Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:07 am
Everyone sees the big picture, never the small details.
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:11 am
Also I was interested in Super Paper Mario, but it came out while I was in Australia and dat s**t's region coded. So I skipped it. And pretty much every other wii game that year. Think it was the year after the Wii came out?
but I got Galaxy on the way home in the airport at Seattle I think it was? somewhere in the States
and we had to wait ******** hours for the flight so I was just carefully examining every detail of the box and instruction manual being like OH MY GAWD I NEED TO TRY THIS NOW
...and that was story hour with David
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:12 am
yeah because the big picture is that game is ******** boring.
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:14 am
If you can find it, and you liked the other Mario RPGs, or Mario games in general, I recommend SPM. It has a lot of reading, but if you can get past that, it's a really fun game with a lot of moments where you'll just laugh out loud. The team that writes Mario RPGs should team up with Valve to make a great voice-acted Mario game or something. It would be great. Maybe a Wario game? I don't know, but something needs to happen with them.
And I swear to god, that people need to shut up about "not adding voice acting" to famous Nintendo franchises. That s**t is so STUPID you all should DIE.
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:14 am
hit a walking mushroom oh hit him some more
there is his friend hit him
do it a hundred times this is your quest
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:15 am
Jaycorn Everyone sees the big picture, never the small details. About turn-based RPGs? Because I was half-joking and referencing someone anyway.
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:17 am
The Eleventh AK hit a walking mushroom oh hit him some more there is his friend hit him do it a hundred times this is your quest The problem is, it's a really fun game for the first ten or so levels. It has great pacing and exploration, and you find items a lot. MMOs seem to have that problem a lot, where the beginning is paced really well, but the rest of the game isn't. Maybe WoW is, but I don't know. The beginning was boring there for me, too. Imagine a game paced like Portal 2, but an MMO. Actually, no, other people would ruin a long, good game like that.
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:17 am
I guess, but I also hate when people say that Zelda NEEDS voice acting. and they're like OH MY GOD IT IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS THAT IT DOESN'T HAVE IT YET
I personally think the way Zelda does the weird little vocal noises with text has a great charm to it. Especially since a lot of them are really funny. Like that dude in Wind Waker who's all like KERSPLISH or whatever.
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:21 am
The Eleventh AK I guess, but I also hate when people say that Zelda NEEDS voice acting. and they're like OH MY GOD IT IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS THAT IT DOESN'T HAVE IT YET I personally think the way Zelda does the weird little vocal noises with text has a great charm to it. Especially since a lot of them are really funny. Like that dude in Wind Waker who's all like KERSPLISH or whatever. tetra said HEY in wind waker, isn't that enough for you people?
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:23 am
I wanna see an MMO paced like a Zelda game. Or an MMO Zelda game. I still think that would be incredible god dammit
I dunno. I really like the idea of MMOs, the whole giant world ******** filled with other players that you can join up with and go adventuring sounds AWESOME to me, but I've yet to find one that didn't get boring pretty fast. And with WoW, I don't like how you like, select things, and then attack them and stuff... I like games where your button press = swinging your sword or whatever. Like Zelda or Kingdom Hearts. And I don't know of many MMOs that do that, because they're all trying to be like WoW.
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:25 am
I was pretty excited when Tetra said "Hey". But I don't want voice acting. XD I like breezing through the text. If it was voiced I'd feel obligated to listen. Like Monkey Island. hold on i can't leave this area until EVERYONE TALKS TO ME. and they must say everything.
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:27 am
The Eleventh AK I guess, but I also hate when people say that Zelda NEEDS voice acting. and they're like OH MY GOD IT IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS THAT IT DOESN'T HAVE IT YET I personally think the way Zelda does the weird little vocal noises with text has a great charm to it. Especially since a lot of them are really funny. Like that dude in Wind Waker who's all like KERSPLISH or whatever. I think that it should evolve to add it, yeah. It is a little weird that it's still all text, but that's better than bad voice acting. The little nods with the grunts and small words characters say helps, but how awesome would it be to have Ganon's monologue at the end of a game before you fight him with some fitting, orchestrated music? How much more touching would the ending of Windwaker be if the king was actually voice-acted? How much more depth could we get out of a monologue from Ganondorf if we could hear his voice? I know we should get context from the actual dialog, but if we could hear the sorrow in his words or the hidden layer of anger in the background... It would be very powerful.
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:30 am
I was thinking of Nintendo franchises where they've added full voice acting, like Star Fox with Star Fox: Assault or Metroid with Metroid: Other M (yeah I know there were Star Fox games with voice acting before that, but I'm using it as an example ANYWAY) but a lot of them are games that I, personally, really enjoy, but seem to be pretty commonly thought of as bad games. AM I JUST STUPID AND LIKE BAD GAMES? WTF
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:31 am
Meta_Fish The Eleventh AK I guess, but I also hate when people say that Zelda NEEDS voice acting. and they're like OH MY GOD IT IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS THAT IT DOESN'T HAVE IT YET I personally think the way Zelda does the weird little vocal noises with text has a great charm to it. Especially since a lot of them are really funny. Like that dude in Wind Waker who's all like KERSPLISH or whatever. I think that it should evolve to add it, yeah. It is a little weird that it's still all text, but that's better than bad voice acting. The little nods with the grunts and small words characters say helps, but how awesome would it be to have Ganon's monologue at the end of a game before you fight him with some fitting, orchestrated music? How much more touching would the ending of Windwaker be if the king was actually voice-acted? How much more depth could we get out of a monologue from Ganondorf if we could hear his voice? I know we should get context from the actual dialog, but if we could hear the sorrow in his words or the hidden layer of anger in the background... It would be very powerful. ...yeah you've already swayed me, that would be ******** incredible. get some ******** grade-A writers on that s**t, grade-A voice actors.... oh man. OH MAN
Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 1:38 am
The Eleventh AK I wanna see an MMO paced like a Zelda game. Or an MMO Zelda game. I still think that would be incredible god dammit I dunno. I really like the idea of MMOs, the whole giant world ******** filled with other players that you can join up with and go adventuring sounds AWESOME to me, but I've yet to find one that didn't get boring pretty fast. And with WoW, I don't like how you like, select things, and then attack them and stuff... I like games where your button press = swinging your sword or whatever. Like Zelda or Kingdom Hearts. And I don't know of many MMOs that do that, because they're all trying to be like WoW. MMOs just suffer from the same fate as RPGs, but worse. If you join up at a different time from your friends, it's hard to catch up, and they're just playing catch up or you are. I don't know. An MMO Zelda game would be neat, but I would kind of like one that you could just play through and just beat, you know? How you cap at level 80 in WoW, even though they add new quests and I think there's like, a level 80 gametype or something. I would be fine going through the same game as a different race or something with friends again or with different friends.