Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 1:21 am
network transmission wasn't half bad actually, had played the first one so i expected something similar. man was i suprised! final boss fight was epic.
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:46 am
I don't understand Capcom's confusion about megaman's failing sales.
They have a strong IP, and they like to put out loads of samey games that have nothing in common with the game-play the IP is famous for, and when they've exhausted people's willingness to buy that garbage they just try to rework the IP and ship more of the RPG crap.
Even before they tried to make Megaman an RPG, they were releasing samey game after samey game. Did you know the X series was supposed to end at 5? After 6 they tried to innovate some, but 7 wasn't that great. I guess 8 was better, but I don't quite recall.
The people in charge of the "Mega" IP are tuuuuurds.
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:49 am
I don't understand why Japanese people have such a** burgers for Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. Nor do I understand why Pokemon BW seems to be hailed as the best Pokemon game according to every list ever, when it is clearly HGSS.
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:52 am
My first impression of Mega Man was the Battle Network TV show, as well as box art for some of those games I saw in stores. Seemed weird.
I didn't know anything about the classic series until coming here. It was surprising how much more appealing it was.
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:54 am
I can understand how it would be difficult to make something new and not samey without creating something weird that doesn't really appeal to the original fans.
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 10:24 am
You put more than [part of] a year into conception and development of the sequel, that is how.
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 10:40 am
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:43 am
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:52 am
The person who wrote that article on urbandictionary just made up something objectively awful.
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:01 pm
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:43 pm
I've been playing the first Mega Man Battle Network. The fighting is pretty cool; good blend of strategy and skill.
The over-world seems really tedious, though.
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:54 pm
yeah it can be. last one i played was the last one on GBA, gregar falzar, beast mode was a neat concept and the using other navi's combine with megaman was a nice touch.
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:24 pm
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:26 pm
Network transmissions is really nothing like the other battle network games. It uses the IP, but it plays completely differently. It was probably developed alongside the GBA game, and when the GBA game sold better they decided to never make another like network transmissions.
3 dollars.
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:18 pm