Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:40 pm
I_love_Inuyasha1 Zephyrkitty I_love_Inuyasha1 Zephyrkitty I_love_Inuyasha1 Yeah... I feel like I have too many steam/wii/DS games on backlog and it's all pretty overwhelming. >: And then all these new games are coming out. I can't keep up! I still want Rhythm Heaven Fever though. >__> It's really bad when you want to replay something. 'I want to play X again! But there are so many games I haven't even touched; it's unfair to ignore them for something I've already finished. crying ' I need shorter games. I like RPGs, but taking a couple months to finish one doesn't do much to help my backlog. gonk I rarely have that problem. The few games I do beat just kinda sit there for an eternity afterwards. XD I feel the same way. I have too many long games. I wish... my games were SHORTER. >__< My video games take too long to beat and I have too many basically. ;__; That's how it is with a lot of my games, but if I really like a game then I generally want to replay it sometime down the road. It's a mix of wanting to get my money's worth and quality factoring into repeat value, I guess. Every game should be like Half Minute Hero and each level should only take a couple of minutes. xd Regarding college, bring your DS to school with you. I use the time between classes to work on games; a couple of hours every day/week adds up. Yeah, I'm starting to get that a bit. But as you said, it's hard to justify ignoring my huge backlog to play old games. XD Rhythm Heaven! I really want Rhythm Heaven Fever. Oh, I plan on it. ...But I'm not sure if I should bring the Wii. I don't want to get it stolen. But I love my Wii D: And I have many backlog games on it. And more importantly, I'm going to major in engineering and will probably not have a life. I know. But I want to replay TWEWY! crying I still need to pick up the first Rhythm Heaven game. I should really get on that; last I saw the game was down to something like $10. My college is stupid. For a while there was a giant TV in the cafeteria and we used it to play games without any problems. Then they replaced that TV with a bunch of smaller nicer ones, but you can't touch those ones and they're always either never on or on ESPN. stressed I got permission to use the old giant TV one day since it was off to the side and just not plugged in, but someone moved it a couple of days later.
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:43 pm
Zephyrkitty Caramel Kisses ♥♥♥♥♥♥~~ I was thinking about starting up another merch thread, but there isn't enough activity/ no free time to validate that. :/ ~~♥♥♥♥♥♥ This would be a thread for video game-themed merch? Because I could help out with upcoming/recent releases and whatnot if a lack of free time is the issue. ♥♥♥♥♥♥~~Yeah. Merch and themed items. I ran "the Cultie Shopping Network" here a million years ago. :3 ~~♥♥♥♥♥♥
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:54 pm
Caramel Kisses Zephyrkitty Caramel Kisses ♥♥♥♥♥♥~~ I was thinking about starting up another merch thread, but there isn't enough activity/ no free time to validate that. :/ ~~♥♥♥♥♥♥ This would be a thread for video game-themed merch? Because I could help out with upcoming/recent releases and whatnot if a lack of free time is the issue. ♥♥♥♥♥♥~~ Yeah. Merch and themed items. I ran "the Cultie Shopping Network" here a million years ago. :3 ~~♥♥♥♥♥♥ Ah. I never saw that thread; it must have been from before I joined. Then yeah, I could help out. I was actually considering starting a similar thread a while back; I just wasn't sure if anyone besides me would actually be interested.
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:59 pm
Zephyrkitty Caramel Kisses Zephyrkitty Caramel Kisses ♥♥♥♥♥♥~~ I was thinking about starting up another merch thread, but there isn't enough activity/ no free time to validate that. :/ ~~♥♥♥♥♥♥ This would be a thread for video game-themed merch? Because I could help out with upcoming/recent releases and whatnot if a lack of free time is the issue. ♥♥♥♥♥♥~~ Yeah. Merch and themed items. I ran "the Cultie Shopping Network" here a million years ago. :3 ~~♥♥♥♥♥♥ Ah. I never saw that thread; it must have been from before I joined. Then yeah, I could help out. I was actually considering starting a similar thread a while back; I just wasn't sure if anyone besides me would actually be interested. Yeah. But it is pretty inactive in here. :/ Maybe you can run it and I can contribute?
