Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:15 pm
he laughed and said as he stoood straight up and said"oaky soyou dont believe that crap he told me"
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:16 pm
It was the post right above)
Growling Haru disappear and appears behind the group "Man you people are so annoying , and Niara you really need to get in control of you're emotions" she say's before appearing beside her with her hands in her pockets while helping her in the fight. While fighting she sighs "I think I ...owe you and apology.." she say's while fighting next to her "I shouldn't have snapped at you it's just the same thign has happened to me before" turning on her back on one of the lycans to look at her she sighs before turning and cutting it's head off as it tries to attack her.
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:16 pm
alexander howled like a half lycan "no body order me around nobody !" alex looks at naira " you may be my sister but your adpoted sister alice is my flesh and blood sister i would protect you both the same but you need to go you need to back to angle before i lose my tempuer and ive never done that before " alex looks at his sis " im sorry ill deal with this " alices screams " STOP IT BOTH OF ALL OF YOU STOP FITING " alices cry very hard and put hand over her eye and runs out of the manision in the middle of the daylite " maybe i should leave i should go away and never come back " alices keep runiing as fast as she could she didnt even know where she going but ended up at a very large lake alice fell clospleds crying on her knees " why why ...all this pain and tormuli over me ?!" selen come runing thinking she hears cloud but only to see alices door riped off it hinges and haru and naira and alex glareing at each other "where my daugther where alices ?" selena asked panicked " what happend what the distruction of the door ?" selena looks at haru " oh no she did run away did she ?"
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:20 pm
Growling she bears her fangs at the Lycans and twwo of them back off with there tails inbetween there legs. Getting int oa good stance she watches them and finally notices that the sun was up and she was outside and she didn't have any burns on her body. Growling at them she holds her Katana's infront of herself and watches them intently.
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:20 pm
"i mean he told oyu the truth right"legion said
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:25 pm
"He hasn't told me much aboout you and I don't know what is the truth or a lie" she say's to him as she moves her hands away from her forehead and looks at him. Even in his head she even seemed like she was only half there or she was really tired
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:30 pm
alices crys while siting there she cry her eye out she hardly notices that she was geting burned because she was already in so much pain as it was " this must be some crule joke that the cosmos love to play on us because we live forever so the gods think we should be able to hand 3 time as much pain and surrfeing as any other human " alexander screams out in pain "ahhhh!!" alex crys with the bruns on his skin " auntie haru save alices !"
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:33 pm
he laughed and said"he killed you because i was the one with you not the real him he killed you because i got out and said that i would bring you back but you got in the way if you were to come back so he sent me in my head to bring you back"
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:36 pm
Finally noticing that Alice had also gone out into the sun she looks around before feeling a bit of pain before jumping over all the lycans. Running towards where Alice is. Picking her up easily she appears back inside with her while she tries to take deep breaths "Alice please calm down a bit and listen to me" she say's "We know you're sad about Angel and all but you can't go running out into the sun if you do it could kill you, I don't want that, neither does you're mother, or Alex, or Niara". Looking at her she wipes away the tears the Alice was crying before giving her a hug and petting her hair "You need to know that this will not be the last time it will happen but you have to get used to it, you have the rest of you're life to find the perfect person for you, and you never know they might be even better the Angel" Haru say's before holding her at arms length from herself "Now, we need to get those burns tended to"
Looking at him her eyes dart back and forth as she tries to think for a moment "How can that be true what I remember isn't you I remember him. Why do you say such lies" she say's before holding her head again as same burns appear on her skin. "You're not telling the truth I would remember you more if, I don't even remember my original death and how and why" she say's
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:43 pm
"why fo you think that i lie"
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:49 pm
"Show me what you remember" she say's before jumping down from the book case and walking over to him and leaving a few feet inbetween him, so he could decide whether ot not he would show her. Blinking a few times she yawns and puts her hand infront of her mouth as she does. "I... don't know... why I think.. you lie... but .. you told him... you were.. going to kill me..."
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:52 pm
alices screams in pain not that her tears are going away "auntie haru i guess im more like mother than i thougth huh ?" she try to smiles but wines in pain " i know you dont want me to die but i wouldnt really beucase as long as my borther is alive i can not die and same go for me " alices breaths in heavily " its a twin thing moher doesn know i this but she was a twin to thats why she acts like this she was spearated from them " alices sighs " help my borther he still out side fiting the lycans he trying to portect us......all i need s blood to heal alex screams "die you evil verm " the alex screams the more lyan like he becomes taking down everything in his path " i will kill you all never more will there be alycan race to come here a bug us i will distory you all " he says as he hacks and slashs his way throught the hord of lycans alices screams "there some thing worng with him she sound more like the thing which we hate most i guess he loseing it and he never ever been truely pissed off before " as she lays there healing her body rejenreates quickly after dinking some blood but more burns come from no where "see i told you were two people but were concceted as one !"
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:54 pm
"well after his idea of you two getting married was put into his head i had to try something"he then sent out a mind picture of him his self being wit her and not charles they were...actualy happy looking and then there was charles in the back scowling at this
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 4:55 pm
Sighing she kisses Alice lightly on the forehead before looking outside and sighing again beforeeasily cutting off the air supply to the brains of the lycans and most fall over unconcious. She cut off the air circulation by using his brain to tell them that they should be breathing and stuff which made them stop breathing until they were out cold. Heading outside she kills the last ones then drags both Niara and Alex inside the house and locks the front door quickly "Okay you Niara are really starting to get on my nerves for a niece and Alex you need to watch out with you're temper also" she say's before sliding down the door and starting to heal her burns.
"Who put that idea into his head" she ask's as she sits down on the floor to try and relax. Seeing the memory makes he smile and a few tears fall down her cheeks as if she remembered it. "Why do we look so happy, I still can't remember it, why is that"
Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 5:06 pm
"you still dont get it i change ed his memories"he then stood up and but his hand in to the air about 45 degrees and said"what beter revenge thean making him think that we wernt together and he was with you then kill"he then appeared right in her face and said"you...after that he surly will comit suicide and my minions will do alll the work matter of a fact they should be doing it right about now" suddenly a about a hundred thousand lycans cans were all out side he laughed and said"they all are a milinth of me anf if they die i get that strenght back"he then laughed the lycans came charging at the house ferious about waht happened to their brothers