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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:10 am
At first she thought he was going to deny her entry but he moved to the side and she stepped in. The door closed and blocked the wind out but it wasn't too warm inside either so she almost wished she had brought a jacket with her. It seemed like she kept forgetting one, even back when they had been walking through that little forest by the park. Hearing his footsteps stop, she looked over at him, her gaze full of concern. If she could have, she would already have him laying down on the couch with clean bandages and some chicken soup would be cooking on the stove but instead they were both standing there. She was about to ask him if he needed some help but he spoke first.

Lowering her head when he mentioned Nick, she then stepped further into the house, slipping her heels off since her feet were tired and hopefully he wouldn't mind. When he took another swing from the bottle she wanted to take it from him and break it against the wall though she didn't let any of that emotion seep into her expression or eyes. Her father had a problem with drinking.. she didn't want Daniel to fall into the same abyss he had. "I noticed the blood on the stairs.. they lead up to my apartment." she started to explain. "Then you didn't show up at work." she slowly turned so that she was facing him again though her gaze didn't meet his. "I was worried about you." she said in a low voice.

What better time than to make her confession now? By the time he was sober he would probably forget everything she had told him, and maybe even the fact that she had come to see him... but something told her to wait a little bit longer. What would his reaction be to it though..? Would he tell her it was just best if they stayed friends because he didn't feel that way? Would he say that he cared too? Whatever his answer was going to be she had made up her mind for sure that she would tell him tonight. If she didn't.. who knew when she'd get the chance to do it again.

Not knowing what to do since she had already given him a bit of information, she looked around the house, noticing the number of bottles that were lined up against the wall. Her eyes closed and she let out a heavy sigh. "Where can I find some bandages and gauze?" she asked him, deciding that it would be best to fix his wounds up though.. she wasn't sure how she was going to deal with the one on his leg. "Your wounds need to be dressed again." Elenore crossed her arms, she didn't want to argue with him but she would have to if he started to protest.

Her eyes briefly glanced towards the kitchen, wondering what he had in his fridge. He needed to eat something to balance out all the alcohol that he had consumed, even if it was a small bowl of rice. "Mind if I use the stove afterward?" Elenore knew that it probably sounded like she was taking over his home at the moment but what else could she do? Let him continue to drink until he got alcohol poisoning? She didn't think so. If she could prevent that from happening, she would.

To do all the tasks that she had in mind, she didn't know how long it would take her but at this point she didn't care. For once she wasn't as worried for her kids as she was for someone else. They would be fine with Aunt Rose for a couple more hours. Sure she would probably get question by Deserai and Aunt Rose as to why she was so late but she would deal with that when the time came for it. Elenore didn't want to think about it for the moment. Rubbing her arms slightly so that she was warmer, she couldn't help but look around the living room once more to see if there was a fireplace around here somewhere.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:57 pm
Daniel watched, his mind completely blank, as she slipped off her heels. He couldn't really blame her for that. The shoes had quite the incline and he couldn't understand why she chose to wear them in the first place. He knew most women at the office wore heels but he couldn't really understand why. All they did was make the women seem taller, and ruin their backs, but what did it matter since they spent most of their time behind a desk anyway? If he were in charge, everyone would wear running shoes, or hiking boots. They were much more comfortable. Except Ruggles. He would be forced to wear the most uncomfortable pair of shoes anyone could find, even if they were women's shoes. Especially if they were women's shoes.

He was pulled away from the entertaining image of Ruggles stumbling around in six inch heels when Elenore spoke. It took him a couple seconds to register what she'd said, having to go back and replay her words. He lowered his gaze to the floor, a deep well of guilt building in his stomach. "You shouldn't have been," he murmured. "I can look after myself." Because he was doing such a great job of that so far. In truth, he felt horrible that she'd been worrying about him. Just another thing to add to his list of wrong-doings, even if he hadn't meant to make her worry.

At her question, he frowned. Bandages and gauze? For a moment, nothing came to mind, mostly caused by his confusion as to why she would want to know. However, he got his answer when she spoke again. "Um..." Now, where had he put them? "Oh! In the cupboard in the bathroom." Wait a second. Why did she want to know again? Because his bandages needed to be changed. It took him a moment to realize that she planned to change them. "You don't need to do that! They're fine!" Aside from that, in order to redress the wound on his leg, she'd need to take his pants off. It took him several seconds longer to remember why that was a bad thing.

But, with those thoughts already in his mind, he found himself unable to get rid of them. The image of them rolling around in his bed, making love, came to mind and it was all he could do not to groan aloud as he felt his blood pressure picked up a notch. He was so embedded in his thoughts that he completely missed her question about using the stove. If he hadn't, he probably would have said she could before wondering and asking why. But, as it was, he was slightly distracted.

