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PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 7:31 pm
"It seems something's going on...."
Continuum stared up at the sky from the crater he was in, he stood up and looked into the capital, he stared for a moment before laying back down and rolling on his side.
He let out a yawn before shifting a little and closing his eyes.
"It's no concern of mine. Going back to my nap."
Kalan watched Mirela leave and reached out for her but stopped meeting Hana's eyes. He rubbed the side of his head before looking over at Emilian as he spoke to him. He stumbled back at the force of the punch and fell on the ground, reaching up he put his hand over his now black eye.
Kalan caught Emilian's words and stood up with Kina's help.

"Hurt Mirela?"
He looked over at Kina before his eyes widened.
"Oh...I should have explained...."
Kalan looked back at Emilian as Pet stepped out of Luck.
"There's nothing between Kina and me, she already has someone she cares about and-"
"Summon Guardian! Cerberus!"

Kalan cut himself off as a giant dark three headed dog rose up from the ground,large black flames lingered around the dog's paws and off it's body.
It let out a loud roar as it yellow eye's peered down at Kalan.
The dog stood slightly higher than the buildings around it and was about the length of four buildings together.
The dog turned and looked at Luck, it growled lowly before sniffing him.
"...I don't like where this is going,"
Cerberus turned it's side to Luck and lifted it's leg.
"I really don't like this where this is going! Pet!"

"Cerberus!" Pet yelled up at the large dog.
Cerberus flinched before kneeling down, Pet climbed onto him and pet his side.
"Kalan! Hurry!"
Kalan stared at Pet and Cerberus before shaking his head, he nodded and climbed onto him before Cerberus stood up.
"Kina go after Hana! Bring her back to Emilian!" Kalan yelled at Kina before Cerberus bent down and lurched forward.

Cerberus ran through the village as Pet guided him, he jumped over Hana and ran towards the square, Kalan gripped Cerberus' fur cursing at himself.
Pet remained silent as they neared the square keeping her attention forward.

Kalan noticed Jazz and Mirela and saw they were about to fight, gritting his teeth he stood up and running on top of Cerberus jumped off his head causing Pet to stop.

Kalan turned his body and aiming for Mirela tackled her into the fountain before taking hold of her wrists.
He shook his head as his wet bangs stuck to his face as he stared down at her catching his breath for a moment.
He closed regaining his composure, he looked back at Mirela before speaking.
"I'm sorry....I was inconsiderate," Kalan said nodding his head. "Kina is my sister. She's my only family so I went a little far. I should have cleared it up. I'm...really sorry."

Pet landed not too soon after Kalan tacked Mirela and caught her violin and bow, she looked back at Jazz as Cerberus walked up.
"Mr. Kobayashi, please do not interrupt this matter. It is a personal conflict, let's put aside our alliances for a brief moment. I will deal with Reaper should he try to use this later."


Kina nodded at Kalan's words and ran ahead to find Hana, she eventually found her and walked closer.
"You must be Hana... I was asked to take you back to Emilian I-"
"My angel! There you are!"

Kina turned as Yolor walked out of the shadows a toothy grin on his face, she turned holding her arm out.
Yolor tilted his head seeing Kina and formed a fire ball in his hand.
"Who are you?"
"That's no concern of yours," Kina responded.
Yolor shrugged his shoulders and stopped a few feet from her.
"I'll have to ask you to move away from my angel, she's coming with me...unless you want me to burn that pretty face of yours."
"I will do no such thing, now please leave us alone."

Yolor's eye twitched hearing Kina's response, however he chuckled and reaching up turned his head cracking his neck.
"I'll reduce you to ash for interfering with my love."

Another Yolor walked out from the shadows, one more appeared behind Kina and Hana, one jumped off a rooftop and one more climbed out of the ground.
Five Yolor's surrounded the two, the five chuckled at the same time as green flames surrounded their hands.
"Now I'm taking my angel with me."

Yolor threw a fireball at Kina and started to advance towards them, however he stopped with Kina back handed the fireball sending it flying into one of the clones.
Kina's eyes narrowed as the embers danced in front of her face a purple aura around her hand.
Yolor's eyes widened as Kina made a motion towards the dead clone.
"Mrs. Hana, please go that way and return to Emilian. I will handle things here."

Yolor ran his hand through his hand and shook his head.
"Oh I'm going to have fun with this."

Purple butterflies started to surrounded Kina as she lowered her arms to her side.
"Please forgive me for this."  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:09 pm
Jazz was dumbfounded as Kalan leapt from the beast that was now perched next to him. His blades dissipated as he stood straight, his brow raised as the water splashed from the fountain. He took a step forward towards the young woman speaking to him, his gaze still on the fountain.

"Like my actions had anything to do with the contract. I just wanted the girl to grow up. Wait...who the hell are you? And why are you so tiny? Did Reaper steal your shins? Is that why you work for him?....Can he even do that?"

Jazz gently placed a hand on the small girl's head, a small smile forming as he realized what she was.

"A demon? Now I must say this is a darkness I've never felt before...almost as if you care what's going on."

Jazz gave a small chuckle as he pat her head. If only Birth were here to see this one he thought to himself.


On the outskirts of town, Birth and Seven made their way out of the city. Virtue slept soundly in the arms of her creation as they walked, Seven's eyes plastered to the woman in front of him. He had only met Birth once, while he was in development, it was her that gave Virtue the idea to give Seven emotions, emotions he rarely used or felt. Still deep down he had a love for Virtue that he couldn't shake.

"Well this certainly is interesting. How long were you going to follow us before showing yourself?"

A man in a white cloak appeared from behind a building, ornate designs adorned his cloak as well as the gloves on his hands. The seal of the Deities, a sacred symbol to the world was attached to his right glove. His face was hidden under the robe as he approached Birth and Seven.

"It's very unlike him to send messengers, especially you Zeros."

"It's been awhile lady Birth...I'm here for the envoys"

"Then I suppose it's time....Very well...Know they won't be happy with your arrival, especially Jazz..."

"The boy is of no concern...it's time we finally talked."

With a soft sigh, Birth motioned to Seven as they made their way down the road. The cloaked man only known as Zeros turned and began walking into town, a small smile the only thing visible under his hood. His body flashed a bright white before dissipating into the air.


A ways off cloaked figure, similar to Zeros stood over the remains of the destroyed city. The small cloaked figure stood over Force's limp body, their small frame slowly shaking their head.

"I hate clean up..."

The small feminine voice that came from the white hood filled the area as she waved her small hand over Force's body. His body began to glow a bright blue before jetting off into the heavens, the blue streak piercing the clouds. As Force headed home, the hooded figure made her way to Continuum's location, grumbling the entire way. As she made her way through the rubble and destruction, her hood fell from her head, revealing a soft face with snow white hair. Her silver blue eyes were stunning and deep as her frustrated look and cute demeanor was apparent. She quickly pulled the hood back over her head as she approached the sleeping Continuum. She delivered a swift kick to his side before speaking.

