Trenn Flashkill
Grats. Yesterday I ate a steak from a cow someone else slaughtered. Who cares?
To write off a game because there is no "THE END" is silly. What's the end goal of TF2? What's the point to Smash Bros.? It's about playing with people. It's fine to just not "get it." The thing is that you're claiming that people who do love the game are lying and delusional. That's ******** narrow-minded and retarded. I can say the same thing about gardening. Which I did. And will do again.
Gardening is for queers.
It's not the lack of an end, it's the lack of a goal other than getting to grind more. Grinding to grind.
The MMO genre itself is rife with abuse of artificial length, which is used to prolong the least pleasurable parts of the game. Don't you think that's stacking bad game design on top of bad game design?
In TF2 I'm doing the same s**t over and over, but it's the good s**t.