Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:22 pm
Waynebrizzle Declaring war on terror is just a stupid concept in general. lincoln declared war on slavery. in a way illegal mexicans are the new niggers nixon declared war on drugs i can find 5 people dealing before the cops do. bush declared war on terror. osama is dead and we are still ******** scared whats next. what has war accomplished?
Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:33 pm
I just thought of the girl who was my best friend when we were in the third grade... we were TIGHT and she was the coolest best friend ever because she loved video games as much as I did and she was hilarious and we did everything together and had the funnest sleepovers. Of course, she's totally changed now... I miss her. sad And I miss the house she lived on, and the street it was on, which I am Google Mapping right now. Omg. sad And I miss her neighbors back when they would play Nintendo games with us. They later came to my high school and were totally different, too... *sigh*
I miss having SSB64 matches, all gathered around in the basement. I miss imitating the original 151 Pokemon. I miss playing OoT at recess and roleplaying our way through the whole storyline. I miss catching our favourite cartoons after school or on weekend mornings and then talking about them at recess. I miss having a favourite tree. I miss all the big projects we used to come up with and pursue with passion. I miss how compatible and wild our imaginations used to be. WHY DID WE HAVE TO GROW UP? Her especially, and the rest of my friends... emo
If I ever got offered the chance to be a Kokiri, you can bet I'd take it without hesitation. Growing up sucks.
Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:35 pm
Jaycorn I just thought of the girl who was my best friend when we were in the third grade... we were TIGHT and she was the coolest best friend ever because she loved video games as much as I did and she was hilarious and we did everything together and had the funnest sleepovers. Of course, she's totally changed now... I miss her. sad And I miss the house she lived on, and the street it was on, which I am Google Mapping right now. Omg. sad And I miss her neighbors back when they would play Nintendo games with us. They later came to my high school and were totally different, too... *sigh* I miss having SSB64 matches, all gathered around in the basement. I miss imitating the original 151 Pokemon. I miss playing OoT at recess and roleplaying our way through the whole storyline. I miss catching our favourite cartoons after school or on weekend mornings and then talking about them at recess. I miss having a favourite tree. I miss all the big projects we used to come up with and pursue with passion. I miss how compatible and wild our imaginations used to be. WHY DID WE HAVE TO GROW UP? Her especially, and the rest of my friends... emo If I ever got offered the chance to be a Kokiri, you can bet I'd take it without hesitation. Growing up sucks. YOU SOUND LIKE YOU NEED TO TALK GET ON MSN/STEAM
Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:35 pm
Maybe one day I'll be grown up and well-off enough to live on Staghill Drive, where my friend used to live. Maybe I can even get the same house. Man, I loved that house. I loved creeping down the stairs in the morning, eating in the kitchen next to the nice backyard, the way there was a secret passage in the basement that led to the neighboring house... damn, it was the best.
Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:37 pm
Waynebrizzle Jaycorn I just thought of the girl who was my best friend when we were in the third grade... we were TIGHT and she was the coolest best friend ever because she loved video games as much as I did and she was hilarious and we did everything together and had the funnest sleepovers. Of course, she's totally changed now... I miss her. sad And I miss the house she lived on, and the street it was on, which I am Google Mapping right now. Omg. sad And I miss her neighbors back when they would play Nintendo games with us. They later came to my high school and were totally different, too... *sigh* I miss having SSB64 matches, all gathered around in the basement. I miss imitating the original 151 Pokemon. I miss playing OoT at recess and roleplaying our way through the whole storyline. I miss catching our favourite cartoons after school or on weekend mornings and then talking about them at recess. I miss having a favourite tree. I miss all the big projects we used to come up with and pursue with passion. I miss how compatible and wild our imaginations used to be. WHY DID WE HAVE TO GROW UP? Her especially, and the rest of my friends... emo If I ever got offered the chance to be a Kokiri, you can bet I'd take it without hesitation. Growing up sucks. YOU SOUND LIKE YOU NEED TO TALK GET ON MSN/STEAM BLAH BLAH BLAH...! Bedtime though now though! sad
Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:37 pm
Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:03 pm
Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:13 pm
No, but in all honesty, Wayne and I probably pull away harder from Melee just because of the shitstorm it was turned into by the hardcore crowd. They really took something fun and twisted it until it wasn't fun anymore. It's like if you and all your friends went swimming, but you couldn't splash each other or use pool toys or tread water, you just had to do laps.
