Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 2:42 pm
(No worries! You needed your rest! ^__^ <3 and..I HAVE A NEW CHARGER! x-x just sucks that parents know I'm addicted now -_-)
Darren moved his arms around Jaime, watching the scene play out. Derrick looked to Dimitri and his now toadish father. His father who seemed to be having trouble speaking. He actually felt the stirrings of pity inside of him for the man he'd always thought he hated absolutely. But perhaps it was reasonable, how could one not pity a man being turned into a toad?
Giamonde attempted to answer, but croaks were all that would emerge and in frustration, he slammed his webbed hand onto the ground. This particular silence spell would last for however long was deemed in it's creation. But at Dimitri's question, he shook his head vehemently. The spell had nothing to do with Elryn directly, but it had everything to do with Richam, Dimitri's greatest rival. Richam earned the favor of the non magick and magick folk alike through deceit and a false spirit of goodness, but the truth was, his soul was selfish and greedy and Dimitri knew it better than anyone. It was Richam who discreetly instigated the ruckus that caused his sister Thalira's apparent death. But Dimitri didn't know about Richam and Alya's alliance, there wouldn't be any reason to suspect Richam had any part in anything to do with Ayla's 'favorite little plaything' as she'd called him to Dimitri several times.
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:20 pm
Dimitri sighed, wishing he knew what to do. "Alright...well....good to know that it wasn't Elryn at least," he said. "Now...I suppose we should start by me trying to reverse my spell. At least that way, we'll get you back to your human form. I just don't have full use of my powers in Derrick's body, so let's hope it works. Redintegro."
((redintegro = fix in Latin biggrin ))
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:37 pm
(o-o do you know Latin? )
There was a little flicker that surrounded Giamonde's body, and then it began to expand and move about. Before long, his body shifted colors as he was for a moment a chubby, greenish man. And then the weight began to be lost as his skin became smoother and the green faded. Giamonde as Lyle was very different than his original form. Lyle's was paler where Giamonde's had been a deep hazelnut, the hair was a blondish brown and straight rather than dark, long, and curly, the eyes were a muddy blue instead of a deep brown, and his form was shorter and rather ill-fit after years of laziness and alcohaul drinking. He looked over himself for a moment before cautiously trying to speak, "Hello?"
When he heard his voice, he seemed visibly relieved and almost smiled, before his gaze caught Derrick and Jaime on the stairs. Then he frowned a little as he looked to Dimitri, "Why help me?" he asked, sounding curious rather than suspicious. Dimitri owed Giamonde his life, but as for Lyle, he'd be lucky if Dimitri didn't kill him himself.
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:42 pm
((A little 3nodding I took three yrs of it in HS, but I don't remember a whole lot. Mostly, it helps with medical terms sweatdrop ))
Dimitri looked at Giamonde sternly. "Not even someone as vile as you deserves a fate like that," he said. "As horrible as you treated Derrick," he couldn't speak for Jaime and the others, "I wasn't going to stoop to your level."
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:02 pm
(O-o sweeeeeeeet haha, I'm taking Spanish. I would have liked Latin better though T__T)
Giamonde's expression didn't change but for a flicker of guilt in his eyes, and sort of grimace. He hadn't been capable of subtle expressions when he'd been drunk, but sober, everything was painfully clear. Which reminded him, he needed to be drunk again: soon. His expression became stonelike, "My level?" he gave a wry smirk, "And now you sound like Ayla. Perhaps you'd like to be on her level?"
Derrick growled, "He just helped you, which was more than I think you deserved! You should be thanking him."
Giamonde fixed Derrick with a glare, "Pups shouldn't speak that way to their elders."
Derrick tensed and looked as if he might try something like bite Giamonde, but the other turned to Dimitri again and said simply, "Thank you, Dimitri." Derrick was so surprised he stopped short, Giamonde seemed as if he actually meant the thank you, stiff though it was.
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:12 pm
"At least Ayla didn't abuse defenseless children," Dimitri growled after Giamonde's first statement. He almost launched himself at Gia when he began to give Derrick that glare, but softened only slightly when he said thank you. He gave Giamonde a stiff nod. "Now...we are leaving, and if you try to come after Derrick, I won't hesitate to cast another spell on you and leave you as the slimy toad you deserve to be..."
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:25 pm
Giamonde frowned at that, "You..can't.." he sounded as though he wasn't quite sure what to say, and his expression was almost concerned a moment before hardening. "Derrick is my son, you can't take him from me."
"What do you care?" came Derrick's snarled reply, "Do you want to be a toad?"
Giamonde paused at that, "You don't..If I try to say anything, I'll be a toad again without Dimitri's bloody magick, but I have my reasons. You're my son."
Derrick glared at him, although his curiosity was piqued since his father seemed to mean it about having his reasons. But what reasons, were they purely selfish? Or was there something more..it was so damned hard to think straight when all the weird occurences kept happening. "I'm leaving, Lyle, get it through your head."
Giamonde stiffened before glaring as he stepped closer, "Weren't you listening, runt, my name is Giamonde. Also known as father to you."
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:31 pm
Dimitri instinctively stepped in front of Giamonde when he advanced on Derrick. "You stay AWAY from him!" he growled through gritted teeth. "Biology has nothing to do with being a father. He might be your offspring, but you know NOTHING of him being your son!"
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:41 pm
Giamonde watched as Dimitri stepped in front of him. How odd, that they would meet again both wearing a different skin. At the words, he glared at Dimitri and scowled, seeming tempted to whack Dimitri..but then his expression became calmer and he nodded, "You're right."
Derrick's jaw nearly dropped at the admission.