"Wake up...It's time to send you back home. Jeez...how did I get stuck babysitting you all..."  



PostPosted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:14 pm
Hana had been ready to pursue Mirela once again when Kina arrived onto the scene. Listening to her motives, Hana shook her head and opened her mouth to speak when multiple Yolor's appeared. Her worried expression turned into one of fear, especially since she knew that she was the object of Yolor's desire.

Upon seeing Kina back hand the fireball into a clone and the clone dropping dead afterward, Hana's eyes grew wide. "K-Kina.." Listening to her next instruction, Hana gave a small nod and went to leave but stopped as Emilian swooped her up into his arms and kissed her gently which made her face turning a light shade of pink.

Breaking away from the kiss, Emilian stared into Hana's eyes giving her a loving smile. "Listen... I'm sorry. We can talk later, but now we have a daughter to worry about. Bringing his attention to the collection of Yolor's, Emilian's smile turned into a glare full of rage. "I swear to god if you come near my wife again you'll regret it." His expression softened upon looking at Kina. "Careful."

With that, Emilian held Hana close to him and took off in the direction of the square.


Mirela turned as Kalan came flying at her. Her teary eyes widened, and she soon found herself slamming back against the fountain floor, her hair falling from its hold and spreading out around her."K-Kalan!!" Trying to squirm away from his grasp, Mirela finally gave up when she couldn't get her wrists out of his hold. Tears still falling rapidly from her eyes, she listened very closely to his words. "Kalan..."

As he finished his explanation, the hurt look in Mirela's eyes had changed to one of relief, her tears slowing to a stop. 'I understand now...' Finally able to slide her wrists out of Kalan's grasp, she slowly reached up and touched her hand gently to his cheek before lifting herself off the fountain floor.

Her heart began to pound rapidly and her mind was immune to everything else around her, surprisingly that included Cerberus. Keeping herself close to Kalan, Mirela's raven hair fell over her shoulders, soaking her even further, her bangs covering her eyes slightly. Pushing them out of the way so she could get a better look at Kalan, Mirela felt a faint blush come to her cheeks.

She very gently took Kalan's face into her hands, caressing it gently as she stared into his eyes. In one motion Mirela leaned in closer to him, lightly pressing her lips against his. Pulling away not even a moment later, Mirela moved her hands from his face as she brought herself closer to him, embracing him tightly. Her voice began to shake along with her body, showing how emotional she was.

"Its... Its alright, Kalan," Mirela whispered, taking a deep breath. "I'm also sorry... I shouldn't have acted the way that I did. I don't know what came over me." Pulling away slightly, Mirela continued to embrace Kalan as she stared into his eyes with a faint smile. "Also, as for the kiss, don't expect another one. It was just to show how sorry I am." She chuckled a little before leaning forward and bringing her head to rest against his chest, closing her eyes once more.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:33 am
Kalan let out sigh of relief glad to see that Mirela had calmed down a little, he smiled but it faded when he felt her hand.
He blinked a few times crimson flowing into his face as he realized how close he was to Mirela.

He felt his heart skip a beat when his lips met Mirela's, his eyes widening before the moment ended as soon as it began.
Though the fountain water was really cold, they were surprisingly warm.
At a loss for words he only nodded as she spoke to him, he wrapped his arms around her a small smile forming on his face.
"....is this a bad time to mention I'm getting really cold...."

"Well look at this."

Kalan quickly turned to see Luck closing his pocket watch, he glanced over at Mirela his adrenaline leaving him, he quickly released her and cleared his throat.
Luck looked at Mirela and seeing the look in his eyes tapped his pocket watch as a sad smile formed on his face.
"To think I lost to a mortal," Luck said chuckling. "Well it's been fun. Kalan...I'm still the better man which is why I'm letting you win."
"Mirela it's been....well horrible. Not saying their wasn't fun times but I've almost died multiple times in your company...."
Luck rubbed the back of his head.
"I gotta go check out other babes. Let's all get together and have a drink sometime. By all I mean everyone but Kalan...and Jazz....and any other male in the area at the moment. That counts you too Cerberus."
Cerberus growled at Luck causing him to flinch.
Kalan blinked a few times and raised his hand to him.
"....um... okay then...bye Luck."

Luck raised his hand to Kalan and turned his back to the others. Spinning his pocket watch he walked away from everyone whistling.

Kalan turned and put his hand out for Mirela glancing around at the people backing away.
"We should probably move."
Continuum opened his eyes for a moment to see the girl looking down at him, he rubbed his side and let out a small sigh.
"Akina....ugh give me another hour I was having a nice dream."

Continuum rolled back over letting out a yawn.
"I was having a dream where I was dreaming of dreaming while I was asleep. Oh and when you come back can you bring me some food."
Pet looked up at Jazz as he spoke to her, when he pet her head she closed her eyes to keep her composure before swatting his hand away.

"My name is Sli-" Pet stopped herself feeling a familiar presence and cleared her throat.
"Pet is my name. My height is of no importance to anything. I didn't come up here to listen to a walking lantern."
Pet brushed off her dress and turned her back to him.
"Since you don't know how to treat a lady go back to what you're good at. My apologies since the rest of the lamps do your job so I suppose it's not really a skill."

Pet opened her book and waved her hand over it causing Cerberus to sink back into it before she closed it.
"Mirela, we should move from here."

Kina nodded at Emilian as the Yolor's watched him run off. Yolor tried to follow Emilian but a large wall of purple butterflies blocked the way.
Yolor turned back to Kina who glanced at the copies..
"Fine," Yolor said chuckling a little. "I was going to give you a quick death. I'm going to rip you apart slowly for stopping me."

Two Yolor's ran at Kina, they extended their hands sending two streams of fire towards Kina.
Kina turned her body as the streams past her, running in between them she summoned a small group of butterflies to her hands feeling the heat from the dancing flames.
The two copies turned their bodies slamming the streams into one stream to try and trap Kina.
Kina jumped dodging the attempt and threw the butterflies down at the copies causing them to stick to the copies torso.

The third copy appeared behind the copies and summoning a large green sun sized fireball hurled it at Kina.
Kina turned her body and narrowly dodged the fireball flying over it, she turned her head to see the third copy shoot a large stream of fire towards her.
Kina sent butterflies to the bottom of her shoes and placing her feet on the flames started grinding down the large stream towards the copy.
She sent a large group of butterflies into the third copy before jumping off.

Three more Yolor's jumped off the surrounding rooftops towards Kina, one in front of her and two on her sides.
She narrowed her eyes as Yolor laughed looking up at her as the copies summoned fire into their hands.
"More! Even more of me! Accept your fate!"

