Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:03 pm
Did anyone find the visuals for Other M just... really weird?
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:09 pm
It looked like Team Ninja's work, but without the giant boobs, so I guess that is kind of weird for them.
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:10 pm
They still managed to slip in a few good a** shots though.
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:44 pm
I think I'm gonna send Game Grumps some games I want them to play.
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:59 pm
Tried watching another episode of theirs the other day and it was still terrible. Am I too much of a grouch or is everyone else too stupid? I did see an animation with an excerpt of them being kind of funny, though.
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 5:07 pm
Meta_Fish Tried watching another episode of theirs the other day and it was still terrible. Am I too much of a grouch or is everyone else too stupid? I did see an animation with an excerpt of them being kind of funny, though. Eh if you don't like them then you don't like.
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:20 pm
Skaeryll Meta_Fish Tried watching another episode of theirs the other day and it was still terrible. Am I too much of a grouch or is everyone else too stupid? I did see an animation with an excerpt of them being kind of funny, though. Eh if you don't like them then you don't like. If he doesn't like them then everyone who does is stupid Everyone has to like what I like I'm Fish, the big gay f**
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:20 pm
Meta_Fish Tried watching another episode of theirs the other day and it was still terrible. Am I too much of a grouch or is everyone else too stupid? I did see an animation with an excerpt of them being kind of funny, though. Sounds like YOU'RE the real grump! cool
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:22 pm
Nomega The Eleventh AK Waynebrizzle Meta_Fish Waynebrizzle [Kegan] People who complain about the "over abundance" of extra lives available in modern mario games probably wouldn't tell you that game overs are great, so I don't get what the problem is. New things r not as good b/c i didn't play dem when i was kid lol Then again, there also seem to be some people that just like whatever the new design is because they didn't have the fond memories of these games when they were kids and want to establish that the new ways are inherently better. LOL!Being fond of something as a kid means that you shouldn't embrace change CHALLENGER APPROACHINGChange isn't always good. Plenty of franchises tried a new direction and made some real stinkers. I'm looking at you, Metroid and Banjo Kazooie. And you could argue those, but I'm talking general consensus. #AK_IS_WRONG_AGAIN I only want change if it's for the better, bah humbug. How am I wrong where did I say all change is good
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:34 pm
youze all a buncha dumb fux
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:50 pm
Karen Gillan on Conan tonight. I just jizzed.
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:51 pm
[Kegan] These new spy and medic total war items look absolutely rad. Devon did you actually play other M? You haven't answered my question. I have played and beaten the game. I don't hate the gameplay by any means, but seriously, it's like I said. Samus needing authorization to use non-offensive gear is absolutely ridiculous. That's like if in the army soldiers couldn't put on bullet proof vests until they were already getting shot at. And I was just kidding about you being wrong, AK. Sarcastic way of saying "I'm not trying to be antagonistic, I swear." rofl
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:11 pm
@ FishMatt: I find that Game Grumps is hit or miss. I really only enjoyed watching them play goodtroop and kirby. Oh and megaman. Their newer videos are not that great, and when they play newer games they make me wanna start grinding my teeth. That's mostly because they are games I like, and they had such inarticulate and bad criticisms of games they don't like.
In what world do people not enjoy Skyward Sword?
@ Devon: I don't mean to be belligerent or anything. The story isn't the strongest part of Other M, but I feel like people judge it against standards of games that don't exist. I wonder if a lot of people who complain about other M played it. It just seems like one of those games where everyone's a wikipedia expert and noone actually gives it a chance.
I enjoyed it. I'd like to see voice acting in the wii-u metroid. Let's hope we don't have to wait for Samus's 30th.
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:25 pm
The Mystical Ninja videos they've been doing are funny.
And I like watching them play Brawl.
And Animal ********', whatever, I think they're fun to watch and I ain't need to impress nobawdy suck my bawwwwwls.
Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:26 pm