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:02 pm
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:02 pm
Caramel Kisses Zephyrkitty Caramel Kisses Zephyrkitty Caramel Kisses ♥♥♥♥♥♥~~ I was thinking about starting up another merch thread, but there isn't enough activity/ no free time to validate that. :/ ~~♥♥♥♥♥♥ This would be a thread for video game-themed merch? Because I could help out with upcoming/recent releases and whatnot if a lack of free time is the issue. ♥♥♥♥♥♥~~ Yeah. Merch and themed items. I ran "the Cultie Shopping Network" here a million years ago. :3 ~~♥♥♥♥♥♥ Ah. I never saw that thread; it must have been from before I joined. Then yeah, I could help out. I was actually considering starting a similar thread a while back; I just wasn't sure if anyone besides me would actually be interested. Yeah. But it is pretty inactive in here. :/ Maybe you can run it and I can contribute? I could cross-post the thread in the Maniacs and see if that helps with activity/interest at all. All right. I'll try to start the thread sometime this weekend. EDIT: Should I include game LEs in the thread? Most of those come with some sort of merch, after all.
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:05 pm
Hamtaro needs to be on Netflix. >=|
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:20 pm
Zephyrkitty I_love_Inuyasha1 Zephyrkitty I_love_Inuyasha1 Zephyrkitty I_love_Inuyasha1 Yeah... I feel like I have too many steam/wii/DS games on backlog and it's all pretty overwhelming. >: And then all these new games are coming out. I can't keep up! I still want Rhythm Heaven Fever though. >__> It's really bad when you want to replay something. 'I want to play X again! But there are so many games I haven't even touched; it's unfair to ignore them for something I've already finished. crying ' I need shorter games. I like RPGs, but taking a couple months to finish one doesn't do much to help my backlog. gonk I rarely have that problem. The few games I do beat just kinda sit there for an eternity afterwards. XD I feel the same way. I have too many long games. I wish... my games were SHORTER. >__< My video games take too long to beat and I have too many basically. ;__; That's how it is with a lot of my games, but if I really like a game then I generally want to replay it sometime down the road. It's a mix of wanting to get my money's worth and quality factoring into repeat value, I guess. Every game should be like Half Minute Hero and each level should only take a couple of minutes. xd Regarding college, bring your DS to school with you. I use the time between classes to work on games; a couple of hours every day/week adds up. Yeah, I'm starting to get that a bit. But as you said, it's hard to justify ignoring my huge backlog to play old games. XD Rhythm Heaven! I really want Rhythm Heaven Fever. Oh, I plan on it. ...But I'm not sure if I should bring the Wii. I don't want to get it stolen. But I love my Wii D: And I have many backlog games on it. And more importantly, I'm going to major in engineering and will probably not have a life. I know. But I want to replay TWEWY! crying I still need to pick up the first Rhythm Heaven game. I should really get on that; last I saw the game was down to something like $10. My college is stupid. For a while there was a giant TV in the cafeteria and we used it to play games without any problems. Then they replaced that TV with a bunch of smaller nicer ones, but you can't touch those ones and they're always either never on or on ESPN. stressed I got permission to use the old giant TV one day since it was off to the side and just not plugged in, but someone moved it a couple of days later. Hah, me too. XD I'm hoping they just make a TWEWY 2 already. Do it. It's AWESOME. And it's really short. And portable. Doitdoitdoit I don't even know which college I'm going to and if they'll have TVs. XD That's really bizarre though. Why would they bother replacing them if you can't even use the newer ones?!
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:24 pm
Jaycorn Hamtaro needs to be on Netflix. >=| So then I checked the US Netflix. Only DVDs and most are "Save" sadly. But then it suggested Sgt. Frog for instant. cat_4laugh I have too many anime on backlog too. EVERY MEDIA IS OUT OF CONTROL.
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:25 pm
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:27 pm
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:27 pm
If I got MGS 3D it'd mostly be because the 3D is pretty great. Probably the most well-done 3D I've seen since Ocarina of Time or Street Fighter IV. 3D Land's was pretty good too.
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:30 pm
First the LE for the first Patlabor movie pops up at Hamilton Book for $10, and now TRSI suddenly cuts the price for the first and second movie LEs to $20. Did someone come across a bunch of extra copies a couple of weeks ago or something?
Oh well. The sets are gorgeous and this is as good of an excuse as any to finally pick them up. Now I just need to track down the TV series...
