Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:23 pm
Jarogue 16-bit Jazzy Bah. He tried saving and then we got an disconnection error and it was annoying so we stopped. He was hosting. What are ya'll friend codes any why because I don't know them. Mine is 0387 8786 5827.
Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 7:41 pm
16-bit Jazzy Jarogue 16-bit Jazzy Bah. He tried saving and then we got an disconnection error and it was annoying so we stopped. He was hosting. What are ya'll friend codes any why because I don't know them. Mine is 0387 8786 5827. Mine is 2105-8771-2927
Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:00 pm
I really wanted one of those XL charging cradles, but they ran out stupid fast.
Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:55 pm
wait they were even up already? wtf. every time i've looked they were unavailable. its like some group could jsut preorder them or some s**t.
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 1:56 am
I know being a real surgeon would potentially be easier at some points but STILL I MISS crying
And when I played it back around when the Wii launched, I couldn't appreciate the fact that it shared music composer and artist with the Persona games, since I hadn't played those yet.
I wonder if the DS version is as good.
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:05 am
16-bit Jazzy BLEH I MISS OWNING TRAUMA CENTER: SECOND OPINION! WHY'D I HAVE TO BE A SHITTY TEENAGER AND GET RID OF ALL MY COOL s**t crying I know being a real surgeon would potentially be easier at some points but STILL I MISS crying And when I played it back around when the Wii launched, I couldn't appreciate the fact that it shared music composer and artist with the Persona games, since I hadn't played those yet. I wonder if the DS version is as good. The DS version is super good. I didn't know it shared a composer and artist with Persona! I could probably just send you my copy. razz
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:16 am
I_love_Inuyasha1 16-bit Jazzy BLEH I MISS OWNING TRAUMA CENTER: SECOND OPINION! WHY'D I HAVE TO BE A SHITTY TEENAGER AND GET RID OF ALL MY COOL s**t crying I know being a real surgeon would potentially be easier at some points but STILL I MISS crying And when I played it back around when the Wii launched, I couldn't appreciate the fact that it shared music composer and artist with the Persona games, since I hadn't played those yet. I wonder if the DS version is as good. The DS version is super good. I didn't know it shared a composer and artist with Persona! I could probably just send you my copy. razz Well, the Wii version's got the Persona artist, but the DS version doesn't. Also the composer was one of several for the DS version, but he was the only composer for the Wii version, so that soundtrack has his distinctive sound. No, you're too nice. ;_; Both versions are pretty cheap, if maybe a little rare (Atlus NEVER makes enough copies of anything), so I'll manage. I just can't decide on which version. I never beat it but I was also retarded at 15 or whatever so yea. Hence why I SOLD THE GAME GFKLSJFL
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:28 am
I got rid of so much good stuff before developing a brain. Pokemon Yellow, Pocket Pikachu, Pokemon Silver and like all of my childhood Pokemon merch (when I thought the Pokerap had a scary backwards message about satan - only Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Red were salvaged), all of my Donkey Konga s**t, my working NES and SNES and their games, WarioWare: Smooth Moves, Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, and Wind Waker (had to rebuy). Had to rebuy Galaxy and City Folk as well. Also, the original Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon: AWL and Melee which I have really fond memories of, though my friend gave me his copies of those for free when he became "too mature" for games. And then I sold Mario Sunshine, Pikmin and Luigi's Mansion. Also Metroid Prime.
Kingdom Hearts 2 as well but ******** that s**t, KH3D is the only one anyone needs.
Oh and how can I forget, my N64 and my WONDROUS COLLECTION OF GAMES ALL SO I COULD BUY ANOTHER PS2 TO PLAY PERSONA ON WHEN ALL I NEEDED WAS A POWER CORD AND NOW I HAVE TWO PS2S AND TWO PS2 POWER CORDS AND NEITHER OF THEM WORK RIGHT ********. You move the console just slightly, it powers off instantly and you lose all progress since your last save. Biggest mistake of my entire life. crying
Ughhh help. I am seriously just cry. I am seriously just cry forever.
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:41 am
Fuuuuck. My N64 collection was so rad. I had like, every N64 game you'd want. ********. ********. ******** wouldn't be AS big of a deal if Rare games and Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2 could somehow be on VC like all the others. I had Harvest Moon 64 too but that's like the crappiest one. Also those N64 games take up spaaace on my Wii U *whine*
I miss my red transparent and purple transparent controllers and the other two crappy ones and the rumble pak and the two transfer paks, and that N64 had sentimental value!! And most of the games were in boxes AUOGH PAIN
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:06 am
One of my useless ******** PS2s also has a bunch of ugly football stickers on it. What is with people and putting football stickers on their game consoles? I swear to god the first time I ever played a game/the Genesis, my dad had placed a football-related sticker on the controller because he's a silly jock.
I don't even understand football. I probably have a football game for PSP somewhere, hidden along with the rest of the garbage (Persona 1). It probably could teach me. However, I don't give a flying truck about football and will never play that game. Football probably sucks and is probably the worst sport ever.
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 3:18 am
Time to stop ranting on the spam can like a bitter old woman and do nothing but sleep and read books for a week. Bye~
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 6:16 am
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 6:16 am
gaiz i just wanna know what wiiu bundle i should get...
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:06 am
[Kegan] gaiz i just wanna know what wiiu bundle i should get... I would go for the Mario & Luigi Wii U Deluxe 32GB because it comes with 2 games. If not the Wind Waker one looks good with its on Zelda Gamepad.
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:45 am
i wish the people who got the deluxe when it came out had the option to get like a free game or something. with all these new bundles that have good games i want in em i kinda feel cheated now.