Kina turned her body drawing one purple butterfly, she cut through the Yolor's in front of her cutting him clean in half.
She kicked the one on her left in the side of his head sending him into a building, creating more butterflies she blocked the fire infused punched on her right.
Forming a small group of butterflies to her hand she slammed it into the remaining Yolor's face.

She let out a burst of purple energy sending him plummeting back down towards the earth.
Kina landed on the ground placing her hand down to support herself before standing up.

The Yolor copies stood up and grinned at her the butterflies on them flapping their wings.
"You can't win. Why don't you just give up and accept death."

Kina turned her back to them as a red butterfly appeared, she held her finger out letting the butterfly land on it.

The purple butterflies let off a bright glow before sinking into the copies bodies, they started patting themselves before the glow started shining brighter.
The copies screamed before large explosions followed, crimson flying every which way as Yolor's eyes widened.
An umbrella of butterflies appeared blocking the blood from staining Kina.

Turning Kina walked over to Yolor stepping over the remnants of his copies.
"Will you please run away now. I don't want to kill you...Nothing will be gained from it"

Yolor summoned fire to his hands as a grin formed on his face his pupils shrinking.
"You can't kill me! I'm much stronger than those copies! Feel free to try and kill me! I'll eradicate you and everyone you care about!"

Kina shook her head and threw the red butterfly towards Yolor.
The butterfly vanished into Yolor's body causing him to lower his hands the fire vanishing as touched his chest.
Kina held two fingers towards him.
"I'm sorry."

Kina moved her fingers causing Yolor to flinch and cough up blood as the butterfly started moving erratically inside Yolor with it's sharpened wings. Kina's made her movements slightly faster as Yolor fell to his knees.
He coughed up more blood on the ground placing his hand down to keep himself up.
Kina made a beckoning motion with her fingers causing the butterfly to burst out of Yolor chest.
He fell onto his stomach and started convulsing, he looked up at Kina and extended his hands towards her.
The butterfly landed on Kina's shoulder as she stared down at him a sad look in her eyes.
"Why didn't you listen...we could have avoided this...."

Yolor grit his teeth before his hand fell, his body going still.
Kina stared at him before closing her her eyes as the butterfly flapped it's wings next to her.
"Yes....go ahead and feed."
Millions of butterfly's burst from her body causing her hair to flutter before landing on the blood of the clones and Yolor.
"...where are you....sister."


Tsuliria sat in a nearby tavern a drink sitting in front of her.
She picked it up and looked around her, she noticed men in dark cloaks with red ten's on their backs.
Seeing the smiles on their faces she felt a sting in her chest before taking a small drink.
"To think Kalan's force is alive, probably played dead."
Tsuliria took another drink thinking back to the last time she saw his forces.
"It's the only thing they're good at after all."

Tsuliria finished her drink and left a small tip on the table before walking out of the tavern, she forced a chain out of her sleeve and touched her arm.
She pulled it back in before walking down the road.
"...they still won't respond the way I want them to...."  



PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:45 am
Jazz let out a small laugh as "Pet" spoke to him.

"Feisty aren't you? You remind me alot of another midget I know. Fine then, king of the lamps I am. As for her, she's still under my jurisdiction."

Jazz lifted Pet up by the collar of her attire, throwing her onto his back as he walked over to the fountain, hopping up on the side of it, his arms resting on his knees as he perched, staring at the two.

"Hey there Kalan, mind getting your face off of our emissary? She's got business to attend to."

Jazz gave a soft smile as he looked at the two, his thoughts not as happy as his mood.

"May as well give them their moment...they may not have much time together."

"Mirela, I've got an easy job for you. Find Birth, tell her we're gonna need some back up. After that you're free to do what you will, I'll no longer have jurisdiction. With Yolor in town and his new abilities, I may need some help."


The hooded woman, now known as Akina, gave an displeased sigh as she flipped her hood off, her eyes pierced through the deity.

"No....How the hell did you get to be a class five deity."

Akina rubbed her forehead as she waved her hand over his body causing him to glow the similar blue that Force had just moments ago. As she turned, she let out a sigh before Continuum began to float towards the heavens.

"Now for Nature..."


As the sun fell closer to the capitol, the white cloaked man, Zeros, approached a small tavern not too far away from the square where Jazz lay. His gaze was locked on the envoy of death as his stride stayed consistent.

"Lady Envoy, I've come here for you, please don't make this harder than it has to be."

As he stopped, he reached out a hand, beckoning the distressed envoy to him. For what reasons was still unknown.  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:22 pm
Emilian stood a small distance away, having arrived just in time to see his daughter kissing Kalan. He tensed slightly upon seeing this display, however after viewing the look on Hana's face and seeing how happy Mirela looked, he decided to let it slide. He blinked as Hana lightly gripped onto his shirt, causing him to chuckle at the look he saw in her eyes. "Don't say it," He smiled faintly. "I know."

Hana nodded lightly, leaning against Emilian's chest. "Emilian... It's almost time. Please, don't leave me when it happens..." She blinked a few times, her skin beginning to feel wet. "Emilian?" Gazing up at him, she felt tears fill her own eyes at the sight of the ones in his.

Taking Hana over to a small bench, Emilian set her down before sitting beside her and pulling her lovingly into his arms. "I'll stay by your side, Hana. You're still my beautiful flower, even if you wilt away. Besides," Petting her head gently, Emilian kissed the top of Hana's head before continuing. "Flowers reach their full beauty right before they wilt away." As soon as he said these words to Hana, he felt his skin become damp through his shirt.

"Emilian," Hana whispered softly, tears falling from her eyes and staining her husband's shirt. "Don't make me wait. I would love to be with you, Mirela, and even Inae, but I want to go happily. I don't want to have to watch our daughter's sadness..." Pulling away from Emilian a little, Hana stared up into his eyes, her heart pounding in her chest. She thought about what she was going to say many times before the words finally left her lips.

"Emilian, I want you to kill me."

Emilian's eyes grew wide at Hana's request. "W-What??" His heart sank as she repeated it before he gave her a small kiss, breaking it shortly after and pulling her closer against him. "If... If that's what you really want, if it'll truly make you happy, then... I'll do it." He really didn't want to, but he knew that Hana wouldn't let him take it back now.

"I'm sorry, Emilian..." Hana pulled away once more, kissing her husband's cheek before reaching back and unhooking her necklace. "Here, make sure Mirela gets this. I trust that you'll take good care of our family..." Upon seeing Emilian nod, Hana gently climbed up into his lap, resting her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes as he held her close in his embrace. "I love you, I always will."

"Hana... I love you too. Don't ever doubt that for a second." Emilian rubbed her back gently, wanting to enjoy Hana's company for as long as he could before carrying out the deed of killing his only true love, taking the necklace from her and clutching it tightly in his hand.


"Yes, dear?"

"Thank you..."


