Xilo The Odd
Deathgod of Legend
On the plus side of everything ever.
Sony pissed off Capcom so now Monster Hunter belongs to Nintendo, wooooo.
Just curious how that'll turn out. Couldn't be bad though.
Capcom's too popular to make bad calls.they've made plenty.
the bigs ones to me are as follows.
no MHP3rd
waiting till NOW to give us MH3G.
and jsut a future prediction, but dragging their butts on MH 4. just sayin. it shouldn't take 2-3 years to get a game ready for other parts of the world.
Don't know if you know this but Monster Hunter isn't as big here as it is in Japan or China.
The portable Monster Hunter games were great but people in America either work or do other stuff at home all day and when they travel they usually go by car- Driving.
This is opposed to China or Japan where people ride trains or subways to get to their destinations. This allows time for whatever on a Handheld.
That and some people just don't like how foreign Monster Hunter feels. In Tri, the village men wore assless chaps. I had friends that immediately said "What the ******** is this?"
Sure, I wanted MHP3rd as much you did but it just wasn't going to happen and never will now that Sony pissed off Capcom.
Not to mention we're lucky even now to get another Monster Hunter game.
I really think it's only because WiiU and 3DS just came out recently and so that somewhat limits the kind of games you can get. Most kids would likely pick the game with the coolest cover = Monster Hunter
All that aside, I'm only pissed we haven't gotten Monster Hunter Frontier.
That game is epic as anything ever.