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Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:12 pm
Darkness Dragons Revenge Blind Blindness Darkness Dragons Revenge Blind Blindness Queen Spazzy Darkness Dragons Revenge I could always do the rolled R's. Then again, I've been speaking Spanish since I was 4 (I was the last class in my school system to receive language education all throughout elementary school and I loved it). Wow that's a lot of people! Okay, so I'm not the only one who does that. AND OMG I DREAM IN ITALIAN! You know the guy in the Rosetta Stone commercial, who says he dreams in French? Yah, I do that in Italian, and I hardly know any Italian. I never dreamed in Spanish when I almost knew it fluently. Spanish and French are close? What? I can't understand one word of French besides a greeting. Spanish and Italian are so ridiculously close so it's made learning Italian easier. Well, yes we're close to Canada, but Spanish is the more popular language in America. Oh I love foreign slang and curses! Whenever kids in my history class bug me, I say, "Fangool" (I butchered the spelling, but it's pronounced fun-gohul"). It means, "f- you" emotion_kirakira emotion_awesome And in French, "freche de bach" (again, butchered spelling: "fre-che-de-bach") is, "Face of a pig". I also know a lot of Italian "sign language" emotion_awesome I learned sign language in elementary school. It was some kind of outreach with a student teacher? (I went to a tiny rural school for first through fifth in NC.) It was only one year and we didn't get taught very much, but I still know most of what I was taught. I've dreamed in Spanish before. I told my beau about it and he looked at me like I was batty. >>; He also thinks it's kinda weird that I talk to him in Spanish. BUT. He's learning Italian with me after I told him about DuoLingo! He got the app on his phone. I will be able to say random stuff to him in Italian and he will understand meeee! cat_xd Written French is VERY similar to Spanish; both Romance languages, so they still use the same roots. I told a girl in one of my classes in high school to shut up in Russian once. >>; And I can say "F- You" in French sign language. I also regularly bite my thumb at people. YAY SHAKESPEARE. Oh, and NEVER point at things in France. My mum says they consider it extremely rude; enough so that they will throw you out of a business if they catch you doing so. That's interesting. I'll tell my mom and dad if we ever go to France. They like to point at crap xD Yeah my Nutrition professor, she went on a trip to France, and she said that when she asked to go to the bathroom they didn't want to help her at all xD....and she said she got charged for going to the bathroom. Also, I'm partly French...last name. lol ... charged for using the bathroom? What? Yeah, I was really surprised. She said they charged people to use the public bathrooms. I don't remember the amount, though. I don't think it was more than $2.00? But that's a lot. I wonder what would happen if they pissed on the floor or in a plant instead cat_rofl xD I don't know. Probably stare wildly.
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:15 pm
I watched a video in middle school, and the French people were talking about how they only shower once a week. The people there are also more liberal about leg hair.
But brandy, that's funny what you said about Greece. In America, if you do that, you'll be branded as disgusting xD (if it has feces)
Actually, in America, we have pretty good hygiene compared to a LOT of other countries. xD
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:16 pm
That's right! We talk about all kinds of s**t in here....lol
Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:50 pm
Yeah, Americans are really weird about body hair and obsessive about bathing, it's kinda crazy, I think.
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:25 pm
(This is the one year graph for the Golden Magical Giftbox) I got one from my daily chance today, and I found I have another floating around in my inventory. Should I sell now or see if the exponential rise in price continues... What do you all think?
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 4:47 pm
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 4:53 pm
There was an item I was bidding for, that I LOST for 900k. AND GUESS WHAT? Now it's selling for 60 million! I could have been richer....
Oh, and another item like that, too. I could have a 100 million gold right now
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:15 pm
Queen Spazzy There's always books, though! And the internet, of course, I learn loooots on the internet. I really want to learn to read braille, curiously enough. My family has a genetic trend toward bad vision, so I'm terrified I'll end up blind some day so I'd rather learn braille while I can still see. >>; I like reading body language, all you guys of Italian lineage have the best body language. emotion_kirakira I suck at dates too. Something about numbers that I can't convert into something mathematically important, my brain just pushes them out , I never retain them. I can hardly remember my own age and birthday, to be honest, so anything more than that is right out. Thus, I suck royally at most history classes, but my art history professor understood that knowing chronology of which styles and cultures and such came first, second, etc. was more important than number dates (hallelujah!). I also had a few good history teachers in high school that put more worth to essay questions about the importance and whys of events than to dates (which was great because otherwise I'd have failed for sure). Yeah, my Spanish teacher said she was, like, trying to cross the road or something? And people were just angrily yelling that at her. I'm not sure she ever figured out why that was something to be yelled angrily. cat_xd I have no clue where I learned that fact about finger gesture insults... maybe an English teacher I had in high school that had traveled to England... I know he's the one I learned about the English equivalent of the middle finger, so that seems plausible to have learned the other info from him. I know so many random things it's insane. Sometimes I feel like Diedrich. (Did you know the average lifespan of a toilet is about 47 years? That's a lot of flushes!) I do quite literally own a book some three or four inches thick just FILLED with random facts. Because what else do antisocial nerds do with their lives, right? I like the internet; I use Wiki for info, but only to follow the links in the section to look for legit info. I don't think you'll wind up blind; my mother has carbon spots in her eyes (I always seem to inherit EVERYTHING from my mom minus small boobs, so I hope I don't get carbon spots). But learning braille would be cool. Lol I love it all. I'm glad you like it and I suggest you use it! I have a sort of skill where I can read body language well and generally tell when I'm being lied to. Well, it's kind of hard to remember generals in the Battle of Gettysburg when four generals had the same first name and 2 similar last names. OMG I HATE ESSAYS THEY HATE ME AND GAH!!!! I am good at cultures because that FASCINATES me! That is so awkward. I will say that my Italian teacher has yet to curse, but said, "tu e' maleducato"; you are uneducated, to a student once and he didn't understand it. -DEAD- OMG YOU ARE SO LIKE DIEDRICH! I think I might be too Omg you are so hilarious! Uhh let's see.... in NJ it's illegal to frown at a cop. The internet was originally called The Galactic Interweb. I believe in California, it is illegal to impersonate a nun, priest, or pastor. Which makes productions of The Sound of Music illegal unless all the nuns were nuns.