Mirela chuckled lightly at how Kalan talked about getting cold. 'You may be cold but you're keeping me warm...' Opening her mouth to say something, Mirela kept herself in silence as Luck made his presence known. As he spoke, Mirela moved away from Kalan slightly. Seeing Luck's sad smile, Mirela's eyes softened. She remained quiet as he spoke, feeling slightly bad for him leaving.

"Luck..." Mirela made a small face as he walked away. "You don't have... To..." She sighed as he left. "Leave..." Mirela blinked however as Kalan held out his hand for her. Giving a small nod, she took his hand and gave it a small squeeze as Jazz perched himself before them with Pet on his back.

A small blush came to her cheeks as he addressed Kalan, making her think back to the kiss that they had shared just a few minutes earlier. She averted her gaze, reaching up and rubbing her shoulder. "It was just an apology kiss..." Mirela muttered, looking up at Jazz as he spoke to her about an easy task. She nodded every so often as she listened, telling herself that the job would be something she would be able to handle.

"Alright, I can do that." She smiled a little, giving Kalan's hand another small squeeze before standing. "I'll get on that now then, Mr. Envoy." Mirela's smile, actions, and choice of words were the irrefutable proof of her happiness being returned to her. Stepping out of the fountain, Mirela's face went red as she discovered that the water had made her dress stick to her. Pulling it away from her skin, she shook her head before retrieving her violin and bow from Pet.

Seeing her parents sitting off in the distance, Mirela nodded to herself, figuring that they would be alright. Looking back at Kalan, Mirela flashed him a gentle smile. "This shouldn't take very long at all. Since I'll be free after this, and I have my mother back, you and I can finally have that date that I promised you. Take care of those two until then, will you? See you soon, Kalan." Nodding her head towards Hana and Emilian, Mirela turned and hurried off.

'Of course, after I find Birth I'll have to talk to Tsuliria before my grace period is over...'



PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:10 am
Tsuliria turned hearing someone address her, she turned to the man narrowing her eyes at him.
She crossed her arms as he beckoned her feeling disgust starting to creep up on her.

"You would appear hiding your face from me. No introduction of yourself and you're trying to take me with you without giving me a reason."
Tsuliria shook her head and turned her back to the man.
"On top of all that you've caught me in a bad mood."

She stopped speaking for a moment and turned back to him, she tried to connect him to anyone she knew but his robe hid any distinguishing features.
"You don't look like anyone that's encountered me, yet you know I'm an envoy. That strange robe doesn't help either."

Tsuliria let a chain fall from her sleeve and gripped it tightly, she could feel the others stirring but it was a low one.
"Who are you? If you can't answer our conversation is done here."


Pet's eyes widened being lifted, she quickly jumped off him brushing off her dress.
"How impudent, for an envoy you are a pig. Don't touch me."
Pet glared at him and checked her dress for any stains, not seeing any she turned her gaze back to the others.

Kalan listened to Jazz and chuckled rubbing the back of his head, he forgot Jazz had been standing there. Hearing him continue he wondered if he should find Reaper, Yolor didn't seem on their side either.

He stared at his hand as Mirela left giving a nod to her request and looking over at her parents.
He turned back to Jazz and stepped out of the fountain.
"Thank you for waiting Jazz and Pet be more respectful."
"I politely decline. He has shown me no respect."
"...well you are kinda small....and adorable."
Pet puffed her cheeks and glared at Kalan.
"That doesn't mean you can't show me respect. I'm a high ranking demon!"
"....so cute."
Pet crossed her arms and huffed turning away from everyone.

Kina ran up to the small group before stopping to catch her breath.
Blood stained her clothing which made Kalan arch his brow.
"Kina...why are you covered in-"
"I ended up fighting some man with fire. It got pretty ugly," she said wanting to clear up the matter quickly.
"That must have been Yolor, are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine. He's dead though."
"Well Yolor doesn't really die Kina."
"No Kalan he's dead."
"Kina you don't understand the situation, Jazz here has killed Yolor one and half times."
"...one and a half?"
"Well he set things up for Reaper the second time, he keeps coming back for some reason."
"Well I killed him and his clones...then I ate him."
"Oh well that's...wait what?!"
"My butterflies."
Kina opened her hand causing a red butterfly to appear in the palm of her hand.
"They ate his remains."
Kalan stared at Kina for a moment, seeing the expression on her face it seemed he was serious.
He turned his back to everyone and held his stomach leaning over for a moment.
He shook his head before turning back to them.
"We'll talk about that later, I made things up with Mirela and she asked me to watch her parents so I have to hold off on the search...sorry."

Kina smiled seeing Mirela forgave him and waved her hand.
"No it's alright Kalan, I'll find Liria on my own. Still it seems she's going by another name now..."
"Yeah she goes by Tsuliria now, anyway come find me when you two reunite."
Kalan started to walk towards Hana and Emilian before his eyes landed on Jazz.
"Wait a second, I just got an idea."

Kalan turned to Jazz and flashed him a smile before clapping his hands together.
"Hey Jazz, why don't you help Kina find Tsuliria? He can do that right Pet?"

Pet put her hand under her chin and closed her eyes for a moment.

"Well it's not impossible since Kina has no allegiance to either side, however the only problem is two sides are still involved. That and it's the two Envoy's. Of course if it's an order than there's still a grace period just as with Reaper."

Kalan stared at Pet rubbing the side of his head, he looked at Kina who shrugged her shoulders.
Pet seeing this pointed over at Jazz.
"If Jazz orders himself to find Tsuliria then it will count as an official order from the Envoy. He would just have to clear it with Birth later on. "

Kalan looked over at Jazz before turning back to Pet.
"Are you serious?"
"No, that was payback for the cute comment. He would need Birth or Reaper's permission. I'm not that knowledgeable in the affairs of Birth's forces but that's Reaper's contract standards. I don't know how much power Jazz has."

Kina smiled and turned her back to the others.
"Kalan it's alright. I'll just get going."
Kina walked away from the group waving a small goodbye to them, Kalan let out a small sigh and looked at Pet who walked over to him.

"Jazz I know we're on different sides and we're enemies but if you see Tsuliria could you let her know Kina's looking for her. I'm sure her old self is in there somewhere. Just...really really deep down. She's a good person when she's not ripping people in half"


Kervani looked down at the scene his hand clenched into a fist, blood leaked onto the rooftop from his nails digging into the palm of his hand.
His eyes glanced back seeing a figure, he turned to see Kailos smiling at him.
"What do you want?"
"Reaper is onto you."
Kervani flinched hearing Kailos' words which made him smile but Kervani turned his back to him.
Kailos walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"You feel betrayed don't you Kervani...."
Kervani rotated his shoulder making Kailos release him, his eyes narrowed at Kailos chuckle afterword.

"Don't get mad at me. I'm just following orders."
"From who? Obviously not Reaper or you would have attacked me by now. Especially not from Yolor since he's dead now thanks to that woman."

