Will you be active in this campaign? |
30% |
[ 286 ] |
3% |
[ 34 ] |
35% |
[ 336 ] |
Wow...excitement much. Okay, I'll participate...but for goodness sakes your adrenaline is annoying! |
29% |
[ 278 ] |
Total Votes : 934 |
Darkness Dragons Revenge Crew
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:47 pm
Javier Cross Darkness Dragons Revenge Javier Cross Darkness Dragons Revenge Javier Cross No, I actually meant this group. My bad for not specifying though. It's okay. She is but she hasn't posted or anything. Does she still go on gaia online? I would like to know if we may speak to her by any chance, really. yah she's still on Gaia. Okay, can you speak with her and ask how often she's on the site? Sorry I'm on vacation right now sweatdrop
Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 2:50 pm
Darkness Dragons Revenge Javier Cross Darkness Dragons Revenge Javier Cross Darkness Dragons Revenge Javier Cross No, I actually meant this group. My bad for not specifying though. It's okay. She is but she hasn't posted or anything. Does she still go on gaia online? I would like to know if we may speak to her by any chance, really. yah she's still on Gaia. Okay, can you speak with her and ask how often she's on the site? Sorry I'm on vacation right now sweatdrop So did you speak with her? Also what can you tell me about Lollipop Chainsaw by chance? I would like to hear more in your thoughts regarding that.
Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 5:13 am
Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 11:07 am
Darkness Dragons Revenge Mr pat-pie my ability to focus is the butts >.> well thats what this guild is all about xD HOLA Senior Pat Pie! Someone above recently asked this. My friend Queen Spazzy responded with this: " EVERYTHING. EVERYTHING is going on here. With lots of awesome, too. Aw yeah. cat_cool " And as I said: "Anything and everything! Pies and paradoxes. Doxies and Druids. Tea and Teleportation. Bros and Brits. Azgard and Azeroth." Literally, this is a random posting thing where anyone and everyone has completely random conversations about everything they feel like. lol w00t
Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 1:23 pm
Darkness Dragons Revenge Queen Spazzy Darkness Dragons Revenge Is your mother okay? I don't like sushi sweatdrop though I think it looks cute XP The Dragon roll sounds like it looked amazing! Get anything at GameStop? I was there today too with my sister; she wanted to get a limited event Pokemon, a Shiny Dialga. My mum has trouble with her back (she had surgery for compacted discs several years back and things just haven't gotten any better), and the closest specialists are at the hospital, so pretty much all of her appointments are there. She goes about twice a month or so, less in a good month, more in a bad. She got pressure point injections this time and is scheduled for an epidural in a couple weeks. It's all just pain management, for the most part, so she's fine for the most part, just a bit sore right now. ^^; I'm a vegetarian, so I don't do most sushi by default, but tamago is like a bit of japanese omelette on sushi rice, I've heard it's really good. But the dragon roll my beau got looked super amazing, and it was only, like, six or seven dollars (a GREAT price for fresh, well-prepared sushi), and it was fresh, and they served it with REAL wasabi, not the horseradish-y American crap, and pickled ginger. We got a couple things at GameStop; Resident Evil 6 (I suck at zombie games, so I can only play them if they have co-op, which it did, and it was pretty cheap for a newer game) and a game that came out recently, Killer IS Dead; it's by the same people that did Lollipop Chainsaw, which we bought on Amazon recent as well, and we totally love it, but Killer IS Dead was expensive! Sixty dollars, but it came with some DLC, the soundtrack, and an art book, AND it was brand new (I generally never buy new games), so I suppose it was a pretty good deal. Especially since the soundtrack is totally awesome. >>; Oh I hope your mother gets better! My mom has lupus and arthritis. >.<''' I'm not too good at shooter games unless I have a sniper gun and a good sniping position. And Lollypop Chainsaw? That sounds soooo morbid! Literally! Oh goodness, lupus? That sucks something awful, how long has it been since she was diagnosed, and does she have her symptoms managed pretty well so far? A lady my mum was friends with back in NC that we lived with for a while was diagnosed with lupus shortly after we moved, but I don't know that she's ever really gotten her symptoms very well managed. She doesn't really talk to us much anymore, so I don't know, really. My mum has fibromyalgia, and that sucks in itself, so I can't imagine how your mum must feel. emotion_8c I'm really terribly at shooters, I have awful coordination, but I am apparently better than the AI character in RE6 cat_xd Lollipop Chainsaw is really odd, it's kind of a morbid comic zombie game, it's amusing, but totally deserves the M rating on the case, oh my goodness! I haven't really played it yet (I hate playing most games while people are around to watch, and considering my beau has yet to give up the xbox and let me keep it at my house for a while, I don't get any alone time with that game), but my beau says it plays kind of like the Devil May Cry on the xbox, except with more panty shots. >>; Sorry it took me a while to reply, I was away from home; I went to help paint on Saturday. ^^;
Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 9:41 pm
*bumbles about* Guild seems rather empty today. I feel a bit lonely...
Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 9:41 am
Queen Spazzy *bumbles about* Guild seems rather empty today. I feel a bit lonely...
If we have affiliations, you mind telling me where to put the following?
Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 3:44 pm
Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:01 pm
*rolls around the quiet guild* Migraines suck. emotion_8c *noms pills and rolls around some more*
Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:52 am
Queen Spazzy *rolls around the quiet guild* Migraines suck. emotion_8c *noms pills and rolls around some more* You took Tylenol by chance, Spazzy?
Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:28 am
Javier Cross Queen Spazzy *rolls around the quiet guild* Migraines suck. emotion_8c *noms pills and rolls around some more* You took Tylenol by chance, Spazzy? Eep, sorry it took me so long to get around to replying, my internet decided connectivity was overrated and has been acting up since eleven, it only decided to sort itself out half an hour ago or so. Three hours after I spent an hour fiddling with my router and modem and using just about every curse word in the English language, along with several from other languages and I a few I made up trying to get the blasted things to give me back my webs. It wasn't straight up tylenol; I pretty much never take tylenol except as a low grade fever combatant on occasion. It doesn't do jack as a pain manager for me. I took an off-brand Excedrin, which is equal parts acetaminophen (the active chemical in Tylenol) and aspirin plus a dose of caffeine. I also use ibuprofen and naproxen sodium (the generic name for Aleve) for lower grade headaches, and when the migraine pills just don't cut it and I'm desperate enough to mix drugs like the labels say not to do. (I'm such a risk taker, I know. XD ) I have an unfortunate high tolerance to many pain relieving chemicals, which means I generally have to mix drugs or take max dosage amounts all at once to get any effect. Which is so totally awesome I can't even explain. [/sarcasm] I don't take straight aspirin (don't even keep straight aspirin) because it makes me trip out. My beau has a strict ban on my use of (and the suggestion of my using) any aspirin when I stay at his house because I get really crazy. He, of course, had to find this out the hard way when I had a killer headache and the only drugs available in his home were aspirin. Fun time, fun times. SO. Drugs. Yeah. I'm pretty much an OTC druggie and have at least half a dozen meds on me at just about all times. .__.;
Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:29 am
Queen Spazzy Javier Cross Queen Spazzy *rolls around the quiet guild* Migraines suck. emotion_8c *noms pills and rolls around some more* You took Tylenol by chance, Spazzy? Eep, sorry it took me so long to get around to replying, my internet decided connectivity was overrated and has been acting up since eleven, it only decided to sort itself out half an hour ago or so. Three hours after I spent an hour fiddling with my router and modem and using just about every curse word in the English language, along with several from other languages and I a few I made up trying to get the blasted things to give me back my webs. It wasn't straight up tylenol; I pretty much never take tylenol except as a low grade fever combatant on occasion. It doesn't do jack as a pain manager for me. I took an off-brand Excedrin, which is equal parts acetaminophen (the active chemical in Tylenol) and aspirin plus a dose of caffeine. I also use ibuprofen and naproxen sodium (the generic name for Aleve) for lower grade headaches, and when the migraine pills just don't cut it and I'm desperate enough to mix drugs like the labels say not to do. (I'm such a risk taker, I know. XD ) I have an unfortunate high tolerance to many pain relieving chemicals, which means I generally have to mix drugs or take max dosage amounts all at once to get any effect. Which is so totally awesome I can't even explain. [/sarcasm] I don't take straight aspirin (don't even keep straight aspirin) because it makes me trip out. My beau has a strict ban on my use of (and the suggestion of my using) any aspirin when I stay at his house because I get really crazy. He, of course, had to find this out the hard way when I had a killer headache and the only drugs available in his home were aspirin. Fun time, fun times. SO. Drugs. Yeah. I'm pretty much an OTC druggie and have at least half a dozen meds on me at just about all times. .__.; That's a lot of Yikes you got yourself, there. Anyway, if I say I might be questing for Merlin's hat, would you believe me?
Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:38 am
Javier Cross That's a lot of Yikes you got yourself, there. Anyway, if I say I might be questing for Merlin's hat, would you believe me? I have just the best of luck. cat_xd Well, sure I'd believe you. I've heard plenty crazier things (and believed them). I don't have the drive to save up that much for an item, so I applaud anyone who has the drive to even seriously consider it. I suppose if I really set myself to it and played the marketplace well I might be able to swing it, but I'd probably get distracted by cheaper shinies before I did... I'm a total crow. emotion_kirakira
Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:42 am
Queen Spazzy Javier Cross That's a lot of Yikes you got yourself, there. Anyway, if I say I might be questing for Merlin's hat, would you believe me? I have just the best of luck. cat_xd Well, sure I'd believe you. I've heard plenty crazier things (and believed them). I don't have the drive to save up that much for an item, so I applaud anyone who has the drive to even seriously consider it. I suppose if I really set myself to it and played the marketplace well I might be able to swing it, but I'd probably get distracted by cheaper shinies before I did... I'm a total crow. emotion_kirakira
I will not lie to state its actually so easy. I don't even know how to study Booty grabbing, which is enough of a pain as it is. Needless to say, I don't know how to get 500K gold in the span of 3-5 days or less. sad
Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:53 am
Javier Cross Queen Spazzy Javier Cross That's a lot of Yikes you got yourself, there. Anyway, if I say I might be questing for Merlin's hat, would you believe me? I have just the best of luck. cat_xd Well, sure I'd believe you. I've heard plenty crazier things (and believed them). I don't have the drive to save up that much for an item, so I applaud anyone who has the drive to even seriously consider it. I suppose if I really set myself to it and played the marketplace well I might be able to swing it, but I'd probably get distracted by cheaper shinies before I did... I'm a total crow. emotion_kirakira I will not lie to state its actually so easy. I don't even know how to study Booty grabbing, which is enough of a pain as it is. Needless to say, I don't know how to get 500K gold in the span of 3-5 days or less. sad I can play the market pretty well as a buyer, so I could probably play it fair well as a seller if I tried, but I'm such a hoarder, I've never sold a thing on the marketplace (I bought something once for that purpose... And then I kept it for myself. >>; ). I don't play Booty Grab; for such a stupidly simple game, it's very processing intensive, so I avoid it all costs, I hate putting undue stress on my CPU. You can earn a pretty penny just by posting (this is how I make all my gold for the most part~ ), but compared to other methods it's a bit tedious since each posts only nets you a few gold so you have to go on a posting frenzy to earn any decent amount. Post earnings don't have a cap or tax like all the other methods, though, which is a plus. Darkness Dragons Revenge (a.k.a. Morgan) says she goes into Towns and collects paper, flowers, bugs, etc. and knows a couple people who pay fair well for those kinds of things; if you're interested, you might try talking to her about it when she gets back. emotion_yatta