Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:45 pm
[Kegan] Meta_Fish The Eleventh AK Sonic CD is bad-a**, Fish is just a f*****t who can't let people enjoy different games than him OH SNAP I SAID IT You have to stop reacting like I'm personally badmouthing you when I say that something that you don't like has faults. Things I like have faults, things you like have faults, and we have different opinions. I've stated why I don't like Sonic CD as much as the other Sonic games. Enough. Yeah, AK, you have to wait for legitimate cues like "YEAH! I ******** WON, EVEN WITH DAVID ON MY TEAM! SUCK IT!" Or following a long silence where you attempt to speak: "JESUS CHRIST, DAVID. DO YOU EVER NOT TALK? I CAN'T EVEN THINK BECAUSE IT'S LIKE I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT SILENCE SOUNDS LIKE, BECAUSE YOU NEVER ******** STOP MOVING YOUR MOUTH. SHUT. UP!" I must be an a*****e because everyone pretty much agreed. There were sounds constantly coming from your microphone, which either sounded like you were always talking, or you were always talking, and then when you were actually trying to communicate something, we couldn't tell what you were saying. But like I said, it might have been your microphone. Regardless, it made it a real pain to be able to talk to you with four other people in the call, who didn't feel like they could really get a word in edgewise. Also your reply is totally irrelevant and just you trying to weasel how you feel unfairly treated into yet another forum post/chat/skype call. You say that you don't care when we don't play games with you, but you do care, and you always complain about it. If you guys are going to really team up and start bitching about me, then I can fire the same crap right back at you. You're both my friends, but you both take everything too personally. I know we treat you like s**t in Skype calls, Kegan, but we do that with everyone, and your lack of skill in L4D2 does make things a bit hard. It's like if you were good to decently good at a game and you had to play with someone that wasn't good, on a team, against two people that were good, and you kept losing. You'd get frustrated too! We all give each other s**t, and we need to work on it. 'Nuff said.
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:45 pm
Meta_Fish Jaycorn I'm done with Facebook. Really, really done. Why? I just hate it. I hate being in touch with people who I'd never talk to were it not for the convenience of Facebook, and being bombarded with their crap all the time. It's worse for me because I've been really addicted to it... I try so hard not to check it too much, but it always gets out of hand anyway. I even end up stalking people I've never even met! It's just the worst thing I've done with my time, and I've wasted soooooooooooooo much time on it. More than was apparent. I don't like how everyone has to construct themselves an online persona on it so that other people won't judge them badly. No one ever lets their bad side show on FB... it's all so phony emo I don't want 700 "fake friends" so that people won't think I'm a loner, I don't want people to wish me happy birthday or whatever if the only reason they remembered is because of facebook, and if I'm going to waste time doing something, I'd rather it not be checking Facebook. Plus, I've seen all the documentaries and crap on the people who run the site, and can't say I'm a big fan of them or the way everything you do on Facebook belongs to them. If a friendship requires Facebook to be maintained, then I'd say it's not worth it. I'd rather have my relationships based in real life if I can help it, though I make an exception for culties since I can't really see any of you anyway. Sure, Facebook makes it more convenient to get organized and visit my friends who would still call me up or whatever if FB didn't exist, but that little bit of usefulness I get out of it really isn't worth it. [/essay] Speaking of real life, I didn't know where "the east coast" was referring to when you said that Lucas (and maybe you) might move somewhere there, but I just looked it up and now I'm secretly hoping that it'll be Buffalo, NY even though that will like never happen. It would just be really cool to chill with you in real life sometimes redface god i am so ninja at posting on gaia while at work
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:47 pm
Meta_Fish The Eleventh AK Sonic CD is bad-a**, Fish is just a f*****t who can't let people enjoy different games than him OH SNAP I SAID IT You have to stop reacting like I'm personally badmouthing you when I say that something that you don't like has faults. Things I like have faults, things you like have faults, and we have different opinions. I've stated why I don't like Sonic CD as much as the other Sonic games. Enough. I dunno, "AK likes stupid games" seems pretty personal to me! And the way you talk about them is more than just "they have faults" On Skype you were all like "oh hey guys isn't Jasmine dumb for liking sonic CD HEH HEH HEH" You act like games other people like are bad and they are retarded for liking them. It's bullshit, and I'm ******** sick of it.