"I don't. Are you happy? Regardless, he is my son, and I'm not..going to be seperated from him." He ran a hand through his hair as he gazed around before looking back at Dimitri, "You have no reason anymore to trust me, like me, want to help me, or abstain from condemning me to a permanent amphibian torment, I understand. So..do it this way. Make me a toad again, or whatever creature you think best, and take me with you, I don't expect to be cared for, I'll find a way to do it myself. I'm used to being a self-reliant pet," he said with bitter self-mockery, "And then after a time, if you think I've earned it, change me back. If not..well then you lose nothing."
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:47 pm
Dimitri softened, but only slightly. After considering Giamonde's words for a minute, he sighed. "I can't make that choice," he said. "It doesn't belong to me. It belongs...to your children. But especially Derrick."
Jaime shuddered a bit, thinking about the fact that this man was his father. "I think it lies solely with Derrick...he's the one who's had to endure so much from this man. Ly-- Giamonde....he's a stranger to me," he said quietly, but loud enough so the others could hear.
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:00 pm
Giamonde glanced to Jaime after listening to Dimitri. He was a stranger to his own son, Ayla couldn't have plotted it any better. So then his eyes fell to Derrick, apparently the one who was making the decision.
Derrick glared at him, and for a long moment nothing was said. But finally, he spoke and said in a quiet voice, "Fine. If only because I know he won't earn it..so whatever form Dimitri gives you, you'll be stuck in it for life, I bet." He was leaving the form choice up to Dimitri since the other would know what would work best with his powers and how he might want Giamonde to end up. Despite himself, he was concerned with how a little amphibian could 'take care of himself'.
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:13 pm
((I think I need to head to bed...gotta job hunt tomorrow...blech...nitey nite!!!))
Dimitri kneeled next to Derrick and pulled him close. "You're a much better man than I," he whispered into Derrick's ear. He kissed the other's furry forehead before setting him back down and standing in front of Giamonde, glaring at him. "Novo reptilius," he said, aiming to turn him into a turtle. He had considered a snake, but he knew that a turtle would be a more acceptable 'pet' and much easier to prevent escape.
Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:25 pm
(O-o what does that mean?) (Alrighty, nighty night! <3)
Derrick felt himself being pulled close, and he felt a little warmth return at the words, leaning into the kiss before settling as he was set down. He watched the other stand in front of Giamonde and cast a spell. When the transformation was finished, his eyes widened slightly at Dimitri's choice and he nearly laughed at the unexpected decision.
Giamonde watched Dimitri hold and kiss his son and furrowed his brow slightly, trying to make sense of the thought entering his head, only to be distracted by Dimitri standing in front of him. At the spell words, his eyes widened slightly, he apparently recognized the spell or at least the intent. "A turtle?" But if he was going to object, it was cut off as the transformation began.
Giamonde began shrinking first this time, and a small version of himself looked up at Dimitri and then to his sons before his body began changing shape. Hard, dark green skin formed as his neck extended and his eyes began moving. He was forced to all fours as his limbs began changing and a hard shell began to grow on his back. Giamonde made a little grunt of pain as his body stretched and altered, but before long, where had been the man was now a turtle about the size of an adult hand.
He reached one of his..arms forward, frowning mentally at the agonizingly slow pace at which the process was completed. Why had Dimitri picked a turtle of all animals? Did he hope Giamonde would die of boredom? And if he had made Giamonde a turtle..then he would have to at least give Giamonde basic care, because there was no way he was going to be able to feed himself or reach water on his own. Damn. Perhaps he'd been a bit rash..but there was no helping it now. Giamonde lifted his long head, seeing a slight slant to his vision as he looked up at the now gigantic Dimitri, his voice was a little like speaking through a throatful of water, "It figures..that you would choose.. a turtle.." his speech was slightly slower as well, but not as much as his body, thankfully.
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:23 am
((It means novo = change, reptilius = my version of reptile...lol))
Dimitri picked Giamonde up. "Well, I couldn't have you running off," he said. "I'm going to be keeping tabs on you, and what better place than in an aquarium?" He went to another room and grabbed a shoebox that had a bunch of junk in it. Dimitri emptied it out and poked a couple of air holes in it before placing Gia in it. He returned to the front door and looked to the others. "Well, I suppose we should get going," he said nonchalantly, as if nothing had happened.
Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:03 am
Giamonde's tone was slightly annoyed, "Why would...I run? Coming was my idea..and it's not like I'd get very far..as any kind of animal with all those...humans out and about." Magickal beings were not considered humans. The aquarium bit was irritating, but not wholly unexpected and he knew it was better than nothing, so he didn't complain. As he was set in the shoebox, he glowered as much as a turtle could and muttered, "Great." How was he supposed to earn anything as a turtle anyway? Or maybe Dimitri wanted him to be stuck this way...
Derrick watched all of this, and as Dimitri returned with a shoebox, he could smell the turtle inside. He glanced to Jaime and Darren, pushing his paw against Jaime's thigh in a reassuring gesture before moving off the last stair and moving over to Dimitri. Thanks to Dimitri, he was successfully free from his father's wrath in a manner of speaking..but still, to have the other around as a turtle? And right under their mother's nose?
Moreover, he was still confused about the history that seemed to lay between Giamonde and Dimitri, and Giamonde's..intelligent behavior? Was being drunk what made him constantly such a slobbering idiot? Derrick didn't want to think on it for the moment, and between reassuring himself and Dimitri, he came forward and bit Dimitri's pant leg, tugging on it playfully as he said, "Arf."
Darren had been silent, since this wasn't his family issue and he didn't want to intrude. Now that it was over, he helped Jaime up and sllipped an arm around his shoulder. "This is crazy.." he murmured from beside Jaime, but he sounded not at all disconcerted, just a bit weary perhaps.