Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 5:45 am
Fusion's definitely a lot harder than other games. The nightmare is kind of like that above boss, only you don't get an easy way out.
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 2:51 pm
I_love_Inuyasha1 16-bit Jazzy I_love_Inuyasha1 16-bit Jazzy I_love_Inuyasha1 16-bit Jazzy I really liked Super Metroid until the ******** shitty space jump and screw attack that don't work half the time were introduced. And there's just so much artificial difficulty in Ridley's lair. I can't stand bullshit like that, where once you overcome it you're just so pissed off at how unfair it was that you don't even feel good about it and are wondering why you're playing such an awful game. Oh, god, I'm right there with you on the space jump thing. I think I used save states a lot in Ridley's lair. That made it better. Where did you think the artificial difficulty was? Well you can't heal before the golden chozo boss, so I had to farm for health by exiting and re-entering a room for like ten minutes before fighting him, twice. Then, after you beat Ridley, I could be wrong but it seems like the only way to get back up to the rest of Norfair is to swim through a room of acid that constantly drains your health. Okay, not swim obviously - or even walk/run, but space jump. The door out is high up but still submerged in acid. If the space jump doesn't work properly, there goes all your health. There's also some of those enemies that are only weak to the screw attack in the acid to make it even shittier. Fun! Plus once you get out of this acid room and are low on health, there are a bunch of strong enemies to get by before you finally get out of Ridley's Lair. Someone on Miiverse said you didn't have to go back through the acid room but I wouldn't be surprised if he was wrong. People on Miiverse are wrong a lot. Plus Fish said he remembered the acid room from when he played many years ago - bullshit like that isn't easy to forget. Oh, yeah. I recall save stating that. I guess most people have a no save-state policy... or something... but if it fixes a game's problems why not use it? I'm definitely impressed by people who don't need save states but I dunno, I'm basically over the whole casual/hardcore debate. I just try to have fun. I'm not that great at Metroid games, clearly, so I used save states. And I used guides when I couldn't find some upgrades. Cheating, yeah. Made the game not hell for me? Yeah. Part of the reason I disliked Fusion? Probably. I still eventually beat Fusion, but there was a lot of bullshit bosses. A lot of frustration. Wasn't having fun. Only played it so I could say "YEAH ******** YOU FUSION I BEAT YOU, YOU ANNOYING c**t." Ahem. I don't know why people like Fusion. I'm glad I didn't have to buy that piece of s**t; thx Nintendo for the free games. Oh god. I am so sorry that happened to you. When I first got to Ridley's lair, I was doing it without a guide. I thought you had to backtrack through that lava room too (this was before Ridley, though, I just couldn't find out where the ******** to go.) There's an entrance to Norfair in Ridley's Lair in a room with metal s**t on the ceiling, You power bomb in that room, I think, and then there's some gold pirates in that room, and you can take the left door. It leads you back to the shaft near the bubble room in Norfair. That's a pretty shitty recollection but yeah, once you clear that lava/acid room there's no backtracking required. Yikes, that must have been crazy frustrating for you. D: I used save states too at the beginning of the Ridley fight so I didn't have to travel all the way back to him from the save spot every time I died. SO NICE Save states are nice when a game it b***h-hard and you want to play it and experience it without dealing with BS. You know you can DO it, you just want to do it in a much less tedious way (though loading and saving can be tedious too). The only thing they are useless for is fighting Tyson/Mr. Dream in Punch-Out sad It doesn't matter if you use them, he's still just as impossible. Which proves my point that if you can do it with save states, you can do it without them too (you will just get more angry). But if you can't do it, period, save states are not going to help. Yeah, they wouldn't help in Punch-Out. Yep. Not having to travel was rad. That's pretty much all you can do with save states in SM, but it makes things so much nicer. They helped in Punch-Out when I was playing in on my 3DS, just only up until Mr. Dream. They actually helped me survive against Mr. Dream longer, but in the end he still beat me. I feel like there's just some really hard pattern you have to memorize to be able to beat him and saves probably make it even harder to learn. And yeah I am lost 95% of the time while playing Metroid, so save states wouldn't help much outside of avoiding having to travel back to the bosses each time. XD
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 3:27 pm
Waynebrizzle Fusion's definitely a lot harder than other games. The nightmare is kind of like that above boss, only you don't get an easy way out. Is it actually like harder in a fair way or is it just artificial difficulty and BS?