Taking another long swig from the bottle, he swallowed before lowering the bottle and turning his attention back to Elenore. He was probably going to regret this. In fact, he knew he was going to regret this. And yet, he couldn't bring himself to stop, to just keep his mouth shut. He blamed that on the alcohol.

"Would you be offended if I told you I found you physically attractive and sexually appealing?" If he was sober, he would have slapped himself in the forehead for actually speaking aloud such a comment before going on to apologize and attempt to make it up to her. But, drunk as he was, he did no such thing, simply looking at her and watching, waiting for her answer. As far as he could see, she could react in three ways: She could play it off as the alcohol talking, which wouldn't be completely incorrect; she could slap him and storm out and whatever friendship they had would be ruined; or she could jump his bones. He would be content with the first option but the third one sounded so much more appealing to him.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:31 pm
Look after himself. Uh-huh. In the state that he was in she didn't think so. Letting out a soft sigh, she shook her head. He was pretty drunk from what she could tell and she doubted he would be able to dress his wounds by himself. If only she had come sooner.. Rocking back onto her heels since her feet hurt, she stretched her toes slightly as she waited for him to answer her question. It took him a few seconds but she got the answer that she was looking for.

Going to the door which she thought lead to the bathroom, and thankfully she was right, she opened it and stepped inside. Opening the cupboard she pulled out the materials that she had asked for before going back to the living room. "No they're not. Just look in the mirror. You're bandages are bloody." she frowned at him before walking up to him just as he took a long drink of whatever alcohol was in the bottle.

Hearing his question, a blush crept to her cheeks and she averted her gaze before looking back at him. "No.. I wouldn't." she said softly before she gingerly reached out and started to take off the bandages that were on his head. Meeting his eyes briefly, she then spoke once more. "Would you?" her voice was barely above a whisper and her stomach was twisting in knots. Okay, maybe he was just really drunk and he possibly thought that she was someone else.. but then again he was speaking well so she doubted he was that drunk and damn.. she wanted to kiss him.

Taking a step closer there was barely any space left between them though they weren't touching. Yet. Her fingers came down from his head and gently brushed his shoulder as she looked into his eyes. What was she thinking? But she couldn't stop herself even though she wasn't under the influence. Her heart was beating rather quickly and she couldn't help but swallow. He had bandages that needed to be tended to.. so she best do that before she did anything else. Looking up at his wound, she ran her fingers along the side of his face. It looked rather painful.

Yeah.. she had noticed the wound on his thigh.. but the thought of seeing him with barely anything on made her heart skip a beat. Focus. He needs medical attention! Doing her best to stir her thoughts away from love, she let the bloody bandages from his head fall to the floor, her fingers barely stained by the scarlet liquid. Taking in a deep breath, she was still very aware of how close they were. She would only need to take a small step forward and that would be it.

Waiting for his response, she glanced down at the hand that had the clean bandages and gauze though her eyes didn't stay there for long. Returning her eyes to his face, she took in the sight of his lips that were still slightly wet from the alcohol. Deciding to through all reasonable thoughts out the window, she brushed her lips against his own ever so lightly, waiting for a reaction from him now. She slowly let out a breath of air that she hadn't realized she had been holding until now. At least now she knew that their wasn't just friendship between them.. their was so much more.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:58 pm
Daniel watched as Elenore momentarily disappeared into the bathroom, returning quickly with the items she'd sought out. When she returned, he frowned at her comment. Determined to prove her wrong, he lifted his free hand to the bandages on his head, grimacing when he pressed too hard on them before frowning again when he lowered his hand and found his fingertips tinted red. Damn. She was right. His frowned turned into an outright scowl but it was slightly dampened by the fact that it made him look rather childish.

When he finally asked the question that had been bothering him for all of ten seconds, he watched as a blush steadily brought a rosy glow to her cheeks. When she looked away, he wondered if he really had insulted her but her words reassured him that she was merely embarrassed. A small grin worked its way onto his face, though he winced as she started to unravel the bandages from head. In some places, blood had dried and stuck the material to the wound. When she met his eyes, his grin fell from his face at her question. Would he? Would he what? Be offended? If she said she found him physically attractive and sexually appealing? He snorted at that. "No," he said. "but why would you?" He wasn't exactly the best looking guy around and he knew that. His scars made that status impossible for him.

When her fingers drifted down and brushed against his shoulder, he inhaled sharply, goosebumps once again breaking out on his skin. How was it that such a simple contact could elicit such a reaction from him? That just wasn't fair. She was torturing him and didn't even know it. At the feel of her fingers running down his face, he closed his eyes and leaned his face into the touch. The wound was painful but her fingers felt soft as feathers against his skin.

He opened his eyes again when she continued unwrapping the bandages from his head, allowing them to drift down to the floor. As they did, he didn't even glance at them, keeping his eyes locked on her face, aware of just how close they were. When she looked down at the bandages and gauze in her hand, he followed her gaze before looking back to her face. She was still looking at him but not in the eye. For a moment, he wondered what she was looking at before he got his answer.