"The adoptive sister of Tsuliria, her power is a dark art from Reaper. Very destructive but she herself is gentle. It's tragic really in the end it will kill her, just as all dark arts do."

Kervani took a step back and turned to Kailos who walked past him and looked down at the others.
"Even Pet has betrayed you, you're all alone."

Kervani flinched at this and grabbed Kailos, he forced Kailos to face him and grabbed him by the front of his shirt.

"Stop acting like a little know and all."
Kailos chuckled and placed his hand on Kervani's wrist.
"Kervani you misunderstand. I've been a commander a long time but I don't know everything."
Kervani stared at Kailos and seeing the smile on his face released him, Kailos brushed off his shirt before speaking.
"Since Yolor's gone we'll have to bring someone else in to take care of Jazz."
"Don't involve me with you."

Kailos turned back to the others down at the fountain, his gaze settling on Kalan.
"Kalan seems happy. Do you really plan to take that away."
"He'll get hurt any other way."
"Your motives are different but our methods are the same. You and I are after the same thing. The shadows resting in his heart, all we need now...is Tsuliria."

Kervani turned to yell at Kailos but he was gone leaving behind only a small chuckle.
Kervani lowered his head and closed his eyes before turning and walking away.


Nature's eyes shot open and she quickly sat up before looking around.
She looked next to her see Luck staring at his pocket watch.
Turning she saw a ruined cathedral behind them, she started to question it when Luck glanced over at her.
Oh you're awake Nature," Luck said with a small smile.
Nature nodded and looked at the bandages wrapped around her, reaching over she tore the bandage off and touched the healed skin.
"What happened?
"It's a long story, I'll tell you another time. Let's just enjoy the peace for a little bit. You may want to since you got beaten up...pretty badly. I mean she really did a number on you. Thinking about it you surviving is a miracle in itsel-"
"I get it...Luck. Thank you for your concern."
Nature looked over at Luck before placing a hand on his shoulder seeing the look in his eyes.
"Did something upset you?"
Luck smiled and shook his head.
"I'm fine, just realized I didn't try any drink or babes while down here...well if you count that nasty water."

Nature started to talk but Luck held his hand up and continued.
"It'll be nice to get home. Hopefully I'll be able to come back down again. Then Kalan and I can finish what we started."

Luck closed his hand into a fist before a small chuckle escaped from him, he started laughing leaning over in the process.
Nature stared at him a small smile forming on her seeing something wet stain the ground.
She put his hand on his back as Luck continued laughing.
"With your luck maybe."  
PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:50 pm
Zeros gave a small smirk, he slowly lifted his hands, gripping his hood.

"Let us not make this difficult, Tsuliria, or should I say Liria?"

Zeros threw his hood off, His short white hair covering his matured face, his reddish eyes piercing through them as his smirk stared on at Tsuliria. His pale white skin looked as if powered snow as the scar under his left eye shone.

"I am Zeros, I'm here to inform you that Jazz Kobayashi is to die for the fate of the world. Within him is a dark power that can only be matched by someone with your talents. Only a holy weapon can combat a holy weapon if you catch my drift."

Zeros gave a smug smirk before turning to walk away.

"If he doesn't die soon, the world will fall to darkness."


Jazz slowly stood, hopping down from the fountain as he looked down at Pet.

"Birth has left me in absolute control of her forces. Something about 'going home'. Not that I really want the job, but between Mirela and I, we're the only one's here. As for Tsuliria...Kalan I must decline...When she and I meet again, we must finish what we've started, before it's too late. Birth's worried about my light...that's all she would say though."

Jazz looked down, a hand coming up over his chest as he began to glow softly, his eyes softly closing. Within him, he could feel the scar on his light, the trace of his inner self that wouldn't let go. It was about then that he felt it, a light just like his own but very different. His eyes flew open as he turned to the direction.

"There's...no way... Kalan, Find Reaper...I'm not your commander, but if i'm right...that power that I used on Yolor is marching right for us."


Akina gave a small sigh as she approached Luck and Nature at the Cathedral.

"About time I found you two...Nature it's time to go."

Placing a finger on Nature's forehead, her body beginning to glow a soft blue as she flew back to the heavens. Akina gave a small sigh as she reached into her cloak, removing a piece of parchment.

"As for you, Your father has a proposal Luck. On this paper is a contract. If you sign it you can stay here on earth, but you'll lose your title as a deity and never be able to return home. If you refuse you go back with me."

Handing Luck the paper, Akina turned walking away, a heavy sigh ringing as she spoke once more.

"Your father has been awake since you all came down here, and frankly he thinks you'll do more good here than laying on your a** up there, be grateful. Have your answer by the time I come back."  



PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:04 am
Kissing the top of Hana's head, Emilian gently lifted her up into his arms before setting her down beside him. Wiping the tears from Hana's eyes, Emilian lightly pet her head before rising to a stand. "Hana, I need to have a talk with Kalan." He watched as Hana nodded before letting out a sad sigh and staring down at the golden necklace in his hand. "Hana... Are you sure that this is what you really want?" Emilian frowned a bit as Hana nodded a second time. "Alright... Wait here, then. This won't take long."

Hana watched as Emilian walked away, sighing softly. Lowering her gaze to the ground, Hana gently clutched onto the bottom of her dress, closing her eyes and becoming lost in thought. She felt terrible for asking Emilian to kill her, but she found happiness knowing that he would be respecting her final wish, no matter how much he loved her. 'Thank you, Emilian...'

"Kalan," Emilian stopped a few feet away from him, placing one hand on his waist while the other made a beckoning gesture. "You and I need to talk, its urgent."


Wandering around the capitol, Mirela hadn't the slightest idea of where to look for Birth. She stopped every so often to wring her dress and hair out with the intent of making them dry faster. "Where could she be..." Mirela muttered to herself, looking around the area around her. "To think Birth would be this hard to find. This might take me longer than I thought it would."

Bringing her attention to her violin and bow, Mirela made a small face. "I should have put this back in the case... Then again I really don't like the feel of charred human flesh." Shaking her head, Mirela looked off to the side as a worried expression came upon her face. 'I was never told when exactly my grace period would end, but I need to find Tsuliria soon. Even if Kervani set this up, I want to get Kalan out of Reaper's forces.'

Continuing along, Mirela kept her eyes open for Birth, thinking of how she would talk with Tsuliria later. She also thought about how stupid she was for wanting to talk to her alone. 'I must be really insane, Tsuliria clearly despises me.' Shaking her head, Mirela let out a small sigh before her thought process continued. 'Maybe I'll have time to go back and get Pet to come with me. Anybody really, just as long as my parents and Kalan aren't around...' She tensed up as she thought back to how Tsuliria beat Kalan in front of her, narrowing her eyes into a glare. 'I don't want her hurting him anymore.'
PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:37 am
Tsuliria watched the man as he took off his hood, her eyes narrowing when he said her name.
Hearing him introduce himself she pulled her chain back into her sleeve as he spoke about Jazz, at the mention of darkness her eyebrow arched a little but at the mention of holy weapons she closed her eyes.

