Frowning, he rubbed his temples. "Why the hell would she go alone if Hades is really here..." he trailed as the light in the library suddenly dimmed down, and the thunder outside rumbled; the lightening flashing. "Oh, sh*t!" Loren cursed, grabbing Faith's hand. "Come on! We have to find the others and get the hell outta here!!"
Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:00 pm
Raen didn't seem to mind the shifting of his leg under her. She felt a wave of gratefulness flood over her when Axel tried to change the subject. "Well, I love blue because it has a lot of pretty different shades, and I'm not sure about black.... But I also like the deep, dark purple, not so much the light one." she told him, still staring into the corner. "What's your's?" she asked him.
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 3:48 pm
"You guys, I'm sincerely sorry for interupting your littel powwow, but something is terribly wrong; I can feel it! We have to get Skye, go track down Misato, and get our asses outta here!" Loren exclaimed as soon as he caught sight of Axel and Raen having a "moment".
((I just realized I think I godmodded Hades!! :O. Who ever is suppose to rp as him, I'm sorry! *though I'll probably be doing it again. I'm really sorry*))
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 5:45 pm
((Hades was suppose to be played by that guy that was playing Hades son but he never gets on sooooo yea....))
"If you wish to find your friend then you shouldn't threat me young man."Rondo took Misato's hand down,taking the time to admire the garden fully."I wonder what it feels like to be human dear Dionysus.You are human and yet you can do so very little with your power."He laughed putting his hands in the air."Yes,you are but a peasant in this forsaken world we call humanity!Misato i wish i could help you but i can't!"He lowered his head slightly resting his arm at his sides.
"Then...has Rondo left on his own?"Misato's voice was on edge.Did Rondo chose to leave on his own?
"I guess finding out what you really is a petrifying thing,is it not?"Rondo leaned against a support beam,closing his eyes."Rondo may be somewhere you might know,Misato.You've been his friend for over 5 years,he is your best friend."
Misato took in the words and thought deeply about it."Rondo is my best friend..."He couldn't possibly know where-he now knew.It hit him."I know where he is and your coming with me!"Misato ran and grabbed Rondo by the hand running outside the building.
"H-How d-dare you let go off m-me!"Rondo stuttered unable to loosen Misato's grip.
Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 5:46 pm
Raen glanced up at Loren like he was crazy. Does he not see the Shade in the Shadows? she thought. Raen gave Axel a small pleasding look. "Loren..." her gaze turned back to the shadow. She could've sworn she saw a hand, urging her to come closer. She lifted herself from Axel's lap and slowly walked toward the shadows. "Come closer, my child..." she heard a voice, but looking back at Loren and Axel, she realized it was in her head, and her's alone. She steped closer. "What do you want?" she said to the shadows, as if they could hear her. They did. "You, sweet Artemis." Raen stiffened.