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Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:52 pm
Daniel moved through the door and out into the stairwell at a normal pace, not in a hurry but not dragging his feet either. But, to him, he seemed to move in slow motion, as if he were in some sort of dream. The fact that Elenore was pregnant with his child kept repeating itself in his mind. Regardless of what he did, he was going to be a father, in the biological sense anyway. Actually, if he was honest, he was already a father. The child existed even if it hadn't been born yet. He was a father. He was a father.

Then, suddenly, as if she appeared out of thin air, was in front of him with her arm blocking his path. He blinked, his gaze drifting from her hand on the wall, up her arm to her face. When she said his name, his heart twinged in pain. It was obvious how much he was hurting her but he had to remind himself that he had no choice. This was for the best, not just for her or her children but for his child too.

As she spoke, he forced himself to listen but found it impossible to look her in the eye. What she didn't seem to understand was that there wasn't anything to think about, nothing to consider, the fact that he didn't have any options. His gaze drifted down to the floor as he thought about what he could say to that, how he could try, once again, to make her understand.

"When I was younger, over ten years ago now, I was involved with a gang. Drugs, arms, prostitution, black market goods. You name it, I did it. When I was twenty-two, just before I met Micheal actually, my boss was given the job of burning down this one building. The guy who owned it said he wanted to claim on his insurance policy for one reason or another. I wasn't given the details, only that I was to burn the place to the ground. The night of the job, I knew there were people inside but I locked the doors anyway. I lit the fire myself. No one made it out alive. I didn't know until the next day, when I saw it on the news, that there had been children inside that building but I wasn't upset. I didn't feel guilty. I didn't feel anything."

Finally, he looked back at her, his eyes locking on her own. "I may have changed since then but I'm really starting to doubt it. In any event, a guy like me doesn't have any business raising a child. I'm sorry, Elenore, but that's just the way it is." Gently taking hold of her shoulders, he guided her out of the way before walking past and heading down the stairs. Maybe, this time, she would finally understand.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 9:16 pm


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 11:05 pm
He wouldn't meet her eyes. She swallowed. He had already made up his mind but she was stubborn. What could she do though? She already knew his final answer before he started to speak but she held strong, hoping that it would be different. Her eyes searched his face as he began telling a rather gruesome story and yet she knew he wasn't like that now.

A chill ran down her spine but she stayed silent. Gangs. Guns. Blood. Fire. She lowered her eyes down to the ground. It was in the past.. now he obviously regretted it. He didn't want to raise the child because he didn't want to be a father. He didn't want to raise the child because he thought that he would do a horrible job. How could she prove him wrong? She was sure he couldn't do wrong to any child now..

Looking up at him, their eyes locked. He had changed. Why couldn't he see that? She let her hand fall after standing firmly in her spot for a moment before he decided to move her. Standing there on the stairs, she listened to his footsteps echo through the building and in the end heard the door close. She didn't know how much longer she stood there for but she was cold by the time she moved and decided to go inside, her heart hanging low.

Going to the kitchen after locking the door, she ran her fingers through her long red hair. The rest of the day she spent cleaning the house and then she knew she would have to get a bigger place than this. Nicolas wouldn't want to share a room with a crying baby. Of course the crib would stay in her bedroom for a while.. a year or two.. and then move into another room. She sat down on the couch, wondering how it all was going to work out.

Eventually it was time for the kids to get out of school and Elenore called Aunt Rose to let her know she'd pick them up instead of having her come get them like usual. They would go visit her after that though.. the whole family and since Grace didn't have work because she got fired, she hoped she didn't have other plans today.

Parking the car in front of the large building that Nicholas went to almost everyday to learn, she watched as children poured out of the double doors into various automobiles. They all seemed rather happy to be getting out of school and going home.. or perhaps somewhere else.. she didn't know. Leaning against the side of the car, she tightened her fingers around the car keys, waiting for her son to leave the building as well.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 24, 2011 1:52 pm
Daniel looked straight ahead as he made his way down the stairs but his focus was trained back, straining to hear even the slightest sound that came from the woman behind him, the woman who would, in eight months if not less, give birth to his child. He had to go, had to cut himself off from her, from them, but he didn't want to. He wished he could find some way to make himself believe he wasn't a bad person anymore but he knew he was and he knew nothing would ever convince him otherwise.

The air outside seemed to have gotten distinctly colder than it had been when he'd first arrived. Or maybe that was just him. As he approached his car, he realized he'd come to a conclusion without even thinking about it: He wasn't work today. He'd call up with some excuse though he found it hard to even think at that point. Climbing into the truck, he turned it on and drove away.

