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Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:41 pm
Ravin Black How unsure he sounded. Ravin found it immensely cute. She pressed a kiss to Dylan's chin. "Okay...so...hmmm..." What could they talk about? She knew! But it might be uncomfortable. "I've wanted to ask this for a while (and it's only my curiousity and I'm not going to get mad at you), but...how many other girls have you... you know...?"
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:50 pm
DylanLeeKeith Show ourselves to the world tonight, cause we're no longer in disguise. Dylan stroked her hair gently and moved her to allow her to lay her head in his lap. He continued to mindlessly run his fingers through her hair. Had she just.. asked him.. oh s**t. "Uhm." He moved around uncomfortably. "Err," He thought about this. His first, followed by how many others? "How many girls have I said sex with." He stated the question, still thinking. "Honestly? I'm not even totally sure." Over twenty- He knew that much. But was he going to say so? No.
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:59 pm
Ravin Black She looked up at him. "Not an exact number," she breathed, smiling a little. "But it's enough for me. A lot, I see. You must have been one promiscuous little mortal." Ravin reached up and stroked his face. It felt so good to have her hair stroked. "I'm not letting you have anyone else."
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:32 pm
"I May Look Perfect, But I Have My Flaws. One Of Them Is My Armand."She knew he tried, but he could try a little bit harder. Once she was put on her feet and allowed to walk for herself she was going to tell him so. Armand set her down. She watched him slump into a couch. She giggled, but then stopped. This was no time to be laughing. "While you're at it you could apologize to Ronnie." Madeline was going to be stubborn about this. "She's my best friend. And...no. I want her to be there at my wedding." She crossed her arms over her chest. "She's not nosey either. She just curious." It was basically the same thing, but curious sounded nicer than nosey. Mady started to walk away, but she remembered that she didn't know anything about this how. She would probably get lost. She decided to just stay where she was and look mad. "Another One Is I'm Human." [hey sammi. i responded to your character in i just want you.]
crayons 4 the color blind
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:47 pm
Hunter Ryan Black Hunter growled again, "Mmhm? Really now? So you were just laying down on that couch for the hell of it!" He snarled and turned around, slamming his fist through the door. Sending it off it's hinges and into the hallway with a sickening crack. <******** Bullshit!!!" he snarled, more to himself than anything. Then hee stalked out of the room and out the back door. Gardens... He didn't care he just needed to calm down. He sat down on a bench and rubbed his temples wearily. He hated lying to her.
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:52 pm
VeronicaRoseMilton Waiting for someone to change my life.I think have found him. Veronica watched in amazement as Hunter punched the door and sent it flying. She was damn near crying. Hunter stalked off and she did just that. She felt like a ******** baby but she curled up nevertheless and just let herself cry. She hated being mad at him but something was going on. She wasn't just a newborn that was paranoid. She was pissed and upset. And a few minutes later she sat up and wiped her tears. This was so stupid! Veronica was not going to be the one to approach and apologize. It wasn't her. And she wasn't gonna do it. Her stubborn side was shining brightly. ||righto. ill be back. >.<||
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:02 pm
DylanLeeKeith Show ourselves to the world tonight, cause we're no longer in disguise. "Yeah, its a lot. Like. A lot a lot." Dylan sighed. Ravin was smiling and commented on his promiscuitity. Ravin was stroking his face and he chuckled. "I don't want anyone else babe." He kissed her cheek. "How many guys have you fallen in love with? Or loved at all?"
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:02 pm
Hunter Ryan Black Hunter slumped down and growled slightly. He looked up and saw David standing there with his arms crossed, just watching ad waiting. Hunter growled at him and crossed his arms over his chest like a stubborn child. Hunter was pissed and David was standing there to make sure he didn't go on a rampage, much like the one Armand had gone on. Only Hunter was much more brutal, if that seemed possible. And he was much less careful and very public about it. He didn't want to go back upstairs, he really wouldn't mind killing a few things but David wasn't going to let him leave the property in this mood. He felt like a child. With a huff he stood up and went upstairs to the room. It smelled like tears and he felt even worse.
crayons 4 the color blind
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:12 pm
Alexander Armand Thorne Blood is was the only thing that keeps me sane... Armand smirked when he looked at her. She looked cute when she was angry. He couldn't help but snort a bit though when she suggested apologizing to Veronica, "Sorry hun there is no way that I am apologizing to her. For one thing I did nothing wrong but protect you and keep her from knowing our little secret. And nosey, curious either way you say it it still sounds a bit bad. Fine she can be at the wedding but she will keep her distance and if you want that then we will have to have it really soon before you start to show too much." He stayed on the couch waiting for her to say more to him. To yell at him. It was still cute to him no matter what.
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:13 pm
VeronicaRoseMilton Waiting for someone to change my life.I think have found him. Veronica threw herself back onto the bed and sighed. She was flaming pissed. And she was ready to trudge down there and freak out some more. She heard Hunter come into the room and she sat up, wiping her eyes feircly. "Yes?" She squeaked. Her stomach was twisting and she could seriously throw up right now.
crayons 4 the color blind
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:18 pm
Hunter Ryan Black Hunter raised an eyebrow and looked at her. Yes? "I am allowed in my room Veronica. I live here too." He responded with indifference and sat down in the armchair in his room. He stared moodily out the window. He could be stubborn too.
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:26 pm
VeronicaRoseMilton Waiting for someone to change my life.I think have found him. "I didn't say you weren't allowed in here, Hunter." Veronica watched him plop down in his armchair and look out the window. "I'm," She started but bit her tongue. Nevermind. No, she was going to be stubborn if he was. She was not going to go crawling back to some guy. She could, or boy could she. But she wasn't that kind of girl.
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:31 pm
"I May Look Perfect, But I Have My Flaws. One Of Them Is My Armand."She wondered what she could say to make him apologize. There had to be something she could do. She walked over at sat with him. She touched her hand to his face. "For me will you apologize to her." She ran her hand down around his neck and then his chest. Madeline hoped he would say yes. And she hoped he would apologie today. She wanted to see Veronica again. "Okay. How soon is soon?" "Another One Is I'm Human."
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:35 pm
Hunter Ryan Black Hunter continued to stare moodily out the window. Then he turned to look at her for a moment. He really did love her, he hoped she knew that. And he hoped she could see that he loved her even though they were arguing. But he was NOT going to spill about this. Other things about his life that he preffered to keep secret, would be said before he uttered a word about this before Armand wanted him too. He wasn't one to tell others secrets. He returned his gaze to the window.
-Wait whats the "Hunter" all about?-
crayons 4 the color blind
Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:47 pm
VeronicaRoseMilton Waiting for someone to change my life.I think have found him. Veronica sighed and sat up in the bed. She looked around and sighed louder. Not trying to pull anything but she was just agitated. "How long are we going to keep this up?" She scooted to the end of the bed and pulled her legs to her chest, looking past him. She didn't understand. Why was he keeping stuff from her? Veronica's eyes were still glossy from crying. And if she were still human she'd be blushing. "Am I really that bad? I mean, am I that crazy?" ||she was just stressing the name|| ||im going to be leaving for dinner soon||