When he felt her lips brush against his, he wondered if he was dreaming, but he quickly pushed the thought away. This was no dream. This was much better. At the feel of her breath against his mouth, a shiver ran up his spine. Oh yes, this was much better.

The almost-empty bottle fell from his grasp, shattering as it hit the floor. He hardly noticed. His hands, firm but careful not to hurt her, grasped her hips, pulling her right up against him as he crushed his lips against hers, his eyes tightly closed. Did she have any idea just how much she affected him? Did she realize how long he had been waiting and wanting to show her? He could feel her breasts pressed against his chest; that combined with the softness of her flesh beneath his hands pulled a deep, but quiet, moan from him. He wasn't going to force himself on her but, if she wanted this as badly as he did, he was most certainly going to take advantage of the opportunity, consequences be damned.

((Hehe. I love drunk, impulsive Daniel. XD ))  


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 5:53 pm
No? Well that definitely made things better.. in a sense. "Because you are." every scar held a story and had it's own dark beauty to it as well. Even behind all the scars he was quite handsome. Those eyes.. his square jaw.. strong arms.. she could keep listing things but at the moment she wasn't that set on talking. She had come here to help him.. to thank him.. then to dress his wounds and now.. well now she was just going with her instincts as well as her heart. She wanted to be with him and she hadn't been able to tell him that.. not until now but even then her body was doing it for her, giving away her secrets.

Hearing glass shatter she didn't look away from him, her eyes meeting his once more. A gasp escaped her lips when he pulled her hips against him along with the rest of her body. Heat washed over her body as his lips met hers this time.. they had a sweet bitter taste to them. Her arms moved to wrap around his neck, she didn't bother with leaving space or acting like she didn't feel the same way about him. She never understood women that did that. His moan reached her eyes as her tongue ran along his lips. Elenore had waited for so long and now she found that it had been worth while. Her eyes closed and her hands ran along his sides, feeling the bare skin beneath her palms.

Taking deep breaths of air in whenever she got the chance, Elenore opened her eyes slightly, her lips running along his jaw and then kissing his neck. She didn't think about what she was doing anymore, she just went with it, loving the feeling of having him so close to her. Her arms wrapped around him. She wouldn't lie.. she had thought about what it would be like to have his lips against her own.. his flesh against hers.. Remembering it all sent chills down her spine. The real thing was always better. Her lips returned to his, her eyes closing once more, her hands moving to his sides right above his jeans. She couldn't help but remember that his fly hadn't exactly been closed.. not that she had noticed or anything but the thought made her think of all the possible things that could happen despite the fact that she didn't even know if they would be taking things that far.

Her fingers slid into the belt loops of his jeans, tightening around them. If she was in pants she probably would have already wrapped her legs around his waist but in a pencil skirt that really wasn't the best idea since it would either rip from the stretch or it would ride all the way up to her hips. Yeah.. she wasn't sure she wanted to push things that quickly so she would wait.. as long as her patience was willing to last. Why had she waited so long to feel his sweet lips against her own? She wasn't sure anymore and her mind was clouded by thoughts that she was definitely never voice to anyone.

"What took you so long?" she whispered against his lips between breathes of air that she was feeding her hungry lungs. Elenore couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if she hadn't stopped by but that thought scared her and she immediately pushed it away. Her thoughts then filled with the present. Everything about it. Every touch.. every sound.. every taste.. She only hoped that she hadn't gone crazy and was imagining all of this.

((Yeah ^^ I think Elenore does too >.< lol ))  
PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:46 pm
No matter what she said, Daniel just couldn't see how she found him attractive. In his younger years, he knew he'd been attractive, but that was back before he'd collected too many scars. At first, they had been small and women had 'Oo'd and 'ah'd over them. As time had gone on, he'd gathered more enemies, faced more adversaries and bore the marks to that day. Of course, he'd gotten off a lot lighter than those he had faced. The majority of them were six feet under and he didn't have to worry about them anymore. The few that were still alive, well, they had bigger fish to fry.

At the sound of her gasp, it was all he could do not to grin. That was one sound he'd always found oddly exciting, something he'd never quite been able to figure out, though he didn't exactly think on it very hard. As her arms wrapped around his neck, his slid up, sliding around her waist and pressing her even more tightly against him. How long has it been since you had a woman over? Michael's voice drifted through his mind, bringing back the memory of the day Elenore had called and Michael had stolen the phone from him. He truly had enjoyed the day and the company. He would never say it aloud, but he was grateful for the part Michael had played in it, however annoying he had been. He hadn't answered his neighbor's question that day but the answer was simple: Too long.