Darkness Dragons Revenge Crew
Darkness Dragons Revenge Crew
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:18 pm
(This is the one year graph for the Golden Magical Giftbox) I got one from my daily chance today, and I found I have another floating around in my inventory. Should I sell now or see if the exponential rise in price continues... What do you all think? PPPPFFFFFTTT BAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA SURE GAIA, INFLATION SO ISN'T HAPPENING!!!! I don't think you can get a lot of good stuff from it. Sell it while you can.
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:19 pm
Blind Blindness There was an item I was bidding for, that I LOST for 900k. AND GUESS WHAT? Now it's selling for 60 million! I could have been richer.... Oh, and another item like that, too. I could have a 100 million gold right now I could have close to the gold cap if I wanted it. Which I don't. I hate how freebees are now in the mil. It pisses me off to no end.
Darkness Dragons Revenge Crew
Darkness Dragons Revenge Crew
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:23 pm
Blind Blindness That's right! We talk about all kinds of s**t in here....lol
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:07 pm
Darkness Dragons Revenge I like the internet; I use Wiki for info, but only to follow the links in the section to look for legit info. I don't think you'll wind up blind; my mother has carbon spots in her eyes (I always seem to inherit EVERYTHING from my mom minus small boobs, so I hope I don't get carbon spots). But learning braille would be cool. Lol I love it all. I'm glad you like it and I suggest you use it! I have a sort of skill where I can read body language well and generally tell when I'm being lied to. Well, it's kind of hard to remember generals in the Battle of Gettysburg when four generals had the same first name and 2 similar last names. OMG I HATE ESSAYS THEY HATE ME AND GAH!!!! I am good at cultures because that FASCINATES me! That is so awkward. I will say that my Italian teacher has yet to curse, but said, "tu e' maleducato"; you are uneducated, to a student once and he didn't understand it. -DEAD- OMG YOU ARE SO LIKE DIEDRICH! I think I might be too Omg you are so hilarious! Uhh let's see.... in NJ it's illegal to frown at a cop. The internet was originally called The Galactic Interweb. I believe in California, it is illegal to impersonate a nun, priest, or pastor. Which makes productions of The Sound of Music illegal unless all the nuns were nuns. I just Google everything, it's easier for me; I'm pretty adept at advanced searching. Glaucoma (and diabetes, they're often a package deal) runs in my family, especially in the women (my mum, oldest aunt, and a great aunt have been diagnosed with it), so eventual blindness is a pretty legitimate fear. There is also the fact that I've been night blind for as long as I can remember, I rely heavily on knowing my surroundings by memory at night. It's amusing when I scare my beau's parents at night, though; I wander their house in total darkness because I'm afraid I'll wake them if I turn on lights (and it's easier to just... not turn them on, I don't know the locations of the switches because I use them so seldom) and on a few occasions I've surprised his mum or dad by coming up the staircase as they come out of a room. >>; Things that are REALLY hard to remember, federal government positions and the order in which they ascend to presidency should the others be eliminated in some way. I had to do that for a test in my government class in high school, we had to know and list entirely from memory (no word banks in that class!) some twenty, twenty-five positions in a specific order. Only class I ever cheated in. I'm great at essay questions, though. Mostly because I'm good at presenting BS in a convincing fashion. I was going to go dig out my book of facts but the light in my bedroom is on the circuit of our trailer that went out a week or so ago, boo. :c Oh, but I remember a fact from it! (other than the toilet one) Quarters have 119 ridges along their edges. (A quick Google search revealed dimes have 118 and that before coin minting was standardized there could be as much as fifteen fewer ridges along the edge of a coin.) Another fun fact about coins; quarters, dimes, and other coins that once had silver content were originally ridged to prevent coin clipping. And nickels and pennies aren't ridged because they didn't contain enough precious metals to make clipping them worth the effort.
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:11 pm
Darkness Dragons Revenge Blind Blindness That's right! We talk about all kinds of s**t in here....lol FUN FACT! (I'm chock full of 'em.) We can thank our own Western culture for the Japanese obsession with panties and censored genitalia. Also, the Japanese have all the best vending machines...
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:17 pm
The one year graph for the Enchanted Wooden Trunk. Pretty sure these used to be basically worthless. Got a couple of these lying in my inventory, too, but I think I'll hold out for another spike, they appear to be falling right now... (Yes, sorry, I AM that kinda of asshat.) Wonder what other things I have lying in my inventory I can sell off... (If any of you are interested in the stuff I've got, I can hand it off, I'm just selling to get things I'll never use out of my way.)
Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:30 pm
Huh, I appear to have some other magical giftboxes that may be worth selling... And a "What the Fluff Pet" item that may be worth selling...? (What were those even FOR?) And some old unopened holiday multiples that might be worth selling off... Maybe I should open some of those actually... I suppose I was just obsessively hoarding all of my holiday items in an unopened state... OCD!