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 4:01 pm
I_love_Inuyasha1 What's the hard way? I thought that was the only way. Apparently you can also do it with super missiles. That's gotta be really tedious. yep doing it that way he is one of the harder bosses to fight. and if you got less than a energy tank its the only way. (my first few times plaiying i wasnt much of an explorer.)
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 6:02 pm
Xilo The Odd Kirby superstar is now up there as one of my fav kirby games. i dunno what it is but crystal shards i still like more. probably from the power combos you could do. i do like the varying stories of all stars though. also beat quick draw on hardest difficulty. by .01 seconds i cut meat knight down. Superstar super rules. If you can, pick up Superstar Ultra. It's everything the original was times two and it's ******** great. Return to Dreamland is a close second, but I like the Choose Your Own Adventure aspect of Superstar too much.
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 6:02 pm
16-bit Jazzy Waynebrizzle Fusion's definitely a lot harder than other games. The nightmare is kind of like that above boss, only you don't get an easy way out. Is it actually like harder in a fair way or is it just artificial difficulty and BS? Some bosses are missile sponges. Especially if you're bellyaching about Super, I wouldn't recommend playing Fusion until you've become pretty adept with the series. Though, it was my first Metroid game, so idk.
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 6:04 pm
Superstar just has too many awesome premises within the game to be ignored. It was kind of cool being able to look forward to some sort of fresh new game each time you beat an old one (even if there are some stinkers like GCO).
Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 7:35 pm
i like the adventure one where you dont ahve the copy ability instead its almsot like a megaman style where you find the powers strewn across the levels.
Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 1:57 pm
Half an inventory of ticket stacks and I didn't win a damn thing from nook's raffle.
Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:24 pm
[Kegan] Half an inventory of ticket stacks and I didn't win a damn thing from nook's raffle. Aww. Raffles are impossible in-game and out.
Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:43 pm
Waynebrizzle Superstar just has too many awesome premises within the game to be ignored. It was kind of cool being able to look forward to some sort of fresh new game each time you beat an old one (even if there are some stinkers like GCO). GCO is only shitty if you don't like collecting and now that I think about it, that's just like Return to Dreamland's gears. It's not necessary in any way and I hate trying to collect both. At least in GCO the items are sometimes references that we like as Nintendo fans. I really wish they'd make another game like Super Star. If the next Kirby game was Return to Dreamland but with a ton of smaller games like Superstar on 3DS or Wii U, I'd be pretty pumped. I also think I kind of prefer being able to be a helper rather than just Meta Knight, Dedede or Waddle Dee. They were essentially just three helpers with a few unique moves, but I'd rather be able to be any character. The Kirby GCN game tech demo had helpers, I wish they would return. Even though being Meta Knight is baller in any game. Xilo The Odd i like the adventure one where you dont ahve the copy ability instead its almsot like a megaman style where you find the powers strewn across the levels. Milky Way Wishes and yeah! I hadn't really thought about it like that. Though you can find Copy right at the start if you know where to look (almost impossible to figure out unless you're told or playing the remake). It's really fun even to just collect them because when you get to any boss you simply have every power at your disposal and can switch at any time. And unlike Mega Man, you don't run ********' A. Super Star is better than any Mega Man game.
Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:46 pm
[Kegan] Half an inventory of ticket stacks and I didn't win a damn thing from nook's raffle. Don't save and try again? I always saved my tickets for next year if they didn't have stuff I wanted.
Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:52 pm
Meta_Fish Waynebrizzle Superstar just has too many awesome premises within the game to be ignored. It was kind of cool being able to look forward to some sort of fresh new game each time you beat an old one (even if there are some stinkers like GCO). GCO is only shitty if you don't like collecting and now that I think about it, that's just like Return to Dreamland's gears. It's not necessary in any way and I hate trying to collect both. At least in GCO the items are sometimes references that we like as Nintendo fans. I really wish they'd make another game like Super Star. If the next Kirby game was Return to Dreamland but with a ton of smaller games like Superstar on 3DS or Wii U, I'd be pretty pumped. I also think I kind of prefer being able to be a helper rather than just Meta Knight, Dedede or Waddle Dee. They were essentially just three helpers with a few unique moves, but I'd rather be able to be any character. The Kirby GCN game tech demo had helpers, I wish they would return. Even though being Meta Knight is baller in any game. The key difference being that the gears (and other collectibles from other Kirby games) are optional, while the items are the whole point of GCO. I'm not a fan of the Metroidvania Kirbies, either. The beauty of Superstar is that I don't have to play it.