And, in fact, he didn't go into work that day. He went home, called up and said he wasn't feeling well. The woman on the other end bid him to feel better. Then, he worked on his house, as much as was possible. His mind had started working again and his already dampened mood sunk even further which resulted in him scrounging up whatever liquor was left from his last binge. He'd thought he'd learned his lesson with that hangover but, now, he found he didn't care. He just wanted to forget, if only for a little while.

The day was nearly over and Nicholas could not have been more glad. Gus, the school's resident bully, had been even meaner to him than usual. It had started with taking his backpack and throwing it into a tree. Because he'd had to climb the tree to get it, he'd been late for class. Then, Gus had started making inappropriate drawings of the teachers and passing them around in class. When caught, he'd said that Nicholas had drawn them. Then, at lunch, Gus had slammed Nicholas's face down into a pile of mashed potatoes. By the time he'd gotten it all off, he'd once again been late for class. It was a miracle he hadn't gotten detention yet.

Finally, the bell rang. Gathering his stuff, he hurried out to reclaim his backpack from the racks outside the classroom. With a quick glance around to make sure Gus was nowhere in sight, he quickly made his way towards the nearest exit. Unfortunately, it was also the most popular exit. He was just crossing the grass towards the sidewalk when he felt someone hit him from behind. He stumbled forward, tripped over his own feet and landed fast-first in the dirt.

Before he could stop them, his backpack was pulled off his back. Jumping to his feet, he turned around to see Gus standing there, sneering at him and holding his backpack well out of Nicholas's reach. It took nearly five minutes to get it back and that was only because Gus's dad showed up, forcing Gus to leave unless he wanted to walk home.

With a sigh, Nicholas retreived his bag from where Gus had tossed it.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:58 pm
Elenore saw a backpack being held up in the air and a second later her redheaded son had it. Blinking, she then realized what had happened. Why weren't the teachers doing anything about this? Leaving the car, she walked towards the grassy area, seeing the boy's father that had just bullied her son. Without being able to help it, she walked up to that car. She wasn't about to let him get away with that. "Excuse me, are you that boy's father?" her eyes glanced at the tall boy for a moment to take him in. She couldn't believe that Nicolas hadn't said anything about this. It was obvious that this had been happening more than once.

"I am Elenore Darling, I was wondering if we could perhaps discuss your son's behavior." her eyes returned to the father, knowing that he could very well decline but then she would just end up speaking with the teachers or the principal. She wouldn't allow anyone to harm her children or humiliate them. Nicolas would have seen her by now but she wasn't sure if he would come up to her seeing as what she was doing. Of course he didn't want her to do anything about it but she was anyway.

((It's short sorry >.< I wish I could add more to it))  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:41 pm
Nicholas sighed, brushing off the grass from his backpack; the grass had been cut earlier that day. Part of his pack had come open and he stooped down to retreive the few books and pencils that had fallen out. He was so busy getting his things, getting the grass off them and putting them back in his pack that he didn't notice his mother's presence, nor did he notice the way she saw the whole thing and approached Gus's father.

A sudden hand on his shoulder made Nicholas jump but he relaxed when he turned and saw that it was only Jack, one of the nicer of his classmates. He wouldn't call the boy his friend because Nicholas didn't really have any friends but Jack was nice to everyone, even the outcasts and losers.
"Nicholas, um, isn't that your mother?" Nicholas blinked before following Jack's pointing hand.

Nicholas's stomach dropped to his feet and, for a moment, all he could do was watch in horror as his mother walked up to Gus's father. The man was not very tall, average in height. He was also quite slim, a business man with only enough time and will to work out enough to keep any extra weight off. He wore a neat but modest navy-colored business suit, his cell phone attached to one ear. His son, almost as tall as his father despite his age, stood behind him, watching Nicholas's mother approach.

Nicholas couldn't hear what was being said but he didn't care. Without a second thought to Jack, Nicholas sprinted across the grass, skidding to a halt just in time to hear Gus's father say,
"I'm sorry. I'll have to call you back." Gus's father lowered his phone and snapped it shut, before he glanced at Nicholas, then the boy's mother. "Yes, I am," he told her, frowning. "And I'm sorry but I'm not quite sure I know what you're talking about."

Seeing his chance, Nicholas latched onto his mother's arm and started trying to pull her away. "Come on, Mom. We should go."

((It's fine. ^_^ ))  


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:38 pm
Once he put the phone away, she watched him closely, wondering if he was going to just snap at her and then drive away but instead he looked at her, a bit confused. Before she had a chance to answer his question though, Nicolas came running up and tried to pull her away, unsuccessfully of course. Wrapping her other arm around Nicolas to keep him in place, she then looked at the other boy's father.

