Oh, true. I dunno, if it was gonna be significantly different I think it wouldn't have Runner in the title. But who knows.
Why is the 3DS collection impossible to find D:
Also, I love your tumblr theme... is that one of the free ones or did you get it on another site? I keep trying to find a better one but they're always crap.
I just ordered the 3DS collection for Tom on Amazon. You could do that. I was going to order it for you too, but it cost more to ship it to him in Australia and I want to prepurchase SM3DL on this paycheck.
I don't know, but if they can't put it on WiiWare it's probably going to be more complicated and stuff, I would think. Otherwise why bother? It's apparently going to be "HD" but from the few screenshots (although they
are mostly concept art, don't look that great. Their "inspirational" posts on their blog are really weird old cartoons with music, and I'm wondering if it will maybe be more about the movement through the stage and making you feel like a part of the music than just trying to avoid obstacles and not making mistakes.
Thanks, I like it too. It was one of the free ones, and you can change the starter colors for people to use, and people can change the colors in the top right-hand corner. I thought that was pretty neat. There's not many decent ones for free, though, and ******** buying them.