Her patience was running short with this man and she wondered if what he said about Jazz was the truth, he seemed to know a few things but something about him irritated her.
She couldn't tell what it was, it wasn't a strong hatred but it was still there, even her chains were reacting in their half dormant state.

Seeing his smirk she felt her hatred slowly returning before he walked off, she shook her head at his last words before letting out a small sigh.
"This hatred remains me of someone else," she said before touching her right arm. "Even my scar stings."
Tsuliria went over his words in her head a few times.
"I don't care about any of that, the world can go into darkness for all my concern. If Jazz dies with it that's even better"

Tsuliria flinched and looked up to see Kina staring at her a few feet away, she looked into Kina's eyes and took a step back as her chains started going fully dormant.
She narrowed her eyes at Kina as she started walking towards her.
"Stay away from me Kina!"

Kina stopped when Tsuliria spoke to her standing a few feet away, she reached up and rubbed her arm before speaking to her.

When Tsuliria didn't respond Kina started walking towards her again, Tsuliria grit her teeth and forced her chains out of her sleeves, Kina stopped walking seeing the anger in Tsuliria's eyes.

"I'll kill you and be rid of these nightmares Kina," Tsuliria said gripping her chains.
"Liria...you don't mean that..."

Blood fell onto the cobblestone as blades ran up her two chains.
Tsuliria crossed her arms as her blades pointed at Kina, narrowing her eyes at her the chains moving back and forth.
Kina felt a sting in her chest seeing the dark look in Tsuliria's eyes and her chains.
"Liria," Kina said taking a step forward. "We're family...aren't you happy to be together again? Will killing me really make you happy?"

Tsuliria's chains hesitated reeling back but quickly jumped forward moving back and forth more erratically.
"I don't care about happiness....it doesn't exist anyway. I came back to finish what I started back then. Until all traces of my happiness is gone things will remain the same."
Tsuliria gripped her sleeves as her eyes let off a yellow glow.
"These illusions, my nightmares, this pain. It wont end until you die. You aren't my sister anymore, now shut up and defend yourself or stand there and die like the others."


Pet walked in Kina's direction as Jazz spoke to Kalan, she waved to him before fading into the darkness.

Kalan rubbed the back of his head hearing Jazz's decline but he nodded understanding what he meant.
The relationship between the two wasn't exactly pleasant, though something else lingered behind her hatred for Jazz.
He silently hoped it was the old Liria, though thinking back that wouldn't be good either.

He returned to his senses hearing him mention Reaper, at the thought of finding him he felt a shiver run up his spine but nodded.
"I'd have to find him anyway, he can normally find Tsuliria and something is bothering me about this. I think he's planning something, Kina's sudden appearance, Tsuliria vanishing...it all seems like it's been planned..."
Kalan put his hand to his head.
"I'm probably thinking too much, I'll go find him. See you Mr. Fairy."

Kalan turned away before closing his hand into a fist a grin crossing his face now that he was alone.
"I got a kiss! One actually on purpose and without any drink! All before a date too, things are looking up finally. Now that I think about it Mirela looks nice with her hair down. Though she looks like Hana a little."
Kalan chuckled to himself a little as his thoughts started drifting further.
"It's too bad I can't thank Luck but still this is-"
Kalan cut himself off feeling something touch his wrist, he came back to his senses to see Emilian before catching what he had to say, his eyes widened at the reminder of his other black eye.

"I didn't do anything to Mirela I swear! I mean I held her down but it was for a good reason, wait no I mean....uh...you lead Emilian."


Luck stared at the contract tilting his head while reading over it, he looked over at Akina as she left before a small smile formed on his face.
He stuffed the contract into his pocket before turning and walking away a grin on his face.
"I already know the answer to it but I may as well enjoy the extra time I have. I think there's a tavern near here."
Luck opened his pocket watch a light glow emitting from it before he chuckled and walked into an alleyway.  



PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:19 pm
Jazz clenched his chest as the air got heavy around him. Silence filled the square as he stood alone, a sharp pain radiating through his body. His light was pulling him towards something, something that seemed familiar yet foreign to him. Jazz' eyes widened as the cloaked man appeared before them.

"Who...are you..?"

"It's about time you and I met...Mr. Kobayashi. You certainly have grown since we last met."

Jazz went speechless. Who was this man? How did he know him? Jazz could feel his light churning inside of him as the man came closer. His body flashed a little as he tried to contain it.

"It seems like that light inside of you is ready to come home wouldn't you say boy?"

Zeros removed his hood once more, his eyes glowing bright as a smirk crossed his face. Jazz was speechless, this man, he resembled him so much, but the scar on his face horrified Jazz.

"You...can't be..."

"I'm not here to waste time boy, Tsuliria, the envoy of death, you know her right? It seems she's plotting the destruction of this city. Unless you want everyone dead I'd go stop her."

Zeros turned, a smirk on his face as he began to walk away.

We'll meet again boy."


Akina let out a soft sigh as she met up with Zeros.

"I take it your job is done?"

"For the most part....I saw him, he's grown"

Akina's face softened as she heard this, a small smile forming as her hands folded to her chest.

"Do you think that maybe we should just tell him?"

"No..not yet."

The two walked off into the distance, both headed for the same area, soles and Lunes.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:45 pm
Emilian shook his head, giving a small groan as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Don't make me regret this, Kalan." Narrowing his eyes a little, Emilian pulled Kalan a small ways away. He remained silent for a few moments, stopping once he was sure Hana was out of earshot. Taking a deep breath, Emilian opened his hand to look at the necklace resting against his palm once more. Why was it he was doing this? He hardly knew Kalan, why would he be trusted enough to handle something dear to him?

Emilian stared up at the sky for a moment before lowering his gaze and turning toward Kalan. "I saw what happened, what Mirela did. You had better be damn glad she's not hurt anymore. If she was crying by the time I got there then you would be a liar if you were to ever call yourself a man. However, I saw her smiling so you got lucky. Don't hurt her again." Clenching his fist around the necklace, Emilian shook his head before continuing.

"Listen, Mirela is going to hate me when she comes back. I'm sure she hates me now, but that's nothing compared to what she'll be feeling in a little bit. I would rather not hurt her like this but I already promised Hana..." Emilian averted his gaze, reaching back and rubbing his shoulder. "So I'm asking something of you, I want you to promise me two things Kalan. Understand?"