"To put it bluntly, your son has been bullying mine for what seems to be a rather long period of time." usually she didn't talk like this but her mind had snapped back into it's professional mode when she saw that he was a businessman. Hopefully he didn't know Ruggles, that would just make everything worse. "The teachers haven't been doing anything to stop it from what I've seen. So if you wouldn't mind talking to your son to make sure it stops, I'd be greatly obliged." if she found out Gus lay another hand on her son after this, she would be taking it to the principal, no questions asked.

She still couldn't believe that Nicholas hadn't told her anything. Was that why he always went out to walk out at night? It could be part of the reason. Oh, she knew he would be angry with her for doing all of this but what choice did he leave her? Let all of that continue? No, she would not allow that to happen.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 9:43 pm
This couldn't be happening. He wouldn't say it was a nightmare because Nicholas knew what a real nightmare was -he would never forget the way Damian had looked at him- but it was a pretty close second. A rush of air escaped him as he suddenly found himself pressed against his mother's side. He struggled to free himself, only able to make her grip ease if not totally release. He was aware of everyone else standing around, watching him, and just as aware of the terrible burning in his face as humiliation rolled in his gut.

As his mother started to speak, Nicholas's face burn all the brighter and he resumed his struggles to free himself as well as trying, unsuccessfully, to pull her away. Why? Why couldn't she just let things be?

He watched as, behind his father, Gus raised an eyebrow at the woman before shooting a light, momentary glare at Nicholas. He was so dead tomorrow. Looking up at Gus's father, he watched as the confusion deepened.
"I'm sorry but I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. Gus is a good kid and he certainly wouldn't bully anyone."

"Yeah, what he said. Now, let's go," Nicholas ground out through clenched teeth as he tried again to pull his mother away. Did she think she was helping him by making such a scene? Did she really not understand just how much worse she was making everything? Gus had only ever harrassed him before but, now, he could probably expect beatings as well. Gus had never had to do something like that before but Nicholas didn't doubt that he would, and gladly.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:03 am
Feeling Nicolas struggle, she knew that he didn't want to be there. A few kids were lingering, wondering what was happening but the rest were rushed to the school buses or were being dragged along by parents that probably had to return to work soon. Well, she needed to make sure her child was safe. If he didn't feel that way at school, then why would he want to continue to receive an education?

Hearing the father's response, she then shook her head. "I'm sure of what I saw." she let go of Nicholas slowly, making sure he didn't fall since he wanted to leave so badly. "Talk to your son about it." she gestured towards him, knowing fully well that the boy would probably say that she had made everything up. "I don't want to create anymore conflict but I also do not want anything of the like to happen again. I'm sure your son can be a good kid if he really wants to be." she glanced down at the boy.

((Wow.. you're avi is really beautiful >.< ))  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:22 am
Nicholas could have died. Everyone was staring at them, even as they got onto buses or into cars. Was his mother blind? Did she really not see it? Even if Gus did leave him alone -it would require a miracle- then someone else would just decide to start picking on him? He could already hear their mocking voices, asking him if he needed his mommy to fight his battles for him. He fought back a cringe.

When his mother let go of him, he wanted to yell outloud in frustration. It would have been better if she'd just let go suddenly and let him topple to the ground. Scowling, he continued to pull on her arm with absolutely no results. Sometimes he really hated being so small. Actually, he always hated being so small. He hoped beyond hope that he wouldn't stay small. He didn't know if he could handle that.

His mother continued to speak and it was all he could do to not slap himself on the forehead when she said she didn't want to create anymore conflict. Honestly, what did she think she was doing? "Great. Now that we've got that all out in the open, let's go!" He gave one more pull, using all the strength his little body contained to try and pull his mother away from the school bully and said bully's father.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:33 am
Nicholas yelled. Well it seemed like the conversation was over and she left with him, walking back to the car. She probably had handled it the wrong way but it wasn't a surprise considering everything that had happened earlier.

She was pregnant.

Sighing, she unlocked the car doors, letting Nicholas climb in and she sat down in the front seat. Starting the engine, she pulled out, knowing today probably couldn't get any worse but it probably wouldn't get any better either. Nicholas was angry, it was obvious.

Deciding to change the subject, she brought up Aunt Rose. "We're all going over to Aunt Rose's after I pick up Grace." she said softly, feeling a little dizzy but hopefully she would be just fine. Swallowing, she then parked the car in front of the high school just as students started coming out. "Stay in the car." she glanced over at him before getting out and leaning against the car, her eyes searching for her red headed daughter.