At the feel of her tongue sliding across his lips, he groaned. It certainly had been too long. He hands on the skin of his sides brought a shiver to him. She truly was trying to torture him. That just wasn't right, and yet he loved it.

Daniel's breath came in gasps when he did get the chance to breathe, not that he overly minded. The alcohol had made his mind cloudy at best and the attention he was receiving from Elenore didn't make it any better. His eyes slid open when her lips left his, curious, but his curiosity was quickly satisfied. He let out a shaky breath as her mouth drifted over his jaw, then neck. His head tilted back slightly, breathing heavily through his mouth, as if he couldn't get enough air into his lungs.

When her mouth returned to his, he obligingly lowered his head again. Her hands returned to his sides, but not for long. When he felt the slight tug of her fingers tightly holding the belt loops on his jeans, he was in half a mind to just take them off. He wasn't psychic but, even drunk, he fancied himself pretty good at reading people. If her actions were any indication, she wanted him as much as he wanted her. However, when she broke the kiss to speak, all he could do was open his eyes and stare at her incredulously. Was she serious? He hoped beyond hope that she wasn't in a talking mood. Otherwise, the near-painful tension in his pants was going to make things very awkward between them.

"Is talking really what you want to be doing?" he whispered back. Please, for the love of all things good and decent in this world, say no! If she said yes, he would probably have to excuse himself to the bathroom for a couple minutes. She was very lucky he had excellent self-control, or else she could have found herself in a very dangerous position. He personally knew plenty of men who would have taken what they wanted from her, whether or not she was willing to give it.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:27 am
When he wrapped his arms wrapped her waist pulling her closer or rather more tightly to him she couldn't help but let a small, almost silent groan escape her lips. Her breathing was heavy by now thanks to his doing, not that she overly minded or anything. To be honest if she was going to start over with anyone.. it would be with Daniel though she still didn't know how far he wanted to go.. she hoped it wasn't something for just one night and then it would be the end of it. If that was the case.. well she wasn't quite sure what she would do.

Hearing his question, she raised one of her hands and gently placed it on his cheek, her thumb lazily running across his bottom lip. "No." of course she didn't.. she didn't even know why she had asked the question in the first place. Perhaps that's Deserai got all her questions from her and not some distant relative. Deserai. Inside her mind she panicked for a moment. Where were her kids? Then she remembered they were with Aunt Rose and everything would be fine unless she got a phone call. Even now it was still difficult for her to leave them but it was significantly easier due to the fact that she was with Daniel. Had it been someone else she would have been long gone.

Moving her thumb away she kissed him once more, her eyes closing. Every time he breathed in she could feel his chest rising against her own even if he was a bit taller than her. For a moment she wished she had left those heels on but then again it would have been horrible if she tripped in the dark. The sun had already set and the wind was howling outside making the house creak every once in a while. The alcohol on the floor had slowly crept to her feet by now and she shivered from the cold feeling. Taking in a bit of air the hand on his cheek trailed down to his neck, her fingers barely brushing against his skin.

Her other hand ran along his side. She wanted to savor every moment of this... would he still find her attractive when he was sober? She didn't know and at the moment she didn't want to think about it. Elenore took a small step forward knowing that there was a wall behind him since he had been leaning against one before. Sure in a way it was pinning him since she put her hands on either side of the wall on him now but both of them knew she wouldn't be able to keep him there if he didn't want to be.

Elenore's lips trailed to his neck once more gently biting his skin briefly before kissing the same spot. Her lips didn't return to him this time though, instead she brushed them along his collarbone, feeling a scar beneath her lips at one point as well. The truth was she had a few scars of her own. She could count all of them on one hand so she definitely hadn't gone through all the things he had. Not even close to it. Well at least now he wasn't alone. Her hands moved back to him. She didn't plan on leaving him tonight unless.. of course things went wrong and so forth but she didn't see how that could happen.

One of her hands ran up along his arm and her lips returned to the crook of his neck before her other hand moved between him and the wall to wrap around his waist. Were they going to be standing around here for the whole night? Maybe she was rushing it.. but she couldn't keep those thoughts out of her head. Of course there were consequences.. plenty of them but she was sure she could handle whatever happened after tonight.
PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 11:31 pm
The sound of her almost inaudible groan made Daniel's heart skip a beat. It amazed him just how easily she could affect him, the small touches she gave him and the tiny noises that came from her drove him absolutely crazy. After he had asked his question, he watched her hand lift before feeling it land on his cheek. Her thumb brushing against his lower lip sent him trembling, so much so that he almost missed her answer. His eyes momentarily closed and he pressed a small kiss to her thumb. Her hands were so much softer than hers, smoother too, not rough from years of hard work.

