Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:52 pm
[Kegan] I'm warming up to spiral knights. Tell me if you wanna play tomorrow. I'd play today, but unless you pay money you run out of the energy you use to do dungeons. free players have to either wait for their tank to recharge, or pay 2 missions worth of game-money for "Crystal energy" omewhere on the steam forums is a handy guide for people who dont want to pay much for SK but want to play beyond their free tank, some of the highlights i can remember are: 1. don't revive using energy, if you have to bring someone with you so they can spend health picking you up or learn to not die if you want to solo. 2. put a buy posting up for whatever you can afford, if you post it, they will sell it maybe and being able to score some cheap energy (cheapest i've seen is 3.2k) and then wait for it to skyrocket (highest i've heard is 5.5k) and then sell your energy off you could easily be in buisness 3. auction off you extra materials, the prices are crazy atm, you could easily sell something semi common for more than it is worth, and with enough listings you could easily make the crowns for energy to use those are the ones i remember from it but i've been doing it so far and i've made 3k off the AH selling stuff i found in solo missions.
Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 12:54 pm
and i'll likley be on about 4 hours from now, my energy should have recharged by then.
Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 2:23 pm
God, I hate EB Games sometimes. In Canada there was supposed to be a poster if you pre-ordered Zelda, which is the whole reason I pre-ordered it... but when I picked it up they didn't give me one... I just kinda assumed they weren't doing it and I'd misread something so I didn't bring it up at the time. But today I was in there picking up Shadows of the Damned and I figured I'd ask about it. They said they gave them to the first 10 people... I was like the fourth guy in line when they opened.
They get super defensive, too, she was all like "WELL I WOULDN'T KNOW ABOUT THAT SIR I WASN'T WORKING THAT MORNING" despite me being totally calm throughout
Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:00 pm
The Eleventh AK God, I hate EB Games sometimes. In Canada there was supposed to be a poster if you pre-ordered Zelda, which is the whole reason I pre-ordered it... but when I picked it up they didn't give me one... I just kinda assumed they weren't doing it and I'd misread something so I didn't bring it up at the time. But today I was in there picking up Shadows of the Damned and I figured I'd ask about it. They said they gave them to the first 10 people... I was like the fourth guy in line when they opened. They get super defensive, too, she was all like "WELL I WOULDN'T KNOW ABOUT THAT SIR I WASN'T WORKING THAT MORNING" despite me being totally calm throughout wow that is bogus, especially the first 10? ******** that the game stop i went to awhile back, i preordered GH metallica, now the offer was meant ONLY for 360 and PS3, which was a second base drum pedal, i ordered for Wii, i told them it wasn't made very clear and they agreed, i walked out of there with the game, and pedal, sound to me like your EB games needs new management.
Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:12 pm
Ocarina of Time 3D is AMAZING.
I think I am actually getting through everything so much faster than in the time I played the original.
I never finished OoT. Never.
Seen it beat, but not beat it myself.
Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:21 pm
EB Games is shitty indeed.
So does everyone have that game or what? I went to pick it up yesterday but they were sold out. I guess I don't need it anyway... I still haven't beaten Link's Awakening. >_>;
I'm really glad Zelda is out, though. It seems that a BUNCH of people finally got 3DSes and I seriously get like double the amount of StreetPasses each day now. I used to have to go out of my way to get them, but no longer! I feel kinda left out when I see how EVERYONE is playing that game, though.
Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:26 pm
hey i got neither and im cool with it. i jsut think 250$ is still a bit spendy, thats like, 2 wiis
Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:03 pm
Do you want to hear what I said again?
Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:40 pm
how can you say it again if im not sure i heard it, it'd be the first time i heard it.
Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:58 pm
Do you want to hear what I said again?
Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:20 pm
game sux it has talking owl, talking owls r annoyin
Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:23 pm
in other words ******** you because I love Kaepora Gaebora
Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:25 pm
I love this game oh my god. The motion controls plus the 3D make aiming and looking around one of the coolest video game experiences I've ever seen.
Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:30 pm
Nomega I love this game oh my god. The motion controls plus the 3D make aiming and looking around one of the coolest video game experiences I've ever seen. I just hate how that screws up the 3D, because it works so well I wanna use it but then I try to and it's like OH GAWD WHAT AM I LOOKING AT AUUUGH I must learn to move my head in exactly the same way I move my 3DS
Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:47 am
I can play face raiders with the 3D on.