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:16 pm
I_love_Inuyasha1 Zephyrkitty I know. But I want to replay TWEWY! crying I still need to pick up the first Rhythm Heaven game. I should really get on that; last I saw the game was down to something like $10. My college is stupid. For a while there was a giant TV in the cafeteria and we used it to play games without any problems. Then they replaced that TV with a bunch of smaller nicer ones, but you can't touch those ones and they're always either never on or on ESPN. stressed I got permission to use the old giant TV one day since it was off to the side and just not plugged in, but someone moved it a couple of days later. Hah, me too. XD I'm hoping they just make a TWEWY 2 already. Do it. It's AWESOME. And it's really short. And portable. Doitdoitdoit I don't even know which college I'm going to and if they'll have TVs. XD That's really bizarre though. Why would they bother replacing them if you can't even use the newer ones?! Same. Here's hoping for more with TWEWY this generation than Dream Drop Distance. ...Next time I go by Toys R Us. Amazon seems to have it for moe. Your guess is as good as mine. Although they seem to actually be turned on regularly this year, so I'll probably just figure out who runs the TVs and ask if we can have half of them turned to something that isn't sports. I_love_Inuyasha1 Jaycorn Hamtaro needs to be on Netflix. >=| So then I checked the US Netflix. Only DVDs and most are "Save" sadly. But then it suggested Sgt. Frog for instant. cat_4laugh I have too many anime on backlog too. EVERY MEDIA IS OUT OF CONTROL. My anime backlog ogod. According to DVDAF, I have 420 anime discs. This is high ( Princess Jellyfish is counted as 4 discs since it's a combo pack; The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is counted as three since there's an extras DVD and the OST, etc.), but it's a decent estimate. Of those, I've got 190 discs sorted as unwatched. gonk Netflix and CR have fairly large queues, but at least there I'm not spending money every time I add something to the pile. Books and light novels are pretty bad too. One of the books for Adolescent Lit. is Catcher in the Rye, and I was pretty happy about that because I already had it and could get it out of the backlog. I generally stay on top of the manga backlog though; there are less than ten books unread there and I could finish that off in an afternoon or two.
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:36 pm
Zephyrkitty I_love_Inuyasha1 Zephyrkitty I know. But I want to replay TWEWY! crying I still need to pick up the first Rhythm Heaven game. I should really get on that; last I saw the game was down to something like $10. My college is stupid. For a while there was a giant TV in the cafeteria and we used it to play games without any problems. Then they replaced that TV with a bunch of smaller nicer ones, but you can't touch those ones and they're always either never on or on ESPN. stressed I got permission to use the old giant TV one day since it was off to the side and just not plugged in, but someone moved it a couple of days later. Hah, me too. XD I'm hoping they just make a TWEWY 2 already. Do it. It's AWESOME. And it's really short. And portable. Doitdoitdoit I don't even know which college I'm going to and if they'll have TVs. XD That's really bizarre though. Why would they bother replacing them if you can't even use the newer ones?! Same. Here's hoping for more with TWEWY this generation than Dream Drop Distance. ...Next time I go by Toys R Us. Amazon seems to have it for moe. Your guess is as good as mine. Although they seem to actually be turned on regularly this year, so I'll probably just figure out who runs the TVs and ask if we can have half of them turned to something that isn't sports. Oh god the double quote. Woot 8D Yeah, having them all be sports is a bit excessive. I_love_Inuyasha1 Jaycorn Hamtaro needs to be on Netflix. >=| So then I checked the US Netflix. Only DVDs and most are "Save" sadly. But then it suggested Sgt. Frog for instant. cat_4laugh I have too many anime on backlog too. EVERY MEDIA IS OUT OF CONTROL. Zephyrkitty My anime backlog ogod. According to DVDAF, I have 420 anime discs. This is high ( Princess Jellyfish is counted as 4 discs since it's a combo pack; The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is counted as three since there's an extras DVD and the OST, etc.), but it's a decent estimate. Of those, I've got 190 discs sorted as unwatched. gonk Netflix and CR have fairly large queues, but at least there I'm not spending money every time I add something to the pile. Books and light novels are pretty bad too. One of the books for Adolescent Lit. is Catcher in the Rye, and I was pretty happy about that because I already had it and could get it out of the backlog. I generally stay on top of the manga backlog though; there are less than ten books unread there and I could finish that off in an afternoon or two. Dohoh, 420. OH MY GOD 420? I'm not even keeping track of the anime list that well. Yes, books for me too. I have about three mysteries, East of Eden, Bone, a Zelda manga box set, some Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, and Black Jack.