The Eleventh AK
So now apparently there's a bug with iOS 6 that makes your data usage go retarded high
evil And you get charged extra for this?
Yeah I pay 60$ a GB and usually I don't really even get close to that but this time it's over 2 GB. It's only 10 dollars per extra GB and I think they round up so I think I'll be paying 80$ this month (unless it goes higher) which... isn't... HORRIBLE... but if it's something they don't fix I'm going to be pretty grumpy
I read that some providers are waiving the charges when I googled it, it sounds like it's a pretty common thing so I imagine it'll get sorted out eventually, but I also talked to my provider's customer service and they pretended not to know what I was talking about.
I want to love my iPhone... it has been really handy... but COME ON