Emilian hesitated for a moment before lifting his arm, and outstretching his hand, holding the necklace up in front of Kalan by his ring finger and thumb. "This necklace belongs to Hana. I gave it to her the night that I proposed. Now I'm going to be completely honest with you, so don't start freaking out on me, got it?" Closing his eyes, Emilian let out a small sigh before bringing his attention back to Kalan. "Hana will be dying soon, very soon. She has two final wishes, one of which is for Mirela to receive this necklace. The other... Is for me to kill her. I'm not going to be able to face Mirela after I follow through with Hana's wishes... So I want you to be the one to give this to Mirela. That's promise one."

He grew quiet for a moment, taking another deep breath. "Now for the second promise. Kalan, promise me that you'll take care of Mirela and Inae. I'm not going to be around after I kill Hana, there's no way I can be with either daughter after that. So I want you to protect them... Make sure they stay safe. Do you think that you can handle that much?"

Emilian turned his back to Kalan, keeping his arm outstretched to the side for Kalan to take the necklace. "With what I've seen of Mirela so far... She has her mother's emotional heart. God I hope you'll be able to calm her down when she sees her mother dead."


After walking for so long, Mirela found herself to be in a small open area within the capitol. 'This has gotten ridiculous,' Scrunching her nose, Mirela sat herself down on a bench, setting the violin beside her. 'At this rate I might as well go back... I'm sure Jazz will understand if I tell him I just couldn't find her.' Resting herself against the bench, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes, wanting to have a moment to relax before going back.

After a few minutes Mirela sat up and leaned forward, hunching over slightly before staring at the cobblestone below her. "I wonder what Luck's doing..." She kept her words to herself, still feeling a little bad that Luck left the way he did. 'He didn't have to leave, he really didn't... I'm going to miss having him around.' A small, sad smile graced her lips. "I wish he'd come back... He's a good friend." Sighing softly, Mirela leaned back and pulled the violin into her lap, thinking back to what Birth told her. 'Although... He would of had to leave eventually... Birth has already made that clear. If anything, I'd like to keep him around long enough until he has to go.'

Grabbing onto the violin and bow, Mirela rose to a stand before resorting to one final attempt to find Birth. "Birth?? Birth, where are you?" She looked around, hoping that perhaps she was close by and would be able to hear her.



PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 2:57 am
Kalan followed Emilian curios to what he could want from him, from what he could tell Emilian didn't like him that much.
Kalan rubbed his wrist after Emilian released him, he stared at him as he spoke.
He let out a small sigh hearing not to hurt her again, that was going to be difficult with the circumstances but he remained quiet.

Hearing something about a promise his eyebrow arched but he nodded his head to show he understood.
He looked at the necklace wondering why she couldn't just give it to Mirela, when he heard the second wish.
He lowered his gaze hearing what Emilian was going to do, Mirela was just reunited with Hana, this definitely wouldn't help matters between the two of them.

He continued to listen as he brought up the second promise, his eyes widened at the request and he crossed his arms and looked at the ground.
He closed his eyes and let out a small sigh at the matter.
Opening his eyes he walked forward and took hold of the necklace but didn't pull it to him.
"I can't say I support what you're doing....but I do believe in keeping promises so I'll do it."

He took the necklace from Emilian and put it in his pocket, he turned his back to him.
"I won't stop you but just letting you go is something I can't do either. So please leave while my back is turned. That way I can't follow you after."

Kalan closed his eyes and placed his hands in his pockets.
"I'll do what I can as Kalan the tenth-" Kalan cut himself off. "Kalan. I'll do it as Kalan."

Tsuliria's chains pulled back into her sleeve, Tsuliria looked over at her sleeves and touched them as Kina walked towards her.
"What's going on with my...."
Tsuliria tried to pull her chains out but with each attempt the chains went further in.
She turned back to see Kina standing in front of her, her eyes widened as Kina put her hands on Tsuliria's cheeks.

With a small smile Kina wrapped her arms around Tsuliria pulling her into a hug, Tsuliria flinched and shaking her head tried to push Kina away but she only tightened her hold on Tsuliria.
"Let me go Kina."
"Sorry Liria."
"I said let me go!"
"I'm sorry."
"Kina...please let go of me...."
"...I'm sorry."
Tsuliria felt her strength drain before she lowered her arms and grit her teeth, something stained her cheek and she flinched feeling the warmth from Kina.
"Why am I crying...stupid..." Tsuliria mumbled to herself as her tears continued falling.
Kina remained silent and held onto Tsuliria.
"Stupid Kina....I don't deserve it...let me go....I-I'll kill you....I said let...go..."

Tsuliria didn't fight back anymore and closed her eyes.
She missed it and she hated herself for it.
"I hate it....you always-"
"Are you happy?" Kina said interrupting her.
Tsuliria flinched and remained silent for a moment, she lowered her gaze before giving a very slight nod.
"Good," Kina said. "That's all I want."

Reaper leaned against a nearby wall in the alleyway with his eyes closed.
He opened his eyes his eyebrows drawn down and a red glow from his eyes piercing through the darkness of the alleyway.
"I suppose it's time then....it's unfortunate I wanted to wait a little longer. I'd better find Pet."
Reaper leaned off the wall and faded into the darkness.

Kina released Tsuliria and smiled at her, Tsuliria averted her gaze and rubbed her arm.
"....Kina would you mind giving me some time alone. There's something I have to attend too"
Kina tilted her head at this but she nodded.
"No problem," she said.

Kina summoned a butterfly and let it fly over to Tsuliria, it sunk into her dress causing Tsuliria to reach over and touch her shoulder.
"I'll find you again in a little bit," Kina said.

Tsuliria nodded before touching her arm and turned to walk away.
Tsuliria turned back to Kina before something touched her lips, her eyes widened before Kina backed away.
"Take care."
Tsuliria's face went a deep crimson before she turned around and continued walking away.

Putting her hand on her sleeve four chains burst out of her it and slammed into four buildings surrounding her, a dark explosion of energy erupted from the chains decimating the buildings into ash before they pulled back into her sleeve.
A small smile formed on Tsuliria's face.

Tsuliria brought her emotionless face back and continued down the street.
"I should find Reaper" she said feeling the chains moving at will again.

"It seemed many things happened in my absence."

Kailos and a figure surrounded in darkness sat in the corner of a tavern, Kailos grinned and leaned forward a little.
"I trust you understand the matter at hand now, Jazz could be a problem. Yolor failed at his duty...but I trust you can handle it."
The shadowed man grinned and leaned back crossing his arms.
"I'll gladly do it," the man said smiling. "Of course I wouldn't mind a little coin in my pocket."

Kailos reached in his pocket and threw a small pouch on the table, the shadowed men took hold of the bag and tossed it in his hands a few times.
He nodded and stuffed it into his pocket.
"Good, we have a deal then," Kailos said holding his hand out.
The two shook hands before Kailos chuckled and took hold of his drink.
"To our goals, may they be fulfilled."
The two slammed their glasses together before Kailos continued.
"Drink up my friend, it's all on Kalan's tab!"
The two laughed before taking a long drink from their glasses.
"Drinks for everyone on Kalan's tab!"