When her thumb left his lip, he opened his eyes only to close them again when her lips replaced it. He swore he could feel her heart beat with every breath. She could probably feel his too, no doubt. It was beating hard enough. And even if she couldn't-. That thought was cut off as her hand drifted down from his cheek to his neck. He groaned lowly, his grip on her waist tightening unconsciously. She was cruel, cruel in the worst possible way his drunken mind could come up with. If he'd been sober, he would have thought himself a fool. There were plenty of more cruel things she could do to him but, completely smashed as he was, he couldn't think of any. And he loved it.

Another shiver raced through him when her other hand ran along one side of his torso but he was quickly distracted as Elenore moved closer. He blinked open his eyes as he suddenly found himself pinned to the wall behind him, not that it was much of a pin. Drunk as he was, he was still stronger than her, although he had no real intention of trying to escape her grasp. Quite the opposite, actually.

It was cruelty of the utmost worst, the way her lips left a trail of tingling sensation down to his neck. At the sudden sharpness of her teeth against his flesh, he gasped, his hands clutching at her hips. But it only got worse. His lips ventured further down him, finding one particular scar on his collar bone. He could no longer remember how he had come by it, though whether that was due to time or a combination of Elenore and the alcohol, he wasn't sure. A brief image popped into his mind of a Hispanic man's face, twisted in rage and hatred. The name Poppy came to mind but he didn't focus on it for long.

The combination of one of her hands on his arm, her other hand sliding around his waist and her lips on the crook of his neck was just too much. He couldn't handle it anymore. She obviously wanted it as badly as he did so he had problems inhibitions at all about what he did. Sliding one arm around her waist, he slid the other under her backside and, with surprising ease considering his injuries and blood alcohol level, lifted her off the ground.

It was amazing that he didn't hit any walls as he carried Elenore to the bedroom. It wasn't the only bedroom in the house, but it was the only one that had a bed, half-decent walls and a floor without holes in it. As they crossed the threshold, he barely noticed the way everything changed. The air didn't stink of alcohol but held the faint scent of sawdust. It also wasn't nearly as cold as the rest of the house, being the only room in the house that was heated.

Not bothering to shut the door since there was no one else in the house anyway, he carried her over to the bed before setting her down, though it took all his self-control to not just drop her and take her. Placing both hands against the bed behind her, he pressed a knee into the mattress and pulled himself up onto the bed. Without hesitation, he kissed her hungrily and with such force that he forced her down onto her back, his weight shifting onto his forearms on either side of her torso. He needed her, badly, and if she couldn't feel it pressing against her leg, there was something seriously wrong.

((Feel free to do a time skip whenever, to afterward or the next morning))  


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:21 pm
Feeling his arms tighten around her even more, which she hadn't thought was possible but apparently it was. Of course the movement had been accompanied by a groan that she had no doubt caused. More reactions came from him every time she did something. She was enjoying her time with him, not that she hadn't before but this situation was different and she definitely wasn't going to complain about it anytime soon. Taking in a bit of air when she felt his arms shift.

One of his arms went around her waist and the other moved a bit lower. Her lips barely brushed against his skin as she wondered what he was planning. He wouldn't be able to pick her up in this that.. would he? To her surprise he actually lifted her off the ground and carried her. She wasn't that light.. but then again she wasn't that heavy.. still he was drunk and.. why did it matter? She wrapped her arms around him in case he lost his balance or grip on her.

Her lungs took another breath of air and she couldn't help but notice that the smell had changed. She wasn't exactly sure where they were since it was pitch black in his house but it had a pleasant scent to it. Daniel's was better though.. much better. Blinking when she was set down, she placed her hands on the cushion before she realized it was a mattress. So she hadn't been the only one with those thoughts in mind. She shivered slightly before she felt his lips against her own. Elenore couldn't help but let out a small gasp when her back hit the mattress. He was over her now and Elenore's heart was racing. Lips moving against his own, she let her eyes close once again. Her hands ran along his sides stopping at his jeans.

Raising one knee slightly Elenore felt her stomach twisting in knots once again. She didn't know why she felt so nervous.. it wasn't like he was her first after all. Her arms slowly went to his back, her hands resting on his shoulder blades. His bare skin and dents and small bumps every once in a while. Scars, broken bones where the explanation for those. Taking in a deep breath, she arched her back slightly and moved her hands to her skirt, slowly slipping out of it as soon as she got the zipper in the back undone. Yeah.. she had known what this would lead to and she wasn't regretting it a single bit...

Elenore didn't know how much time had passed and to be honest she didn't care. She was simply in a state of bliss lying in the tangled sheets of his bed and sweat dripping from her body. With her eyes closed, she gently turned onto her side and wrapped her arm around his own, her head moving to rest on his shoulder. Her lips brushed against his skin in an affectionate gesture and she wrapped her other arm around his torso. Perhaps he had fallen asleep already.. she wasn't sure but a few minutes ago he had been awake.

