Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 2:16 pm
Maybe your motion+ controller sucks. I hear that people who play with the controllers that have it built in have a better time of it, but there's not telling if that's just because hose are the people who wanted the gold Zelda themed wiimote. I mean, they would be more apt to enjoy a Zelda game no matter what, you'd think.
I didn't find that link's movements were completely different from mine. Isn't that what he's doing anyway, when you press a button and he swings his sword? HEH.
Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 2:26 pm
I dun geddit. Either you push a button and he does all the work properly, or you do the work properly and he does the work properly. No sometimes or even most of the time. It is satisfying when it does work but bleh.
I have the built-in thing too.
Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 2:34 pm
Jaycorn I dun geddit. Either you push a button and he does all the work properly, or you do the work properly and he does the work properly. No sometimes or even most of the time. It is satisfying when it does work but bleh. I have the built-in thing too. The way you push the button makes no difference to the game though. That's why it's not as satisfying to me. Every enemy can be beaten by just running up to it and pressing B a bunch of times. Sometimes you have to press a different button because it needs an item, but whatever. Sometimes he'll do little combos to make you feel good about mashing the button. It's still not satisfying to me. Try beating an an enemy in skyward sword by swinging the same way a bunch of times. It's not going to work. The combat is a lot more thoughtful and deliberate than it was before. Maybe everyone's not going to be a fan of that. I am. And it sounds like the developer is too.
Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:03 pm
I always found Ocarina's combat to be pretty enjoyable.
Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:19 pm
Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:41 pm
All paintings should be portals to small worlds.
Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:28 pm
o sorry is OOT off limits
Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:37 pm
Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:40 pm
OOT is garbage by Zelda standards.
Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:45 pm
No the NES games are garbage by Zelda standards. OoT is good.
Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:50 pm
Skaeryll OOT is garbage by Zelda standards. You're garbage by MY standards! GET OUT
Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:52 pm
You know I only yell because I love you.
Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 7:02 pm
Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 7:29 pm
Are you also playing through your gamecube library?