Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:00 pm
yeah getting the symbol you want isn't hard, you have to run headlong into the card box. though some levels don't let you reach the black area at a full run.
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:06 pm
I wanna live by the groove too
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:12 pm
Sometimes I dream of like, forming a retro rebellion group where a bunch of people just live together in blissful ignorance of modern technology, media, events etc. and like play 80s arcade games while listening to oldies and stuff like that.
It's hard to do something like that alone... one would become isolated, and it'd never be anything like the old days without other people to share it with.
I doubt anyone else would want to do something like that, though... heck, I don't even know if I would. I'm like Sonic; there are two of me fighting each other. The modern and the classic one. Or something like that.
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:27 pm
That would be nice, but I think it would be very hard to go back to only having those kinds of games for a lot of people, myself probably included. I kind of wish I'd been born ten years earlier and just could have been the right age to get into video games right when the NES came out. It'd also be sweet to travel back in time and blow their minds with how good we are at their games.
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:28 pm
And I just watched an episode of Trigun. I'm glad it's not a million episodes ,but 26 is still a pretty big chunk. Why can't everything be shorter?
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:31 pm
i couldn't find any reliable torrents for trigun, either no seeders left, or people uploading at fractions of a kb.
and i am on MSN.
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:40 pm
Netflix streaming is pretty cheap. Though I'm not paying for the one I'm using. >_>
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:50 pm
Yeah mom's paying for ours. SO LIEK NETFLIX IS TOTES FREE!
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:52 pm
yeah but im not gonna pay for streaming when i'm 1. semi broke most of the time and 2. only interested in trigun. im sure one of my other nerdy friends has it.
Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:59 pm
I can stream movies from my computer to my Wii, so unless it's like a new movie I usually torrent it.
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:04 am
The Canadian selection kinda sucks, it's all old stuff. And like, I like old movies, so I still get enjoyment out of it, it's just kinda disappointing for example that the only Doctor Who we get is from the 60s and 70s
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:05 am
so bored... i should sleep but im not tired. and i never dream unless i sleep in. why cant i have my freakish weird a** dreams every night? and have some memory of what all happened? i'd probably have a book series written by now that'd make japan go WTF.
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:06 am
Some cool indie s**t on there though, like Primer and Gummo
btw watch Primer
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:15 am
Primer sounds familiar...
Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:21 am
Xilo The Odd Primer sounds familiar... These guys are trying to make a machine that makes things lighter or something and accidentally discover time travel it will ******** destroy your brain