Opening her eyes slightly, she looked around the dark room. A little bit of light came in from the window since the moon was still up in the sky and she was able to make a few things out. Returning her attention to Daniel, she listened to his heart beat. It was a comforting sound, one that made her wish that she could stay here forever.. but that wasn't possible. The sun would come up and she would have to go back to Aunt Rose's and pick up her children and go back home. They were all probably asleep by now. Aunt Rose had left their rooms intact, she had enough beds for all of them. Letting out a soft sigh, her fingers gently trailed along his breast bone, not knowing what to say except for one thing but she didn't know what his reaction would be to it.

((Hope this is alright >.< ))  
PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:35 pm
It was all Daniel could do not to grin like an idiot at the sound of her gasp. Even though he was more than content to let her manipulate his body's reactions -and just a little unnerved by how easily she could- he was glad to know he had the same effect on her. It did help soothe his ego, if only a little bit. After all, he may not have had a very great deal of self-worth but he was still a man and he still had his pride. Though, unlike most other men, he was sure that would not be his downfall.

His eyes fell shut with hers, a shudder seizing him at the feel of her hands sliding along his sides to stop at his jeans. The reminder of them brought back his previous thoughts. With one arm still holding him up, he shifted his weight before using his free hand to grab hold of the top of his jeans and pull them down. It took a bit of wiggling once the jeans got down far enough but he didn't mind considering who it was he had sandwiched between himself and his mattress. Soon enough, though far too long in his opinion, he got them off.

Daniel's breath hitched as her knee brushed against his hip as it rose. Despite excited, and far more drunk than he should have been, he was slightly nervous. He hadn't actually been with a woman in... a very long time, longer than he cared to admit even to himself, though not for lack of trying on the parts of certain females. But he hadn't cared about any of them and, as well as for those who had wanted nothing more than a good lay, the part of his life where he saw women as nothing more than sex objects was over. Elenore meant something to him, meant a lot to him. He wouldn't say he was in love with her but he definitely cared about her. For that reason, at least in part, he wanted to make this good for her but had his time without practice made him lose some of the skill he knew he'd had?

He was jerked from his thoughts when Elenore's hands moved to his back, coming to rest on his shoulder blades. His back had just as many scars as his front, as he was sure she could feel. When she arched her back, subsequently pressing herself up against him, he groaned, feeling every one of her curves along the length of his body. The sound of a zipper being undone reached his ears. He didn't know how well he would do but he was going to make sure she enjoyed herself.

It all happened so quickly and was over far too fast. Though, in his opinion, lying beside Elenore afterward felt just as wonderful. He lay on his back, droplets of sweat either sliding off him to soak into the bedsheets or gathering in the indentations between his muscles. He was going to feel absolutely horrible tomorrow, and not just because he knew he was going to be incredibly hungover. The sheets would probably be damp and he hated sleeping in damp clothing or sheets. But he couldn't bring himself to move, not having the energy and, even if he did, not wanting to leave Elenore's side.

The bed shifting caught his attention and he turned his head slightly, his half-lidded gaze resting on Elenore as she changed position. A small, warm smile worked its way onto his lips as her arm slid around his and her lips fluttered over his skin. His head seemed to make a competent pillow for her, something he was glad for. Leaning down just enough, he pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head as her other arm wrapped around his chest.

It felt perfect, laying there with her. It felt right, more right than he could remember anything ever feeling. The feeling over her fingers trailing along the middle of his chest made him hum in contentment, his eyes drifting shut. He never wanted this moment to end, but he knew it would. It had to. The world wouldn't stop for them. Tomorrow would come and they would have to get on with their lives. Speaking of tomorrow... He opened his eyes again and looked down at Elenore. Swallowing, he forced himself to speak, though for the first few words, his voice was rough and thick, as though he'd just woken up from a deep sleep. "Elenore, no matter what happens tomorrow and no matter what I say, know this: I do care about you and I do want us to be together."


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:23 pm
Feeling his soft kiss at the top of her head, she smiled. If only she could stay here. Her hand rested on his stomach. For the first time in a very long time she was completely relaxed. Her kids were safe and she was with Daniel. She knew that they probably only had about six more hours. Maybe seven. Only seven hours. Then she would go to Aunt Rose's and take her kids.. go back to an empty home. Tears welled up in her eyes, she absolutely hated crying so she closed her eyes tightly, not wanting to ruin anything with her tears.

Hearing his words, she smiled once more. Taking in a deep breath, she hoped her voice would be steady enough to not cause any concern. "I care about you too." she whispered. Pulling her arms away she then rolled over onto her stomach and pushed herself up onto her forearms, looking over at him. She hadn't forgotten about his wounds. She was tired and she certainly didn't want to leave his side but she didn't want him to get an infection and die either. Her fingers briefly reached out and caressed his cheek before she pushed herself to a sitting position, pulling one of the sheets with her. "I'll be right back." she said softly as she got up. It would be colder in the rest of the house so she wrapped the sheet around herself before moving towards the door which she could barely see.