The whole tavern held up their drinks, a man dressed in full green ordered five more drinks placing his arms on the two women next to him.
"I guess that annoying man has a purpose after all! Hahahaha!"  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:48 am
Jazz stood there in the square, alone, speechless. His head spun as he stared at the ground. The memories that haunted him, the awakening of the black light inside of him, all were that man's fault. Jazz knew in his heart who he was but he wasn't willing to accept it just yet. He shook his head as he snapped back to reality, his eyes darting around the area.

"I've got to find Tsuliria....it's inevitable either way."

Jazz ran down a back street, in hopes to find the envoy of death, his mortal rival, yet in a weird way, his dearest friend. Although they had traveled this far, Tsuliria was the only person Jazz truly enjoyed fighting. It had been a long time since they last crossed paths, and he knew this reunion would end in the death of one of them, it was his duty after all.

"Pray for your sake that you're still alive...."

It was about then that Jazz ran down another street, Kina catching his eye.

"Kina! Where's your sister?"

He skid to a stop in front of Kina, his breath short and heavy.


As Birth sat, her mind lost in thought, she had felt something, Zeros had met him, her envoy. A small nervous smile came over her face, thinking to back to when she met Zeros. There was alot Jazz didn't know, but he would soon have to. Breaking her thought, her ears perked a little as she heard her name ringing out.


Birth turned the corner, seeing Mirela sitting on a bench, her violin in hand. Seven stayed back a little as he tended to Virtue who was beginning to slightly stir from her slumber.

"Why hello dear, you called?"


Zeros and Akina walked along until a familiar voice rang out. They had stumbled upon the argument between Soles and Mordikai. Akina sighed as she tightened the glove on her hand.

"Just wait here, I'll deal with them and then we can find Luck again."

Zeros gave a small scoff before an arm blocked Akina's way. Zeros gave a small smirk as he started to walk forward.

"Oh come now Akina, I want to have a little fun before we send them back, all the others had some bumps and bruises."

Zeros flexed his hand, it glowing brightly as he dashed in. Within a second, Lunes' eyes widened as Zeros had Soles by his face, a wicked smile the only visible thing on his cloaked face. Soles let out a cry as Zeros threw him into the air, his glowing eyes meeting Lunes', her face filling with terror as Zeros jumped. His body flashed and dissipated as he reappeared above Soles.


Soles cried out once more as Zeros brought down his fists, making contact with his stomach, sending him flying to the ground. Soles quickly made his way to his feet, his body now radiating flames as his temper flared.

"Who the hell do you think you are!?"

Soles turned back to Lunes who was still trembling a little. As he nodded, she too nodded before water splashed at her feet. The ground began to shake as a large form lifted Lunes off the ground, the water falling from the top of it like a water fall. Soles gave out a loud obnoxious chuckle as Lunes was now standing atop a moon, water falling from the top as it spiraled up around her. Zeros gave a small smirk as he hit the ground.

"Ready Lunes!?"

Lunes gave a small nod as water formed a large rose at her feet. Soles ran back a bit before jumping, his whole body radiating flames. Before Soles could launch the attack, Zeros raised his hand, a finger pointing at the moon. A swift, string like beam shot through the moon in a matter of seconds. As Soles' foot came in contact with the moon, Zeros turned, the spot where the beam hit seared red at the moment of contact, causing the moon to explode, sending the two deities flying.

"Alright, they're yours Akina."

Akina cracked her wrist as she dashed forward. Her foot met Zeros' back as she vaulted off of him, her hands glowing light blue. She spun in the air, her hand catching Lunes' collar before her second hand thrust out, making contact with Soles' chest. His body flew back before launching back into the heavens. Akina touched the ground, gently placing Lunes down.

"Please, take better care of your brother."

A small smile came over Akina's face as her lips met Lunes' forehead, causing her to blush. A blue light covered her body before she was lifted back into the heavens.

"You didn't have to go that hard on the boy."

"Hard? That wasn't even ten percent."

"I know."

Akina flashed him a look before turning to head off for the next deity.  



PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:03 pm
As the two arrived onto the scene, Inae took multiple steps back. Watching the display before her, she quickly shook her head. "Pity, she was a cute one." Letting out a small sigh, Inae folded her arms across her chest before bringing her attention over to Mordikai, figuring that it was time to humor her father and return to him. "Listen, I don't care what you do from here but I have something that I need to take care of." Waving her hand, Inae turned and left, heading off in the direction that Kalan had come from previously.

"Such a weird place... Filled with odd people." She shook her head a little bit and shrugged a shoulder as she walked on, flipping her yellow hair over her shoulders.


Upon seeing Birth, Mirela quickly made her way over to her. "There you are, I finally found you." She smiled softly, patting down her still slightly damp hair. "Yes, I called. Jazz sent me to find you. He wanted me to tell you that we're going to need some backup." She nodded slightly, shifting position of her violin before continuing. "That's all I really needed. I do have a favor to ask, though... If you see Luck, tell him that I'm glad that I met him and I'm going to miss having him around." Chuckling a little, she nodded her head back in the direction she came. "Now that this has been taken care of, I can go back to Kalan and my family. Take care of yourself." Nodding at Birth, Mirela turned and took off in a small run, wanting to hurry back.


Emilian let out a small sigh, listening to Kalan. "Good man. Don't let me down." Shaking his head, he moved away from Kalan and back over to Hana who rose to a stand off of the bench.

Hana saw the look on Emilian's face as he approached her. She knew quite well that it was her time to go. With a faint smile, Hana wiped the tears from her own eyes away before leaning up and kissing away the tears that were gently sliding down the face of her husband. "I'm ready."

Emilian's heart sank within his chest as Hana spoke to him. He still couldn't fully accept the fact that he would be the one to end Hana's life. He did figure though that in ending her life, he would be bringing an end to her pain and suffering. Gently bringing her into his embrace, Emilian pressed his lips against Hana's, wanting to appreciate his final moments with her.

In one swift movement, he broke the kiss and held Hana against him with one arm while reaching back into his pocket and pulling a blade. Slipping the blade between them, Emilian gently pressed it against her soft skin, his hand beginning to tremble from fear. The look in Hana's eyes was too much for him to bear, but the words she spoke to him was enough to allow him to continue.

"It's okay... Go on... You know I love you..."

Deeply cutting into her neck, Emilian drug the blade all the way across, watching as crimson began to pour from her tiny body. It cascaded down his own arm and began to drip onto the ground beneath them. It also flowed down her chest, staining Hana's pale blue dress a deep scarlet.

Pulling the blade away moments later, Emilian let it drop from his grasp as Hana fell limp against his body. Holding her close against him, allowing her blood to soak his clothes, Emilian looked up with watery eyes only to see the mortified face of Mirela standing before him.

"How... How could you..."  

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