Uhhh. Bored. I'm not giving it up, I guess.
It's just a little abnormal to post every mundane thought you seem to have here, day after day when 1/20 get you any interest/reply from others, is what I think David is saying.
I have way more than a handful of mundane thoughts every day. Forgive me for not using guild sanctioned "PAU"s and talking about taco pizza.
YOU SCARE PEOPLE AWAY WITH YOUR WEIRD Pretty sure you already did that with your caustic personality. Good job starting a gaia guild, though, bro. I'm sorry I pooped on all your hard work.
Then Kegan says something smarmy about one of us being self-centered faggots.
This is like the passive aggressive Pièce de résistance. You think I can't do it, or that I'm afraid to be predicable, but you're probably projecting your own fears on me, which is ironically predictable behavior for someone so self centered.
Isn't it so nice to have discussion in the Spam Can?
(Bro bro bro bro bro.)