After almost running into three walls and tripping over something, she finally reached the spot where she had dropped the clean bandages and gauze. Picking them up carefully, she was extremely careful not to step in glass from the broken bottle, feeling around gently with her toes. Eventually she made it back to him and crawled back onto the bed. "How's your head?" she asked him, gently reaching out and running her fingers through his brown hair. Biting her lower lip, she knew she was probably going to have to find some rubbing alcohol or some of the alcohol out in the living room could work as well.

She didn't want to think about the fact that she would have to leave.. she wanted to stay, she really did but bringing her kids here.. she didn't even know if he would be up to it. If it was just her she probably would have stayed with him for as long as possible. Thinking about it only made the tears come back so she dismissed all of those thoughts. Placing her back against the wall, she had her legs lying next to him, her feet cold from walking around the house. Kissing the top of his head gently, she couldn't help but remember all the events that had happened since she had come here. That probably wasn't the best idea.

Letting out a soft sigh, she looked down at him, her eyes softening. She was sure things could work out between them.. it would just take a bit of work. Running her fingers through her own hair in attempt to get out some of the knots and tangles, she winced slightly before she gave up for the time being. She would have to bring herself together before she left though. Aunt Rose was obviously going to ask what had happened to her and she wasn't going to lie though she wasn't going to say anything in front of her kids either. What was she going to tell Deserai if she asked? Ugh. Stretching her arms briefly, her bones popped and she then gently inspected the wound that was on his forehead in the dim light. Of course it would be better if they got some more light but she didn't know where the switch was and she didn't want to make him get up either.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:49 pm
When Elenore spoke, Daniel smiled softly, being far too exhausted and drunk to notice the waver in her voice. He closed his eyes only to open them again when she pulled her arms back to her before flipping to her stomach and lifting herself up on her forearms. Even though he was satisfied for the moment, he was still male and hence unable to ignore the view that Elenore's position gave him of her chest. His gaze darted upward to her face when he felt her gentle caress against his cheek. Much of his lower face was covered in three day old stubble and he hoped she didn't mind, not that she seemed to. The day before, he hadn't been in the frame of mind to tend to his personal grooming. Even if he had been, he wouldn't have cared.

When she pushed herself up and wrapped one of the bedsheets around herself, he pouted for a second before allowing his face to relax again. At her words, he raised an eyebrow but didn't question her. He curled one arm under his head, the extra height allowing him to watch as Elenore made her way, slowly, towards the door. He wondered for a moment if she could even see it. When she had safely made her way out, he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and letting it out again.

Everything that had happened that night seemed like a dream. If it was a dream, he didn't ever want to wake up from it, though he knew he would have to eventually. Tomorrow would come, he would be sober, albeit hungover. Elenore would have to return to her children and work. He would take tomorrow off, knowing he wouldn't be in any condition to be working. It would be interesting to see if he would even be able to get out of bed. The last time he had gotten drunk, all those years ago, he had spent two days in bed, sleeping in between vomiting up his guts and trying vainly to get rid of his migraine. Hopefully this time wouldn't be so bad. If Michael had any say in it, it would be worse. The older man had once threatened him that if he ever got drunk again, Michael would come over with a megaphone. Daniel had absolutely no doubt that his neighbor would do so.

When Elenore finally returned, he opened his eyes again and watched as she returned to his side. At her question, he blinked before raising his free hand to his forehead. He grimaced at the sharp pain that burned there when he pressed his fingers too hard against the wound. Bringing his hand back, he rubbed his fingers together, frowning when he felt the stickiness. "Bleeding," he said flatly. Otherwise, he was fine. The injuries didn't hurt too bad so long as he didn't touch them, though that probably had more to do with the alcohol running through his system than anything else. At the feel of her fingers running through his hair, he closed his eyes, lowering his head slightly, almost like a cat being pet.

He opened his eyes again, watching as she shifted so she sat with her back against the wall. His eyes drifted down from her face, scanning over her body before returning to her face when she kissed the top of his head. At the sound of her sigh, he tilted his head slightly but didn't ask her what was wrong. If she really wanted him to know, she would tell him. Remaining silent, he watched as she tried to comb her fingers through her hair, something she failed in. Even in the pale light that the moon shed, he could see how tangled her hair had become. At least that was one thing he would never have to worry about.

At she stretched her arms, his eyes drifted over the skin. She had such smooth skin, unmarred like his. Despite both of them being white, they couldn't have been more different. His skin was rough, his old wounds leaving jagged scars, and tanned from hours in the sun. She was so gentle, so careful, she seemed almost fragile to him, whereas he was hardened from his time on the streets, in prison and in the gang. Could they really make this work?