Galaxy is a different game than the other Marios, that's for sure, but if it was just Super Mario 128, we'd get tired of it. Nostalgia plays a big role for a lot of people, and Gabe Newell even says SM64 is his favorite game. He doesn't like Galaxy either.
But I think why I like Galaxy so much is because it was so inventive. Sure, 64 was as well, and Sunshine weas, and they all are and that's why we keep playing them, but when I saw Mario gliding around a planet with 3D gravity, ala Sonic Adventure 2, as a main part of the game, I was elated. Space stages are generally saved for the end of a game (ala SA2), and awesome, and having a full game of them (let alone two) was enough to get me pumped. I know I didn't play Galaxy as much as I did 64, but I was a kid when I owned 64, and I'm an adult now. I don't have as much time to devote to one game like that, and when you're a kid, you tend to get one game every so many months, maybe two or three games a year, and just play them up and down. As adults we don't get that.
Sunshine was great, too. Mario games are just great in general, so it's hard to pick what you like the most, like with SSBs. I'll always have fond memories of playing the first game with my friends, and the most memories of any game, probably ever, playing Melee with my middle school friends, which eventually I lost contact with, and then new high school friends and even newer high school friends. I don't get the time to play Brawl with them to make those memories, but I still think it's a more solid game. Tripping is dumb, but it kind of just seems like critical hits in TF2 or RPGs. It's bullshit when it happens to you, but it's all luck of the draw, and I like that spin in my multiplayer games. It takes a certain bit of luck along with a lot of skill, so even people that aren't as good can win sometimes.
Also growing up does suck. I really didn't enjoy childhood as much as I now wish I had. But hey, you have more freedom as an adult, and you can buy your own games and stuff. Maybe some day you'll have kids and they'll invite their friends over to play games, and you can give them that same joy that you cherish so much.
Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:22 pm
Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:26 pm
Graphic Design final tomorrow/today and then I'm done with school here. I might move in with Lucas in October and get the ******** out of this town. but first I gotta take that Wily down.
Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:33 pm
When I try to compare the three SSBs, I always first think of how the characters attack, and mainly, how Mario's forward smash works. I think it's a solid comparison of the three games.
In 64, you don't really charge attacks as much, you just have a kind of stronger punch. Nothing is very in-depth. In Melee, his forward smash is fast and strong, with a good range and nice knockback. It's a force to be reckoned with. In Brawl it's tuned down, and the fireball has a much smaller range, not touching his palm. It's slower and weaker, because honestly, it made Mario pretty beastly in Melee. Mario is a bit more of a thinking character, because he doesn't have that one "rape" attack.
Melee had a lot of face raping attacks, though. Each character has a set of moves that all look fine, but one or two of their moves would just be ridiculously strong and send the enemy really flying. Jigglypuff's forward smash, Mario's forward or down smash. Things got tuned down a lot in Brawl, and it actually feels to me like it makes more sense. Brawl is a bit more of a thinking man's game, and it's slower gameplay reflects that. It's not slowed down much, but noticeably, and it became less of a twitch based, "find-an-attack-and-keep-hitting-them-and-don't-let-them-escape" game, and more of a real, substantial, fun game. I miss some of the stuff they scrapped, like stages and items and fighters, but I'd miss the new stuff even more if Brawl somehow got taken away from us.
Melee to brawl definitely wasn't as big a jump as 64 to Melee, either. Hopefully the next game kicks it up a notch. And we get Megaman, Animal Crosser, and Mii.
Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 11:44 pm
All I have to say about super smash brothers melee is 'Wave Dash'. that is it. It sums up my experience with that game.
As far as mario games go I rather enjoy the new Mario brothers Wii. the multilayer screen scrolling action gets extremely addictive extremely fast.
Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:33 am
He started up the game, wave dashed, and then turned it off
Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 2:33 am
I've never even Wave Dashed.
Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 7:01 am