Eloquent Conversationalist
Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 10:06 pm
Amelia Cross For a moment it seemed as if she would pull away from Will in a continued effort to appear strong. To not let the world see how the events had affected her. Amelia’s resolve didn’t last though as Will’s words echoed Adrian’s. He would have died either way. She shook her head slightly, hot tears finally coming down, even as she relaxed into his arms. “He didn’t get to see the Tower fall.” It probably seemed ridiculous that she felt she should have given up her own life just to buy him that little bit of extra time, but it had been Adrian’s goal for much of his life. “I could have given that to him…He said the same thing, that I couldn’t save him. I couldn’t save that woman either. Why Will? Why wouldn’t he take my heart instead? Why wouldn’t the bleeding stop?”
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:03 am
"Life isn't fair Amelia. The moment we forget that it finds a way to remind us. Adrian didn't need to see the Tower fall to know he'd won. That's why he made the message. If had ever intended to see it fall, he wouldn't have recorded it." Will tried to reason but he knew she was right about one thing. You couldn't save everyone. You never could. That was the oldest rule. Not everyone lived.
Eloquent Conversationalist
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:48 pm
Amelia Cross A long silence followed his words before Amelia spoke again. "I know Will....I do....it just ...all feels so wrong....it hurts...how can it be alright?" Did Adrian really know he wasn't going to make it or had the video been an insurance policy? Answers he took to the grave but that didn't stop her from dwelling on them. There were other doubts too. If she hadn't insisted on trying to save the people in the Tower would he have had time to see it? Would have more people ended up living in the end, like the woman? All things that would need to be worked through with time, but right now it was all raw. "I...I'm sorry Will. You lost a lot of friends, Adrian included and your stuck trying to make me feel better. Why are you always so nice to me?" Not that she pulled away from him either. The human contact was comforting.
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:56 pm
"Top secret mission from Adrian. He told me 'Be nice to Amelia. No one else will.'" It was probably a poorly timed joke but it didn't seem that bad until after he said it and when he did he pulled out of the hug. "Lets go fix the world." Despite his words about needing time to grieve Adrian had only bought them a month and if anything happened to the supplies they had the situation could go south quickly. By now a team had probably taken it upon themselves to go and disperse the supplies to various groups of the resistance around the city so the just needed to focus on the power plant.
Eloquent Conversationalist
Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:35 pm
Amelia Cross “Your jokes are terrible Will.” Amelia informed him. Mostly because she could really picture Adrian saying something like that and she wasn’t quite ready to joke about it. Still, whatever his reasoning, she was thankful for his kindness towards her. “Lets go fix the world.” She repeated with a deep breath and a few swipes of a shirt sleeve to clean up any tears, though one could never be rid of that glassy eyed looked of someone who had just been crying. “We really should go get Adrian though. Even…even if we can’t make him look better there are still thieves and animals.” It was hard to talk about him that way, but she was determined to do right by him. Stealing hadn’t been a problem in a long while. With Sybil’s constant surveillance criminals of any kind were almost always caught and the punishments were always severe, even for minor things, meaning it was rarely worth the risk. Usually it was children whose minds hadn’t been corrupted by Sybil yet and didn’t really understand the concept of ownership or money or perhaps a rebellious teen, though those usually didn’t last long. Either the rebellion or the teen. It was a mistake made only once by most and those who continued were never heard from again. “We should gather any of the Resistance’s tech people as well to help with the power. It’ll take forever for me to restart everything by myself with one hand. And a vehicle.” The last was self-explanatory since the power plant was a little ways out of the city. At least their little moment had seemed to have done her some good. She was a lot more focused and purposeful
Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:25 pm
"I'll see if I can find someone to go and recover whatever is left of his body." Will said as he looked around the room. He would have sent Mason, Mason was always a friend to Adrian and probably would go regardless, but no one had seen Mason since he rushed in to secure the elevator shaft. No body either. Will walked away from Amelia to find his radio and when he finally found it he put in the various requests she had. The tech people were the first to respond. Apparently they had a similar train of thought and had already started towards the power plant. No one responded to the request about getting Adrian's body. No one wanted to see what was left of him if there was anything left. It would do nothing but taint their memories. Someone did say that there was a truck in the vicinity that they could use and so Will thanked them, clipped the radio to his belt, and went to get the vehicle. He assumed Amelia would follow him.
Eloquent Conversationalist
Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 9:01 pm
Amelia Cross “I guess it’s up to us then. Besides they can get started on the power plant without me.” Amelia commented as she followed Will to the truck. She had no desire to see pancake Adrian either so she sympathized with the other resistance members, however not doing it wasn’t an option for her. She would drag him across town and the dig the hole herself if she had to, though that currently stood as a rather difficult proposition. Hopefully Will would agree.
Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 10:15 pm
"I'll do it. You can come with me but stay in the car. I'll put the body in the bed and cover it." Will explained was he got into the driver seat of the car. He didn't want Amelia to see it. It... him... He didn't want her to see whatever was left, if there was anything. There was no argument that would change his mind. He didn't want to see it, he didn't want anyone else to see it either. They could get the body back to wherever Adrian had told her to bury him and they could store him there while they arranged for a funeral later.
Eloquent Conversationalist
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:47 pm
Amelia Cross Amelia climbed into the passenger side of the vehicle. A long pause followed as she considered him, what he said and what it meant. “You don’t have to do that Will.” She said softly. “He’s my responsibility not yours. I should at least help. Besides how are you going to lift him into the truck by yourself?” It wasn’t a burden she wanted to put on Will shoulders alone, seeing Adrian’s mangled corpse, though there was little doubt which of the two of them was better equipped to handle it. If it was bad as Will seemed to think it would be getting the remains in the truck would likely be a difficult and perhaps messy affair.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:03 pm
"Adrian does note become your responsibility because you were the last person to see him alive. I've known Adrian for years. I've fought with him, followed his orders and his father's. He's more my responsibility that yours." Will shot back. He would not allow her to do it. She had been through enough and he had no desire to put her through anything else. The war was over. No one should be traumatized after it's end.
Eloquent Conversationalist
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:44 pm
Amelia Cross “You’re right Will. He became my responsibility when he gave me his last wishes and asked that I make sure he is properly buried. Not you or Mason but me.” She answered in the same soft tone. Perhaps even before then. Maybe it was when he had chosen to rescue her instead of his father, or maybe when he had gotten shot while looking for her. There was no point in bringing up those old arguments that had plagued her and Adrian’s relationship. “You’ve already done so much for me. It wouldn’t be right if I let you do this alone.” She wasn’t arguing with him exactly and would probably cave if he was persistent about it, but it would be another thing to feel guilty about.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:04 pm
"You really wanna see the paste that is left? Is it some victory to you? To see the guy you hated or whats left of him, dead on the floor." Will knew it was low but he didn't want her to see. He didn't want to see and found her desire to do so very disturbing. The rest of the drive he execute in silence no matter what she said. He wanted it over. Adrian was the last nail in Sybil's coffin, assuming his body was still even there.
Eloquent Conversationalist
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 9:40 pm
Amelia Cross “How…how can you think that about me?” She couldn’t have been more shocked if he had slapped her. In a way it almost felt like he had. “I don’t want to see him, I’m just trying to do the right thing.” When stony silence was all she got for a response Amelia shifted her gaze to out the passenger window. Of anyone Will should know she had never hated Adrian and his words hurt. When they arrived she didn’t look at Will nor did she attempt to leave the vehicle.
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:03 pm
When they arrived Will turned off the engine and said one thing without looking at Amelia. "There is no 'right thing' to do. Adrian's dead. He doesn't care what happens to his body. He just wanted to save the world from Sybil. We've done the right thing, now we have to live with it." The way Will said it, it sounded like he thought stopping Sybil was a bad idea. To be fair, he had lost many, many friends in the fight. Adrian included. All he wanted was to spare Amelia from seeing that which was left and she continued to insist on going. He was stressed, he was tired, and he wanted the war to end but with every moment it seemed the war had only begun with Sybil's death. Needing to fix the power plant was just the start. They would need a government, and they would need law. There was so much work but he didn't want to be part of it. He wanted the battle to be over.
Will slammed the truck door behind him as he got out and he began walking around the building. Eventually he found it. Well saying it was unfair. Adrian's body remained mostly intact. Will was surprised it was even there though. The President's body had been taken away by the machines. Seeing the body hurt Will about as much as he expected and even more. Adrian was smiling. His body was bruised and broken but in tact and on his face you could see a clear smile. For the first time since he could remember, tears began to form in his eyes. Seeing Adrian made it all real. No chance that his friend had escaped, no chance he had survived. He was gone, and he was never coming back. Will fell to his knees and just sat there staring at the body with quiet sobs. "I failed you... I failed you..."
Eloquent Conversationalist
Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 7:01 pm
Amelia Cross Amelia flinched as Will slammed the door behind him. As always it seemed her intentions had gone awry. She had wanted to lighten his burden, take some pressure off of him and give him some support. Instead she had ended up pissing off the only person who would seemingly put up with her. If he truly wanted her to stay here she would stay. Duty and guilt warred with relief of not having to deal with Adrian’s body. Relief that only served to make her feel guiltier. He didn’t really mean what he said about doing the right thing did he? She tried instead to focus on what would need to be done once they made it to power plant to get things back online, however the longer Will took the more she felt like she was making the wrong choice by waiting here.