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:49 pm
The Eleventh AK On Skype you were all like "oh hey guys isn't Jasmine dumb for liking sonic CD HEH HEH HEH" Whaat gonk
Trenn Flashkill Vice Captain
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:53 pm
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:55 pm
Jaycorn I just hate it. I hate being in touch with people who I'd never talk to were it not for the convenience of Facebook, and being bombarded with their crap all the time. It's worse for me because I've been really addicted to it... I try so hard not to check it too much, but it always gets out of hand anyway. I even end up stalking people I've never even met! It's just the worst thing I've done with my time, and I've wasted soooooooooooooo much time on it. More than was apparent. I don't like how everyone has to construct themselves an online persona on it so that other people won't judge them badly. No one ever lets their bad side show on FB... it's all so phony emo I don't want 700 "fake friends" so that people won't think I'm a londer, I don't want people to wish me happy birthday or whatever if the only reason they remembered is because of facebook, and if I'm going to waste time doing something, I'd rather it not be checking Facebook. Plus, I've seen all the documentaries and crap on the people who run the site, and can't say I'm a big fan of them or the way everything you do on Facebook belongs to them. If a friendship requires Facebook to be maintained, then I'd say it's not worth it. I'd rather have my relationships based in real life if I can help it, though I make an exception for culties since I can't really see any of you anyway. Sure, Facebook makes it more convenient to get organized and visit my friends who would still call me up or whatever if FB didn't exist, but that little bit of usefulness I get out of it really isn't worth it. [/essay] Speaking of real life, I didn't know where "the east coast" was referring to when you said that Lucas (and maybe you) might move somewhere there, but I just looked it up and now I'm secretly hoping that it'll be Buffalo, NY even though that will like never happen. It would just be really cool to chill with you in real life sometimes redface god i am so ninja at posting on gaia while at workFaceBook does get a little life-consuming if you're not careful, and I agree, that some people can be pretty fake with it, because they wouldn't talk to you in person, but I think it's just an evolution of social interaction. I wouldn't remember anybody's birthday if not for Facebook. I know generally where some of my friend's birthdays are, but not all of them, and not specific dates. I think the biggest issue for you is that you're making it up to be something that it is for some people, but it doesn't have to be for everybody. Facebook is a good way for me to keep in contact with my friends that have moved away or gone to college, and a nice way to provide links to things I think they would like or vice versa without having to wait for them to come back, or call them on the phone. It's a lot nicer for people that live in small towns and don't have many friends that still live in their town, like me, to keep talking to their friends. It's kind of like complaining that you don't like online gaming because it's online, you know? You don't need 700 friends, or to play Farmville and a bunch of other games. Facebook is only the monster you let it be. I'm not sure, but I think he will be somewhere on the east side. I doubt it would be in New York, though. =(
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:55 pm
The Eleventh AK I dunno, "AK likes stupid games" seems pretty personal to me! I recall you saying that you thought of crappy games whenever you thought of me when I was looking for a skin in Minecraft, so I'd say that's just a taste of your own medicine, especially since you'd both claim to be kidding. And Jasmine, that's not what he said.
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:55 pm
Well then, we'll all be glad to know that my new USB mic is fabulous.
And I am not really all that bad at L4D, you guys really aren't that fair in your judgment of me on that because you're obsessed with the idea of me being bad at games. The numbers show that I really am about there with you guys most of the time, except, I dunno, when It's 3 AM, and I'm falling asleep and you juggernauts just keep chugging along, or when I'm a little distracted by all the nasty comments being made about me that wouldn't actually hurt my feelings if they weren't coming from people who are usually friendly with me.
But I guess winning in Left 4 Dead is a lot more important thanenjoying the company of friends. Yeah, I'm sorry; it was really inconsiderate of me not to try to relate. I guess I'm just a tad self-absorbed sometimes.
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:56 pm
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 12:59 pm
Every time I make a serious or blatantly passive aggressive statement I'm going to follow it up with a stupid post from now on. Not to diffuse the tension, because that won't really work, since things aren't funny when I say them.
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 1:00 pm
I guess. There ares some people I'd like to delete on FB though, to keep it to people I actually care about, but I know for a fact that some people get really offended if you delete them.
But yeah it is mostly my fault for letting it be a monster. I'm glad you said that. I'll give it one more chance and try harder not to be addicted, 'cause I know it's going to piss of a lot of people if I'm not on there. xD
Also, dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 1:00 pm
Kegan, you're right. We have been mean to you. I've made a resolve to be more considerate to you too, but you make it hard when you keep doing all this passive aggressive stuff. Please, be more cool with us. I promise you that I'm trying.
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 1:00 pm
The Eleventh AK I dunno, "AK likes stupid games" seems pretty personal to me! And the way you talk about them is more than just "they have faults" On Skype you were all like "oh hey guys isn't Jasmine dumb for liking sonic CD HEH HEH HEH" You act like games other people like are bad and they are retarded for liking them. It's bullshit, and I'm ******** sick of it. You were making it much more of a big deal than it ever should have been, and after trying to get you to see my point of view, and that I was joking, or that it was my opinion, or to god forbid, just drop it, I decided to make it just as big a deal as you were. When you don't like what someone says, you just don't let go of it. You'll keep bringing it back up, long after it's been dead, and using it against them repeatedly. It's not cool, and it isn't just a problem that I have with you. I don't think Jasmine or anyone is dumb for liking Sonic CD. Wayne said that she was talking about it in the CultCast thread and I sighed because I didn't want to have to type out what I didn't like about it, just like I don't want to have to type out all of this. It's an alright game, but I think, comparatively, it's got a lot of faults. Why not, instead of just saying that I'm a f*****t and flaming and raging at me, try to have an actual discussion about it? Your first reaction when someone disagrees with you is to find some kind of contradiction (oh hey you don't like that minecraft updates uuhhh tf2 has hat updates) and then make fun of them. I'm sure I do that from time to time, but you have to let it die, which you don't do. LOL! mebbe
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 1:00 pm
Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 1:01 pm
Waynebrizzle The Eleventh AK I dunno, "AK likes stupid games" seems pretty personal to me! I recall you saying that you thought of crappy games whenever you thought of me when I was looking for a skin in Minecraft, so I'd say that's just a taste of your own medicine, especially since you'd both claim to be kidding. And Jasmine, that's not what he said. The difference is that was one little joke whereas this was most of a skype call hey guys minecraft is really gay terraria is better because it has water physics i dunno guys i think this looks kind of ******** u ak it's minecraft but better now lets all talk over him so he can't explain why he likes it ...oh you know what else sucks that other game AK likes, Sonic CD