Grace was a fighter.. she knew that.. but she could only hope that she hadn't skipped school today and didn't have any plans to run off after school either. She had a set plan and she didn't want to cancel it.
PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:21 pm
It seemed to take forever but his mother finally gave in. Nicholas, however, couldn't relax, didn't even consider sighing in relief. The damage had been done. If he were to look over his shoulder as he and his mother walked away, he was sure he would see Gus watching him, like a wolf watched a rabbit. Which was why he didn't look back.

When they reached the car, Nicholas got in as soon as his mother unlocked the doors. He didn't say anything. What was there to say? Buckling himself in, he crossed his arms over his chest and cast his gaze steadfastly out the window. For a while, he was content to sit in silence, stewing in his own thoughts. But then the silence was broken. He glanced at his mother before looking back out the window. The idea of going to Aunt Rose's was only mildly exciting. He probably wouldn't be able to escape the family and, unless he was allowed to suddenly become home-schooled, it wasn't going to help him.

As they pulled up to the high school, he watched the students stream out of the building. In a few years, that would be his new prison. Gus, if Nicholas was lucky, would get held back again so he might get a year of peace... or he would just pick up a new bully. Probably the latter. Bullies weren't exactly rare and, he found, people that get bullied once continue to attract bullies.

When he was told to stay in the car, Nicholas didn't react. He didn't exactly plan to get out anyway. They would only be leaving as soon as Grace got there.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:04 pm
Grace sighed as she pulled her backpack over her shoulder, pushing past one of the guys that had a crush on her. He was more of a teacher's pet than anything else and she didn't want to be seen with him. Besides, he wasn't her type. Planning on going to get Nicholas since that was usually her job when she didn't work, she blinked when she saw her mother standing by their car.

What was she doing here? She couldn't help but panic slightly, but then realized that she hadn't gotten into any trouble today. Walking up to the car, she saw that Nicholas was already in there. He didn't seem too happy. "Hey.." she didn't understand why her mother wasn't at work but she had noticed she hadn't looked too good in the morning, probably sick.

Seeing Grace, she then pushed away from the car. "We're going over to Aunt Rose's for the evening. The two of you can probably do homework after dinner if you have any." she said as Grace got into the shotgun seat. Getting back into the car, she started pulling out of the parking lot once her seat belt was on.

"Why are we going there?" she paused for a moment. "Not that I object or anything, just curious." she said, her mother was acting a bit strange and she couldn't figure out why. What was going on?  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:18 pm
Nicholas watched as his sister finally appeared, pushing past one guy who was looking at her strangely. It took Grace a minute to realize they were there but he could see, even from the distance, the surprise on her face when she finally did spot them. For a moment, she looked worried and he wondered vaguely what she did today before her worry gave way to confusion.

As his sister approached, his mother pushed away from the car and the two girls climbed into the vehicle. At the mention of homework, his expression darkened even more. It wasn't that he disliked homework anymore than the usual kid, it was just that when he had the chance to be at Aunt Rose's, he liked to explore. Unfortunately, by the time he would get a spare moment to himself, it would probably be dark and they he definitely wouldn't be getting away from them, especially not after the incident with Damien.

When Grace questioned why they were going to their Aunt Rose's, Nicholas blinked. He realized that it was odd for them to be going over there. Not overly odd, because he hadn't initially questioned it, but aside from picking up Deserai, they didn't need to go there. And they had visited not too long ago. They weren't due for another visit for a few days yet, so what was going on? "Yeah, why are we going there?" Suddenly, a thought came to him, one that filled him with dread. "Aunt Rose isn't sick, is she?" If he had stopped to think about it, he probably would have realized how unlikely that was.


Dedicated Seeker


PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:38 pm
She hadn't really been expecting them to ask. Deserai was usually the one who asked all the questions and she wasn't here. She couldn't tell them now. They wouldn't be expecting it.. and... she wasn't ready to. Perhaps going to Aunt Rose's was a mistake.. but what else could she do? Hearing Nicholas chime up, she frowned. "No, she's not." it gave her a moment to avoid the first question. "I just need to talk to Aunt Rose about the future." she told them, not wanting to lie. Aunt Rose was the only family she really had left besides her children.

Sighing, she ran her fingers through her hair as she drove, hoping that Micheal, Daniel's friend, wouldn't be there. She knew he would know that something was up. Then he would tell Daniel. Then.. well.. she didn't want to destroy what she had left with him. Her eyes would have started tearing up if she wasn't aware of Grace's intent eyes on her. There would be more questions to come.
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