Daniel was pulled from his thoughts as she inspected the wound on his forehead. He couldn't imagine the light was too good and he would have offered to turn on the light, but he didn't really trust his legs to support his weight. Besides that, he felt like he was ready to fall asleep at any second. As it was, his eyes were starting to struggle keeping themselves open.


Dedicated Seeker


Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:24 pm
PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:41 pm
She frowned at his response. Bleeding wasn't good. She couldn't bandage the wound in this light so she was just going to have to wait until later in the morning. Taking the clean bandages and gauze, as well as anything else that she had brought, she put them on the small night stand. Rubbing alcohol would be a good idea as well but she had no idea where he kept it or even if he had any at all. Closing her eyes, she lay down beside him once more, her forehead touching his shoulder lightly. Once he was sober.. she didn't know what he would do anymore. She still believed what he had said, what he had told her to remember but what was she supposed to do if he kept denying all of it? It would be worse if he broke all contact with her as well.

Wrapping her arm around him, she stayed silent, not knowing what to tell him. Up until now she hadn't thought about the possibility that she could get pregnant from this. Of course she wouldn't ask for money from him or try to keep them together by pulling that card if she was.. but she would have to tell him if she was. Her heart was pounding in her chest now. What were the chances of her getting pregnant at her age? She didn't even know. Elenore certainly wasn't going to bring any of that up now. It was very possible that she was freaking out about nothing. She would wait a month and see.. That was the only way she would know for sure.

Even though she was rather tired she felt restless as well. Why? She didn't know but it was starting to bother her. Glancing over at him, she noticed that he looked exhausted so it would be better to let him sleep. "Sleep well.." she said softly, her fingers briefly brushing against his jaw. It felt a bit rough since he hadn't today shaved from what she could tell. Closing her eyes as well, she didn't sleep though, she simply lay there, thinking about what was going to happen during the rest of the day. She probably wouldn't be able to come over today after work since Aunt Rose was most likely tired of taking care of them all day yesterday. What about tomorrow though? Would he want her to come? She didn't know and the uncertainty was starting to eat her inside out. Elenore would just have to wait until that time came...

Biting her lower lip, she found that her eyes were starting to close as well and Elenore stayed close to him, not really wanting any of this to end. She would do her best to make things work out between them.. All she needed was him to want this as well. Her breathing slowed and her eyes closed gently as she started to slip away into an unknown dream.

((Sorry this took so long >.< sweatdrop ))  



Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:39 pm
Daniel, as tired as he was, didn't notice the frown that tugged down at the corners of her mouth. His eyes fell shut and he merely listened as she laid down beside him, her forehead touching his shoulder. This was perfect. He was completely exhausted and his wounds were sore but he felt a contentment he hadn't experienced in so long, years perhaps, if he ever had. Aside from his wounds, his muscles ached, but it was a good kind of ache, like after finishing a satisfying round of exercise. Of course, what they had done wasn't what most people would consider exercise but it had certainly taken it out of him.

Feeling her skin against his, his eyes flickered open for a moment before falling closed again when he saw that it was just her arm. At the sound of her soft voice and the feel of her fingers touching his jaw, he hummed in contentment before murmuring, "You too." A small smile worked its way onto his face and he turned his head towards her, leaning his cheek against the top of her head.

Despite being so tired and he couldn't open his eyes for more than a second, he found himself unable to fall asleep. It wasn't until Elenore's breathing had eased and her body had gone loose in sleep that he was able to follow her example.

When Daniel came to the next morning, the first thing he was aware of was a paw tapping on his face, accompanied by an annoyed mrrow. The next thing he was aware of was a light pressure on his chest and the feel of someone else's body pressed against his side. It took several seconds for the observation to sink in but, once it had, his eyes snapped open and he shot up into a sitting position, successfully catapulting Max off the bed with a screech. Daniel's head whipped around and his eyes landed on Elenore for half a second before last night's drinking came back to bite him.

It felt like someone hit him in the head with a sledgehammer. His mouth felt dry. His eyes felt like someone had rubbed sand in them. But, for the moment, there was one other aspect that needed his immediate attention. Ripping off the bed sheets, he sprang from the bed and bolted to the window, throwing it open and leaning the upper half of his body out just in time to avoid throwing up inside. With his hands resting on the window sill, he hurled up his stomach's contents from the night before. After nearly a minute of throwing up, he was finally empty and allowed himself to pull his head back inside, turn and slump down on the floor with a groan.

Closing his eyes, he leaned his head against the edge of the window sill. It was only then, as the chill from the floor seeped into his skin, that he realized he wasn't wearing anything. In his mind's eyes, he replayed waking up and looking at Elenore, because the sun's light hurt his head too much to allow him to do actually look at her as that would involve opening his eyes. He had no memory of last night although it wouldn't take a genius to figure out what he hoped was some huge misunderstanding, but knew in his heart that it wasn't. They had slept together.
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